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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. Well damn, guess I know what my build is going to be when I hit 50. Thanks for that and pointing that out. ETA; But hey, "can apply the -20% res Achilles proc in a pbaoe" you say. I haven't checked the numbers for this very proc, but I thought conventional wisdom said procs weren't terribly useful in area effect things and therefore not worth slotting there?
  2. I've had it on the toon enough to fiddle with it some and I like the panic button nature of it, and I normally hate panic button powers. OTOH, Irradiate seems like nothing but a panic button, because what, my squishie is going to be running into the middle of a crowd on purpose or sidling up next to that AV for fun? My play style sez take hurricane! Electron Haze is more my speed. Thanks for the info though, that does help me solidify my choices.
  3. "You can't see meeee...." PEW~PEW~PEW! What? Well it made me laugh to think about anyway.
  4. "You can't see meeee...." PEW~PEW~PEW! What? Well it made me laugh to think about anyway.
  5. I do these days, what with my new system. Regarding the "problem" here, I can see it. In some ways I think game economies are purposefully made to be confusing and arcanely complex to either keep people interested into delving into it or to waste their time. Why are there so many forms of money, for instance? There is also a problem that some people just don't enjoy mucking about with numbers in the market instead of the pewpepew. That doesn't make them dumb or foolish. Whether this is a big enough problem to fret over (or to overreact to its point) is up to you to decide.
  6. I can't recall if that was true or not; pretty sure someone did test it though and yes, Tactics is just useful, even without a build-up.
  7. Here's another question for you guys: looking at both Storm's Hurricane and Radiation's Irradiate, the "range" of them both is given (at least on Titan's wiki) as "point blank. Question is, if I've got some foe's at arm's length away from my with a Hurricane, will Irradiate still hit , or is that too far for it to reach?
  8. Couldn't tell you, this is my first Rad. I don't know if it's the same animation and time as Force Field's Repulsion Bomb, but one of my MMs had that and it never felt like it was taking forever to animate (can't say the same for Electron Haze, if that's the one I'm thinking of; I feel like I corpse blast a lot with that one
  9. I'd guess that "we're busy with this thing over here right now, please be patient." 🙂
  10. Very much this, I don't think people much know about this. IIRC, it was found that when you have it slotted in Tactics, that it has a chance to go off for you based on how many people are on your team. Just think about that for a second: eight people on your team? Eight chances for procing. And I may be remembering, but I think the effect also extends to any league your on too. How many people can fit in a league? :) If my build is going to have Tactics in it, it always have a Gaussian's.
  11. You didn't need to tell that to anyone who's seen the show, that's exactly what I thought of first when I saw the name. :) Now I just need to find a character I like enough to get that high of vet levels with. So what do you do with all your vet-level-loot anyway, the Empyrean merits and whatnot?
  12. Another question to anyone who's still reading: if I had to cut one (which my build-in-progress seems to be indicating I do), which one would be less of a loss, Freezing Rain or Snow Storm?
  13. What exactly does interruptible mean in this context?
  14. Noted and going into the build, thanks. 🙂
  15. I've been visiting for close to a week now, started up a blaster and a defender, who's getting more of the love (it's a long story). But seeing as I have some 50s, it'd be nice to be able to do something with them at 3 am other than solo. But I still want to keep a foot over on Indom for the MSR that Eda hosts!
  16. Thanks. Is that five per my account, or a character? I'm guessing it's five times per account. Fort some reason I just don't feel I can completely abandon my first new server is all.
  17. I started out on Indom but as I often play at super-late/early hours, I need to be on Excelsior if I want to have any real chance of finding a team. I know swapping a toon from one server to another is easier now, but how much moreso? Is there a limit on the number of times, or how many times within a time period, anything like that?
  18. Nah, that's Ninjas. No, wait - Zombies! =)
  19. That's what I;m discovering. I tend to stick with a toon for a long enough time to get fairly comfy with it, so maybe by the time I ding 50 I'll be able to do that. (Stupid forum formatting down here, dunno how to get rid of these. IGNORE ME!)
  20. I was just doing some of that yesterday though, it does still happen!
  21. This is my first stormie of any sort so I just have to take Hurricane; I've already found that it has it's uses, such as blocking a doorway to keep foes bunched up and not slipping past to annoy my friends, and that it draws friends close who want to stay safe from melee as they plink away at the bad guys. Those two things right there make me feel like a Defender with a capital D. I was half thinking about that tier one blast as a proc canon, but it recharges so fast right out of the box I was afraid that would hamper the proc rate. Currently cobbling up a build from a proc monster storm/sonic (I think it was) posted over in that thread, so we'll see how it goes.
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