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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I've had to explain a lot of game stuff to many players who alreayd had a 50. Better to learn as you play not after you've played imho. Big believer in this: You can have fun at any level. You can rig the game later (which makes it too easy imho), but do play it first, at least a little bit.
  2. You say this like it's a bad thing! Seriously though, most of these guards - if not all of them - are like this, jokes have been made before.
  3. Here I was thinking the flag was a late Christmas present... 😢 That said, I miss my jambalaya, that was an exclamation Flaming Carrot made once and it's stuck with me ever since.... Moose for me now too.
  4. A couple of thoughts: What a time for my monitor to get broken! I wanna play!! Wait, the first one should be "congratulations!" on this amazing and really surprising development! Pretend I put that in there first. "City Council" eh? I'm on to you guys, you're going to send werewolfs and draculas after us! Just try me, I'm not scairt!
  5. Huh, neat! I went looking about and apparently he sort of is and sort of isn't, it depends on where in the world you are and what you intend to do with him. But yeah still - he premiered in the 1920s, he should be fully public domain by now.
  6. I was just running around King's Row to get my Toy Collector badge last week (and yes, cleaning up any snow beasts I spawned, thank you very much), and too noticed how well placed and planned those Clockwork gremlins are.
  7. I have used and abused and overused the pumpkinhead. I like the few spikier, messier looking hair options. I've used a lot of cat-heads and cat-ears looks. Shredded capes are boss. I like animal legs sometimes. Tails are fun, not too big on hats but hoods are nice. I also over-use the Banished Pantheon auras, still can't make the floating lanterns work well for me though, but I love the idea. I in general dislike how the game leans heavily into the super-power-armored look, like 70% of the options are some kind of wildly large power armor gloves or whatever, so I often don't go that rout. Same thing seems to apply to the array of goggles, I end up going with the same one or two usually. Love the idea of the brain-in-a-tank but just have not been able to make it work for me for some reason, like, ever. I don't like toons that look like Rob Liefeld bloated monsters.
  8. Unsettling (also the name of my SG for all my toons)
  9. A bit of side advice: keep hanging out in the forums, read up on whatever interested you across them, you should be able to pick up a lot of info by osmosis. Ask in-game too and the Help channel, there's always helpful folk around. Enjoy the game!
  10. I've pondered that first point myself; I tend to not fill in the blanks for glowies that pop up the "you've opened this crate" stuff in Chat, as I see that as a bit redundant because "yes, I know, I just clicked on it." But these can also be chances to exercise your creativity, like "Despite the ticking sound inside, you've opened this crate" or even comedy "You can smell that and you're still opening this crate?!" But yeah, I still often leave those bits out. But... not putting anything on the interact bar can make an arc look slipshod imho, or unfinished. If nothing else, those two examples I just gave would work well there, and then you could ignore the other blanks. Regardinbg that second point, I am both something of a sloppy typist, make mistakes when editing or deleting and not a great speller (despite what my erudite posts on this forum might lead you to believe!). I dearly wish there was a spell checker in the AE but as there isn't one, I always cut and past eand my text into an online form to be sure. Fporme there's a compnant of hsame ha ha, but there's also a sort of pride of manufacture, maybe some sense responcibility to the reader/player as well. I want my work to look good and not be distracting with problerms in my typoing. Case in point: I've left this paragraph unedited (up to this point), enjoy! Fixing such stuff makes for a smoother experience for the player, it really does. If you don't feel it's worth the time to fix your story, what's that tell me about how important YOU consider your story to be? All this is juts my two cents. I haven't run the story yet (yet, I was hoping to soon) so feel free to thumb your nose at me or block me or whatever.
  11. Sometimes I just find them boring, like, I can't play a Kin, I've tried 3 times, somehow it's boring, despite the boost it brings to everyone else zooming around in caves like the inside of a pinball machine. Merely melee characters can get sort of dull for me too, an armor set in general is set and forget (don't @ me, I know some are more active), so I end only have attacks to click: bash... bash... bash..., pew... pew... pew... Yawn. Or yeah, the joke/theme/whatever stops working. I have come up with some good names but never made the character, because I knew it wouldn't have legs for me. I have also given up on characters that made the game too easy for me. Once or twice I've gotten some cool build from the forums and realized that clearing hoards of foes via nuke every 30 seconds (or whatever) is actually boring AF. Come to think of it, that's probably one of the reasons I don't care for farming. I'm not here to rig the game, I just get bored.
  12. And not only just that, it hampers new creation. Disney required Marvel (then another company) to redesign Howard the Duck because they felt he was too close to Donald the Duck.
  13. Copyright law at this points is stagnating our culture for the purpose of enriching large companies who own the rights. Extreme-long-term copyright is one reason we are still awash in Star Trek, Batman, Star wars, etc. and won't be free of the for the foreseeable future (note: those large companies rarely actually create these, this is why Disney went and bought Marvel and Star Wars). Wouldn't it be nice to see something new made, rather than another Star Wars show, or a new-ish shoe somehow shoehorned into the pre-existing franchise?Name something like say Popeye, and someone somewhere owns rights to the character and is currently trying to squeeze some more pennies out of them. Meanwhile, these things have become parts of our shared culture, the myths of our times. Copyright law shouldn't allow anyone to own parts of our culture, it last about 20 years and then end; that allows plenty of time to earn from your creation (not from creations you own) and then to release it if it's remained culturally relevant.
  14. Oddly enough, I almost threw in a joke about you being a Dev. It really sucks when you have psychic powers but never pay attention to them!
  15. Is there a page on the wiki for these places?
  16. Yeah, considering how we ended up being able to play the game again yaaar matey, and the fact the devs were/are under NDA types of things and future prospects of employment being affected if there's suspicion it might have been YOU, I'm not surprised that one previous dev ("prevdev"?) wanted anonymity, I think it'd only be prudent. But I'll also guess that a fair number of them probably at least peeked back in, for the hell of it. I of course have no evidence of that.
  17. But they didn't fix the Halloween windows yet. I think it's been two cycles now, in fact.
  18. The other thought was that Mrs. Flood may just be a fourth-wall-breaker for her own sake (see Hartnell breaking the same wall in a Christmas episode long ago). Regarding the weird turn the technobabble has taken, I noticed that too! Maybe RTD just decided to push beyond the usual as it's become a tired trope for anything sci-fi these days. Or maybe it's tied in to the more fantasy turn he says he's taking the show, "now it doesn't have to sound vaguely plausible.".
  19. This is why it's a good idea to at least have one longe range attack, like a Nem Staff if not more.
  20. I don't play this game to do homework! I've been considering running this guy just on SOs apart from a few scattered procs too. The most terrifying villain is the free person!
  21. In deference to you and Crumpet, because of my work hours, I play in the middle of the night often, and there's been a noticeable drop in pop during off hours. I saw the same thing happening during Live. Prime time? Yeah, things are fine, but the edges are dropping off a bit...
  22. I haven't done a Posi 1 since... September? Really burned out on doing the same ol same ol. Yin can go jump in a lake and I'm still boycotting Maria Jenkins too. You can skip Posi and the accolade, you'll still win and be far too OP I promise!
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