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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. Was there? I logged in on a character I made last winter season and got nothing.
  2. I want to say it was a webpage??? But yeah, I don't think it lasted long.
  3. Nowhere (unless you count throwing my hat into the City of Titans project, and you can see how well that went). I thought of trying one or two others out there, but just couldn't get myself to really care enough to.
  4. Yeah, I understand that "here's a really big farm to get you from 47th level to 48th" was the plan for those. These days when I join a PUG and walk out onto those maps, I just sigh heavily.
  5. Never mind, I seem to have found a way in.
  6. I know this isn't the place to ask about Mids problems, but I'm asking about where do I ask about Mids problems. 😃 So I can't (re)install Mids and I also can't get into Discord, for I don't know whatever unrelated reasons, , and best I can tell from our forums, they don't talk here anymore or something? Can anyone please point me to where I can?
  7. I said that I don't even remember what his Armor set is, you're trying to invent a "point" for me or something. Just for chuckles, I opened up the game to check, he's Radiation, not EA.
  8. Maybe I happened to stumble across the absolute best Sent build ever (I think I grabbed it from the forums), but I've only ever made one, and he can easily tank; damage isn't too bad either. He's a Beam Rifle... something... maybe Energy Armor? I can't recall.
  9. Lookit all these "too cool for Christmas" people, Santa's taking you off his presents list!
  10. Hello, that was me with the FF/Beast MM Capt Sam's Space Zoo that was one of my first toons and sucked. 😃 He definitely needs help that you might suggest. Thematically, he might present a challenge as he took Leviathan for the shark powers, because zoos need sharks right? So looking back, I took School of Sharks K-O Blow (procced) Shark Skin Spirit Shark Jaws I dunno if I needed all of those, I could walk away if you have good ideas, but I really want to keep the sharks for theme. I also had Force Bomb procced, for what that's worth, but the procs aren't that important, I could lose them. Also, I normally skip crazy-full purple sets, although I have a few singles and doubles in this build, and any of the super-rare Winter's Expense sets. But this toon is years old, built before I knew of what I was doing and also before FF was rejiggered. So I will of course look at whatever you suggest.
  11. I occasionally answer something posted in Help, may use LFG to find a team to PUG with, have often deleted General due to the constant chatter hiding more important talk on the other channels.
  12. Yeah, they've offered me SG membership before, but being an infrequent player at weird hours and tending to jump toon, I declined. That was before I finally gave in and made my own SG.
  13. Maybe as in "getting our" and finally pushing the new stuff to the public... 😃
  14. I normally have less than an hour at a time to do game stuff, I'll play until it seems more important or I get a larger stretch of time, builds are only nominally important to me ha ha
  15. I can see that would be bad for some character themes, but it could also be kind of fun, like name all your decoys "My Big Brother" or something.
  16. Not a lot, but for drinking it tends to be coffee and a GnT, and anything eating has to be clean, not messy for the fingers I may have to jump to my KB and mouse with in a split second, so, maybe like cherries???
  17. I have done so, multiple times now; the update feature still doesn't appear to work. All my builds continue to work, just not these. I suppose this is still on me for not renewing it every 3 months or something then. ETA: yeah that is apparently the problem, mine's gasp a year old now. I'll get to my homework later, thanks though!
  18. Do you know what format or program file type is that please? I have Mids installed, but when I download this, my computer doesn't recognize it.
  19. I actually did some work for them and... I'm not willing to go that far ha ha. Based on ignored attempts to contact them about the promised form of payment which never arrived, I suspect this is indeed never going to be a thing.
  20. I've been wondering this myself for a bit now, I've been leveling up a Dom and sometimes it seems like it's slow building, other times seems I zip right to Rainbow Blast in seconds. I'm pretty sure these have all been full PUG teams (but I suppose MM pets might throw off some of that count). I was half thinking it might be favoring Control powers over actual Attacks, but I can't say.
  21. Did I miss this thread somewhere? Am I even in the right section of the forums for it? I would have thought there'd be some talk about it here... Anyway, they're trying to crowd fund it again and the drive is almost finished already. I'm not going to shill for them, not exactly, by posting a link, but if it means anything to you, you can make a search for "make more MST3k" and find info. I quite enjoyed the Turkeyday Marathon this year! I've enjoyed all the newly-made episodes as well, I guess I can add MST3K to my list of "no matter what's going on, I'll watch" TV shows. How about you?
  22. Thanks for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'll get right on fixing that extra brackets typo thingy next time I can log in.
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