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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I do find the current palette limited, there's fewer options in the warmer side of the spectrum (reds, oranges, yellows) and because I was trying to emulate a particular color mix I found on an animated character's costume from a film (not trying to recreate the character just using the colors) I discovered there's no satisfyingly teal color either.
  2. I thought the map worked just fine, perhaps a tad too big, but as I said, that's subjective I think. I'm not sure I understand what you mean by this arc being outdated... I wouldn't judge your work against others' that way. As I see it, any artistic endeavor is you setting a goal in mind to create, and if it's executed it well, therefore it's a success. Maybe say making a cubism painting isn't the hot new thing right now, but if you still made a good one, you made a good one.
  3. I've been told some like to drop it into the Build UP powers because you can more "depend on it going off then, when you need it." Someone whose name I've forgotten (I think he was the guy making all the wildly over-procced builds for blasters etc.) did some testing, and his response to putting it into Tactics whilst on a team (esp. with pets, as @Arcadio noted) was very "OMG, This. Will. Not. Stop. Proccing." Sounds like it very good for MMs that way, because of the plethora of pets! Because I like it better as a fire-and-forget, I always drop it into Tactics, myself, but that may just be a subjective choice. Imagine how it must proc when you're in a league too...
  4. I got it all done much like how @Perfidy did, which puts me in mind of this scene...
  5. If I don't have what feels like "enough" natural movement from say IO set bonuses, I might click one of the prestige thingies like Slide. Other than that and I end up getting hung up too often for my tastes on torches, on wall decorations, etc. If my toon has Hover, then that's usually enough; Combat Jumping means I can hop-hop-hop at what I feel is a reasonable rate. If you want your insane-o speeds for a speed run, I dunno, then whatever you prefer normally I guess.
  6. And there's me who wants an all-big-cats team, to heck with them dogs!
  7. Just ran it, it's fantastic. The world building was great and, uncommonly, was done during the story ion service of the story. Repurposed critters were chosen and done really well. Map choices sometimes felt a tad too big, but barely if so; so that's a small, subjective quibble at worst. The story felt like it had stakes, and made me feel very heroic. I got killed a few times in the next to last mission which was starting to frustrate, but I'm a squishie so that's on me (bring break-frees if you're susceptible ha ha). Some interesting mechanics choices in one missions. Her costume choice was good yes. 😃 I can't otherwise think of anything else to add, this was probably one of the best, most solid missions I think I've ever run.
  8. Not the same thing, you drew with your tablet (as I did with mine), you didn't click "create" and call it a day. You can make what you want, just as I am free to not have to say it's perfect; that's not complaining. Some other words to words to consider: https://locusmag.com/2023/12/commentary-cory-doctorow-what-kind-of-bubble-is-ai/
  9. Now I just have to remember where to open the modder from, how it works etc. 😄
  10. I game during overnight hours and see this a fair amount, I figure something about the slowing of the market somehow helps this happen. I've also read of people who vendor any and everything at 1 Inf because it's easier and requires less thought. Combine those two and that might cover some of that, I figure.
  11. Interesting philosophical theory! Not one I'm qualified to get into so: maybe? Who knows, we'll see.
  12. Telling them they don't need to farm merits to do that doesn't count as advice either? I disagree. There is such pressure for cookie cutter builds, farming merits, AE farming, and rushing to the level cap (an artifact of other games) that I will guarantee you that there are new players who have no idea.
  13. Time to drop that Amy Jonsson you've got in your tray! Failing that, at least you have a rez right there.
  14. I agree with both of you, and it does still beat paper and pencil; if not for MIDS I'd be running around six-slotting Rest or something, probably.
  15. (You don't even need to farm for merits in the first place, tbh.)
  16. ... which brings back what I said earlier on how AI requires the intention and direction of intelligent users; that's more than just infinite monkeys banging away on typewriters, and adding more monkeys and typewriters doesn't change that. Without the guidance before and refining afterwards, you risk unforced errors; with those, you get bland stuff - which is fine enough for a bread bag label, but one does not live on bread bags alone. Maybe I'm wrong, sure, but get back to me when it can conceive of and compose a good poem.
  17. In general: yes, agreed. In practice: seems we sort of have that already with our MIDS and the team that keeps it updated for us. But we can't import the build directly into the game no. 😕
  18. I don't mind them at all, they add spice to the usual.
  19. Let me know if there's anything you feel you simply MUST talk me into paying you to upgrade my base with, if you want, ha ha! Sybil dress acquired for my toon (as previously mentioned), it is the best costume choice on that last slot. I like the recharging numbers options for powers and trays. May make a new Dom for one of those two powers, but probably not both on one.
  20. I'm sure it will get better at not being completely bland, but it still, by definition, can't come up with an original angle or make a thematic connection between things, unless one of it's scraped sources did so, or its human wielder tells it to. I figure a lot of it's going to stay in "fairly dumb" territory, the occasional peak aside. People are treating it like it's going to drive our cars and do our homework for us, like a train smoothly following previously laid tracks... without realizing all the work that goes into laying down tracks (planning, design, materials considerations, traffic laws and zoning, track maintenance, etc.) Humanity is basically a lazy bunch, so there's going to be some really telegentic screw-ups as time goes by too.
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