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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. Throw @cranebump into the pile of people, they've done a lot for the AE community, which most of you monsters completely ignore! Wait, that probably isn't the proper tone to take here ha ha...
  2. I was told there'd be no math...
  3. Really, isn't this game easy enough by now? Heck, I have this gizmo in my base and hardly ever remember to use it and things go just fine for me. Seems to me if you really want an extra inch of thick icing on top of the three inches already on your cake, then that should be on you to go get it.
  4. Oh yeah, this is a well known thing. When I join a group I usually remind folks in chat to target thru a pet (anyone's pet).
  5. Being a fan of Energy pom poms, I'd never thought of that, it may be time to make a new toon! That said, I still support the suggestion 100%, because I find myself never taking them otherwise because I don't want my hands to disappear like that.
  6. The Devs are more than happy to give out three more when you've filled up the previous ones. I've done this twice now! And speaking of, here's my low level Villain arc I mentioned above: To check it, I replayed it with a scrapper who was low level (I think about 12th level, with obviously few IOs) and things went just fine.
  7. I believe I just re-posted an old redside story I wrote on Live (and still had) for just-starting-out villains and posted it, but I'm not 100% on that. I'll check soonish (life's a bit much right now) and come back if it is up.
  8. Usually no. I may know which toon I want to play - probably the one I'm leveling up right now - but that's about it. Even if I deviate from that and log in an old 50, I then still usually stand around after a little marketing (like nothing really, maybe crafting some recipe I forgot they had and then posting it, that's it) and wait to see what's on offer (always happy to do an MSR, but I so rarely seem to catch one). Often about 70% of what's on offer (being spammed) are things I do not want to do, DFBs, Maria Jenkins, speed _____'s, anything farm related... so I end up standing around a bit.
  9. Corollary: if you find yourself on a Cim team with that person, take the time to go usher then to a tunnel and then the Night Ward house to get the badge. Because if you give someones Romans to fight, they fight for a day. Show them how to find the Romans, and they fight then for the rest of their life, I guess.
  10. Same. I hopped on my badger, who's already 50 and went and did it once for the badges... before remembering it doesn't give any. I still have a character I farmed straight up from 2 to something like 35 that I've never slotted nor gotten back to. Farming made it all feel cheap and like I was cheating, I didn't earn a thing for the character now learned a thing about playing those power sets. I don't use any 2XP bonuses or anything either, it's more fun leveling than waltzing around nuking mass groups from behind my purples and Incarnate powers.
  11. Beat me to it. Great rest of the post though, that tops what I was bringing. Sometimes spectacular failures are more fun that average successes.
  12. Did no one learn the lesson from Wave Twisters?!
  13. I know I'm late here, but I'd say Dom, because I like Doms a heck of a lot more. I feel like based on chosen powers, I get a little bit of everything on them (mez, buff/debuff/dmg, ranged/melee, you name it) and they can hit pretty hard. I've never bothered to learn binds, so I set Hasten to auto-fire, as Dom doesn't rise all the time ASAP, I might get slowed or something. Really, if you're going to have to click one or the other, doesn't matter that much to me (plus I never learned binds, as stated). And I have all sorts of fun playing my Doms regardless.
  14. For more fun, try that with a non-tank! I have a stalker that can do it when the stars alight right and a couple of powers recharge at just the right time, and a Dom with Telekinesis might help push some into the bowl; you know, if you survive it.
  15. I'll be honest: I'm not even sure what a "master of" stands for, which is why I generally avoid stuff that I don't recognize. That said, I've done a few before and it went OK. Yes, I am part of the problem.
  16. I was using TP but same. Also: I heard some people talking bout "the bird" and ducks, but had no idea what they were on about. I was leaguing with only about half my attention at the time though, and extremely zoomed out as I usually am in leagues.
  17. I would like to thank the Academy for their recognition of all of my hard work...
  18. That's a good one, yeah. I was reflecting on this because I just ran through em on a new Dom. Realizing I would be a hypocrite, I went ahead and tried to run the one I was doing (Scirocco) solo... and got squashed a few times, even with everything set low, my Dom, as so many do, hadn't bloomed yet, even at 35. After barely surviving the second AV fight (well, after one death), I recruited a team for the last two, which was both easier overall, and a heck of a lot more fun. Lots of "I'd never play redside" types can and do suspend their objections to pick up a patron pool though, so maybe that's why they want to rush through them: to keep their objections in tact? 😃
  19. I must have read the post before it got edited.
  20. Doesn't Jack have one out in the woods in Croatoa?
  21. Any of the Maria Jenkins (sp?) arc, anytime I end up on a team and then step onto one of those maps I sigh; usually I just never go if I know that's what the team's up to, and I'll quit after the first one. Might as well be farming in the AE. Not much else! I play this game for the fun of being a superhero flying and around zapping bad guys or whatever, not to concentrate on numbers - that's like being given a handful of candy bars and just sitting around measuring and weighing them, you've missed the point!
  22. I'll agree such seems to be worse today; I understand that drivers have gotten worse since the pandemic alone, but Live was not half as bad as things are now. Live devs tried to contain most farming, HC devs do not, only the most exploitive aspects (see: Scrapyard). HC devs have made any number of changes to the game to make life easier for players such as making IOs cheap and plentiful in ways they absolutely never were on Live. Zoom to 50 with a couple of hours, slot your your cookie-cutter slots with cookie cutter IOs and T4-out your Incarnate powers by the end of the day and you're ready to farm! A heavily-IOed out toon can speed-run and/or eradicate crowds of foes unlike anything we saw on Live, and now anything less than that is taken as a profound insult to such numbers-obsessed players (you can probably find examples in nearly any section of these forums, keep your eyes open). I don't think think that's "just people" I think that's learned behavior... and probably "enabled" behavior as well, much as I generally like our devs.
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