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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. Just found this thread and this is a phenomenal amount of work. I haven't even opened one yet, maybe these are all terrible builds or won't fit my playstyle or maybe you kick puppies - doesn't matter, just a boatload of work for the community. Thanks!
  2. Even after all this time here I didn't know this existed. I'm going to go lie down for awhile....
  3. Badger was indeed 80s, I had many of them! My closest-related story was getting all jazzed about my new alt a few months ago - exciting funny character concept, found a good build for him here on the forums and off I went. I was somewhere in the 20s levels when I realized I already had another previous alt with the very same power-sets. I'd abandoned him at like 46th level because he just wasn't clicking for me. I put it down to having a different build and not having much of a character concept. Right now my newer alt is around 50th+15 and perhaps my main (and also right there at the end of my sig).
  4. Not everyone min/maxes following forum guidelines.
  5. I have an AR/Martial and have been discovering the same thing (I know DP's probably better, but I've done that power set a few times now). That shooting someone as they drift away after a Ki Push never gets old!
  6. Can't believe I'm getting to be the first to say anything Grav is the most fun because of Propel. Throwing a forklift at someone' s head is really satisfying.
  7. It's really blown up since it was posted though.
  8. Why not just make all newspapers/radios usable on whatever map your on, why restrict that to just 50s?
  9. That all makes perfect sense, thanks!
  10. I just started one of those and was looking at Munitions, but I've never taken it before, so this would have been an experiment for me, if nothing else. What didn't work for you? I'd also be interested to hear what you end up swapping it out for!
  11. HC can feel impermanent for those reasons, and yet it's also been up and running since what 2019? That's pretty long to feel like there's a sword of Damocles hanging over it, at least for me. I kind of think if it was going to fall, it would have by now. (Add in how much I've played by now and if HC disappeared tomorrow, I'd still be happy I got the time I had which I didn't have previously. This is not to say everybody would or should react the same way)
  12. It's like that issue with buoy placement all over again!
  13. This has happened to me with Howling too, a couple of times when I was leveling my "probably current main." Done it once or twice since by rushing over to rez someone without really thinking it through so they just just got dropped and are surrounded by five or more red+ foes -- I know, I'll go stand over by them and attack some of those foes to rez my friend! I may not be the sharpest razor in this box of rocks.
  14. On the other hand, Longbow deserves it.
  15. I'd be happy to know just to have a toon that has enough End to play for longer than eight seconds below 50 without the typical Incarnates crutch. Currently leveling a Fire/Martial and I often have to leave those toggles off.
  16. Back on Live I made a Mars Attacks tribute, I think I went just about that rout. Then I stepped into the tutorial and saw another near-match for my toon. I think I never got him out of the tutorial.
  17. I disagree with the above voting options! "No. Keep this game as classic as possible" should read instead "No, it's always awful." My distaste for it has nothing to do with some notion of game purity.
  18. Awesome, thank you so much! Looking it over, this fits pretty well what I've already built, chose the same powers and so on, so I think this should be great for my play style as well.
  19. I have one and that's how I play her too. You uh wouldn't happen to have a build would you?
  20. I just got "Surprise Party", but I feel badly about not using it for a stalker. I may come up with something better for the character, a Dom, and release it. If so, I'll let you know.
  21. I don't see them as drab whatsoever, compared the soulless and detail-less sky scrapers of blueside. For one thing, many of those structures feel like older architecture, which was more human-scale. My subjective bias. 😃
  22. A stalker's a great way to tour the islands. The first CoH character I really "got" and got into was a redside stalker (back before ATs were available anywhere), and being able to just walk around and look without getting ganked was great. I'm currently running a solo stalker across redside too, but I'm not being half so completest about it.
  23. Just a couple of days ago I discovered a strange little corridor down some part of a common map that I didn't know existed. Can't recall which map it was, maybe one of those Council caves? But I was still shocked to see it.
  24. I got the name Trash Ghost on Excelsior a few day sago. And, as someone who contacted me out of the blue when I put out a call for LFG asked, yes he is a Grav. I mean, how often can you get a chance to use the "trash can logo" chest detail anyway, right?
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