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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. Dacy was good enough to talk me through a few spots and if you keep at it, you can always get through each looped path. But it might take some patience, yeah. Just knowing that there are no dead ends helps a lot!
  2. So the times on the poster up above, are those Central hours or East coast or what?
  3. I can't recall ever having heard any of that either, and I play on Excelsior mostly.
  4. As a night shift worker, I'm happy to see this is scheduled during a time window I can actually attend! I totally would win every mod-run costume contest you guys, but I'm never awake on Saturday afternoons.
  5. Exactly what I was coming here to say - everybody gets in the soup!
  6. There might be an argument to be made for several paths to Fly however, to allow players a chance to not get stuck choosing one or the other for one of their four sets. Then again, jetpack temp powers are already are pretty cheap and easily available.
  7. There will be pizza, but made from zombie flesh, of which we have quite a lot right now.
  8. Yeah, it's "isolated" only because no one goes there because there''s no reason to go there.
  9. I don't know if this is common knowledge or anything, but I found out that the command "/stuck" will pop you right back to the front gate - very helpful if you get lost!
  10. I had a Mercs/Nature and it worked out well for me. As described, you basically set up a "safe hill" to stand on, plant your pets there, and then tell them who to aim at. Or put them there and then run into the foes with BodyGuard on, playing "tanky MM." I'm pretty sure my build wasn't great, yet I still found it fun and workable. Haven't tried an Elec yet.
  11. So I was doing this on a different toon, a Bots MM who can dish out some damage you bet! And I did manage to get most of the badges this time, so unless someone looks into the code and comes up with different info, it really does appear that you DO have to do a certain percent of damage not just "any" or not to be just "nearby when it happens." Of course, what that percentage is... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  12. Wonderful work! Tricky and made me hate you, because I kept getting stuck in the room with... well, I better not give it away here. 😃 Lots of fun, even for my wife, who doesn't play, watching me navigate it over my shoulder. (I went poking around with a current alt named Spookhouse Horror, at about 4 am. Bumped into another player and felt compelled to let them know I wasn't part of the decor, despite the name and look, ha ha)
  13. Yeah, it would be nice. I'm far from savvy enough to go digging through the code to see how stuff works for sure, so I usually end up having to go by what the player consensus seems to be.
  14. I did, we had a TPer bamfing us from one to the next.
  15. Also worth noting it's apparently vague on some details about gaining the badges from the Banner event, as I have learned the hard way.
  16. So the Wiki is incomplete. OK, thanks. ETA -- Oh, and wrong about the quoted segment about getting the badge for the GM.
  17. I double checked under events. None. No I did not do this last year on a character that I only created in July, ha ha. The wiki pages says The badge for defeating the Giant Monster is another story; you or your team will have to do at least 10% of the damage to get credit for the badge so that might cover him, but what about the banners? Unless of course the wiki page is o\incomplete. I was not solo nor on a team, but in a league.
  18. I just did the banners in PI and turns out I didn't get any badges for it, none for the banners, none for the GM at end. I did get to choose the temp power reward though. Going over the wiki page for the banners, nothing stood out to me as "ah-ha, that explains it!" The only straw I might grasp at here was that I wasn't wearing a ToT costume? But surely that would be included on the wiki page if it was necessary... right?
  19. I love making new costumes, but I've only ever once done one expressly for Halloween. I was running a Widow at the time that I had set aside as an "anything costume-wise goes" character, meaning if I wanted one to look like an alien and another one a clown, it thematically wouldn't matter to me. So anyway, I patterned one of his off the then-current image of Tony The Tiger dressing up like a vampire which appeared on some cereal boxes at the time (you can probably Google it and find it), using the tiger head and so on. It actually wasn't half bad! I should pull him back out and take a spin around with him for the hell of it.
  20. The zombies are what we're talking about here. Low XP makes them pointless.
  21. Just spitballing here. But if so, how come the SBB doesn't access through the cinemas? Point being nothing in the game has to be so literal. I mean, we have AE in a night club already.
  22. Well it is just sitting there doing NOTHING right now, why not find a purpose for it? Heck, we've been talking since day one about lining up player-made quality AE stories into something a bit more permanent, put the kiosk for them in there.
  23. If that's "right" then it's a pointless event to have - even running around a zone to collect all the exploration badges gets you more XP and actual merits for the time. This is would be a waste of time.
  24. MM Bots indeed get little fiery jets out of their feet, and now that Group Fly's been fixed, it's actually useful for them. I just got it on a new MM and I don't think I'm ever going to get tired of clicking the "attack" command for my flying legion of death-bots. Not to derail the topic! Keep it, deffo. About a fourth of my characters have no travel power pools, just use like Ninja Run+Sprint and a purchased jet pack, it's completely doable and not any kind of trouble..
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