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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. Pretty sure we had this last year too, thanks HC!
  2. That seems to be my experience with "dark" for almost every power I try that settingt on, so this would be par for the course.
  3. Team Rocket is blasting off again! *sun twinkle*
  4. I'm torn on this. I existed and played the game back in the day and lived just fine with gated stuff, but to gate stuff today I'd only be willing to let it be.... stuff I don't care much about. Like accolades: nice but one can certainly play without them. Which of course ultimately means it's pointless gating I suppose. So I guess I don't want gated stuff.
  5. Whoa, at those prices i can't afford to NOT start a new troller! I'll call him... Sleep U At Ranger!
  6. Laziness. Just stumbling across a new build that I want to move to. Rethinking what I already have, or because I wasn't following any build until I got one to go by after playing the character a bit. If I'm about to swap out for a new build, why waste time assigning the extra slots and powers now before respeccing out of those extra slots and powers?
  7. But we did get a stream of new bits, they always had new costume option in each paid expansion because they knew those would sell. The other thing you're mentioning there is I think how there are only so many places assigned to the basic skeletons to pin a costume bit to, and how they can't go back in and add more now. And hey, "belts" makes sense, where else are you going to wear waist armor, on your head?
  8. Really? I've done this more than once recently and not had a problem.
  9. Pff, do I even look like a programmer or something?! 😀 Still, might not be a bad idea to shop this around in the Suggestions thread. I'd love to seer those listed alphabetically.
  10. I think I've seen it said here that costumes files somehow depend upon the order of the options on those lists, so if you inserted something say halfway down that list, every costume option past that list would turn up wrong for older costume files.
  11. Big-time bosses can't be taken down by one character, probably. The very first time I ever ran across one I had been invited to a PUG to fight the Clockwork King. My scrapper (who was a fifty after all!) goes skipping across the map and saw CK just you know standing there, so jumped right into it without any teammates.
  12. I've had a sense of this as well over the past couple of months, but not so overwhelmingly that I feel I can qualify it as being anything other than dirty anecdotal evidence. I mean, I've gotten a fair number of orange recipe drops, but they've been "useless" ones like holds and confuses. But for some reason my Beam Rifle/Traps has had great luck with purple recipes whilst TOTing - three!
  13. I strongly suspect the RNG rebalances if you're in combat to roll the monkey result more often.
  14. Everything else aside, I think we can all agree on adding damage to the force bolt. I took it on my MM and have used it for the soft control it was made for, but yeesh, I feel like I might do them more harm by sticking out a boot and tripping them.
  15. I don't think these zones serve "no purpose" or anything, and it's OK to have less well-used zones But I have no objections to them dropping in some new content in them, or even revamping some older to point you over to one, say, for the last few missions or something (just as long as we avoid the time-wasting back and forth of the worst TFs).
  16. I did notice my Beam Rifle toons shooting at banners would face like 45 degrees in the wrong direction for most (but not all!) of their attacks.
  17. These are great ideas to actually integrate these "free resources" just sitting around otherwise going unused.
  18. "Just when I think I'm out those heroes and villains pull me right back in."
  19. My dad was an old school (meaning 50s) sci-fi nerd himself and much was done to pass it along. I also kept getting access to batches of old comics along the way that had showed me by the time I was 12 or so that there had been a lot of really good stuff in the past already. Then in my 20s I got a job in a comic book shop (remember those?) and got so burned out that I gave up caring. But City of Heroes is an exception to that rule.
  20. I haven't even been to those doors since HC appeared and yet I can still clearly see at least two of them in my mind all these years later.
  21. Who's the tall fella then? =) Did you do anything to make these look sharper or brighter?
  22. If scrappers were that great, you wouldn't have to spend for ATOs on them! My first real main was a stalker, and I loved being able to explore without being seen most of the time. Scrappers are just deficient stalkers to me. 😃
  23. Del, they're not a Republic serial villain. Do you seriously think they'd explain their master-stroke if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting its outcome? They released it thirty-five minutes ago.
  24. This reminded me that there's already also a secondary wand design in the game, the one that you get as a temp power from a villain contact: https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Loa_Bone
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