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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I may have a had one or two on Live, not that I had many 50s back then. But then I've gotten all caught up in the cult of "Tough+Weave or you're an idiot! And don't forget the Leaderships OMG!!" cults. I'm trying to be more proactive is designing my characters and putting my foot down on wanting fly regardless orwhatever, but it's really hard to turn away from soft-capped defenses...
  2. A speeding ticket. This is a 45 mph only zone, buddy.
  3. I just did an MSR on Indom with a Control Rodd tonight.
  4. I don't know why it took me so long to remember this one, but on the advice of a master punner friend of mine, I once had a Bots/Dark MM who wore a sort of armor and had the skullish armored face mask and had bunny ears named Watership Doom. Which, damn, I may have to remake her, that was fun.
  5. Yeah, that's me too, but I dunno if my build ever managed a bomb. You're talking Hurl Boulder? I didn't have too many slots to play with so I just stuck to Seismic Smash, sigh. I really should fine a way to respect her for both, throwing giant rocks at people sounds like fun to me.
  6. That's literally the only one that I get near and think "oh hey, badge time! WHEEEEE!" Anything else I'm either out badging on purpose so it's just rote, or juuust happen to spot one nearby while I'm crossing a zone or something.
  7. I have a Mind Control/Poison controller, which apparently is pretty rare.
  8. That right there is so far the best argument I've heard. I can really punch through MoG with Aim? I'm using it.
  9. Yeah, I think I can recall clicking it once or twice for just those reasons, knowing that "whoa, this is a time I actually could use a boost."
  10. I no longer have the link, but the guy who was testing it was something I clipped out and put into my notes. I may have edited it for length a tad, but the player said This thing won't. Stop. Proccing. Seeing a proc rate of 2-2.5 PPM. Seems to check Gaussian once per 10 seconds per target you are buffing. Not work for [your mastermind's] pets, but this is still huge, especially if on a full team, league with other MMs with pets you’re buffing too. That doesn't sound too awful or too random. I mean, maybe not quite as on-demand as "I click a button" either I guess. Maybe I read too much into that without understanding how reliably it would proc elsewhere.
  11. I guess I should have read those PPM things more closely, I didn't think any proc anywhere got a 90% chance to fire. And yes, Sovera, clicking the powers in the game works best - except I;m at work and can't get into the game right now (me and my terrible life choices!). So I only have the Wikis to go by. Maybe our attempts to update the wikis should look into this sort of thing.
  12. Huh, the description on the wiki says Aim only "Slightly increases damage." I don't think of 62% as slightly at all, no. And I see Tactics taken all the time. Is not taking it maybe a Blaster thing, are you looking at this from there? I'm coming more at this from Corruptors and Controllers side of things, I don't do much with Blasters.
  13. Wait what? I can't quote math or even throw links at you, but that does not jibe with my understanding of proc usage at all. But not being an expert I can't say it is wrong. As I understand it, procs have their whatever PPM rate is, and the more recharge you load up a single power with (not global recharge, which doesn't affect this), the less it's likely to fire, because the PPM formula takes recharge into consideration.
  14. You're the second person (of two, ha ha) to mention "randomly", so does it like fire all the time with Aim? I didn't know it also boosted damage any; I clicked on one randomly in the wiki list of powers that have Aim in their sets, and didn't see that. I might have been skimming, or the wiki could be incomplete there.
  15. I base my love of Tactics + Gaussian's proc for the fact it has a chance to fire for everyone your Tactics is buffing, which includes mastermind pets, etc. (Unless someone's proven that not to be true? Pretty sure not, but I can be wrong) When you're in a league, that ain't nothing, and I love MSR, ha ha. Have to admit I hadn't thought about the use of some extra accuracy when you're gonna blow a huge AoE off in everyone's faces though, that's a fair point. I suppose I could check a build for another form of BU or something before skipping. And it's funny, I think every build always takes Leadership but many seem to skip travel powers all together now (which is fine, Ninja Run+Sprint with an occasional jet pack can do just fine, but it does get old after a bit).
  16. This is probably going to be a profoundly stupid question that will follow me the rest of my days on these boards, forever nipping at my heals whenever I open my mouth here; each of you will nudge the other and roll your eyes, muttering "this guy." But here goes: Aim, that power that all the blasters and corruptors and others get, is it all the important? I mean, am I missing something? I tend to play distance shooters and squishies, and I hardly ever think to click it in the heat of combat, and when I have I didn't really notice anything different in my chances to hit. Sure, I could slot a Gaussian's in there, but those go better in Tactics (especially the proc). I see everyone apparently does work Aim their builds that they post here, but they never seem to slot it much past two Recharges (unless they just dump their Gaussian's set in there instead of Tactics for some reason). Might one even, gasp, skip Aim? tl;dr: Aim? More like 'lame', right?! Let the pillorying begin!
  17. Silly me, I've started a Beam/Traps and just got Lancer the last time I played. Considering what all options I might have for pewpewpew when the character gets more fleshed out, I think it probably does make more sense to put the BU in there instead of Disintegrate, now.
  18. Here's the ironic twist: I was taking one of my 50s off Excelsior to participate in the nightly MSR on Indom. Because I play more on Excelsior these days as I'm up late at night, but the raids on Indom are great and always well-attended.
  19. Cannot wait to see how wild you'll get on Saturday. But yeah, bump, I'd love it if people could ever swing this for us.
  20. Oh yeah, that name thing. I doubt that'd ever affect me, my name's almost never conflict, I have odd ones in general (just see my sig).
  21. Now see, that's what I thought but the screen made it sound like I was signing up for Scientology or something. Thanks for the info!
  22. Can someone give the quick low down on swapping servers? I thought about doing it with a toon tonight and got the window with the disclaimers, all of which I knew about, except for something about "this will lose you one token in your pool and can't be undone" or stuff. Is this holdover from live? I was under the impression we can swap a few times a month at least or something, but this sounded dire, somehow.
  23. Take my kick - please! I'd love to do something like that, because I always take kick over boxing, but I never have the slots to spare.
  24. I am both saddened and disappointed I see no shindigs going on in this thread.
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