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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. This again all comes down to how you play. The last time I had a chance to play I was on a PUG led by a twinked-out 50+++ brute who was literally racing ahead of the rest of this "all levels welcome" radio team. Needless to say, my level 29 troller did not find these foes easy nor slow-paced. Anyone who wants top play like this can choose to do so (I even stayed around on that team).
  2. Whoa, dude. I knew this part of community was going nuts, but I had no idea just how nuts. There has got to be a way to harness this power for evil... I mean good... I mean for the good of the game. Some way to work these places into actual maps to play on or something. These are just stellar.
  3. AE is still primarily set up for soloing. The contact only speaks to the one player leading the team so no one else gets to see (read) the flavor text, so if you're on a team it's just another "let's go beat up those guys in that warehouse because... of stuff!" like a radio mission. If it's the stories in AE that are supposed to draw people, they need to be shared easily.
  4. I don't have all day to spend scrolling through threads that are 11 pages long, can anyone give me a summary? I expect this on my desk by five or we're all getting pineapple on our pizzas!
  5. Funnily enough I had a devices Blaster that I liked the look of but stopped play right around the time he got Cloaking Device, too; any and all powers that "make you invisible" or "armor" you should have a minimal FX option I have yet to fully level any melee toon this go round as well. I don't know why, I used to do well enough with them in the before times, but now, I have a VEAT that, following a build, was like sleep-walking through foes, yet never bothered to get him past I think 46? Martial Arts scrapper was fun, but... I haven't touched him in a couple of months now maybe, he's in the 30s... Some of this could be COVID burn-out though, I played a LOT when all this started, and my play-rate hasn't returned yet to per-pandemic levels.
  6. The few times I've poked my nose in there it felt awful cliquish. I had no idea what was up and thought I might poke around a little bit on my own. Got ganked by a group of seven? Ten? Twelve? players who then crowed about it (with one posting "how come we never see any new faces in here?" right before I zoned, too, ha ha). I have, since HC, been in there once or twice for a few badges, being chaperoned in with a player who knew what they were doing - and in the middle of the night when there were ZERO villains about to screw up our badge collecting. Goi8ng off of those two extremes, I'd say you need some real community outreach, not hand slapping. Which I do know some are doing, so good on you.
  7. Could just ask a new team when you get on, "anyone need to know when I cast my Forge on them?" Could also ask who on the team may need it most. I often MSR on a healer, and after having to rez someone twice I tend to focus on them for my Fort etc. so they might be able to play less dead, ah ha. But then again, I don't announce myself, no.
  8. We've hashed over this before and the above posters are basically right, a lot of people won't play redside because they don;'t like villains (goldside I would think is because it's tough at lower levels a lot). So be the change you want to see in the 'verse! Go start broadcasting for villain teams and you'll find some players who'll tag along.
  9. Hell, I didn't even know there was a Tardis over there.
  10. That container of left-over Singapore Rice Noodles in the back of my fridge from June says otherwise...
  11. I wrought matter from the Planck Era of the universe, blew my breath into the Expansion Era and have surfed the cosmic background radiation since before this galaxy began to coalesce from the minor fluctuations of gravity. Or it feels like then when I get out of bed in the morning.
  12. I'll toss my worthless name onto the pyre for this as well. My main during the Live days was an EM stalker who got saddled with this change just as I hit 50. I rarely played him after that. Sure would be nice to remake him and be able to actually play him.
  13. That's funny, the one saved file I had that I sort of once tried to re-upload came up saying the map chosen for the first mish was invalid. I haven't really checked into AE since that one-off attempt though.
  14. Whatever those heroes and villains get up to in their own time is none of my business...
  15. Well I couldn't find a "pets" to click on the team window, but that "/windowtoggle pet" did the trick, so thank you very much!
  16. I've been trying to open this for a BR/Traps Corr who's only about 25th right now, so I can keep an eye on my FF generator, and the system refuses to open jack for me.
  17. Maybe they just chose to make it big to help the player not lose track of them.
  18. This. This. THIS! A million times this. I'm still sitting on my files from the per-cancelation days that simply will not work story-wise. I "overwrite" - sue me, it's no crime since this used to work. You can't drop these parts of my stories without losing something. I had a story or two in the works too back when this feature broke on Live and had to shelve them as well. Otherwise I might as well be writing a "Go get the MacGuffin device from the Freakshow" tip missions.
  19. Assuming you have people on your server and see the same sorts of "Level 50 PI missions, any level welcome PST" messages that I do, just play the game. I've leveled a number of "start off slow" support toons by just playing, well teaming. Look for teams you will find them or they you, and you'll level. I almost never farm nor use the XP multipliers from the P2W vendor. Easy peasey.
  20. This is a pulsar, right? I had had thoughts about making a pulsar-based character and Grav/Time seemed like the perfect descriptive sets for that.
  21. The reasons why is clearly to have more time for tacos.
  22. That window for this really needs a basic redesign or to have some basic explanations added or something, because that damn thing is just NOT intuitive whatsoever. I had to spend damn near an hour with someone walking me through it, and watch some YouTube videos to make heads or tails out of it (and I'm still not 100% sure on it).
  23. It's quaint, but some people do still trail behind the tanks, brutes and scrappers, if for no other reason than they're usually running ahead of the rest of the team.
  24. It's a good thing Corr don't usually make the alpha strikes on teams then.
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