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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I get that a lot ha ha. What I do NOT get is love for that mission!
  2. I think I have a low completion rate. Those peeps down there in my sig are still my only 50s in HC. I know I started a couple of Sents that never went anywhere past maybe 20, and I seem to have an aversion to both melee and ranged fighters who do nothing but pew-pew-pew and smash-smash-smash; my highest level of any of those is an MA scrapper who was definitely fin, but from whom I've drifted away a bit about the time he hit 37 or so. But I also have maybe twice as many incompletes as I do 50s right now. I know I have been playing less too, it's like after I completed Midnight Bridge (there in my sig, again) I sort of felt like "here's a place to stop and look around and think about what do I wanna do next?" And then found out I couldn't really think of something to do next. I've level a few alts to something like 28, 37, 40 since then, but I'm not playing nearly as much (the Halloween event may bring that time played back up, that always excites me).
  3. Maybe they need to revert the patch until they get the bugs worked out.
  4. Yeah, I often don't pay much attention to the stories and arcs etc. in the game, but I saw your posted picture and took a wild and correct guess about which mission you were going to excoriate. And I will see you and raise you with the following: I don't mind escort missions... except this one. I started it before bed and turns out it's that Johnny Sonata one "Stop the Wailers from disrupting the ritual" which requires you to escort four Mu Mystics to some obelisk. Oh yeah, and you have to find each one and escort them across a map of St. Martial which feels like it's two miles wide on a side. But wait, there's more!! Check this from the wiki for this mission: I was playing solo. A stalker too, ha ha on me! My fault for starting it before bed, and for sticking around through it, but I will never do this mission again either. "Kiiiiiiill Theeeeem!" indeed.
  5. And yet here you are, making that difference even without being on a team!
  6. I like you devs peeps, but yeah, this! I mean, I'm being hyperbolic, but yeah. 😃
  7. You "don't need to be on this team" no matter what AT you're playing when you're in the upper levels. You could bring in your tank, stalker, widow, troller, and it would all roll long just about the same way (except of course not quite as fast, as already pointed out). This has nothing to do with the AT you're running.
  8. Proc-monsters are basically finding ways to wring some damage out of often non-damage powers, or super ramping up otherwise already mediocre to good damage powers. I used a build I found here for a Storm/Rad defender and dear god, she's, well... a proc MONSTER. Controllers can do this too. I heartily encourage you to read up on the topic and join the fun!
  9. Is it the way they seem to more sit around and lock down foes instead of pummel or blast them down? I don't tend to play my controllers that way at all, if so. Making most of them proc monsters sure helps.
  10. I'm a bad player in that I rarely do story arcs, just lots of PUGging, so I don;'t know if I've ever done the Faultline story. But I have set up numerous characters to get the RWZ badges so I can join in mothership raids. And I have to admit it's a lot of fun to get that one rescue mission with her, because that's exactly how she behaves, like a kitten pouncing on anything you even look towards.
  11. Look at that, pushing Krzbrg1right off the cliff - you're red side alright. I'd consider joining but I don't have anyone on that server currently (would be up to transfer someone over I suppose) and I play so infrequently (maybe twice a week?) as it is I'd be useless to have around for an SG. But I like this idea.
  12. I like this idea. Mainly because I want a pumpkin-headed toon with a lot of Fall IOs.
  13. That would be mine too. Once or twice I've logged into the RWZ looking for a scheduled MSR and had to ask around about if it was in 1 or 2; this just helps make that clear for you.
  14. That's kind of how this discussion seems to be going to me as well. I mean, is there a reason not to just revert and call that good? Maybe I'm forgetting something, because I haven't played ET since the change back in the day (my then-main was an ET stalker, and he didn't get much play after the change).
  15. I don't exactly mind leading, but it's uncommon for me to actually have any leads on missions, like open contacts, or even the radio/newspaper contact ready to go. Knowing seven (or fewer) people are standing around wondering why this bizarrely named person hasn't put up the new red star yet does give me a bit of anxiety too. Plus I don't wanna be that guy who gets everyone on board, "any level welcome!" only to lead them onto an abattoir-like map full of purple Arachnos. I mean, I know all that's easily take care of up front and all.
  16. The sun shall turn black and the moon shine with a greenish hue. The dead will rise from their graves and sit in the parks around the city reminiscing about old supergroups from Retail.
  17. Hard to kill an old habit! My first toon was a blaster and I had to learn the very hard way about dodging street mobs.
  18. Hard to kill an old habit! My first toon was a blaster and I had to learn the very hard way about dodging street mobs.
  19. Because I can mute the few annoying people on move on. The Live forums back in the good ol days were chock-a-block with "potentiate-muters" ETA: Also worth noting I've almost never seen the PVE forums or in-game channels descend to "toxic," you guys are generally great.
  20. Seeing as how this is all theoretical... All I know is that no matter which zone I play in, you always have to carefully skirt around mobs on the street. There's no reason they can't be flavored to be one thing or another here, it'll still play the same anyway.
  21. Well, after that, I can recall another reason I was put off by PVP back in the day: the attitude of the people who posted on its forums.
  22. Our selection of animal heads would be much better if I were driving this bus, let me tell you! Like that one that looks like a bat, with the nose? Have you ever seen anyone use it? I did ONCE, and was in fact told I had a really ugly character (which was fitting as he was red side, but still).
  23. Sounds like it wouldn't have to be any worse than the usual game of dodge the perception radius as you cross a zone.
  24. This is from my peeking into the new base contest; dear god there's some amazing work in there. Surely there must be some way to use the creativity and developing skill of the base editor to make new, actual game-playable maps for new missions, or to refurbish old ones? I'm sure this isn't a brand new idea, but after seeing that thread, I feel it needs to be re-suggested.
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