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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. Indeed: https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Divining_Rod Looks a lot like the black wand in fact. I've never had it that I know of though, so I dunno what animation is associated with it.
  2. That may be it, that sounds right. Thanks for the quick reply!
  3. Hey, this reminds me, I had my own costume question too, hope you don't mind me piggy-backing off your thread: I was trying to find that aviator's leather helmet-looking hat for a costume the other day and apparently missed it. Is it under hat, half helm, or what? And what's it called?
  4. Hard second, the new clunky rock bits ruined a troller's look and it's hard to bring myself to dig her out anymore. I mean, she's tough and all, sure, but she might as well just be a horrible hodgepodge of clipping mismatched costume pieces now... BECAUSE SHE IS! *fumes*
  5. But I want this sort of thing to be official!
  6. Yeah, my first stormie was only a little while ago and I just had to take it to have fun pushing Cot off rooftops (sue me) but I only tend to pull it out when I need to block a choke point or when I'm fighting a big bag of hit points AV or banners or something like that, But I've never heard anyone complain about it either. You wanna complain about a power you can't see through, that's what water blast powers are for.
  7. Now when can we choose custom sound effects for our powers? Mods, get on this!
  8. "Thermal Radiation (Controllers, Corruptors, Masterminds): Fire Shield and Plasma Shield" Pretty sure that should list Defenders too, because that's how it works on mine. =)
  9. Curious to know what you'd suggest then, rolling them back? Nerfing them? How much? It's been said and I'm sure you've heard it yourself, but you don't have to use either system if you don't want to. Heck, I've been thinking of rolling an "all SO" toon just so I don't have to worry and sweat over a build.
  10. Best wishes for a speedy recovery from me as well. Hope's doing better already! ETA: I didn't understand just how badly he was doing. 😕
  11. I'm going to have to put my foot down on this thread. You cannot make a monkey out of these forums!
  12. I know they're not as controllable as say an MM pet, but with some stealth one can always drag a pet through a group of foes to tank for you, ha ha. But yeah, that's a rather solo tactic. I've never taken a Patrol Pool pet and was sort of thinking to just for the experience, but the point made about speed of teams does have me thinking it might be better to just just buff everyone around me and skip the pet. Now I'm wondering which AT would work best with a pet at all.
  13. So I'm trying to plan out a build for a Thermal/Energy Blast Defender and was thinking of getting the pet, following some advice I saw here. The advice said that a Patron Pool pet was a good bet because with the Thermal buffering a pet can be made pretty strong, but I have zero experience with PP pets, so which one would be best for this? Any advice on that pet's slotting too? This also leads into a second question: I'm assuming having a good buffed pet might be more a soloing tactic, but I don't actually solo all that much, so would a pet under these circumstances even be the best thing to go with and should I consider another avenue and skip a pet?
  14. But once you choose it for the character, you can't make it go away, right?
  15. Yeah, I was on a few Excelsior teams over the last few nights and can second this, you leader guys and TP dudes and dudettes were doing the best job.
  16. Funny, right now I"m currently sort of playing my next three alts - or at least I don't have plans for any new ones until I do more with these. They are: Thermal/Energy Blast defender (kind of having fun here, but slow going, partly because I have zero idea how to go about a good build for her), about 25th level. Beam Rifle/Traps corruptor (who's been kind of fun), at about 26th level Gravity/Darkness controller (high enough level to have all his pets too, so fun), at about 40th level I don't play all that often because of my schedule so it's been slow going leveling anyone right now.
  17. But I like kicking around a discarded forklift like a beach ball, so no.
  18. No, we had those last year too. They're quite possibly one of my favorite additions.
  19. I'm currently trying to level up a Thermal/Energy Defender that I created on a whim and trying to work out to slot my KB to KD or not, what to take to build an even semi-survivable amount of +Def etc. is killing me. (Also trying to find ways to slot a build without using several sets of purples + Superior ATO sets, but that's a personal, on ongoing battle with posted builds ha ha). So far the only thing I can settle on is that I want her to have a Patron Pool pet she can "heat up" into a good attack bot she supports, but I'm not even sure which one of those I want. So, please, carry on talking amongst yourselves and giving me ideas!
  20. Seem to recall those funny "under the jaw spiky beard things" work well with a full-jawed face too. Sadly I'm not at home so I can't append a picture.
  21. I'm not at home so I can't get them all listed out, but my Beast/FF MM is named Capt Sam's Space Zoo and all the beasts have some solar system-based name like "Venusian Lion", "Martian Wolf," "Saturnian Lion", etc. I won a golden title in a dev-run costume contest with him, and think the names are what sold it.
  22. I think we should declare October 4th a new holiday now, that's kinda freaky, tbh.
  23. I like this idea, I wanna see the green windows with pumpkins in them all the time. Maybe the devs can make us a temp power like the snow storm one where you can make those show up in windows around you when it's "night time."
  24. So does this mean that we're going to get a "minimal FX" option for stealth? How about all those other costume-ruining abominations like Stone Mastery's Rock Armor? C'mon, you've got the power here!!
  25. I haven't seen anything worse that I ever did on Live, so big whoop, MO. Even the worst arguments I've seen here don't hold a candle to the "comments" section of any news website, so we're far from suffering under "a terrible problem" here.
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