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Everything posted by tidge

  1. I found myself browsing the short descriptions of old television show episodes (think "TV Guide") and I was struck by the Warhol-esque simplicity of some of them, and I wasn't sure what to think if I dropped the names of some of our characters into the text. For example, all of these are from Night Man Season 2: @Yomo Kimyata accidentally resurrects a mummified Egyptian queen, with predictably disasterous results. @Bill Z Bubba fights a gang using high-tech, motorized Roller Blades. @Saskia has been kidnapped by Keyes, and @Raleigh fears House of Soul will be destroyed. (Actual user names match the episode description for this one!) Let's get the AE team together to see that mission with enemies on Roller Blades!
  2. @Uun wrote nothing wrong, but there are exceptions to #2 (which is one reason why I try to distinguish between "global" effects and "%procs". For example; The Preventive Medicine %Absorb piece does NOT have to be in an active power to trigger, but it is still subject to the rules re: levels. For myself, I have that piece in some pool powers I rarely ever use (Sorcery) or from some secondary set power that only works on teammates (but the %Absorb will still trigger if I take enough damage). AFAIK, I only have a couple of characters that have that piece slotted in a power taken significantly below the minimum level for the set, and those characters don't take enough damage in low level content that I think I'd even notice if it was triggering (think Dull Pain on an Invulnerable Tanker).
  3. /agree, with some juice. First the drippings: Level 50's can be boosted to 50+5 (max) Enhancement converters can turn any PVP piece into any other PVP piece The auction house buckets individual PVP pieces independent of level (allowing 'conversion' of a non-50 piece into a level 50 piece) Now the gravy: convert (or use AH) the non-level 50 pieces into lvl 50 pieces that you will use and boost them to 50+5 IIRC you can't boost the %proc pieces, but you can convert a 50+x piece into a proc! There is no advantage to trying to boost a straight %proc piece. convert (or use AH) the sub-50 pieces into the %proc you want... and attune them (or use AH to attune) so that your characters can slot them ASAP. You will lose some money on the vig if you use the AH only to convert, but no prayers to RNGesus are required. For example: If I got a level 50 Shield Wall Global, it is more valuable to me as a level 50+5 Defense (or Defense/Endurance) piece. Roll that level 25 Experienced Marksman PVP Fast Snipe piece into a global that you want attuned, e.g. Panacea +HP/+end.
  4. tidge

    Drops A Pin

    That's interesting! On my /Bio Stalker, I am often running Defensive when teaming with PUGs but Offensive when solo (mileage varies). I think I first made the choice to do this when I didn't want to be embarrassed in a PUG by that character "biting off more than it can chew." If the PUG is "speeding" a TF, obviously a stalker stands a solid chance of getting to the objective first... but even when we are doing slow clears, I will quickly admit to drawing more/nearby spawns into the teams' kill-box.
  5. I agree: I think it's set bonuses and one-piece globals that make more of difference than %damage procs. I'm OK with this. For my inf, folks are a little too casual about calling things like the Luck of the Gambler Def/+Recharge a "proc". I can accept pieces like Performance Shifter %+End as a "proc" but somehow I don't think even the most strident advocates of damage-dealing ATs want to see their characters want the Nerf bats to hit such pieces.
  6. I don't really enjoy iTrials (this is personal, a LOT of it has to do with leftover feelings from Live) and I'm always PUG-ing them, so there is that, but the most successful ones in which I felt like my characters were making a significant difference have been: Characters at/near the Defense cap without Incarnate (Purple inspirations are fine!) Characters that leaned into aspects of the build (and chosen powers) other than MOAR damage Mileage varies, and the Purple Triangles are nobody's friend, but their are important aspects of powers and ATs that aren't as useful in 98%+ of game content, but can be revealed in both "endgame" content as well as lower-level (i.e. below 30) SFs/TFs run at +4. I'm not suggesting that everybody run a Synapse TF at +4 (because of reduced number of powers available), but running a Penny Tin TF or Katie Hannon TF at +4 can give PUG-ers an informed sense of what role they may be able to play on end-game content.
  7. I always assumed it was because Statesman was nominally an Invulnerability Tanker that could move around with all of his toggles on. (ehem, Unyielding Stance)
  8. My perception of folks gathering in this thread to discuss the topic...
  9. It always felt to me that Energy Melee was toned down because of PvP, especially the Stun aspect. I couldn't tell you when I started to get this feeling, but I have vague memories of early issue 7... such as taking my Day 1 Inv/EM tank int Recluse's Victory and getting dog-piled, but surviving partially because I had done "silly" things like slotting attacks for the stun component (and also taking Stun)... There were so many tweaks relative to this combo (Unyielding, stunned enemies zipping off at hypersonic speeds) you will have to forgive my possibly faulty memory.
  10. My Bots/Traps went "Mace", but I can see "Mu" as well. rather than post a build, I will try to describe what I did with powers and with enhancement choices. Powers: My goal was to leverage powers to provide the following two things to support the henchmen: "soft"-ish controls (Knockdown, Slows) in addition to Holds. I should note, I put the KB->KD Sudden Acceleration piece in the Battle Drones and Assault Bot. As much -Res as possible In addition to inherent -Res from powers, I have %-Res in AoE/Pseudo-pets: Caltrops, Acid Mortar (x2), Photon Grenade, and Mace Beam Volley. I didn't pick any personal attacks until level 30, and I use the attacks to draw aggro for Tankerminding. Enhancement Choices: I focused on set (and single piece) choices to provide: Global +MaxEnd, Global -EndCost All the favorite 1-off uniques, including the henchmen globals Global Recharge I don't think I have anything clever to write about Tanker-minding, but I will make some points: There is only so much (personal) Resistance and (personal) Defense and to be gained, so don't go crazy. The FFG will be the main source of Defense. Scaling Resistance from Reactive Defenses is your friend. Health (Hit Points) are important for Tanker-Minds, but a set boost that gives ~10 HP is not worth it IMO. Power Transfer's %Heal is probably a better use of a slot than a 3rd LotG piece. I treat Regeneration a little more seriously on my MMs than I do for most other ATs. (see below) I use the AoE attacks to draw/keep aggro. They are much more reliable and effective than Provoke from the Presence pool. Since my MM is trying to spam sources of -Res, the need for Endurance management is serious. I have reached into some peculiar sets to help: Annihilation (different Endurance bonuses at 2 and 5 pieces) Preventive Medicine (Endurance discount, Recharge, and %Absorb) Ghost Widow's Embrace (MaxEnd) Undermined Defenses (MaxEnd), plus extra debuffing of Defenses helps henchmen Reactive Defenses (Endurance discount, Recharge, Scaling Resistance) I should note that I use 3 slots in Health: 2xPanacea and 1 for Miracle. In a build with Triage Beacon, Regeneration is something that is a bit of a balancing act. Obviously the Beacon is stationary, but I find the Robots performance to be best when they stay in one place... and if I am facing a hard target I will probably not be moving as much anyway.
  11. On my characters: Flight + Afterburner + Jump Pack > Flying speed cap. Since both Afterburner and Jump Pack had limited durations, I will juggle them when flying long distances... otherwise if the distance is not too far...
  12. Weaken Resolve got hit with the Nerf bat a while back, but as written by @Mezmera I still find it useful in limited circumstances. Mystic Flight is one of those powers that is almost too good in some (unfortunate) circumstances. For example: It is common that in the Mortimer Kal TF that the team drags a whole lotta CoT to that back room that eventually become untargetable, blocking exit from the room. I've had to use the Teleportation aspect of the power to get out of the room! Another note about travel powers that involve flying: I've been adding the P2W power Jump Pack to add a +Fly boost. It's a stronger boost than Afterburner for my characters with Fly!
  13. Mileage varies of course. But if a Robotics MM wants to lean into %procs... My Robots MM has the AoE Photon Grenade slotted for -Res (5 pieces of Annihilation for the global Endurance Discount and +MaxEnd) and Knockdown (Overwhelming Force). This is an example of the set bonuses being enough to make me not care so much about %procs, but that power is a particularly good one (better than Pulse Rifle Blast IMO) for %damage (and other effects) for offense. IIRC with no slotted recharge in Photon Grenade, the -Res piece will have a ~40% chance to proc, the 3.5 PPM %damage will have something like 50% chance to proc, and (Absolute Amazement) %-ToHit should be above 60% chance to proc... and these are for each target in the AoE! Either choice (all %procs in Photon Grenade or minimal %procs in it) feels like a better choice for trying for a MM to inflict damage than Pulse Rifle + Tactics (w/ Build Up). One other advantage I see to Photon Grenade over a ST attack from the rifle is that you should draw more aggro to the MM than from just using ST attacks.
  14. This is all true, but here is my thinking about Masterminds and the Gaussian's %BuildUp.... it's not worth it for most Masterminds. Masterminds have low damage scales, so the extra Build Up, while not meaningless is boosting already weak tea. Masterminds also have an Endurance tax, so trying to do enough attacks to benefit from the extra Build Up (by itself) is costing more end for the MM, as opposed to slotting the power to keep it up and/or improving the benefit to allies/henchmen/pets. Also if the MM is making attacks (to benefit from %Build Up), it likely means that the MM isn't doing other things to improve the damage output (or survivability) of the henchmen. On my MM builds, I find that I never have more than two slots for Tactics, even on the builds that have a LOT of attacks to support the henchmen (with Knockdown, -Res, etc.). I simply use one or two Cytoskeletons in my MM builds. For my Crabbermind, I absolutely have the Gaussian's %Build Up. IIRC The damage scale for VEATS is 1.0, whereas for MMs it is still 0.55.
  15. tidge

    Drops A Pin

  16. I thought this might be of interest. The only architect souvenir I have on most of my characters is this one from testing one of Heraclea's AE missions. typos are mine, and in place of certain unicode characters he used, I used ascii. A letter of commendation from Heaven Ante prinipium erat quædam testudo. Et ista testudo sola fuit. Et circumspicit, et vidit vicinam eius quæ mater sua erat; et se deposuit super vicinam eius, et ecce, paruit ei in lacrimis quercum, quæ omne die creuit, et tunc decidit, et fecit pontem. Et ecce, sub isto ponte venit silurus, et ambulabat, et valde magnus erat, et fuit maximus quod vidit. Et tales autem fuerent colei ignei haec piscis, ex quibus vnus erat Sol; et alter, Lunam appellauerunt.
  17. I am only going to discuss %damage procs, which could be expanded to some other %effect procs... I am NOT referring to global effects (e.g. Slow resists, +Recharge) from single enhancements. My general rules: Multiple-procs (i.e. more than 1 from different set) are primarily for low-damage scale ATs because %damage is invariant (for all ATs). If there is a better use for the slot (as a set bonus, or in another power, or *shudder* enhancement of a combat value) that is what the slot will be used for. I focus on multi-%damage in AoE powers, specifically non-melee cones. I find that generally, once level 50 enhancements are available, the set bonuses are more valuable than %damage... and my experience has been that cones offer more "bang-for-the-slot" when they cycle faster than AoE "nukes". (Prior to level 50, you don't have that many slots so don't even worry too much about set bonuses, as long as Accuracy and Endurance are not an issue!) I will admit to a fondness for adding %damage (and %magnitude) to single-target holds. There are almost always more options for %damage in hold powers than any other type of allowable enhancement. Fast-cycling powers really shouldn't IMO be considered for %damage. Any %procs I have in such will be because they are part of a set. There may be some corner cases where I wouldn't immediately roll my eyes (I see a lot of builds with a single Perfect Zinger %Psi in Taunt) but writing only for myself I think there is an alternate way to use such powers/slots. While leveling, for targeting powers I tackle Accuracy and Endurance first.
  18. I'm sure someone will suggest Red CoT Crystals or Fires, but what I have often done for my Red Side seekers of Iron Man is to go to Recluse's Victory and allow the pillboxes to attack.
  19. I don't want to yuck in anyone's yum, but aside form MOAR REWARDS I find the Vanguard/RWZ arcs to be a big yawn. My ennui is (I think) driven by the very wide level-range (35+). Reworking the Crash Site wasn't a complete misfire, but it just never sat right with me... there was some romance to be had in the era of having to cross Crey's Folly to do street sweeping and occasional door missions(?). Between the Crash Site and Dark Astoria reworks, and the closure of Galaxy City, I'm glad that the plans for a reworked Perez Park never came to fruition.
  20. Here are the circumstances for which I have "multi-built" VEATs <- typically I have 2 builds used for each path, and 1 build specifically for "team boosting" based on one of the other builds MMs <- I will usually try a "one big pet" build. I usually don't use them, but I try them! Tankers <- This is peculiar (for me)... see note below I build my Tanks such that I can enjoy solo play and PUGs, so my power/slotting will usually have them at something 99.5% "Total Survivability", but I will sometimes add a second build that puts them at 99.9% "Total Survivability" for those occasions when a PUG explicitly wants a Tank for specific content and won't guarantee that they will provide any sort of boosts. There usually isn't anything radical about the second build... maybe a slightly different assignment of slots, maybe pursing a specific set bonus, often it is just using boosted 50+5 pieces (as opposed to attuned) for level 47+ content.
  21. I am in agreement with this: I experimented with %procs in Hot Feet and I simply found it to be an unreliable source of damage. When the damage happens, it is nice, but ultimately I kept the slots and went with a set bonus instead. The set also allowed me to drive down the Endurance costs.
  22. While you are still leveling your "Knockback Princes" into "Knockback Kings", don't forget that there are P2W powers (ehem, Plasmatic Taser, Hand Grenade) that also do Targeted AoE KB. I tried to make a somewhat offbeat controller whose schtick was supposed to be 'those who oppose him fall down, stumble, and generally make fools of themselves', and it worked for me but YMMV. It is a Mind/Poison/Primal Controller. The "falling down/knockback" powers are Levitate, Power Blast, Energy Torrent. For this Controller, I didn't opt to use the Overwhelming Force Knockdown piece in any power (Terrify is a good candidate) because I prefer to have more %damage procs in such powers, given the low damage scale for Controllers, and an effect like Fear is just as good as Knockdown for this character. Aside from the P2W powers, the only other power I considered (but didn't put in the build) was Enflame, to represent giving an enemy a "hot foot". I totally would have added it (and maybe Arcane Bolt, for knockdown) but I didn't have the power picks... and I made some power choices based on Enhancement options. I suppose the Fighting pool offers some options, but I really didn't have the power picks or slots for those.
  23. Nerf Regen.
  24. Join me at this table. A couple more and we can start a game of pinochle.
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