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Everything posted by Coyotedancer

  1. I think just putting in something as simple as selectable/searchable tags might help.,, A farm tag. A story tag. A challenge tag... That way anyone could go in, search for the tag and then have a filtered list. People *could* mis-tag things either accidentally or to be cheeky, but I suspect most folks would use it truthfully.
  2. Sorry to ruin your narrative, but be careful about painting with an over-broad brush. Some is us dirty, filthy farmers who are strangling your creativity actually *do* play other things on the AE list. We're not all one trick ponies. 😆 As I said in the straw poll thread, the members of my family SG make new arcs all the time. FCM and our nephews have had an absolute blast writing stories and challenge missions for each other. I may be one of your Roots of All Evil, but I still like playing them, too.
  3. I'm not about to buy any at that price... I'll just keep mine. Sure, I could make a quick profit, but I know that eventually there'll be a costume that I want for someone. Better to have my own stash than have to rely on whatever they're selling for at the time.
  4. Did losing the "directional sound" effect we used to have alter it somehow? That happened back in the Live days, but as long as some of our memories of the game are....
  5. Unlike Tsoo Sorcerers, they do tend to stay pretty close when they go popping around. That got them in trouble in Kestrel and Cardinal's Sister Valeria run yesterday. Grey Kestrel the DB Scrapper: "Oh look. It's a surgeon... He dies first." *gets stabby* Surgeon: "Ha ha! I can port away and be safe from your sharp, pointy blades, strange winged woman from the future!" *BAMFS* *Reappears a small distance down the hall* Red Cardinal, Kes' Mu Adept partner: "Yeeeeeah.... About that. You're still in range, bro." *zarks the crap out of the poor surgeon* It was good fun. 'Even better when he decided to Shackle them. 😆
  6. How many fleas can dance on the tip of a thumb...
  7. Aw. they're just being friendly. What's a little barf between friends... (Eww,)
  8. Somebody didn't read the patch notes. 😝
  9. 'Just ran through Valeria's arc with Grey Kestrel (My DB/WP Scrap with perma-summoned Adept partner) at +3... Mostly because I just wanted to see what it would be like on higher difficulty with a fully Incarnate, T4-ed, high-end character. (I'd only tested it in Beta at +0 with a pretty average Joe Anybody type stalker. Which proved to be a mistake, Because it was No Fun At All on a Stalker thanks to the ambushes and multi-EB mobs.) Most of the arc was pretty good fun as a solidly-built solo Scrap with all the iToys. A challenge, but not impossible. The last mission was suitably epic. The ambushes are still a little ludicrous, but not nearly as annoying for Kes as they'd been for Traveler. (Heat-seeking ambushes are just hell on Stalkers. Way to invalidate an AT's entire "thing" there, game. <_<) That second mission, though? Yikes. That thing is seriously unfriendly to solos. Even using every trick I know... Seven deaths. Every one of them was the result of getting a double or triple pull on the monster/EB groups. In spite of using Zapp (an actual snipe power-) from cover at max range, reliably separating those spawns is really TOUGH. Even though it's necessary when you're facing those goons on your own. And forget about kiting them. Your Glad Armor and Shield Wall specials won't save you from being bounced right back to them with that teleport. Honestly? I wonder if it's still not on the "too much" side for an arc that people are absolutely going solo, and likely on characters that won't be as solidly equipped as Kestrel is. I suspect we're going to hear about a lot of people auto-completing that one because it's just a wall they can't get past.
  10. I want to make myself a little custom zen-farm type thing on the big Circle zig map. That silly sprawl is, bar none, my favorite map in the game. Complication? Neither of my farmers are fliers. I can just imagine suni missing a landing and yeeting herself right over the side! 😝
  11. Quite a few of us have run into it... See the thread about it in the Bugs section for the work-around.
  12. I don't AFK on principle, so the change doesn't require me to make any changes to Suni or Harry's builds whatsoever... The additional incoming ranged damage is a non-issue. The aggro adjustments just mean that things come in on their own without me having to Ball Lightning their demonling butts. 😝 The AFKs will adapt, I'm sure. It's not such a huge change that they'll have much trouble.
  13. Eh. I still think letting the conversion exist with some reasonable time gate would have been the best compromise... But then, I was one of the people who really hated the "Ne vet-levels" thing. And who has never converted a single Emp to merits. So I don't exactly have much of a dog in this fight.
  14. As an active farmer, I'm a fan of the aggro changes. It makes pulling together groups on the big freak world/sunken ruin map a whole lot easier than it was before. 'Took a good five minutes off of Ossuni's clear time. 👍 ( **Imagines the Anti-farming League calling to remove that effect in AE in 5... 4... 3...** )
  15. 'Ran into this problem with a Symphony -awaiting place-holder here, too. I just ended up creating her with a different name and then renaming back to the original held name once she was done. (I *was* able to rename an existing character using that name on my secondary account, for what it's worth. Winging It over on my @Laughingcrow list was briefly Chujak just to see if the name had really been freed up by deleting the placeholder on @Coyotedancer... and then I switched him back. 😝 )
  16. I just had to do the same with Chujak, my vermillion phoenix on Everlasting. I deleted the placeholder and wasn't allowed to use the name when I tried to remake her Symphony version. I gave it about ten minutes, tried again, and the name still came up as unavailable. Curiously, when I checked with @Laughingcrow (my secondary account-), the name was available immediately after I had deleted the original on @Coyotedancer both in the character creator and as a potential rename for an existing character. I solved the issue by creating the character, giving her a different name, and then immediately renaming her to Chujak.
  17. RABBLE! RABBLE! RABBLE! *waves around one of those weird-looking antique rakes*
  18. Yep! Although I suspect that very few people know about that....
  19. I'd just be happy to be able to chase them at a reasonable speed as they jet off to parts unknown, instead of spending that time moving about as fast as a snail caught in a glue trap.... because reasons... or something. >_>
  20. I just want to know if any of our unicorn characters are still unicorns. 😝
  21. City of Dark Souls Mode can get stuffed... I'm with you guys. What we really need is new low-to-mid-level leveling content on the Blue side. The current crop is absolutely ancient, mostly awful and has needed an overhaul for about a dog's age.
  22. That would be nice. I hate having to switch out all of Kestel and Andris' iToys when I switch their builds. Half the time I forget to do it until I want to use X and *Only Then* notice that... Yeah... They still have Y equipped, and Y isn't at all what I want. 😝
  23. Nah. People are too used to being able to mail things between their alts. Sticking it to the Grange Association in that case would take away something too many other players find useful. No one wants to go back to the days of having to move INF or recipes around using a trustworthy friend and the Trade window.
  24. Email attachments are cross-shard. They can be sent and picked up by any character on your account for EMPS, and by any character belonging to anyone for INF.
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