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Everything posted by Coyotedancer

  1. If there was ever a thing that would make me shake a tiny fist at heaven... that would be it. Unless it was so "optional" that I'd have to jump through flaming hoops to enable it, anyway. Not having god-awful voice acting outside of that one bit of the "new" Galaxy tutorial is a Good Thing. 😝
  2. I have a Thugs/Thermal MM over on Paragon named Torch Singer... A foxy lady in an evening gown. IC, the boys are her band. (They're all named after jazz musicians-)
  3. Hmm. I know you can easily move through Mastermind pets now, but does that apply to all the other pets as well? I haven't specifically or carefully tested it, mind... but I swear my Brute got blocked in office map doorways a couple of times yesterday by our Dominator's big stone pet and his patron-summon Mu Guardian. 😖 (I mean, maaaaybe Semnai was actually caught on the not-yet-evaporated bodies of defeated goons on those maps, but said-goons were all human-scale mobs rather than giant warcry mechs or any of the other oversized "usual suspects" for that kind of thing, so I have some doubts. If we run with that pair again today, I'll have to take a closer look at that. )
  4. Honestly? I didn't. After about a year of off and on attempts with various characters, I finally admitted the obvious... That that sort of public roleplaying just wasn't meant for me... and I've stuck to casual RP mission teams ever since. *THAT* has been great fun. Even with a character as socially out of his depth as Arte. 👍
  5. Although you should be mindful that that may backfire, making you a perpetual piece of scenery rather than an active participant in the group. (Says the person who plays Artemian. The quietest, most socially skittish guy in the entire history of shy player characters. 😝 )
  6. I'm 51, but sometimes feel a lot older. 😝
  7. Sometimes a game is just a game... A passtime that you enjoy for its own sake, rather than a monumental undertaking that requires deep personal reflection, endless navel-gazing or pages of philosophical debate.
  8. I still have my copy of the old FASA game, too. I haven't played it in decades, but it's still over there on the gaming shelf.
  9. Interesting... My university gaming crew had some good fun with the old FASA tabletop game way-back-when. I wonder if any of them are looking at this and grinning over it. I can imagine a few of them are.
  10. I'd be afraid of getting attached to my potential Frankensalad character... It would make me sad when they got deleted. 😥
  11. There's another server out there... I want to say it was called Rebirth, or something like-... that runs a version closer to "old school" City. 'No clue which issue they're on, or what the population is like. I've been content with Homecoming, so haven't gone exploring myself.
  12. I'd say relatively frequent small gifts, scattered widely, rather than larger, individual ones are the way to go. Like someone's bio? Toss a Superpack at them. 'Notice they don't have any fun procs or specials listed on their powers tab? Give them an attuned one. Kismet +Acc and Reticle +Per are my favorites for that. Hold a regular costume contest, trivia contest or scavenger hunt with modest prizes. There are all kinds of ways to be generous without drowning someone in a pile of raw INF.
  13. That matches my experiences on Ev. Even the missions teams that aren't pitched as roleplay teams tend to be pretty chatty, and are typically fairly laid-back in terms of speed and difficulty setting. I would warn DocZ of one thing, though, that was mentioned up-thread. There are a fair number of us on Everlasting who like to exemplar. His odds of ending up on one of those mid-level teams with an exemp-ed level 50 character or two is fairly high, and he expressed some reluctance about that. No one is going to be throwing around iPowers when they're running with a level 35 group, but between having finished, potentially attuned IO builds and an available extra power or two compared to the natural level 35s in the group they might still fall into "overpowered" territory for him.
  14. This. Often being the one playing the Rogue, I've had this happen a fair few times. Zoning doesn't always fix the problem, unfortunately. (When people ask me *why* I have two identical versions of my main... one a Rogue and the other a Hero... I tell them that getting around this problem is the reason. It happened to Rogue!Kai that often. 😫 )
  15. The punsters of Everlasting are SLACKING... How do I know that? I just got Swole Mage, Mystical Gym-bro 😆
  16. Great. Now I want to build a Swolemage. *facepalms* ETA: Annnnd... yeah. He exists now. And I blame EVERYONE ELSE ON EVERLASTING, because no one else had taken the name. Slackers! 😝
  17. *is still waiting more-or-less patiently for her lady-mages to get the Circle bits that were added for the guys awhile back* *is starting to lose hope* *has a sad*
  18. Boats on banana paper. (What? I love the messed-up portal scientists missions. 😝 )
  19. The assumed-+4/x8 thing seems to come mostly from our semi-regular "This game is too easy!/This game has no challenge!/Nerf all the things!"-threads, I suspect. A lot of the people who grump about the game being trivially easy even at current high settings do regularly seem to run at that level. Occasional assumptions are made that their mode of play is "typical" for Homecoming players at large... even though I don't think it's really as common as some forum regulars, power-builders and MIDS Gurus may think.
  20. Some of that is a reflection of how much less messed up the in-game economy of Homecoming is compared to the ridiculousness of the Live days... No one here is selling PvP IO recipes for more than the INF cap, for instance. It takes a lot less to equip a character well on Homecoming than it did back then,
  21. Frequent Red-sider on Everlasting, here.... but I'm not useful for anyone who likes full teams. I tend towards solo/duo or 3-4 member small teams. It's rare for me to live the rogue life with eight.
  22. I never noticed many people using the LFG tool on Everlasting, honestly. But then, few of us ever used it back in the Liberty days, either... Most people seem to form groups from their Friends lists, or by posting to one of the chat channels or the Looking for Group chat tab. If you're forming there, just a simple "Kill-most (or all) X-level Mission team LF(however many people you want). No lvl 50s pls. PST to join." ought to get your point across and set expectations.
  23. That's pretty cool, Z. I've still never managed to get a Warshade past 40. They're my "final frontier", between the Live days, Paragon and here.
  24. Yep. My own support characters among them. (They're all fully-equipped 50+ characters... just because all of my characters are... but were purpose-built to run with mid-level teams. I rarely play them at 50.) So, yeah. If you're putting together a mid-level team on Everlasting, do be sure to mention in your LFG post that you don't want any higher-level types tagging along to spoil your fun. That way those of us who like to spend time exemplared will know to avoid them.
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