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Everything posted by Coyotedancer

  1. Welcome to the often fun, sometimes frustrating, but always entertaining world of "building a Unicorn". 😄 Quite a few of us took up that challenge. ... Which is one of the reasons we want to see an updated list. To see just HOW MANY of us managed to build and level those "What, there are none/very few of this?!"-types.
  2. They have a questionable reputation, especially among power-gaming folks who tend to be on the lookout for "the best" of whatever character category they want to build. Unfortunately that not-best assessment from the high end has filtered down to become "OMG THESE ALL SUCK" for a lot of people, so... yeah. You're likely to run into Conventional Wisdom that says Sentinels are always poor choice. Personally? I think their current Opportunity mechanics could use some work. Their damage sets are very uneven and often under-tuned. They absolutely do need a balance pass from the dev crew... Assault Rifle needs a whole lot more than just that... But with all that said, they're not terrible as-is or at all an unplayable choice. Some combinations are definitely stronger than others, and you'll never be The Most Dangerous Thing Ever, but on the average City team, not everyone needs to be The Absolute Best to smash a collective hole in the world. I find that where Sentinels really do well *isn't* on a team, though. They're good soloists, and I've had a lot of fun with them in that space. Yes, with the right build any character in the City can solo... But to me at least, these guys actually feel like they were made for it. So, if your buddies keep giving you grief about your supposedly less-than-optimal AT choice, make a Blaster to run with them and take your DP Sent out on their own. They'll be just fine. (I soloed a DP/Energy Sent to 50+ red-side, myself. It was good fun. DP is one of better-done Sentinel primaries.)
  3. If he's always selecting his copy of the mission, and you guys *aren't* advancing the arc and taking/completing the same missions along with him, he's probably slightly ahead because he's getting the "arc bonus" XP at the end of story arcs and you guys aren't. You only get that when your own copy of the arc is complete. The merit rewards for arcs, likewise.
  4. Only one member of the team needs to click on any particular "glowie" object for it to count as a completed mission objective. Once that one person has collected it, no one else can... That's working as intended... But it still counts as a completed objective for everyone on the team. As for the mission itself, like Gourd said, there should be a pop-up asking if you would like to complete your copy of the mission if it's one you and the leader both have. If you click "yes" it should complete and the arc should advance once you talk to your contact again. There's an option to make that mission complete automatic in the Options menu.
  5. If you're running any toggles like Rise to the Challenge, that'll alert the goons, too. NuStealth doesn't shift those toggles to Only Affecting Self the way Invis used to do back-in-the-day. You have to turn those off (or use the new OAS power from P2W-) if you want to sneak around with those kind of aura powers now.
  6. For what it's worth, those of us who had (and reported-) the same problem with the long range teleporter not granting back when it was introduced likely all still have that issue. Looking at Winterlight, for instance, about five minutes ago... She's still sans LRT. In spite of having two different zone accolades.
  7. That sounds ridiculously annoying... Inconsistent movement speeds, with boosts switching off and on at random intervals whenever you're running a map or just crossing a zone? Yikes. No thanks. That just sounds like a recipe for bouncing off of every stray crate and bus stop in the City. "Do-dah-do-dah, off we go running down the stree- *ZOOMPROC*... Yikes! ... *sound of Captain Speedbump crashing into the side of a building*... Ouch. NOT glorious." 😆
  8. In before the Usual Suspects chime in that the answer is "Find a team".... 😝
  9. I went with a proc-heavy Claws/Fire Brute for my "speed farmer".
  10. Can confirm, the Cabal seem to be acting normally when dealing with a flying pack of angry Demons. 👍
  11. Sentinels make great soloists... I tend to think that *THAT* is the "niche" they fill. But I get that more team-oriented players wouldn't be terribly satisfied with that.
  12. I'd argue that trading Siphon for an actual Build Up is one of the things that makes KM *more* attractive on Stalkers than it is on any other melee AT.... But then, I absolutely hated the Siphon mechanic with my KM Scrap and Tanks, so- Yeah.
  13. Sounds like a good excuse to go hunt some Cabal witches...
  14. The new exploration tips are good fun... CoyoteNephew has quickly become a real fan of them. He loves badges. 👍
  15. It all comes down to the RNG being a serious jerk sometimes. 😝
  16. Given that the old closed beta forums from the Live days don't even exist in the Wayback Machine's archives, I'm not sure what "evidence" I could really offer you...
  17. Here's where I go into Once Upon A Time story-mode... I was in the closed beta for Going Rogue, when KM was introduced. I tested the set on a Stalker (She was remade later when GR was released. That was Shade in Shadow, my first Praetorian-) and at the time, the 100% crit rate for Burst when used out of Hide was brought up as a possible bug. We were told that it was not one... That that was working as intended. I want to say it was excused as a trade-off for the set's over-all slow animations and resulting poor DPS, but I may be misremembering that. It was a long, long time ago. I also wish I could remember exactly which of the devs to attribute that statement to, but I only really remember it coming up rather than who was involved in the conversation. So... no. Even way-back-then, it wasn't a bug. It was a feature of the set and always has been. (That's why I thought it was a little odd in the other thread when Mac tried to tell me that this crit rate nerf "didn't happen". 😝) In any case, The Great Standardization Push is probably a foregone conclusion regardless of original intent, so looking at the set in general, and Burst in particular is probably the best route forward. As one of those few, crazy people who actually play the set... My main here is a KM/Bio Stalker, after all... I'd suggest leaving the damage where it is and adding to radius/number of targets a bit. Debuffs also wouldn't be a bad thing. We are, after all, knocking these goons right on their butts from out of nowhere. It wouldn't be inappropriate for that to put them at a disadvantage.
  18. The power itself is the same. What was altered was the powers' % chance to crit when used from Hide. Prior to this standardization, it was higher. It was an indirect nerf, I guess you could say... But it is a noticeable change.
  19. My fingers are crossed for that, yeah. I'm really fond of KM on Stalkers in spite of the set's reputation. (Don't ask me what I think of it on anyone else, though. 😝 )
  20. I'm going to miss my KM stalker's higher chance of getting a crit on Burst when she used it straight out of Hide... Honestly, while I do get the urge to *STANDARDIZE ALL THE THINGS!!* that's not a particularly welcomed nerf to a set that I honestly don't think I've ever seen anyone accuse of being over-powered. But... yeah. There's no real reason to say much about it. Standardization regardless of general performance seems to be A Thing. Maybe the set will get a look at some point to make up for the loss.
  21. It would be nice... Waffles the miniature giant spider needs his name, darn it, 😆
  22. City of Dark Souls... I'm sure that would appeal to somebody, but that "somebody" is about 112% not me. I'm with MT, here. We need new content at all levels, and I'd just as soon see time and effort put into things that are accessible to the largest number of players. UberL33t-only end-game Cheaty McCheaterson boss-fights are just NOT that.
  23. Because screen shots are WHAT I DO... even when I'm not playing around in the City... Seimei, my summoner-of-choice, and his pet dragon, along with my three favorite shikigami. (Dragon-gal in the back is Gozen, guy in the middle is Kiri and the bird-girl in front is Ubu. They're kind-of a wrecking crew. I ❤️ them all.)
  24. Nice! 👍 I admit I've been curious how that one stacked up. I do love a good, smashy giant monster movie.
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