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Everything posted by LaconicLemur

  1. Ok. You're saying put both powers on the same keybind with one power using the powexec_auto command. But you won't be able to use powexec_auto on any other power, such as Hasten.
  2. Isn't powexec_auto usable for only one power, though? So how would you make the keybinds OP is asking for?
  3. Some clarifications / more explicit information based on what I know. .Pigg files are essentially proprietary .zip files which contain sound files (.ogg), texture files (.texture), font files (.ttf), and .bin files which afaik contain either images or text strings and likely a bunch of other game-specific file types. They also contain animation files for all the animations in the game. So afaik, .pigg files contain the visual and sound effect functions of the game. I don't know if they contain (and doubt they do) actual "functions" like defining the effects of say, a snipe power. I highly suspect those functions are housed server-side to avoid players essentially hacking and making themselves OP. The files in the .pigg themselves can be modified. If you place it in the correct /data folder in your local game folder, the game will replace the in-game file with the one in your /data/* folder. That's how sound mods, font mods, texture mods (ex. vidiot maps), etc. work. You can see various examples of these in this sub-forum. AFAIK you can only make *aesthetic mods* client-side. And it will only affect what you see or hear on the screen. No one else in-game will see or hear your mods. All other mods to "make the game work differently", such as tweaking effects of powers, enhancements, or such, are in the server-side folders. You'd have to host your own server to tweak those. I could be wrong, but certainly it seems logical that's how the game is laid out -- client files serve graphics and animations to reduce lag, and server-side owns the data to tell you how much you hit for, or what buffs/debuffs affect you, or your target, etc. There's no real reason why you would modify a .pigg (really a .zip) file. You want to view it so you can figure out the folder structure and filename for any files you decide you want to change (not all sound files are in the same location, for example) in your local /data folder.
  4. 1) I'd recommend using text file binds instead: Create two text files, say "bindT1.txt and "bindT2.txt" in folder, say "C:\CoHBinds". bindT1.txt contains: bindT2.txt contains: Load up CoH and in the chat text box type: /bind_load_file C:\CoHBinds\bindT1.txt The next time you press T, it should execute Power1, and the second time it will execute Power2. It should toggle between the two powers if they are off cooldown. Note you can't do a shortcut and combine the two powers without a text file. (Or you might, but it's not consistent with toggle powers, so I tend to use text files instead) 2) The bind for your original request will execute *anytime* the clicky buffs are ready, so I tend not to use them. But if that's the way you want to go it should look like this (I don't remember why the "null" exists. I think it has to do with turning a toggle power off, in which case you can probably delete it): /bind S "+backward$$powexec_name null$$powexec_name [Power1Name]" (forward, backward, left, right are the movement keywords) 3) If you have click-to-target powers (don't know, I don't play Energy much), you can consider the i25, Homecoming specific command -- "powexec_location": /bind T "powexec_location loc [Power1Name] loc options: me, target, or direction:distance. Direction is 0-360 representing degrees of a circle, distance is 0-max in CoH world units (feet). For example, /bind T "powexec_location target Phantom Army" will drop Phantom army on your target if they are within range. That saves you the click of positioning your power. In my guide linked on my sig is a section on basic keybinds and macros which you also might find helpful.
  5. From my limited understanding of pow_exec, I believe it will de-toggle multiple powers with a single keypress. It will not, however, activate more than one power with a single key press consistently. Also iirc that power_exec reads the functions from right to left -- backwards of reading english. The way to get around this is to use bind_load_file and cycle through two files. So for example: - macro1.txt says macro foo "powexec_name [power1] $$bind_load file "c:\macro2.txt" - macro2.txt says macro foo "powexec_name [power2] $$bind_load file "c:\macro1.txt" To kick off the chain, in CoH chat window type: \bind_load file c:\macro1.txt I know this works for keybinds, but have not tested for a macro button. For example this works: - bind1.txt says L "powexec_name [power1] $$bind_load file "c:\bind2.txt" - bind2.txt says L "powexec_name [power2] $$bind_load file "c:\bind1.txt"
  6. You can also check the old forums: https://web.archive.org/web/20120904103849/http://boards.cityofheroes.com/forumdisplay.php?f=550
  7. Check this forum thread. I have used Pro and 1.6 on Win 10: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/5405-piggviewer/
  8. I've seen 4 pages of arguing. IF you know how the coding is, AND you think there's a lack of documentation, why can't you organise a bunch of volunteers to create the docs? Instead of just sitting here. Seems like there's at least 3-4 people with enough experience to make an actual contribution. Anything you make is INFINITELY better than nothing.
  9. The same "Pay What You Can" monthly model with maybe a $5/month minimum suggested donation. The same business model you have now -- transparent costs, run as a pseudo non-profit. There is no game for me that is worth $13 / month. But I see this game worth $30-$50 per year. I'd happily donate that amount, even if no additional "content" was ever added. The ability to still be able to have volonteers to add content or clean up game code / art / website etc. PAY THE DEVS AND ADMINS FOR THEIR TIME --- but make their work hours be flexible as much as can be agreed upon. This is a game, not a national security job. NO MICROTRANSACTIONS "Content as you go" --- fund big content updates with donations that exceed costs before actually working on it. Post your targets and currents. Make the community responsible for making content happen. Continue engaging the community in determining new content priorities --- but ultimately the decision resides with the Homecoming Team. Make this clear to all. Really want to emphasize how refreshing the current business model is. The rest of mmo world have such crap business models.
  10. Nice. I went a step further and added the options to my custom.mnu file. This makes it available using the custom windows function for all my alts. There's a link in my guide if you're interested.
  11. I'd like to get back to the simpler idea (which I also proposed in the Tank/Brute thread) of adding more difficulty/notoriety levels. Not saying customizable critters are a no-go, but that they are a future iteration for consideration. Also for future consideration is adding the extra difficulty and commensurate rewards for all task forces, regardless of level. (But maybe only accessible if the leader is 50, for example.)
  12. Or maybe the OP thinks there's no point in further responding except to generate more personal attacks and hate directed at them because they are not interested in the types of challenges presented in this thread. You're not helping civil discourse by insinuating there are sinister motives behind their posts. You're entitled to your opinion that the OP is a wanna-be L33t, misogynistic, incel, insecure (and probably racist) nerd who probably lives in a basement with his mother and stalks underaged girls online. But that doesn't make it true. And there's not much I see in this thread to base your opinion on. And honestly, it's rather hateful and rude.
  13. There's two components to Mezz/Status Effect protection for effects like sleep: (1) Magnitude Protection (Mag Prot) and (2) Status Resistance. Mag Prot determines if the Mezz affects you when you get hit. Rune of Protection gives you 90s of Mag 10 status protection (what Pines says, I don't use it myself). Clarion gives you (according to Pine's) ~ 22 seconds of Mag 20 - Mag 30 protection. For reference, one hold application is about Mag 3. Status Resistance helps with both how long you're mezz'd and, I think, to some degree whether the Mezz affects you. According to Pines, Acrobatics provides 7 KB and 2 Kup prot points, and 48.44% Hold Resist. Impervious Skin unique provides 7.5% Status Resist. *I assume* that Hold and Status Resist in this context means pretty much the same. And that sleep is also part of that same effect set. (Holds, Sleeps, Stuns, Confuse, Feared). There is nothing in Pines that says Impervious Skin unique does anything to resist or defend against Psi damage. You also have IO set bonuses that provide Status Resistance. Side note: there's also the "when you get hit" comment -- which means if your Defense is high enough (ballpark 45% for PvE), then you don't worry about the Mezz mechanics because you effectively dodged the hit roll. ParagonWiki has an article on both sleep and Status Protection which is where I'm basing my comments on mechanics. Good luck!
  14. Even if one figures out mathematically the absolute best way to nerf IO's, too many people already expect it to work a certain way. And if one *does* figure out mathematically the absolute best way to nerf IO's, one can probably do something else that improves the system rather than nerfing it.
  15. My fault for bringing something in out of topic. But my social commentary about is risk, not challenge. Challenge is how difficult something is. Risk is the consequence of failure. You can see by how we word our comments that we are talking about two different things. I opine you really mean risk rather than challenge in your OP.
  16. Ok. I'm going to ignore the weirdly emotional turn of events since I last posted and focus on the additional info you gave us. If I hear you correctly (odd turn of phrase, that), you want something where you can really "lose". For example, if there was some content that if you died, you would lose one slotted enhancement which takes a year to replace. Or; the classic example of "Leeroyyyy Jenkins". I don't think, even with everything posted on this thread, that there is such a challenge in CoH currently. I"d really have to rack my brain to think of one. It's not a game built for that in its current form. I see the open-world MMO survival games as more in line with that kind of challenge rather than this one. It's interesting how you say it comes from playing board games as a kid. Because I can see how as a kid, one doesn't really look past the end of the current game. Encouraging feelings of risk like that is a bit of a contradiction in how the (developed) world operates now in general when it comes to entertainment, and to some extent society as a whole.
  17. Out of curiosity and perhaps to try -- what challenging games are you referring to?
  18. I think what you mean to say, is: "What are options *that fit me* for challenging content? So you need to tell us why earning SG prestige was important to you. Is it about pointing to the SG Registry and saying "Me and my crew are #1" and all that means and feels? Was it about having a common goal for your SG mates? Was it about contributing to a common SG cause? Or is it about group-based challenges that need group coordination? Your OP paints too broad a brush to be solvable. Alternately, maybe this incarnation of the game is no longer for you. I'm optimistic that people can creatively find ways to enjoy the same game in a different way, but YMMV. And if you're genuinely asking for options, you need to be both more flexible and specific.
  19. There are some other options. I take Acrobatics (ok, not great). There's also the Impervious Skin Status IO unique (resistance set). You could slot it in Tough in the Fighting pool power, or Rune of Protection in the Sorcery pool.
  20. Thanks for the suggestions -- added them to the guide! The link to ParagonWiki says the window name is "Pet". Unfortunately I don't play much with pets so I haven't tested it.
  21. If you own the base, the passcode is easy enough to set: /sg_passcode [word] Added -- nice find!
  22. I use the same concept to bind a (mashable) key to convert inspirations to reds instead of using macros. For example this is close to what I use, given " ] " is my bound key for converting reds: In my binds directory, I have a folder "MakeReds" and the text files below: Then login to CoH. Type in: "/bind_load_file D:\CoHbinds\MakeReds\smallRed.txt" to start the cycle. If you had 3 small non-red insps, you should see them combine. Now, every time I type " ] " it will cycle through and make red insps. It's kind of fun because sometimes I'll have to mash it repeatedly to make the insp I want. And oddly satisfying when it does. Thanks to @The Philotic Knight for the original post on the archives on how to use .txt files to cycle powers.
  23. I wanted to update my Custom Menu window (screenshot here) and realized both your info and Healix's were not quite what I did to create my custom window menu. Replying to your post so I can link it from my guide. Here are the steps to create a "PopMenuTest" window: (1) With CoH closed, in your CoH Tequila data folder, make sure you have sub-folders for the following path: \TequilaCoH\data\texts\English\Menus *AND* \data\customwindows (2) In the \TequilaCoH\data\texts\English\Menus folder, create a text file "PopMenuTest.mnu" (3) Using Notepad, edit the .mnu file according to what commands you want in the menu. Make sure you NAME THE MAIN MENU the SAME NAME AS THE FILENAME. An example below: Code: (4) Login to CoH. Create a macro called Window: "/macro Window "popmenu PopMenuTest" --> this has to be the same name as the filename of your .mnu file in the \TequilaCoH\data\texts\English\Menus (5) Type in the command " /customwindow PopMenuTest" --> This will create a menu window on the top left of your screen. Sometimes the Target window will block it. Click on it to expand. (6) Drag your Macro "Window" onto the "New Command" text bar. --> This will add your popmenu macro to the custom window. (7) Check the folder \data\customwindows --> there should be a file there titled "custom.window" that was generated by CoH. Note: in the original discussion, it was recommended that instead of step #6 dragging the macro button, was to edit the custom.window file directly. I found that wouldn't work if I didn't have the macro. So I just created the macro and dragged it over. Your final window should look like this. Note: if you try to execute powers you don't own, they won't trigger.
  24. I think my List of Thematic Powers by Archetype should fit under the: III. Archetypes, Powersets, Powers and Builds > Specific Powers & Character Concepts > and either Powers used by Several ATs or Character Concepts.
  25. I built my base using the above ground, "outdoor" method and there you can have a *lot* of vertical space. Even more if you decide to build "below ground" like the space station someone posted in another thread. The "outdoor" method is posted in Kat's stickied FAQ, iirc.
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