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Everything posted by FoulVileTerror

  1. Well, THIS isn't Atlas Park. I don't recall seeing these window textures previously. Was I just unobservant last year?
  2. Well now, more like 39. At least 10% of the posts here are from others' perspectives.
  3. I've added an in-game Global Channel to help with organizing this event. /chanjoin TorT Short for "Trick or Treat"
  4. I use: SHIFT+F11 "+screenshotui$$screenshot$$-screenshotui" It gets me two screenshots each time I press it, one with UI and one without.
  5. "If I can do it, anyone can" is a pretty massive fallacy.
  6. Much and many of this kind of Quality of Life improvement yes please okay thanks!
  7. I read "skinless" to mean a more anatomically correct version of: or (courtesy of @Bill Z Bubba)
  8. While I don't have a Group for you, I would just like to say: Welcome Home! Best of luck in your search! If you're not already in the OOC and RP Global Channels, you may find it worth a try to ask about this in the OOC Channel too.
  9. Imagination Time! Say there's a game feature you've been eager for since the yesteryears of Legacy/Retail. You've been told "no" and "no, again" with reasons ranging from "it can't work," to "it won't work," to "I don't want it," to "I don't understand what you're asking." And then, during beta testing, you uncover an unintentional bug which appears to replicate the very feature you've long desired. All the testing you've done suggests it's stable. You've looked around, done some research, got some others to try to reproduce it; and ultimately you've found a loophole that will give you something you've desired for ages . . . maybe. If you don't report it, it might get through to Live. Would you stay quiet, or file the report? If you stay quiet, how severe does the bug have to be before you change your mind? Where do you draw the line? How badly would you need to want something before taking the risk of not reporting it? Purely theoretical. Feel free to imagine any kind of bug or scenarios you like for this. I'm mostly curious to see what aspects of the game people attribute personal value to, and where they feel that personal value potentially outweighs the rest of the multiplayer experience.
  10. I can't recall all the details, Doc, and I'm not sure if it's the same thing Glaci is talking about, but Zoning can sometimes get corrupted and do things like deposit you in (for example) a Tutorial Zone.
  11. Any details on what sort of adjustments they are? Geometry? Spawn locations? Trigger zones?
  12. I've also heard of it called "The Duck Walk." And yes, @EmmySky. They are appropriate. Deep down, one of the key members of the art staff for at least the periods between Issue 0 and Issue 7 was encouragingly kinky. I am deeply thankful for their contributions.
  13. It's come up a few times, but something of that nature is currently out of reach. The tools to develop entirely new animated 3D assets appear to be missing from every bootleg team right now.
  14. Right. Thanks for that, @Twisted Toon. Now I have to go listen to the Best of Deep Purple Live album. Again.
  15. Ok . . . I think she's just mocking us now:
  16. ALTHOUGH . . . what if it -is- an NPC of another player? Do a Bank Heist, then upon Exit get a dialogue option giving you the choice as to whether or not the likeness of your Villain gets used in the next Hero's Safeguard as an NPC with the Dopple-script tied to it. Likewise for Heroside. It would be asynchronous, but it would definitely expand on the potential variety of threats in Mayhems/Safeguards.
  17. Sorry for not cross-posting in this thread. Yes; the Beta Shard is now operational again for me.
  18. So, I just walked in on this scene:
  19. Well, there are a few. @Luminara . . . you wanna post -that picture- again? But, yeah. I'm all for more nipples!
  20. More or less of them, @Bill Z Bubba?
  21. There aren't any bears in-game, so naturally the Regeneration / Energy Melee Tanker wasn't riding one. The player was riding the bear.
  22. I don't see it get brought up a lot, but there is another aspect to all of this which might explain why you don't see Homecoming using everything posted to OuroDev: Credit and Ownership. Well, yes, duh. ncsoft owns the rights to City of Heroes, but I meant all that additional work that the fans have done since then. Some of them share it freely! However, some have asked for certain concessions be made if you intend to use their work. While it might seem to be a small thing to ignore that, especially given the pirated nature of the whole affair, I don't except the Homecoming Team to run roughshod over that. If they don't want to meet those concessions, I doubt they would just up and steal something (or at least I -hope- that's the case). And then there's the possibility that the Homecoming Team want to be the ones who can put their names to their work (you know; IF they could actually put their names to it without risking legal backlash). I expect the Homecoming Team would rather just give anything not made internally a pass. To be clear; not defending the choices, or condemning them. It's too nuanced a situation for me to make a call one way or the other; especially without more factual details.
  23. I would be super careful about trying to not take away anything someone might love. As dated as the graphics are, I think the aesthetics are much too subjective and personal a thing to go tampering with. Offering textures and models with increased graphic fidelity would definitely be nice, but I'd be sure to make it optional. Hell! If possible, I would have two entirely separate clients programs; one with the improved graphics engine, and one with the classic. Yes, that would double all the work for any new visual assets which would appear different between the two programs, but I'm just crazy enough to do that kind of thing.
  24. I've had a few people contact me in private as well, just so folks know that there's additional interest in this. However, so far most people have been donating Inf. What we'll also need are boots on the ground; players willing to hand out the goodies to the trick or treaters. Even if you personally can't dedicate that kind of time, please reach out to your friends and fellow players. See if there's anyone out there who would be willing to donate their time on the given day(s)/night(s) to make this all happen. Thank you!
  25. Ok . . . why aren't my squiddies changing colour like that?
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