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Everything posted by FoulVileTerror

  1. @Greycat brings up a good point. Perhaps the caveat should be highlighted with a different colour to really draw people's attention to it. It pays to emphasize that things are still in a state of eternal change.
  2. Ganger Mastermind is the clear Set choice for the character, but what about Illusion Control for the dopples? And just like in real life, there's only so long a boy band can survive before a newer, younger, more heart-throb-inducing bunch of boys take its place. Sounds like a good roleplay story could be woven out of this.
  3. It was also one of the most contentious Inherents when it was introduced. I still remember the forum threads about it.
  4. Or is it?
  5. Giant Freakshow, who has incorporated slot machines in to its/her/their/his body.
  6. You might notice this with some of the P2W Vendors too. I believe there's one model which all of the vendors call upon for their "chat portrait" regardless of what the NPC standing in zone looks like.
  7. Welcome Home! And, if you haven't already chosen a Shard (although Shard Transfers are free and replenish weekly), here's a little blurb about each: Everlasting - Officially Unofficial Roleplay Shard. Sports the highest Redside population. Indomitable - Officially Unofficial PvP Shard. Same rules as any Shard, but PvP players tend to congregate here. Reunion - Official European Shard. It's based out of Germany, while all the other Shards on Homecoming are based in a server clutser based out of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Torchbearer - The original Homecoming Shard. It's where it all began. Excelsior - Most populous Shard. If you were a fan of Freedom back during Retail/Legacy, then this one might be your speed. There are also Aeon and Brainstorm, the Beta Shards where "cheat" debug commands are expressly activated, but characters are subject to deletion without notice. I believe we also occasionally have a couple of Release Test Shards when the time comes, though I can't remember their names off the top of my head. You can access these by changing your Manifest file to: https://manifest.cohcc.gg/testing.xml
  8. What's the longest cooldown of any of your powers? What's the average? If you're shaving off 30 seconds from a Tier 9 that you use all the time, hey! That's not bad. If all you're doing is shaving 0.3 seconds off a bunch of quick-cast Powers . . . eeeehhh . . .
  9. Apparently . . . Still at it.
  10. I'd propose that the next step of Incarnate-level Threats be introduced first. Then, after that, introduce the step after that! -ONLY THEN- would I introduce the next wave of player Incarnate Powers. Always keep one level of undefeatable threat looming in the background. Players can throw themselves at if if they'd like, but give them plenty of warning that it's the threat that's presently beyond their power. -Maybe- you'll get some dedicated teams who manage to pull it off on occasion, but really . . . doesn't that just add to the mystique of it all?
  11. The -real- problem is: What's up with all the Defeat Alls in the Levels 5 to 10 range of Redside? And they ain't small maps either! But, yeah. If you continue to have problems with that mission, ask around on your Shard's Help or LFG channels. Someone might be able to pitch in and help track down the stragglers.
  12. I ain't touching that pineapple's corpse, thankyouverymuch!
  13. Send me your Inf, @EmmySky, and I'll send you my butterscotch pudding.
  14. Spouse wants to go out for dinner tomorrow night. Sorry; doesn't look like I'll be able to do the housing for you folks this time. Good luck!
  15. Yeah . . . I mean, avoiding any real-world analogies, as I recall Arachnos is expressly stated to have insiders with the United Nations and all the nuclear powers in the world. Probably have people in the governments of several other nations as well. Not to mention that -using- nukes is a bad time for lots of people, not just the ones you're targeting, and the civilians which Recluse undoubtedly holds hostage. Hell, with the controversy surrounding Longbow, Arachnos apologists probably propose that the U.N. has already violated their own regulations in allowing Longbow to invade and set up an occupational force. Recluse probably even allows Longbow to remain a 'threat' to further his own aims and gain sympathy on a global stage. In a setting where people can leap tall buildings, the sociopolitical layout of the Etoiles versus the rest of the world aren't that difficult to justify.
  16. Not opera, but one of my all-time favourite pieces (and an incredible rendition of it in this particular recording): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_W4PJUOeVYw Buuuuuut back on topic: It's true that a lot of VOIP software offer users the power to mute individual users, or even tweak volume levels on a per user basis . . . but that doesn't solve problems like people making really uncomfortable sounds between moments of speech. I use Teamspeak pretty extensively for my virtual tabletop roleplaying games. Some of my peers record our sessions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sm7nmDMdjAo As an example, the guy who recorded this session constantly burps and coughs during some of the recordings. It's not some silly excuse when someone says they don't want to be subjected to that; it's a legitimate concern. As are all of there personal reasons, frankly. Personal preferences are valid by their very nature of being -personal.-
  17. I thought you meant the browser at first, @Coyotedancer. But, uh . . . well . . . maybe not Cosi Fan Tutte, but Duo des Fleurs instead?
  18. 0% Not that the criteria for completion would have anything to do with level and Incarnate content for me anyway. I'm here to enjoy myself, and none of my characters are done yet as far as that's considered.
  19. I've been struggling to find a way to summarize my thoughts on this subject for a while, but @Burnt Toast has certainly hit a few nails on their heads, I think. In the other thread(s), people come to the defense of the silence with statements along the lines of protecting the devs from criticism and protecting the players/fans from disappoint. Clearly that isn't the case. Criticisms are still being levelled, and disappoint is still occurring. So . . . can we change gears a little? Whichever Devs or core Team members want to address this: What would it take from the community to make you feel comfortable raising the bar for communication and clarity when it comes to your design philosophies and plans? How can we make this work?
  20. There's also a wealth of research suggesting that physical actions and activities can alter our emotional states. Such as forcing someone to smile with a popsicle stick causing them to have an oddly more favourable demeanour. I don't know if it's -valid- research, mind you . . . but it seems to keep cropping up, so there may be something to the suggestion that you could potentially alter your mood without even resorting to chemicals.
  21. Nah. My spouse watches 'em like crazy. They're pretty good! I'm just straight-up letting Replacement know that I do stuff like that myself sometimes, but avoid it here specifically.
  22. I hold the stance that roleplay of that nature requires consent. Smacktalk is often performed without consent, or even regard, for the people on the receiving end. Placing a moratorium on smacktalk as a community, outside of those who you have a personal rapport with, might be helpful to your cause.
  23. I appreciate your reply here, @Jimmy, other than one seriously contentious point: "This is a comic book game." But that's not really the topic of this particular thread . . . so, mayhaps I should get around to my fourth attempt at composing my thoughts on that subject. In any event; thanks for taking the time to provide your message regarding the sensitive matter brought up here!
  24. Has the team discussed chunking Page 6 up and getting the stuff that's in the best position out now, and delaying other stuff until Page 7?
  25. One of the other points which seems to show up a bit in this thread, but hasn't been explicitly stated: It sounds like some players would try PvP if PvPers did a better job of policing their own community when it comes to toxicity. Not saying that's necessarily fair or reasonable (but maybe it is; requires more thought, at least), but I'm definitely getting the impression that some players here feel that way. Am I way off the mark?
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