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Everything posted by Herotu

  1. The old tropes are black, red, purple and green for baddies. WARNING: This website will eat all your time: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvilWearsBlack Also: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GoodColorsEvilColors
  2. This is a bit off-topic, but I'm finding that most of the time I want to Frankenslot at lower levels to boost Recharge/Acc/Dam on all my characters. At later levels I CBA changing and at end game, your set bonuses only work for level 48, 49 and 50 anyway, so I'm starting to wonder... What's the point in set bonuses, really?
  3. No. An Anchor skill is a debuff that sits on one enemy and affects enemies around them. it's the main reason I don't like Controllers in general, but I'd like to get over that hurdle.
  4. As the title says, I hate the playstyle of dumping an anchor on a foe. These skills recharge SUPER SLOWLY, and I need to refresh the anchor so often because mostly the foe is dead quickly. I'm someone who values efficiency, so in my mind it is a huge waste to put this precious effect on an enemy and that enemy to die quickly. So that's why I don't like Anchor playstyle. "I don't care what you don't like", I hear you say, and that's fair enough, crack on. What I wonder, though, is, and finally I get to the point (too late); What Controllery powersets should I consider if I don't want to use Anchors? (should I just skip those powers, will I be looked down upon by my peers?)
  5. It's slow, but it's old. /shrug. What's new?
  6. I can't launch this program, I get this window: MissingMethodException Method not found '!!0[] System.Array.Empty()'. ...with an OK box. Upon clicking OK, I get this window: Hero Designer.exe - Application Error The exception unknown software exception (0xe0434352) occurred in the application at location 0xfd51be0d. I get the impression I'm doing something really super basic wrong. What is it?
  7. Check out the Trivia section ... https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Positron_(Developer)
  8. I made this Costume (inspired by an image I found on DeviantArt), I was considering doing a Mercs/Radiation MM with it (what else would work?!). Is Mercs/Rad viable or gimped? [is this how the game should be? Maybe there should be different functional variations of the same power themes?
  9. Honestly, it just feels like a logical extension to the current stuff, filling the gaps in power proliferation, you know? Like some kind of Firearms secondary for masterminds, the nearest they can get to something mundane is Traps or Trick Arrow. Gravity lacks a Blasting variant, as does Illusion (I don't know what on Earth that might be, but it might not be of ... the Earth). Of these I like the idea of Gravity's Propel being expanded to a full set of powers! There may be too many objects for the computer to handle if we're all doing that, tho...?
  10. This is an interesting idea, too! I'd not thought of that, but it would maybe be treading on controllers' toes a little?
  11. Not Rock music. I know, lots of disappointment. Instead, literally lobbing rocks. So I think we have all the animations we need for Hurling rocks. Would it be possible to turn them into a Blaster/Corrupter Primary?
  12. Fleetwood Mac did plenty of Lines. It's well documented... but at the time it was a Rumour, I guess.
  13. As I said before, "whatever",. it's my thread! 😉
  14. Off-topic, but I'm the OP so ... whatever, here is ANOTHER exciting, upcoming thing, maybe.... https://massivelyop.com/2020/03/09/city-of-heroes-homecoming-introduces-asymmetrical-gloves-and-boots-options-to-the-pts/ I'm super excited because I love asymmetry.
  15. This. I'm amazed that so few europeans get Superhero culture, even after a gazillion Avengers films. We're way, way, way-hay-hay behind on the accepting nerds thing, though, so that's probably why.
  16. These are features that never made it to release but were discussed on Paragonwiki Experimentation Force of Will -Implemented in Homecoming! Gadgetry Utility Belt It also seems that something called "Wind Control" is in Mids Reborn character planner, whatever that might be. Should we be stocking up on fart jokes? Who knows anything about this stuff? Please tell us what you know!
  17. There seems to be a bug that was introduced last year. When I look at someone else's badges (INFO panel), hovering over them, when the badge enlarges and the name underneath it appears, there seems to be a dark box that appears over the name.
  18. Well you could have renamed it Armed Wombat... hang on... was he even a Wombat? I don't remember that option in the character creator...
  19. aaaaand make it a permanent item? 😉
  20. I'd like to make my thugs into 1960s Batman TV show-style goons!
  21. ^^ sorry, doing the old necro thing for this qft. Pretty please with chocolate sprinkles a flake, raspberry sauce and a big pork pie can we have a general change to all knockback that gives damage depending on distance knocked (or mag, if it's the same thing)?
  22. Whatever happened to my beautiful thread?!!
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