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Everything posted by MunkiLord

  1. I think it'd be fun if the system rounded the numbers at random points in the defensive calculation and to different decimal places. And the points of rounding changed every time you zoned. Things could get interesting. And sometimes all the numbers would round up, other times they all round down. Glorious chaos.
  2. So apparently this also tracks how many times you've been on top of the Atlas Statue, which is nice because that is where I moved my market character after getting all the day job badges.
  3. I feel you on that. My first 50 here on HC is pretty much retired and my marketing character at this point. When I look at her build now, it's just bad or mediocre at best for high end usage. Every once in a while someone will be searching for Elec/SD Scrapper builds and I'll get a message asking me questions or my thoughts. I don't even share that build anymore and instead point them to other much better builds lol.
  4. I think Winter IO prices are likely influenced more by sale during the winter event. People loaded up on packs when they were cheap and a lot of the surplus supply has been used or sold or kept in storage. If the same sale happens again this year I expect prices to go down again for a few months.
  5. After checking the AH today I feel that I should raise my prices.
  6. My Tanker definitely has taunt. My Archery Blaster has provoke.
  7. Isn't that just a Scrapper with seven teammates?
  8. Other players not moving faster because they turn off speed boost is something people actually notice and think about?
  9. A null the gull option should lock all powers to mag 0 knockback. That is a reasonable cost for an otherwise free switch that would dramatically alter some powers and a few sets.
  10. I've been playing with dual booting various Linux distros recently(just learning) and I found this very annoying. Today's failed install of Arch Linux caused it to happen to me again. edit: Out of curiousity I searched for this issue specifically with OSX and every single thing I've read has fixed this via Windows registry and doesn't even mention changing anything in OSX.
  11. Too many teammates are control freaks and try to tell others how to play, making it slottable in brawl would make it even easier for the control freaks to try and push people around. There needs to be a cost for such an IO(or toggle) so it is a big ask for those that demand it of other people. It needs to be a burden on leaders that will try and force this on other people.
  12. You're right, the level 50 thing didn't even occur to me. My goal was to make it semi-expensive, not lock people out of using it. Perhaps make it a PvP set?
  13. Good. Forced arbitration clauses are abused to discourage people from holding companies liable. They are bullshit and I look forward to more mass arbitration filings. If that means companies like Patreon go out of business, so be it. They don't get to force people into situations stacked in their favor then cry when people take them up on it. AT&T recently cried about this, oh well. https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20200406/08301344244/corporations-not-happy-innovators-have-hacked-crappy-us-binding-arbitration-system.shtml edit: I'd like to add I know nothing of the individual banned and whether or not these lawsuits have any merit, I'm only commenting on forced arbitration bullshit companies try and pull. It's a system that needs to go away.
  14. I say make it a purple KB set with the the sixth bonus being something small so the people that don't want to use the global proc won't miss out on the best bonuses.
  15. That depends on if you consider the robot character a person or not and if that personhood is more important than the nuts and bolts. But then it gets more complicated when something like Number 5 comes along. Do we recognize this robot as a person with feelings or just a thing that is malfunctioning? And what about Skynet or Agent Smith? Both deemed humans expendable, but since Agent Smith has a human name and a face do we consider that more of a person than the thing that sent Arnold back in time naked?
  16. I'm a few months late on this, but I recently ran across this when dual booting Linux because Linux assumes UTC time and Windows assumes local time. I'm assuming it's the same issue with OSX and it's an easy fix via command line: timedatectl set-local-rtc 1 --adjust-system-clock Source: https://www.howtogeek.com/323390/how-to-fix-windows-and-linux-showing-different-times-when-dual-booting/
  17. 3 defenses, either positional or typed depending on the character Regen Rate Recovery Endurance Consumption To Hit Damage Recharge The last one depends, but generally I'll pick a resist type.
  18. Created a Blaster and named her Blapzilla, within the first week of creation I saw this in the chat during a mission. Blappzilla is on the rampage should be my battle cry, it's just perfect.
  19. Not sure I agree, I see plenty of people not playing Scrappers playing unoptimized builds.
  20. I think it'd be fun if a bunch of market data was dumped on us similar to the AT information. How much total influence, what percentage does the top 1, 5, 10%, etc hold. Average transactions by day, week, month, etc. That would be fun.
  21. I'm not nearly badass enough to pull off a mustache like that. But that is the dream. This is an awesome name and now it belongs to my first Mastermind. A Thugs/Cold, though I'm not married to those powerset choices or even the AT. I just wanted to grab the name.
  22. I believe you can also just go talk to Heather to start her arc, not sure if Alpha has to be unlocked or not via that method.
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