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Everything posted by MunkiLord

  1. If we're using all T4 as finished, then 3 out of 36 for me, perhaps a fourth(not positive). But my Dark/Earth Dom has 9 or 10 T4 Incarnate powers, so maybe she counts a few times?
  2. I've started doing this with most of my builds as well, I only really use Mid's these days for my absolute favorites or when I'm messing around to see what I may want to make next.
  3. But spreadsheets are fun! Also, this is another opportunity to mention we really really need a better respec system so it's easier to just move around a few slots and powers rather than having to do absolutely everything.
  4. My prediction is the ability to bid in stacks of ten thousand so market manipulation is easier.
  5. What's the point of anything on the internet without internet arguments?
  6. If you have the right keyboard you can do something like this. I recently bought a Razer Tarturus Pro and set one of the keys to activate Hasten when not fully pressed and then when fully pressed activate my Destiny power.
  7. To give other archetypes something to aspire to.
  8. Also Super Strength for Scrappers.
  9. Two things: 1. What is Shardtober? 2. Not important, but I initially read this as Shartober and was very confused.
  10. I think you're wrong. People from our hometown are never wrong. Except when they say they are wrong, then they are wrong about being wrong and that's a double negative so it makes them right.
  11. It's my observation that insults here tend to be more subtle/passive aggressive. To where as if a Philadelphia Eagles fan wants to insult you it's pretty direct, they may even throw a battery at you!
  12. If I start getting interviewed when responding to a LFM in chat I don't bother responding again and just move on.
  13. I give up on a character when it bores me. That could be 60 hours or 60 minutes.
  14. Every word of this post is 100% accurate.
  15. It clears your trays, you have to rechoose and reslot every single power. The UI is outdated(that's a nice way of saying terrible) and inefficient. Everything about the experience sucks, the exception being the ability to type /respec to start one. What would be ideal is granular control. Drag and drop power order(staying within the proper leveling rules of course), remove as few or as many slots as you want instead being forced to do every single one, etc.
  16. The respec system. It's terrible.
  17. My reason I don't use it much on my Blasters is because I just don't really think about it much, and when I do I'm too lazy to teleport to AP. It's not an issue very often on my Blasters, but I typically don't push them as hard as I do my Scrappers and Dom. So to sum up, I guess laziness is my reason for not doing it.
  18. This is solid advice. My Dark/Earth Dom went for softcap S/L and high ranged and I ended up with very high energy defenses as well. Most of my Blasters use this build strategy as well.
  19. Tartarus Pro was on sale last week for 80(normally 130) so I picked it up. Been playing Wasteland 3 so haven't had much use for it yet but I'm getting ready to really test it out. What I'm most curious about is how well using different actuation points on the same key to do different things.
  20. I'm betting how the HC team feels about this project going open source doesn't matter at all, I'm going with the assumption that NCSoft will never allow it so long as they hold the rights to the original code. I wouldn't even be surprised if NCSoft were to put some crazy demand like the HC team handing over the copyrights to any code they contribute to the game. That last part would be rather extreme, but we've all likely seen crazier.
  21. Is it open source? I don't recall the source code being available anywhere.
  22. There are Warhammer 40k mods for Crusader Kings 2, so I bet it's just a matter of time before some come out for the newest game.
  23. Been playing Wasteland 3 the past week, backed it on Fig a few years ago. Been loving it. Also have dabbled in Crusdader Kings 3 a bit since it's on XBox Game Pass. Only thing I've done so far is marry off my son and seduce his wife, legitimize my bastards, and then strip my son of his inheritance. He doesn't like me very much. But his wife does!
  24. Every time I see this phrase I can't help but think of Bob Lovell from HMS. Anyone else familiar with these commercials?
  25. I need this to happen, even more than Super Strength for Scrappers.
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