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Everything posted by AboveTheChemist

  1. I finally made it through all the 20-24 arcs with Cerulean Cipher, and leveled him to 25 to start working on the 25-29 arcs. I'm not sure if I've hit every possible story arc I could so far, but I've done most of them. I also did a little organization of the storage racks in the base this evening. I organized the salvage racks a bit and consolidated some of the SO/DO enhancement racks. I didn't take anything out for my use, as I'm trying to adhere to strict self-sufficiency. I also got rid of a few extraneous SO/DO enhancement racks that weren't being used. There is still plenty of SO/DO storage space, but now there is some extra base storage cap space in case other kinds of racks are needed.
  2. That is a great way to farm the masks, and I'll add that there are a couple of missions from Ephram Sha (Ancient Souls and Thinning the Herd, run at -1x1) where this same tactic works well.
  3. Thanks for the update! I took a look at the Power_Missing icon in a hex editor (and compared it to another icon) but nothing jumped out at me, although I could easily have missed something. If I can remember tonight, I'll make a macro with that icon and see if I can replicate the issue. EDIT: I made a macro on Brainstorm using the Power_Missing icon, but did not see any error messages when trying to drag the icon around. I tried this with my custom cursor mod installed and with it uninstalled, but wasn't able to replicate the errors.
  4. Are you running any cursor or power icon mods? The errors look like an issue with the info in the DDS header of a texture. I saw a similar error a few years ago when I was tinkering with some cursor mods, but it was so long ago I don't recall the exact message. The errors I saw were constant though (whenever I moved the mouse) so that isn't consistent with the behavior you saw. Unless there is a specific cursor icon for when something is being dragged (cursor_hand_closed.texture maybe?) that has issues. Does the error occur if you try to drag other power icons?
  5. I do not recall my handle from the Live forums, and even if I did I only posted sporadically so I doubt anyone would remember. I only played the first year or so, from a week or so after initial release to sometime around the launch of Issue 4.
  6. If this is the case then I recommend double-checking that you have CoH Modder pointing to the correct CoH game directory install location. It's fairly common for folks to install the maps to the wrong place. I've confirmed on my end that the published version of Cimerora is up-to-date.
  7. I am right there with you on that. But more often than not I don't pay much attention at all to other folks' costumes, and I assume that other folks also think mine are nothing special. I've received a few random compliments for my bios, but never for my costumes (to the best of my recollection). And I am totally fine with that, because I like how my costumes look and mine is the only opinion I care about on the matter. As far as colors and rules of thumb, I try to stick to 2-3 colors that relate to one another on the color wheel (and I created a wiki page to help with that), with maybe an accent color on 1-2 parts. It mostly depends on the look I am going for, though.
  8. Thank you for letting me know! I have corrected the error, updated the mod in CoH modder, and uploaded the corrected version in the top post. My game client did not appear to give me any errors, nor did I notice any issue with the menu performance. If you don't mind, could you let me know the message you saw in your log file, so I can keep an eye out in the future? Thanks again!
  9. I alluded to the method in the post of mine that you quoted, but in order to implement that method you'd need (at least) these three things: A complete dataset of existing badges (the dataset I made available at this link may suffice, but there are other datasets out there) A settitle keybind file for exporting a character's badges to the game log file (I can link to the one on the Badger site once it gets updated, or there are others out there) A script to parse the chat log, determine the badges a character has, and compare it to the complete dataset to determine which badges are missing There may be other/better methods to determine missing badges, but that's how I'd approach it.
  10. After reading this thread the other day, I specifically tested this to see if it still worked, and it did. With my headphones on, I stood near the glowie and turned for several rotations, and could hear the glowie sound go 'around' me as I turned.
  11. It likely was the spaces in the folder names. I got the original set of binds to work using: 6 "emote none$$cc 0$$pow_exec_slot 6$$bindloadfilesilent "D:\Gaming\City of Heroes\Binds and Macros\costume1.txt"" So the path name is wrapped in quotes (which is required if there are spaces in folders/filenames), and the entire string is wrapped in a second set of quotes. Not that you need it now, but I just wanted to post for posterity for anyone else that might come along. I was going to suggest dropping the 'emote none' but looks like you were way ahead of me there. Relative path names work too, but since yours work fine there's no need, especially since you are well below the 255 character limit. One other command that I found handy was /show_bind <key>. This let me see what was bound to the 6 key when it wasn't working as expected. Glad you got it sorted out!
  12. I have a few ideas, but rather than toss them out here for you to try, I'll try them out on Brainstorm tonight and report back if I can find a way that works.
  13. Check my post at this link for a potential fix to your specific problem. Regarding the other issues that have been posted, I am not sure of the best way to fix them. I am just an end-user like the rest of you and am not involved with the CoH Modder at all. I was able to post that specific fix I linked because I encountered (and fixed) it myself.
  14. No need to do anything on your part, your characters will still be there when you get back. There is no deletion for inactivity, and the name release system is in warning mode only for now so unless the devs decide to elevate that system to active while you are out (which is extremely unlikely), your names should be safe too.
  15. Thank you for the kind words! I am quite happy to hear folks are putting these mods to good use. The optimal paths mod doesn't include every map in vidiotmaps, so for maximum benefit I'd recommend installing both. I'd install vidiotmaps first for the full map set, then the optimal paths to overwrite those zones with an optimal path map. The optimal paths maps use vidiotmaps as their base and shouldn't be any missing vidiotmap data. I tried to layer the optimal path data such that it appears 'beneath' most of the vidiotmap data, but there are some things that may be partially obscured by the paths and/or the halos that I put around the badges/plaques. As long as you don't mind a little bit of data being obscured, then there's no problem leaving the optimal paths mod installed.
  16. It would be helpful if you could post screenshots of the errors you are seeing, like what Blood Speaker posted a few posts up.
  17. This prompted me to check Badger, where I noticed all the badges had acquisition text except for a group of accolade badges. I plan on adding text to those in the next few days, and if I remember correctly you can pull data from the Badger database. If that is still the case you should be able to populate that missing data when I have updated the Badger data.
  18. I agree that costume previews would be useful. Another option for test driving potential costume purchases is the Beta server, where the costume vendors hand out free Prismatic Aether with which costumes can be purchased (at least as of the time of this writing, not sure if that will change in the future).
  19. In that case, have the history badge come with a gladiator badge that relates to one of the enemy groups that ends up populating Kallisti Wharf.
  20. For anyone that wants to test on Beta, here are some badge_grant codes that might help. /badge_grant OuroborosEnabled (Ouroboros access, also available in freebies menu) /badge_grant CimeroraExplorer (access to Cimerora via the exit portal in Ouroboros, no Midnight Squad access) /badge_grant NightWardTour3 (Night Ward exploration badge, also grants Midnight Squad badge for Midnight Squad access) /badge_grant MSMember (Midnight Squad badge for Midnight Squad access)
  21. Updated Atlas Park, Imperial City, Mercy Island, Neutropolis, Nova Praetoria, Perez Park, and Talos Island maps to account for updates to the underlying vidiotmaps. Optimal paths did not change, but some badge/plaque markers were adjusted for accuracy, and the base maps had minor changes. Installation instructions and change log are available in the top post. If anyone notices any issues, please let me know!
  22. The new costumes (and the badges earned from buying costumes) are not anything I am particularly interested in, so I plan to sell any I get for the foreseeable future. I won't rule out the possibility of buying a costume at some point down the road, but it should be easy enough to set aside a modest amount of particles for a costume purchase or two, or simply buy a few particles at the lower future price once the market for them settles.
  23. Sounds like they might have just forgotten to add the zones and badge unlocks to the Fast Travel menu zone checker for Fort Trident and The Crucible. Shameless plug, but there's a 2-for-1 deal on bug fixes because while that one is being fixed, this bug in the same menu could be fixed as well.
  24. Updating this for i27p4. I never got around to updating the emotes page above, but now that there are some new emotes (and some changes to emotes) in i27p4, I'll put the emotes page cleanup back on my to-do list. In the immediate future, I plan to update the new/updated power icons on the Macro image page, either tonight to first thing tomorrow this update is now complete. I updated the settitle listing page a little while ago. I have another couple of smaller wiki update projects (not necessarily related to i27p4) that I'm almost ready to begin working on. One will update the Halloween giant monster spawn maps, and another will (hopefully) improve/standardize how vidiotmaps are linked in the zone info box on the page for each zone. I crudely cobbled together something that worked when I updated that in the early wiki days, but now that I know slightly more I think I can make it better.
  25. The top post has been updated to include the i27p4 badges. If anyone notices any issues with the data please let me know.
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