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Everything posted by GraspingVileTerror

  1. Oh, well, geez! Okay. If we're going to talk about playing under the effects of sleep-deprivation, then now we're talking! Here, hold my . . . my . . . uh Hold my . . . ... . . . What were we doing again?
  2. Seeing how many of you admit to this, suddenly the things going on in General Chat start to make a lot more sense . . . Well, they still don't make sense. There's just context now.
  3. If it's about adding a mechanical purpose to Groups, there are already three big ones I can think of: 1: Bases. HUGE. Probably -the- reason to have a Group. And the best part is, everyone can make them now AND share them publicly! That's been a massive part of the socialization which takes place on Everlasting, though I admit that I don't know enough about the other Shards to speak to the social conduct on them. 2: Finding the "Last Time Played" information. This is something I would really appreciate seeing propagated to the Global Friend List instead, but as it stands, Groups are the only place to get this valuable bit of info right now. 3: SG Mode palette swap. Granted, a more niche perk of Groups, this has still be leveraged to great effect by a number of creative players to make wonderful forms of visual expression. Could we use more? Sure. Rather than trying to reintroduce something which clearly upsets some players due to historic precedent, perhaps it's worthwhile investigating new solutions instead. Just remember that offering suggestions which are inclusive, rather than exclusionary or gate-y, will likely land more favourable interest.
  4. Prestige generation is a vestigial social pressure activity implemented during a time in the game's development when it was thought that it would cause players to play more (and thus pay more over time, amoung other benefits which ultimately was hoped to result in fiscal growth). It was also designed to be an Inf sink, quite likely due to the realization of the Devs just how skewed their in-game reward generation ultimately became. It was also very poorly implemented for its express purpose, frankly. I'm not against having Prestige do something interesting, but re-enabling it at this point (either with or without the Inf penalty) would ultimately just be an "e-peen." Not that people aren't allowed to have e-peens, of course. It's just . . . meh. If Prestige could be used for something (NOT BASE BUILDING! Keep that 100% free, thank you!), I would first want the Devs to very, VERY carefully re-examine the Prestige economy before they switch it back on. As it stands, it's a bag of snakes, each with a can of worms inside of them. There are more risks of social destabilization rather than social growth or interconnectivity in reactivating Prestige at this time. That being said . . . more varied and robust tools built in to the game to enrich socialization through Groups, Coalitions, and (probably the smartest place to focus future efforts) Global Channels is something I wholeheartedly support! A stronger sense of community is more conducive to City's survival at this point than competitive measures, in my opinion.
  5. You are a true savant and scholar, @Telephone.
  6. It could be interesting to have two Spiderlings for every one Tier 1 other Masterminds get. However, it may be complicated to implement something like that due to Bodyguard mode. And normally I like the idea of more content and Power Sets, but an Arachnos Mastermind is kind of very theme-specific. That runs contrary to the general spirit of personal creativity that defines City of Heroes/Villains. And and the Crab Build for Soldiers of Arachnos is kind of already an Arachnos Drone Mastermind . . . aside from those Pets constantly needing to be resummoned (p.i.t.a.). If this were to happen, I wouldn't complain, mind you. I'm just not sure it should necessarily take priority over any of the other Mastermind Primary concepts which have been proposed over the years. I hope my concerns here don't discourage you at all, @Vaylenisme, so please continue to offer your proposals and suggestions in the future!
  7. @Telephone, what do you like on your pizzas?
  8. Just did a play-through of Turok 2 remaster on PC. I'd completed it on N64 back in the day a couple of times, and it was quite the nostalgic romp to do it again. Although, mouse and keyboard was WAY WAY WAY more pleasant than playing on the Trident of Despair. I also reinstalled Raptor: Call of the Shadows, and just sorta do a wave here and there.
  9. Thanks to the Homecoming Team in figuring out a way to get the servers back up despite the technical issues with OVH!
  10. Sooooooo . . . a thought just hit me . . . What a great way to lead off @Mender Derek's Disaster v2.0!
  11. Well, not to undermine anyone who is chomping at the bit to get back in to the game, as I can absolutely appreciate that! But I do want to remind folks to remember to take it easy and remain calm. This isn't the sort of thing to get too worked up over, comparatively speaking. It absolutely sucks when you allocate personal time for the game, and it just so happens that your plans get dashed against the rocky shores of Technical Difficulties. But it's really beyond any of us to effect it. I'd guess that worrying about that isn't going to make anyone feel any better. I also really want to thank two types of heroes who are showing up in this thread (along with the Homecoming Team of volunteers, naturally). The folks who are sharing the official update statements on the official forums on behalf of the Team. Thank you! It's appreciated immensely. Please, continue to do so, as possible. And the folks who are coming up with innovative ways to engage the community in creative and positive activities! Special thanks to @KelvinKole for the offline costume contest! Great idea!
  12. I've been selling Mediums and Larges since the beginning of Homecoming, and typically list all my stuff at 1 just to get rid of it ASAP. The prices have progressively diminished over time. It used to be that Lucks would sell of upwards of 5,000 instantly. Now I see them hitting as low as 50 on occasion. I haven't been able to sell an Insight in about a week. There was a period of time when I have about 70 Bounce Backs just sitting my various characters' auction slots, waiting to go but no demand. The day the Devs add Scrapping/Recycling Recipes for Inspirations and Generic IOs will be a very, very good day.
  13. What's a newspaper? But in all seriousness, if you've already got Calvin and Hobbes, and they don't have Farside, I suppose all that's left is Bloom County. Beyond that? Everything else is generally too Garf for my tastes.
  14. So, as of today, it looks like we've gathered around 18.8 billion Inf. Nice work, folks! Thanks for pulling together!
  15. Last night, around 10pm eastern, I was receiving the little notification blip sounds for a good 45 minutes or so, about one every 15 seconds to 2 minutes. It was driving me nuts trying to figure out what was causing it. Never did find out.
  16. It's likely a matter of wanting to temporarily blot out someone's waves of repeat messages in LFG or the like, @Tahliah. So, if not restoring local ignore, I counter-propose a new option for your consideration, @Bay: /ignore_for_time I don't know how much of a pain something like this may be to implement, but I envision a function which triggers the standard Gignore function, with a timer set in minutes. Once that time elapses, the Gignore is reversed. Naturally, I could see something like that potentially being more work than it's worth, but I figured I'd share the idea and see what you thought.
  17. You mean these? https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/29528-long-lost-cox-comics-rezzed-as-pdfepubs-24-total-promo-i12/
  18. The cap is 15, and it seems that being at the cap can cause some wonkiness. For example, whenever I'm at 15, one of my channels always forgets its custom colours. It might be related.
  19. Be sure that you're hitting "Remove" and not "Leave Channel" button. If you're hitting Remove and it ends up Leaving the Channel, then that's a bug that should be reported.
  20. Indeed! That match where Nigel and Nigel's Friend were the surviving monkeys, and Battoc had bet specifically on those two, AND most of everyone -else- in attendance had bet on Green Team . . . I paid out over 300,000,000 Inf in that round. It was quite the "oof" moment, but I was so appreciative that so many of the attendees opted to donate their winnings back again (updated the ledger in the Pride thread to reflect this). That finale was also amazing! A draw match! It looked like Red was FINALLY going to win one after Green dominated for the latter half of the evening, but silly Thing Kong stood in the Monkey Gas from Darwin's Bane after taking down Nigel. It was epic! A big, BIG thanks again to everyone who attended! I hope each and every one of you had an enjoyable evening, and I look forward to seeing you at future events!
  21. Thanks for the notice, @CrystalDragon! Would you be able to spread the word that we could use some volunteers to do judging duty for the June 26th celebration too, please? We could also use back-up parade marshals, in case the primary parade leaders have any emergency situations that keep them away on the big day. Additionally! The Sharkhead Rikti Monkey Fight Club Mercy Island Pride Parade Fund-Raiser was a huge success tonight! There were some huge payouts to attendees thanks to the random multiplier bonus. But in the end, people came together to contribute over 1,000,000,000 additional Inf! I'll be updating the Ledger post up above momentarily ( https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/29310-pride-in-our-city-2021-a-celebration-with-music-and-contests-on-june-26th/?tab=comments#comment-369314 ).
  22. It's not a green-screen, but I did make a little photo booth in my main base on Everlasting.
  23. Regular Power Trays with Cooldown Timers enabled: The Official Fast Travel Pop-Tray: As players, we now have the capacity to write our own Pop-Trays: (Note: What I made here is a kludge. I couldn't find the correct Power Names of the Accolades for the PowerReady clause in the Pop, so I cheated with a Power from my character's Primary Set.) (Speaking of . . . @AboveTheChemist, @zenblack, and/or @Bopper . . . did any of you get a complete list of names for the PowerReady entries? My search-fu lead me to https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/23372-focused-feedback-travel-updates-base-teleportation-long-range-teleporter-accolade-special-tp-powers/page/37/?tab=comments#comment-288926 but nothing more concrete. Thanks for any help you can provide!)
  24. Do you feel there's room for Sets which have a Single Target Stun or Fear as part of their "Core Mez," @Replacement?
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