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Everything posted by Ironscarlet

  1. Healer Sentinel weird right. Really wanted to play my DP/REGEN. Hated it wasn't good at anything. So I Made it into a nitch style and it worked out quite nicely. Off-Tank, Armored Healer, moderate damage. Can solo +4x8 a tad bit slower than my tank but can heal carry a team. /regen can become a set mule for extra heal sets which make my Rehabilitation Circuit quite strong. 290+AOE hp every 14 sec and 640+ single target every 4 sec. Also running spirit ward to give a absorb shield/HOT. Everything that helps your /regen armor get stronger helps your Heals get stronger. So you become very Tough to kill. Why circuit over warmth because in practice circuit has a quicker animation which make a world of difference. Negative no slow protection. -recharge mobs get annoying. So if anyone wanted to play a hard to kill medic Sent might be that nitch for you. Rad armor wouldn't be bad either just different . Edited 3-12 Perfected rotation added Ward in executioner shot and Entomb in suppressive fire. Giving me a extra abdorb shield every 1/4 shots 200hp+, 2 absorb procs rotating. Also put shifter in lightning field helps with end. Having had both procs go off and with regen abrorb shield, your absorb shield reaches 700+ hp on a 2k hp sentinel combined reaching alittle over 2800hp. Not to bad for a Healer,off tank,proc monster whatever it is.... 😉 Note 3-20 ( League use) After playing in this combo a few weeks, in large league events if you run clarion and Vigor alpha with support hybrid you can do 375 Healing every 14 sec the circuit make this heal Very large even able to chain whole league. I want to say for large events like this it might be one of the top large mass healer in shear distance the heal can travel. Also with this combo your absorb shield in spirit ward is extremely strong. Side not tried Resilient alpha to get absorb up instant healing shield goes to a flat 532.8 at T4 compared to Vigor its at 475 it is not worth it because of the loss of accuracy you loose in not having Vigor. Also when you use Clarion it buff absorb so in league build you run with a 686 absorb shield regen shield around 116+ hp a cycle but clarion buff isn't showing in log but it is working so it might actually be closer to 150+. That sounds great but solo Def is king so Barrier is a must solo. Alternating mobs MOG then Barrier+ melee hybrid no down time between mobs pop a purple once and awhile and you can solo almost all +4x8 mission content. Again this is more of a swiss army knife build, can change from mission tanking, League healing, or just popping shots off with multiple procs going off. If anyone know any other way to get absorb higher pls let me know I am addicted to making it higher.
  2. Your answer lies below...
  3. Just wanted to here everyone BEST and Worst rerolls MY Best Spine/Ice Brute to Spin/Ice Scrapper. Gained better T9 in Bastion and with scrapper ATO and complementary rotation gained a huge damage buff. Became my main by accident. MY Worst Psi/Bio Stalker to Psi/Rad Stalker. Thought I was being smart what I did was overthink. Left a smooth build for a clunky build. Rad armor long cast ruins the rotation. Its not a bad character its just not the best at anything stuck between ST elite play and AOES proc monter a confused combo. That everytime I play it I wasn't to reroll a scrapper version because the small boost from beta decay you loose in stalker will bring all the AOE + proc monster together. Everytime I play the combo I want to cheat on it by rerolling ( thinking no more alt, no more)...….. Whats your Best and Worst?
  4. So reading reddit another server is running Sentinel with no target cap and the players like it. I know HC will never take off target cap but I believe we should go to 16 targets. On top of that rework inherit and some powers in sets For the inherit keep the - res but make it a proc and allow it on all attacks like a normal proc similar to the annihilations - 20% res. Keep Opportunity bar but make it like dominator ramp up click power Make the boost on click gives you 25% damage boost and a small regen and recovery boost. 1.Bigger target cap let sentinel fully use there extra defense 2. Changing -res to a proc like IO keeps team friendly play. 3. Change opportunity bar similar to dominator click power boosting damage and regen and recovery. Making the player build for recharge another option in the mix. When sentinel rework happens there are also powers that need a look Moister absorption needs to get some range Molten embrace needs a look Ice armor absorb shield needs a look.
  5. Correct Below 32 its painful it not going to be a breeze in leveling process like a Demon/Thermal or a Thug/Time. you will have to micro manage with Medic Heal pool which is annoying After 32 it gets better. Zombies Heal themselves giving you time to dish out Medic pool heals and you will have to summon pets a lot less. The next step after 32 will be incrementally better depending on how mush money you have in buying IOs. From 35-50 I Kept in the Fire epic pool for Burns KD in conjunction with my own KD in liquefy and sonic repulse. Alternating Liquify with Bonfire. After 50 when you have all your sets. Everything start to really come together. Pets will be capping at 90% res. You will have a personal choice to go. Tankermind or Mastermind. IMO if you solo more I would go Tankermind if you team I would go for more damage with mastermind because teams move so fast and you will never get the aggro over a Brute or Tank. With the Necro/Sonic Tankermind I went with Ice epic for HP cap, aoe self heal in flash freeze and OS button in Hibernate. The problem you run into is end drain is massive and not as fun to play as my fire epic build. So I reverted back to fire epic. For theme reasons with green fire and green sonic shields it really brings the character together. When you get to incarnate. All remaining holes are fixed with aoe heal def buff in support hybrid etc etc, by then you character Has become a very resilant MM with hard to kill pets massive -res debuffs, lots of KD CC, Team Res shields and CC resist and a mini-nuke in Liquefy. The cons, it is not a great leveling combo it is a late bloomer the main reason for this is the lack of aoe heals that really doesn't get filled till incarnates in conjunction with res cap pets and it will never hit the damage of a Thug/Storm ( not much will) . The pros, compared to other resistant pet combos you don't overcap like Demon/sonic will and you will have the CC resist that a Demon/thermal will not. Everything has a trade off in this game I have learned. When you get to Incarnates a Demon/Thermal would fill CC resistance gap with Clarion why a Necro/Sonic can go Rebirth to fill its lack of AOE Heal and with 90% res cap can go regeneration which makes zombies feel like zombies. The 2 builds I will post below are not leveling builds but what I would recommend is take medic power pool for leveling stay away from fighting or leadership till later levels because the end drain is so bad with sonic. When you get sonic repulse and Bonfire and slot KB > KD IO into them life starts getting a lot easier. While leveling team up it will make the experience easier till you get to lvl35+ Necro/Sonic/Fire Necro/Sonic/Ice
  6. Word on the street... People are using it as a heal base / team cover. Everyone uses SS and SJ travel combo When focused jump in to your team bubble (Dimminsion Shift) safe zone and get topped off. Then re-enter fight. Nitch use if team knows now to use it. Zone not sure It's the size of a dispersion field if you ever played FF if not a tad smaller.
  7. It was last week. Don't worry about shield charge just jump in my Tank Obliteration and scirocco proc which is a relief but could not get Armageddon out of 5 charges. Maybe I just had a bad night of rolls last week. When it comes to spring attack I saw no procs. So there was a bug with spring attack before? Edit So I just jump on test server for Spring Attack it will proc Force feedback which I knew but still cant get any damage proc. Let me know if you have any luck.
  8. For example I originally thought Spring attack took damage procs it allowed me to slot Armageddon, Obliteration, Eradication, and other damage procs. None of them procc'ed. So I was very confused Force feedback proc but no damage proc ever went off. So I asked in Help chat very confused and was told no damage proc work on psuedopets. Went to my Tank with Shield charge Armageddon, and obliteration proc in them which I always believed worked for almost 6 months could not see any proc in combat log even adjusted logs to show pet damage and so forth. Nothing so turn my world upside down last week. I am 100% spring attack would not proc any damage sets. Shield charge I'am still not sure it does a lot of damage but could not see procs maybe its was just regular damage all this time. Oil slick might be a different story, but for the other tele-nuke psuedopets do none of them work with damage procs?
  9. How is that possible when things like spring attack and Shield charge gain no bonus from procs?
  10. Thank you so much for answering my main question. Pseudopets don't proc at all got it .
  11. Need Help... The question I cant find answer to after searching. Do proc IO in powers that loose the set type still work. For example Swap Ammo If you switch the ammo and loose the KB will force feedback not go off.? or If you do not have cryo ammo on do you loose the Impeded swiftness proc (slow set) So does proc go off power activation or secondary effect activation? This is not a PPM question. The question I cant find will a proc go off if there is no secondary effect going off that its set is tied to but allowed to slot.
  12. New changes on beta = amazing .Power transfer IO in leach heals you up or u can put it in the mini nuke. You are going to see alot shield/darks coming out. Bio will be allittle less damage less burst than Shield but trump all other combos. Insane suvivanility because of absorb and regeneration. Both are going to be up there in top achilon
  13. Ice scrapper have stronger damage and two T9 Ice Bastion and Hibernate ( epic pool.) Ice Bastion is a no crash amazing low recharge T9 argulaby one of the top performers that Tanks do not get. For this one case the scrapper is stronger than Tanks for survivability It will also out damage the Tank. The loss of taunt aura in chilling embrace is almost unnoticeable to me. Why, because chilling embrace slow gives you just the amount of time for you to kill. They never get a chance to leave your grip. If survivability and damage is your goal scrapper has both if larger 10 + aoe is your goal tank is it. Last if you want to play Tank play Tank a scrapper is not going to hold aggro like a Tank.
  14. Half of Elec Control is not taking power transfer IO's I do believe this is a bug. Static Field, Paralyzing blast, Gremlins and synaptic overload are not excepting Power Transfer IO set. Also Lightning field looks like it double procs every 3 min nothing major heals are so small it doesn't matter imo did not test it long. Have not tested other IO's besides Power Transfer so might be other new IO end mods aswell. Heal is very potent on long recharge aoe heals recommend trying out regeneration between 50-100% per target for 5-10 sec. To play around with that and comparing balance.
  15. Cough Cough Dark melee changes..... Must be all the static in the air.
  16. 2 Controllers Amping each other up. " You Amp bro" " No you Amp Bro" Aw man just read only for defenders, give controllers some love =P
  17. Earth/Dark is a in-game cheat code imo. Don't wory about getting CC it happened very few times while leveling because mobs are either lockdown by you or they cant hit you so the chances are very low. Once at max level all CC worries evaporate with the correct incarnates. The build I will place below is a good cheat sheet on a proc monster Eath/Dark. It will perma Hasten, Fade and Soul Absorption with powerboost up 1/2 of the time. Soft cap all def, hard cap S/L/Psi resistance and almost Neg. Recharge is at 172.5% without recharge proc going off then it will hits 272.5%. You can adjust proc differently depending on rotation and I still haven't perfected ATO slotting. Eath dark can lockdown 2-3 groups of mobs while cap reg and recovery on your teammates. Also giving 35.5% def effectively turning your whole team into Tanks. FYI Endgame build not leveling build (updated on 3/1/20) PS: The extra stun in Soul Absorption is a cherry on top of the Stalagmite + Howling Twilight (aoe combo stun)
  18. Is Ninja worth it if you can almost cap everything most blaster can cap range but Ninja was the only one I could find to cap melee def, range def and almost cap aoe with IO. 44 % melee def, 46% range def and 38.9 aoe def. Can any other /secondary or combo do that I really tried hard to find something that compared? Coming over from scrapper and tanker really trying to find a tough blaster to play.
  19. I go focus a little more on damage for balance. Here is mine works very well. Solo DA mission all most as fast as my scrapper. Proc out aoe with Tanker proc in ST for AV fights. Build up proc in tactics because it procs the more people you have in group. Build also gives 21% def for teammates . 3030 base HP cap with T9. Def soft cap very good res. Very team friendly, damage and balance.
  20. I am a huge mini maxer but I went broad sword for ( Sith ) theme reasons. All the weapon sets you listed are almost the same damage. Public opinion on Mace is that it's stronger but numbers wise I see no evidence of this and when it comes to smashing or lethal damage they are resisted about the same. Mace does have a very small edge in single target damage. One thing people overlook is Broadsword has a great tier 1 power so for a Tank that really shines because you have to take the tier 1 damage power on a Tank and Broadsword tier 1 called Hack is usable and does almost double the damage of Axe and Mace tier 1 damage power. Build wise I will list the cliff notes on the three but again damage wise they are very close to the same. Broadsword: Has a strong AOE similar in damage to Mace cone. Broadsword also has a cone weaker and narrower than its counterparts but stronger than thier aoe. Also it's main heavy single target attack can strike up to 5 targets in a line but out of all three it has the lowest single target damage. Negative defense on opponent every attack. This set also has parry which will allow you to cap out melee def while leveling. Making you tougher at lower levels making the leveling experience easier. At higher levels due to shield capping def it is not needed. Mace: has a weaker AOE but has a strong and wide cone attack. It also has a highest single target attack of all 3; not by much. Mix of disorients and knockdowns as bonuses. (smashing damage) Axe: is very similar to Mace the aoe is the same and Axe has a slightly stonger cone with slightly weaker single target attack but adds knockdowns to every attack. (Lethal damage) I would say go with what your theme is or visually like the best. Also as a foot note Ice and Fire can wield there own elemental sword for theme reason. Ill post my SD/BS Tank build if you have mid build calculator. The build caps all def and can cap S/L with 60% + N/E/C/F everything else pretty close with out T9 and with T9 caps N/E/C/F. 3030hp regular and caps with T9 to 3460ish. Going all damage incarnate. Really great damage and aggro. Normally solo DA missions all the time, really fast almost as fast as my scrapper. FYI This is a end game build not leveling build. On a side not a week ago I was Tanking a mission and we were all getting lazy and I taunted from long range and stood in place instead of the point sword at opponent animation my character clanked the sword on the shield for 5-10 sec until I used a power. I thought it was really cool animation for a taunt. Anyone else have seen this? Also do other weapon sets do the same?
  21. My 2 cents SR/ is the best leveling Tank it can soft cap def at lvl 18. Yes, lvl 18 soft cap def but at max level it is overshadowed by IO builds. So what is more important leveling or end game to a person?
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