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Everything posted by Hedgefund

  1. I did not say I did the arc's intro, I did the contact's intro, in other words the initial mission they provide. To be specific, what she offered me (and I completed) was this mission, which, as the Wiki page clearly shows, is not part of the "On the Run" story arc https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Janet_Kellum#Investigate_the_Crey_lab That page details the missions that are part of the arc and the missions offered by Kellum that are not part of the arc. I'm emphasizing this point because this shows a fundamental lack of understanding of most contacts and their story arcs. You can look at almost any contact, they'll have a story arc and they'll have a "Missions" section which are not part of any story arc. I showed you Janet Kellum's above. Here are others for you to familiarize yourself with: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Tina_Macintyre has "The Anti-Matter Collision / The Instant Army" and "Missions" which are not part of that arc. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Unai_Kemen has "To Save a Thousand Worlds" and "Missions" which are not part of that arc. I could go on but I'll let you look up other contacts to see. There are some examples that don't follow this pattern, Levantera for one example, all missions are part of her arc. If I do her first mission, then I'm in her arc. Kellum though, has non-arc missions, which I'll say again.
  2. This seems to be an old school hero contact issue, for the most part (I'm sure there are some redside) but let's take Janet Kellum for example. I just did the introductory mission, not a part of any arc, when I went back to turn it in, I choose the "Ask about available missions" option and saw two options, the first the usual hunt, the second option was for the "On the Run" arc. I decided I did not want to take on that arc so I just selected leave. Later when I looked at my contact list I had the story book icon beside Kellum and I was in the arc. So, my suggestion is that you only put someone in the arc when the first mission of an arc is chosen, not when it simply becomes available.
  3. I'd love to see something done about this. I've checked their stats and they have no +percep which has always vexxed me because I always get seen by them even with invis (SS + IO) and it's been vexxing me for years. Glad to see what the reason is at least.
  4. Prior discussion. One of them at least, this comes up every now and then.
  5. Here's my Thugs/Cold getting well in excess of soft cap.
  6. That's correct, you can look at City of Data to see if there's a flag to ignore boosts, such as: The why boils down to, Cold Shield have enhanceable resistance and boosting resists has weird consequences that includes boosting damage. I saw this in action for myself when Fade was affected by PB, my damage would increase. Fade, needless to say, is not affected by boosts now. ETA - oh I didn't see a new page with answers when I posted this. Not gonna delete it though.
  7. Today, with SOs, there is no 1-22 "slog". I'm sure SOs are out of reach to a new player that doesn't know alternate means of inf generation but my latest lowbie blew through those levels, fighting +2 AVs in Faultline, for example. I wasn't even expecting to be able to do that but SOs just are a huge advantage at low levels.
  8. DFB has already been nerfed to give signifcantly lower xp at or around level 20. Limiting the number of runs has already de facto been done.
  9. I'm not motivated to type out a long response so I'm just going to +1 this. I welcome new players, they are important but this is a game for old vets and efforts to attract new players at the expense of the old would be a net negative. All I'm looking for is occasional new content/ new encounters, some powersets, tweaks to underperformers and QoL, QoL, QoL.
  10. Before this last revamp conventional wisdom was that MM pets had an A tier of Bots, Thugs and Demons. Then there was everything else. Actual DPS testing showed that Bots weren't really deserving of being A-tier (no supporting links, sorry), so my non-insider thinking is that only Beasts is even a possibility for a future pass. Having re-played, from the ground up, everything that had a recent revamp but Robots, I have to give a thumbs up to these changes. I'm still incarnating a Ninjas MM and loving the ride. I've t4d a Merc. Both of those were in my "been there/done that" category and I had no intention of ever playing those again but now I'm up for any of them. My new Necro just hit 40, so I still have a lot of time to get to know it better. I think there's pretty good parity among the primaries now.
  11. I see that a dev gave the OP a thumbs up which I take to mean that they acknowledge the problem. I just want to provide additional info, especially since I see folks proposing this is limited to the "stop 30 FB from escaping" mission. I'm doing "Defeat all creatures in cave" (also from Skippy) and about half the minions are NOT giving xp. Here's a snip from the combat log: Note before someone attempts a "well akshully", yes the specter is one of my pets, I just didn't snip cleanly, this shows 3 soldiers defeated, 1 gave rewards, 2 did not.
  12. There's a glaring hole from 30-35 for SFs so this hypothetical new content should be redside. All of the patrons but Ghost Widow have.a lackey with a SF so I propose - The Wretch SF. I'll leave the details to content creators, I suppose a Wretch SF would have to involve CoT at some point but I'm not looking for more missions against them. Maybe one mission and then branch off to the "true enemy".
  13. It "feels like" the display bug is worsening to me. I hear fixing AH would require basically a full overhaul but I, for one, would be willing for an update (page) to be nothing but fixing AH holistically.
  14. There are certainly "small ticket" items that have wide fluctuations. T3 purple insps are subject to "I don't just need it now. I really need it NAO!" demand spikes. I don't set out to make inf with these but I do find I can put an ask price on them well above what the last 5 sales would indicate and it sells next time I log on.
  15. Most everyone I know has a spreadsheet, i certainly do.
  16. There definitely are purple patch considerations for the -res procs. I used a power analyzer with a Merc MM that had Achilles slotted in both the T3 and T2 pets. They applied them very consistently, non-stop practically but depending on which one applied it last the value would be adjusted -1 (for T2) or -2 (for T3). This actually convinced me to stop using Achilles in lower tier pets and use it in my own powers (like Infrigidate or Burst). Damage procs are fine but I don't want unique debuffs to be purple patched to irrelevance (like a T3 pet tagging a mob +3 to me, resulting in a -5 adjustment).
  17. This was disproven with the chart in the 4th post of this very thread. More details here if it helps: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Confuse_(Status_Effect)#Confusion_and_Experience The reality is, your xp is MORE EFFICIENT, with respect to rate of xp earned per unit time, by confusing mobs and hitting them with aoes to get a chunk of damage done. You can't just sit there and let the confused mob attack without you attacking as well.
  18. How dare you, the one inside is Magnum, the coolest detective in tv history. I actually do this trick to switch detectives if I get the Hawaii 5-0 guy initially.
  19. There's a Black Swan mission that's part of Maria Jenkin's arc. If I've done that arc 120 times (and that's no doubt an underestimate) then 120 times she's been in the Death Star for the mission in the arc. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Maria_Jenkins#Meet_up_with_Positron Maria also has Black Swan outside of the arc in a one-off mission https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Maria_Jenkins#Cut_off_Black_Swan's_source_of_power. I rarely do this mission (let's say 5 times) but when I do she's always outside of the spaceship. As mentioned above, a target macro makes this much easier.
  20. To the folks unfamiliar with Rikti infiltrators do the Kelly Uqua arc and read the hints along the way.
  21. The incarnate contact Max's first mission is all PPD. These will be incarnate mobs with higher to-hit and -def to go along with it, so make sure you can take a punch if you up the spawn size significantly. This badge and the Villain badge (1,000 Longbow) seem imposing but I've been with a group where did a good number of mayhems together and with all the ambushes that ensue, you can get both badges surprisingly quick. Bottom line, if I'm lvl 50 looking to get as many PPD as quickly as possible I'd do the Max mission.
  22. Currently, it's nigh impossible for 2 teammates with the same level to run through Striga content with both running the same contact (with one exception). After the initial hunt for Stephanie Peebles, one player will get a mission to waylay robots, the other to save Dr. Francois. Both of those are simply examples, the point is missions will rarely align for Stephanie Peebles (Striga part 1) and Tobias Hansen (Striga part 3). Lars Hansen (Striga part 4) does indeed seem to follow a standard mission chain. I have to confess I don't remember if Long Jack's arc (Striga part 2) can veer off. If you do these arcs from Ouro they do indeed seem to follow the same flow. My suggestion is to have the mission chain "in the wild" follow the same for Ouro.
  23. Just a reminder, this is a rogue, dare I say, illegitimate server. Probably not something a professional journalist wants to admit to publicly.
  24. How is a D-Sync provo an exploit in Benumb? That's the point of them, and frankly the point of Hamis all along. In ye olden days you could save a slot or two on acc or dmg using acc/dmg HOs. That's the same with provos in Fulcrum Shift, Benumb or Heat Exhaustion. Really perplexed at someone finding that to be an exploit.
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