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Burnt Toast

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Everything posted by Burnt Toast

  1. I don't see a need for it. It will end up as just another prompt that is either ignored or...in my case turned off permanently. If people can't be bothered to show a smidge of patience over something that can be; in their minds, so detrimental in the game... then I doubt yet another prompt will solve much. I learned my lesson about lag and the auction house when I bought something for 250 million instead of 25 million. But instead of asking for a volunteer dev team to address a self-imposed problem... I learned from my mistake and adjusted my impatience level.
  2. No thanks. Scrappers can have pets - See mace mastery - see leviathan mastery - see mu mastery - see soul mastery Tanks have blasting powers - see Kinetic Melee (Focused burst) - see Claws (Focus) - see Spines (Throw Spines) - see Artic/Energy/Leviathan/Mace/Mu/Pyre/Soul Mastery Just saying.....
  3. I honestly don't think anything will come of this thread; like 99.9875% of these threads in this section. HC isn't in the habit of nerfing...and yes that's what you all are asking for is a nerf. Just because they said they MAY look at Time doesn't mean they WILL or that even if they do... anything will come from that. HC tends to be more about looking at older sets which are not performing as well as some of the newer sets: Trick Arrow, Force Fields, SR... for example. So while you all can continue to "debate" the issue for endless pages... I will just keep playing my Time characters with and without PBU 🙂
  4. I have two Time characters - A Corruptor and a Controller. Both have capped defense to every positional type - only one uses PBU. My Controller (Grav/Time) went with Psi Mastery for perma Indomitable Will - so that I didn't need to get Clarion for my Destiny. What others also fail to realize is that there is no Defense Debuff Resistance given...so while you may be softcapped - any enemy that can debuff defense will easily knock you way down in numbers. There's a huge difference between raw numbers and those numbers when taken into account for actual gameplay.
  5. Nowhere did they remotely insinuate they speak for anyone but themselves. It's a forum...unless people say otherwise they are giving their personal opinion on a public topic.
  6. I am 1000% against a roadmap. Not because I do not want to know that Power X is planned for a Fall 2020 release, but because I know how a lot of people react to PLANNED road maps that do not meet dates. If they stated Power X was slated for Fall 2020... Come December 1, 2020 when Power X is not in the game a lot of people will complain that HC is not fullfilling their promises, are lazy, don't know what they are doing blah blah blah. I have seen it in many smaller games that provide these roadmaps to appease players. I know players now who complain that HC isn't pushing out wind control, the other power pools etc.. all complaining. You can even find people complaining aboout Electrical Affinity because Power X should have been before it. All a roadmap will do is give ammunition to those who think they know better and who demand too much from a volunteer group of persons who spend countless hours creating and maintaining this game. Why would they tell people what is coming? So the boards can be filled with "They are so slow..they said they are working on this..when when when when???" HC is more transparent than most development teams.... The sense of entitlement is crazy on these boards.
  7. They are already very transparent. Not sure why you think they aren't. What more do you want them to do... tell you every idea they are discussing? That would be an absolute trainwreck and a collosal waste of their time. What SPECIFICALLY do you think they should be communicating more?
  8. And nobody is forcing you to donate or to play on HC - there are other servers out there. Your donation is a choice. If you fail to see the interactions that HC does with the playerbase - that is on you. HC has been and continues to be very involved with the general playerbase. You do know that these are volunteers who spend an enormous amount of their free time to write code/moderate/etc... and engage with the community right? As someone who has donated numerous times - I am quite happy with how much interaction the HC team has with the community - especially when it comes to beta testing etc. HC is actually just as engaging with the playerbase that Paragon - a completely paid staff... was. People all upset because Electrical Affinity is not what they wanted pushed out right now - instead they want this or that - well... wait. There are other things being worked on as well. With a small volunteer team like HC they can only put out so much new stuff at a time. They are not some huge studio with paid staff doing this as their means of income. Using the fact that they rely on donations against them is cheap and disrespectful.
  9. The HC dev team already looks at the forums and takes not of things. The best thing you could do is start a discussion on what exactly should change and why. Now... with that said please be mindful that not all sets do the same damage, same recharge etc... you also have to take into account any secondary modifiers of each set when comparing them... AND ... not all sets are meant to be identical. A good example is fire does more damage than most sets BUT it has no secondary effect except damage - no -def, slow, stun, kb/kd/ku, etc.
  10. War Mace and Battle Axe are pretty much the exact same (Scrapper numbers used): Tier 2 in Battle Axe has a .17 sec less activation time - same base damage Tier 3 in Battle Axe has a .33 sec less activation time - same base damage Tier 5 War Mace has a .6 less sec activation time - and does 44 more base damage Tier 7 War Mace AoE same activation, but does 9 more base damage. Tier 8 Battle Axe same activation but does 33 more base damage Tier 9 cone - same 180 degree arc - same activation - Battle Axe does 20 more base damage Not a huge difference in them really. They both have kb/ku and war mace sometimes has stun instead.
  11. Still looking for the mods that changed all the powerset icons.... I distinctly remember those as well as the inspiration mods which made them look more techy and cool.
  12. No thank you. This would be a TREMENDOUS undertaking with little to no payoff. If anything - more content could be added at incarnate level in DA and via more itrials.
  13. You all know "affinity" means a close connection to... right? So someone who uses Electrical Affinity has... a close connection to electricity and can manipulate it to.. oh I dunno help others. But go ahead and keep "debating" something that isn't going to change (again).
  14. Pretty sure that would be way more coding than simply enabling the combat log on used temps in itrials. Not to mention in a Lamda - it would mean the leader would have to either use all th emolecular acids..or give them to vaious people so they could be used quicker. Just very frustrating when trying to go for a badge and someone uses a temp to spite the rest of the league 😞
  15. And yet plenty of people play the simpler named powersets.... just saying. You could call it Kazoo as long as the powers are fun to play. I think Electric Affinity makes much more sense than 99.9% of the suggested ones here.
  16. Can we please make it so that when someone uses one of the temp powers during a Lambda that the combat log shows who it was? You have people who deliberately sabotage the trial by using one of the temps when trying to get the Lambda Looter badge because they know there is no way to tell who used the power. If there were a way these people could be kicked from the trial if there is another run AND we could use the note system to identify people who think it's fun to sabotage others badge attempts. PLEASE!
  17. Unfortunately I have seen people create "Healers" and I refuse to play with them... Empathy + Medicine Pool + Sorcery (Spirit Ward)... and their tier 1 secondary attack. Even ran into one who had all this PLUS the temporary powers to rez and heal. The entire mission they had healing aura on auto and did nothing but heal... no buffs. So when people say "I'm a healer..." I just shake my head and lose interest in teaming with them.
  18. You said "separating" them. What I am saying is leave things the way they are and create two new ancillary pools - with new powers that could fill your request (Hasten, CJ, Hover, Weave, Tough...for example) and Movement (Fly, Teleport, SJ, SS...for example)... give em fancy new names... and voila... no one has to respec unless they want the new pools...and no one is forced to take two pools if they wanted old school hasten and super speed for example.
  19. Healer.... LOLZ. This isn't WoW. Defenders are modifiers that when played correctly (not as a healer) can make a team amazing. I refuse to pay with "healers" (note that doesn't mean Emp defenders) - healers are people who rock the aura and contribute very little via their secondary powers or their other primary powers (buffs/debuffs). Me and a bunch of friends regularly start/run PUGS on +3 or +4 at all levels. 99.9% of the content in this game does not require any AT. I don't ever seek specific AT's for PUGS/TFs/Trials. (The rare exception is Barracuda SF where you need some -regen or the LGTF where ya need some holds/ranged/melee). Maybe you just play with crappy players? If people don't wanna play at above +0 - it is their loss - look for other players. Join global groups, discords, a SG that runs harder content. And yes I have an Empathy Defender (Emp/Nrg) who is level 50 (Fixxer)... he is not a healer though.. he is a Defender - he utilizes his primary and secondary powers to defend teammates.
  20. So now with your "rearranging" I would need to pick two pools - one for hasten and one for superspeed. Would combat jumping be in with hasten...so if I wanted combat jumping (which isn't a travel power in as much as it is a pool power that offers defense and immob protection) and super jump... again that would be two pools instead of one. Maybe instead of reinventing the wheel - you suggest for two new power pools that offer the ancillary benefits in one and movement options in another. I'm all for more choices, but your proposal actually gives less choices and would create a ton of work for the devs...and a ton of respecs forced on almost everyone. It would be easier on everyone to introduce MORE options in the way of two new pools - than what you suggest.
  21. Many people pick super speed because with one celerity stealth IO - you are now invisible. I know people who take ss even with fly for this benefit. Dark armor underperforms? Uhhhh - the numbers do not agree with you on that. Dark Armor is one of the best resistance based sets there is - especially when considering it is one of the few that offers protection against Psi. People can get the travel power they enjoy without being forced to choose anything. If you want fly...take fly... hover is also a great power to have and use while in combat. If you don't want super speed - don't take it - heck you can even get away without hasten on many builds. Why would you want to limit people? As it stands - people can (and do) take all the buff/debuff sets and simply use ninja run/beast run with sprint for their travel powers. I have also seen people who take - super speed...super jump...and fly.... no need to change or limit anything - that is why this game is better than most because you can choose to build and play in almost any way and still do quite a good job.
  22. I miss pre-Issue 9 Hami raids 😞
  23. Man I wish the mods would just lock all these duplicate threads that pop up so frequently. Nothing new or insightful is being said - just beating a dead horse at this point.
  24. Inappropriate Touch: Martial Arts/Ninjitsu Scrapper Officer Klozeoff: War Mace/Shield Scrapper (He just has underwear, belt, and a cap) Burnt Reynolds: Fire/Time Corruptor Pipelayer: Staff/WP Brute Oral Fixation: Sonic/Rad Corruptor Burnt Fried Rice: Fire/Ninjitsu Sentinel Aggravated Assault?: AR/NrG Sentinel Confused?: Illusion/Time Controller Time Cher: Electric/Time Corruptor Eartha Kitt: Electric/Claws tank Cheap Trick: Archery/TA Corruptor Betty Rubble: Earth/Dark Controller Lil Bunny Fukushima: Rad/Inv Brute Your Ex Girlfriend: NrG/Electric Stalker
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