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Everything posted by Burk

  1. Nevermind, I found it. Must have deleted it from my hard drive, but I had posted it to discord.
  2. I have seen the exact same problem. I even believe it was the same Carnie hunt from Harvey that gave my vigilante the mission in Grandville. Similar to you, it reset to a hero zone when loading Grandville. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find my screenshot of it.
  3. Just to clarify, the top of the page just shows the flavor text. Flavor text in this game is frequently wrong. The Homecoming devs have done a decent job fixing some of it, especially player powers, but there's a lot of enemy powers that are still incorrect. The info under Attack Type is actually the info that the game uses during combat, so Swarm Missile is correctly typed AoE and Lethal.
  4. It was temporarily changed at the beginning of December while the Dev team works on making the badge awarding more consistent. Expect this to change soon and enjoy it while it lasts.
  5. Are these numbers consistent, or was the first absorb number possibly being boosted by an outside source like Incandescence's +healing effect?
  6. I was playing my Electric Armor sentinel for the first time since all the rooting changes and I noticed that activating Static Shield, the mez protection toggle, caused me to be rooted. Since it has no enemy affecting component, this doesn't seem correct to me. Looking more into it, Static Shield roots on all ATs with Electric Armor. Also, among all other mez protection toggles on all other armor sets, the only other one that I was able to find that also roots is Entropy Shield from Energy Aura for Sentinels and Stalkers, even though Entropy Shield also doesn't have an enemy affecting component. Oddly, the equivalent for Scrappers and Brutes, Entropic Aura, which does have a foe -recharge effect, actually does not root. All of this seems inconsistent with the stated goals behind rooting in toggles.
  7. Look at the presents in City of Data. For example the defense present, of course has a target of self being a point blank AoE, but then its effect is "+33% Defense (All) (self only) for 60s". The "self only" in the effect means that it will buff the caster of the power for each target that was hit by the AoE. This has nothing to do with pets being counted as the mastermind, you would get exactly the same effect if you were standing in a group of players waiting to do Hamidon. The only bug here is whether that design is intended because its a little counter-intuitive.
  8. You can blame me (playing Frozen Limit). As the turrets are Elite Bosses, Fold Space and Wormhole (gravity control) both have enough magnitude to teleport them around.
  9. Yeah, Warwolves have high slow resistance. They made sure to slot their Winters Gift procs.
  10. Definitely not just you.
  11. I'm not sure what you mean. If you're talking about the screenshot above, it looks like its working as its supposed to. There are 10 pets plus himself, so the inspiration gave him 11 stacks of the buff. The present inspirations do not buff anyone except for the caster. The only bug here is whether the buff being on self is intended.
  12. If this is a bug, it has to be that the presents are supposed to buff people around you instead of giving you a buff for each person, but given that all 5 presents (not including the Coal that does nothing anyway) are set to be stackable AoEs, there does seem to be intent behind that.
  13. It appears that Geode Shards only have a spawn range of 35-54 and yet Geodes with levels of 31-34 are still spawning them, resulting in underlings with a higher level than they should be.
  14. Genomic Evolution is set to have +5.0% maximum Endurance (self only) for 5.25s Which looks like it should be right, but then you compare it to your Large Increased Endurance Bonus which gives +225% maximum Endurance (self only) for 10.75s and the Atlas Medallion which gives +500% maximum Endurance (self only) for 10.75s Clearly someone didn't realize that 100% maximum endurance is required to increase endurance by 1.
  15. Player clones for new sets frequently draw from the wrong powers. On my Archery/Tactical Arrow Blaster, they always draw powers from Trick Arrow that are not available to Tactical Arrow.
  16. I've been running Ouroboros challenge badges lately, and I've noticed that Fold Space is flagged to be disabled with No Travel Powers, but not with No Pool Powers, when it should be the other way around.
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  17. Where are you fighting these, and what level are they? Looking it up on City of Data, it looks like the Geode Shards have a level range of 35-54, but you could be fighting Geodes as low as level 31. Seems like someone made a change to the level range and didn't realize the consequences. I do remember the Will of the Earth being really annoying with summoning, but I it was a while ago, so I'm not sure exactly how they worked. A dozen does seem way too high, though.
  18. The -tohit can be okay against normal enemies, but AVs will resist it to the point that it is meaningless. The -regen is pointless against normal enemies and AVs still resist it. It caps at -40% at 4 stacks, a level 50 AV will resist that by 85% bring it down to a measly -6% regen. The only reason envenomed daggers are useful is that they have a massive -250% regen that stacks on itself. After AV resistance, even those are only -37.5% and need to be triple stacked to completely cut off their regen.
  19. The Ember Demon from Demon MMs has the power Ember Shield Owner that gives a higher resistance to the MM player than the Ember Shield it put on others, and this power has been around for a while. So I don't see why something similar couldn't work for Voltaic Sentinel.
  20. I always hate these kind of arguments. Sure, I don't have to fight him. But I don't have to do the trial. I don't have to play the game. I really don't have to do anything. The point is that I wanted to fight it, I wanted the badge. And I was frustrated to find that not only was it not a boss (had not seen Cobalt's post until after I first went to fight it), but it was basically a wall of hit points and regen that I was unable to do anything with unless I abused Envenomed Daggers. I would far rather have something that is easier to kill (AV level) but much more threatening. Black Whip is still a joke in that regard.
  21. Is Black Whip really supposed to be a full on Giant Monster now!? Make him just an AV at the most when we're already limited to 4 players and exemplared to 29.
  22. I don't think wall vs door matters, but if everyone has done it. Of course I could probably count the number of times that has happened on one hand.
  23. It's worth noting that this is specifically only ones at the beginning of trials, so only BAF and Keyes have that behavior.
  24. Alright, testing done, and I'm happy to report that non-Epics can get the souvenir by participating in an Epic's ouro arc. Ran my warshade with an empathy defender through Shadowstar's "The Final Darkness" and the defender also got the "A shattered Shadow Seed" souvenir. Doesn't answer the question of whether ouro's required for that, but I don't think you get story arc rewards at all unless you're the mission holder unless you're part of a task force type group.
  25. Even non-Praetorians can run the Praetorian story arcs through ouro. I don't know how the Epic AT arcs work with it. Maybe an Epic AT can run the arc through ouro with a non-Epic and both would get the souvenir? That just begs for testing, and I'll probably try it out later. Also, I don't think there's a souvenir for Efficiency Expert Pither's timed missions for the Efficiency Expert badge. He has an arc that does give a souvenir, but that arc is available through ouro.
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