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Everything posted by Burk

  1. Day jobs complete! Only badges left now are event badges, the two gladiators that rely on event badges, and of course Bug Hunter (not holding my breath there).
  2. If you are confused about the tip not appearing, you are probably looking for it before leaving the ouroboros arc. Call Zev Scalamore or quit the arc and it should appear.
  3. There are 16 Anniversary badges. I have the 15 year one Excelsior. I am missing Celebrant, Reveler, Pursuer, Merrymaker, Entertainer, Jubilant, Exultant, Lucky, Rhapsodic, Torchbearer, Unstoppable, Perseverant, Indomitable, Timeless, and Everlasting. More specifically, I can guarantee I'm at 1494 badges currently. Along with the 15 badges above, I don't have the day job badges Scavenger, DUST Ranger, Psychologist, Survivalist, and Cold Hand of Death, and of course I don't have Until the End of the World. That's enough for 1515.
  4. The event monsters that Piyerus had early are the currently available Eochai and Jack from Halloween. From my own counting, I will reach 1499 after finishing the day jobs. Adding the 15 anniversary badges I missed in May, that would put me at the same 1514 badges currently possible. As far as I know, the Nemesis Plot badge is simply unavailable unless a GM decides to spawn the event, which hasn't happened. Edit: Realized that I was leaving out the Until the End of the World badge. So, I guess 1515 is possible.
  5. With the latest patch, I might as well give an update. Got all the Halloween badges and the new mission and exploration badges. Now until the next event, I have 9 day job badges and 2 day job accolades left to get, which will leave me....exactly one badge away from 1500. Gah, not having all the anniversary badges is such a thorn in my side.
  6. I'm currently sitting at 28 event badges. If I had the 14 anniversary badges, this would put me at 42. I'm wondering if you are missing the Valentines badges Missed Connection and Match Maker. If you run the villain mission Zev Scalamore: Wedding Crasher through Ouroboros (Level 50, arc 11.09), you will receive one of the valentines tips upon completion. Note that the equivalent hero mission does not work, so this is probably a bug, but whatever works.
  7. Yep, been seeing the exact same thing. The annoying part is that it stops any tooltips from showing while bugged.
  8. As far as the badge competition on Everlasting goes, I have a slight edge over Veracor for the moment. I've been earning those day jobs and alting while he keeps playing his only character. However, I'll be running out of day jobs relatively soon (meaning I'd be done on Halloween if it were not for the event badges), and I lack the anniversary badges, so he'll eventually pass me again. Can we get another chance for the anniversary badges before May please?
  9. Just to add my two cents as someone who doesn't play masterminds, but does play illusion. Phantasm has exactly 5 powers: Resistance and Fly which are not relevant, Power Bolt a 70ft single target attack, Energy Torrent a 40ft cone attack, and DecoyPhantasm a 60ft summon "attack". There is no melee at all. Just messing around with testing right now, a freshly summoned Phantasm summoned his decoy, used Power Bolt and then ran into melee before using Energy Torrent. He didn't wait until he had no powers to use. In fact, it doesn't seem like he cares what part of his attack chain he is in and just randomly decides to run closer. The decoy acts the same way, though it's harder to see since he gets summoned in melee and it really doesn't matter where he is.
  10. Do we have any idea what days those events will start? The starting days for the live Halloween events didn't seem to follow a pattern. I think the only days of the week that wasn't the start of one were Sunday and Tuesday and the actual numerical dates were all over the place in the 15-25 range.
  11. You definitely do not need to leave space. Oddly enough you still get to reject inspiration drops even if you don't have room for an inspiration drop anyway!
  12. I'm having the same issue. The servers were not down because I was playing, but then crashed and cannot load the game again.
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