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Everything posted by Vanden

  1. Fleeing enemies is the only reason I'm willing to entertain the topic of taunt auras on Scrappers. If that were addressed I would see no reason for Scrappers to need taunt auras.
  2. I don't really think there's enough material there to make a full archetype out of. The Longbow bosses are already supposed to be hero player characters as NPCs; you got your rad defender, your spines scrapper, your EM Tanker, etc. If they'd only let us mix and match 3D chest details and 2D chest emblems you'd even be able to make a perfect recreation of the Longbow uniform.
  3. If I go to the Sort By menu in the top-right of the thread list in a forum category, choose Custom, and set the Filter to "Topics I've Posted In," the page numbers in the top and bottom of the thread list disappear, and it's impossible to see any results that don't show up on the first page. This doesn't seem to affect the other filter options; if there's enough threads to fill multiple pages when the Filter is set to "Topics I Started" instead, the page numbers are still there, and it's possible to view all results.
  4. We already see enough people grousing about how Rage doesn't fit their concept just because of the name, I don't see any benefit to adding ways the power can enforce that concept even further, especially when it's something you can already do in the game with some creativity.
  5. Poison is a buff/debuff set. Adding damage to its powers doesn't help it do what it's supposed to do.
  6. I can’t believe @Number Six would rather decimate the population of the east coast than give a modest buff to Kheldians
  7. I don't think Super Reflexes is weak, but I do think it's no fun to play. No end management, no heal, mez protection that's always interrupting you in a fight to reapply it, and you don't get all your core skills until extremely late levels. You do get one fun power in Quickness, and a lot of spots to put LotG +Recharges, but those end up exacerbating the lack of end management until you can get a handle on your build in probably the 30s or so.
  8. Sounds like something that can be pretty much addressed with binds or macros. To Fly: “powexectoggleoff Hover$$powexecname Fly” To Hover: “powexectoggleoff Fly$$powexecname Hover”
  9. Buuuut... that sounds like something the server has to do. What role does the client play? Seems like it wouldn't be impossible for the mapserver to just create the character for one tick and then despawn it immediately, while your client goes back to the character select screen.
  10. I don't really see this as true, since Freezing Touch is a hold. There is a difference in durations to consider, but if we analyze the numbers I think we'll find that the problem is negligible. Freezing Touch is a scale 10 Hold, Frozen Aura is a scale 20 sleep on Minions and a Scale 12 sleep on Lieutenants. Since the damage from Frozen Aura interrupts sleep, it's impossible to stack it on anything higher than a Lieutenant. On a level 50 Blaster, this translates to 11.92 seconds of Hold, 23.84 seconds of Sleep on Minions, and 14.3s of Sleep on Lieutenants. On Minions, yeah, you could be losing out on a decent amount of time. But they're Minions, I don't think we generally need to be spending holds on Minions to survive. On Lieutenants, you're only missing out on potentially 2.38 seconds of control. Take into account power activation times, the purple patch shrinking control durations and reducing the difference between the two powers, and the fact that it's far more valuable to slot for hold duration than sleep duration, and from where I stand, it's a non-issue.
  11. This suggestion is alright, but it’s not that good
  12. Well you don't have to worry about that; like I said, she's lazy and refuses to fight, so she's a non-combat NPC.
  13. But also one of its laziest, so this implementation is actually lore-accurate!
  14. How did a Rage thread turn into a market thread
  15. I guess it could work if you're fine with your character using a Tonka Truck as a weapon.
  16. No, I think so too. Defenders were designed for a role they can play perfectly with no inherent power. The solo damage boost is a nice way to shore up their biggest weakness, though.
  17. The Bombardment set was conceived and named here. They've also got something in the works that I've seen suggested here several times.
  18. I say we leave Vigilance exactly the same. I hope to see this idea implemented by the end of the week.
  19. You're wrong, every hero needs to be ripped. Says so in the Constitution.
  20. The activation time is the tradeoff for the insane protection it offers in melee.
  21. This is a website suggestion, it belongs in the Website Suggestions & Feedback forum
  22. That's not an actual problem, though? If you've started an arc, the game will let you finish it no matter how much you outlevel it.
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