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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. Sovera

    Sell me a Tanker

    Broken, in this context, means OP. It forces the damage to steer away from the squishies to the heavily armored tank. Who then take forever to kill.
  2. I don't remember the thread where it came up. Probably some difficult slider thread or nerfing incarnates. Yeah, probably the second. But I mentioned how the current meta makes the average Coh team not care one iota at their composition. ATs, levels, who cares, anything goes, just come along. I mentioned that once the difficulty increases to forget it. It will be standard composition teams with always one kin, always one rad, always four blasters, always one tank, etc.
  3. A Tanker doing 66% of the damage of a Brute (with no Kin involved. I must be the only person doing PuGs where a kin shows up every ten runs) while the Brute has 86% of the defenses of a Tanker sounds reasonable to me. There is that mythical perfect scenario where everyone runs every single team with a Kin who can cap the damage for the full run. In practical terms is this a thing?
  4. I don't want to mingle in the conversation too much since I don't really have much to add. But. Even if it is as you say? So what? What is the problem here? We have had years of Tankers being useless and only the most die hard tank fan who always played tanks in whatever game rolling a tank in CoH. Everyone else more pragmatic was told to roll a Brute for -much- better damage and nearly the same survival. This has been going on and on and on under the simple principle defenses can be added via IOs but damage cannot except with recharge... and those with defenses can -also- have recharge. Now there has been buffs and the lines are blurred with Brutes no longer the simple solution and this is suddenly a problem? Despite Brutes still performing 44% better if no Kin is around? Come on Bill. This is not WoW where a shift in the meta causes much wailing and tears since it means leveling for two weeks, then grind gear for two months. Tanks are now an option (and Brutes still leading even in the farm threads). Be happy. Roll a tank too, woo!
  5. Sovera


    Fire/Claws has been so good to me that I've turned it into my main and haven't even re-rolled since. It boasts of very early exemplaring (exemplared to level 15 still gives Follow-Up, Burn and Spin which makes the character a mowing machine). Follow-up plays really well with a constant damage and accuracy boost. The animations are fast which allows to be on our toes. Focus takes a Force Feedback proc very very well to accelerate cooldowns. Shockwave allows for constant soft CC with the knockdown IO.
  6. Kinetic/Bio I found fun. Kinetic is super fast and the low damage is partially offset by Bio and then triple damage procs in each attack. As much as praise is sung to other sets for AoE I found Burst's 100% crit chance out of Hide to be a spawn killer.
  7. Skippable, but difficult to make an attack chain without it. AS takes about 4.5 seconds to recharge and -something- needs to fill up. Chain Induction takes one second, AS takes one second, T2 eats a second and a half ish. The alternative is using the T1 or reaching for Cross Punch.
  8. A thorough answer compared to my zzzz morning one 😄 When in doubt refer to this, @PainX
  9. Stalker. Nearly the same defenses and Staff lacking ST is something Assassin's Strike fixes.
  10. I've had the same problem back when I played a MM.
  11. 'You can’t truly call yourself “peaceful” unless you are capable of great violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful, you’re harmless. Important distinction.' - random internet person.
  12. My signature has some information I've been compiling. If you have more doubts just ask.
  13. There are no DPS meters in CoH so you will join dozens and dozens of team who will not even be aware you're not doing damage as long as you're busy. I was going to say go Empath, but heck, go Kinetics, you can still do the no damage challenge and you will not drag the team down because Kinetics.
  14. Breakfrees. I carry two on my Fire Armor tanker for emergencies. Also knowing which mob does the confusing/fearing allows you to focus on it no differently than hitting a sapper before it drains your endurance.
  15. Oh look, this thread again. Waiting for KB lovers to come explain how it can be used to help the team.
  16. As Nihilii mentions the cones are almost the reason to take Sonic, not the debuffs. They do crappy damage on their own, but it can be buffed by /Bio and when their own -res kicks in. They are also verrrry nice for a team since it has been mentioned a bit above how the Sentinel is not really help much. One cone does KD, the other cone does Sleep, and while Sleep is not very useful it is still common to see mobs asleep while killing things. That means a Sonic Sentinel can spam non stop three cones that are sleeping and KD whole spawns (hits 10 targets) while doing reasonable damage (less than the T1, which is kinda bad, but hitting several enemies at once, which makes up for it). The second hidden reason for Sonic is that the Sentinel will be -constantly- under the effect of Opportunity. That means -constantly- filling up nearly a quarter of an HP (and endurance) bar with each use of a cone. A single use of a cone with an empty Opportunity bar will fill it to the max. I have a Sonic/Bio guide in these forums with gifs showing both the mad HP regeneration and Opportunity filling. This is only against packs of enemies though, not single target. With all of that said the build is fun to play around with especially with the crazy vampiric effect (build is hyper survivable thanks to it), but ultimately cones are crap to aim, they are *way* too slow*, and they could do with being aimed where the camera is aimed and not a target. The damage is not amazing either which is a bad combo combined with the cones. Either the damage would be amazing and we would persevere through the cones, or the damage stays as it is but the cones are turned into targeted AoEs a la Fireball or Fire Sword Circle PbAoEs
  17. Taunt is only supposed to hit five targets. This is the Claws Tanker taunt:
  18. Sovera

    Sell me a Tanker

    As others have mentioned you are 100% in the wrong forum. PvE and PvP follow different rules and the diminishing returns in PvP means completely different slotting and a huge emphasis in burst attack. As a tanker you're not going to really be killing much, your job will be as a taunt bot (which is important, mind). So with all of that said definitely look in the PvP sub-forums and look for the PvP discord. There will builds and avid PvPers who will give you clear answers to any doubts. The brief time I was there everyone was super friendly and informative when something was asked.
  19. Nah, did it for a little bit until I got to a double spawn and got sapped and killed. Too difficult and unfun to solo at max. I suppose if I used inspirations and waited for Barrier after each spawn, but that's the unfun part. It's the same reason I can't be arsed to solo TFs.
  20. I just have a good grasp on the Fire/Claws character and I've picked up it really really hates debuffs. Unfortunately I can't really build to overcome this when they come from so many angles (beautiful AE missions, Linea, I wish we could have you doing a new TF). Otherwise it's an amazing character that is good to pulverize content as low exemped as level 15. My Rad Armor/MA would tackle it better with the downside its damage is not all that amazing IMO, where the FA/Claws would kill much faster and give less time to be debuffed. You know what? I'mma try it.
  21. I adore my Fire/Claws Tanker to the point I've stopped making alts (for anyone who knows me this is quite the feat). But I don't feel like even wanting to try this challenge since I feel it would just hurt. A lot.
  22. Take in account resistances will dampen the damage of the proc though.
  23. Shh.. Calm down... Your freedom of speech is still intact. It's fine... it's fine... shh... 😄 No ill will towards you Switch. The devs mention time constraints. Of course. There is nothing done that does not have time constraints. I'm a landlord and I have time constraints all the time. I may be fixing an apartment and see how I could pladur the whole ceiling and then cringe because no, time constraints, fix stuff, get it rented again. But this has no bearing with the argument here. Of -course- there are time constraints, and same as I do and everyone else out there does its something worked with. But, seriously. We are a democracy now? I'd understand if we had a poll from the devs giving us choices and we were arguing the choices: 'Option A! Recipe to cancel white and yellow salvage. This will take two days to code. 'Option B! We fixing TW bois. This will take six months (why hello tanker buffs). 'Option C! The community hates the tiny caves. We are replacing them with the larger carves. This will take two months'. And now yes we would be arguing how removing the caves serves no purpose, how some like them, how those two months could be used for something else. What actually happens is that we have zero influence on what the devs decide. They do what they decide to do. People asking for things may be heard, sure, but I see no point in players refuting things because they will take too long. If it takes too long the devs know it better than the players do. There is no scale where the devs are weighting things: 'Hmmm... Five players would like to change the caves, but we have three of them saying it will take too long, hmmmmmmmm....'
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