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Ura Hero

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Everything posted by Ura Hero

  1. I wouldn't think the existing tool would work very well with Mids files as it is. I was thinking more that the mod tool might be leveraged into a new tool to store, sort and retrieve builds. Searching the forum is slow and painful. The Mod tool has done wonders for being able to keep track of and install mods. The thought just popped into my head so I spoke up.
  2. Since @Faultlinewas willing to divulge the Winter pack drop breakdown, I was wondering if converting enhancements has a similar weighting scheme?
  3. Probably not the best way to ask this @The Philotic Knight, but... How about a version of the mod tool to organize and download Mid's builds?
  4. As data point, here are the results of 200 Winter Lord packs opened. Brain Storm Ideas 3800 Reward Merits 2025 Candy Canes 760 Enhancement Unslotter 174 Enhancement Converter 162 Snow Beast 64 Avalanche 59 Blistering Cold 50 Enhancement Booster 50 Winter's Bite 47 Experienced 46 Frozen Blast 44 Entomb 32 Enhancement Catalyst 25 Free Tailor Session 14 Precise Imbuement 14 Insight Imbuement 13 Protecting Imbuement 12 Rugged Imbuement 12 Endurance Imbuement 10 Greater Health Imbuement 10 Good Luck Imbuement 10 Frosty Aegis 9 Protected 9 Frost Bite 9 Character Respec 9 Keen Insight Imbuement 9 Winter Ward 8 Tactical 8 Rejuvenate 8 Windfall 7 Tactical Imbuement 7 Health Imbuement 7 Guarded 7 Luck Imbuement 7 Greater Endurance Imbuement 6 Rejuvenating Imbuement 6 Protection Imbuement 5 Focused Rage Imbuement 5 Invigorating Imbuement 5 Precise 4 Rage Imbuement 4 Greater Protection Imbuement 4 Sturdy Imbuement 3 Invigorate 3 Guarding Imbuement 3
  5. They always want Hockey Stick growth: Even though they are darn well aware that the growth will always be: Same can be said for reducing expenses.
  6. This is awesome. If you need computing power to get this done in a reasonable time I would be happy to help out.
  7. Truth. Once you start working with large sums you kind of get over the "ZOMG soo much moneys" aspect. Once I started managing products worth millions of dollars a year it got passe really quick. "It's just money. Either I have it or I don't." Life is full of ups and downs. I've been in both categories many times during my life. I much prefer having money, but when I don't I know that all I have to do is work hard for a while and I can be back in the better category.
  8. This is why it trickles. You have to price at least slightly cheaper than it sells for to move stuff at a decent clip. While I won't tell you how much I undercut, it is enough that most everything still sells for average price and not so much that I lose much influence if it doesn't. I try to keep the price where it is and if you undercut properly, you can't tell because most people are "Buy it Nao!" Trial and error will get you to that sweet spot.
  9. Easy solution to this non-issue. They get sent out one day only. You don't have an account on that day, you don't get the free pack. Don't announce it in advance, just do it. There will probably be a minor uproar about not announcing it from those that wanted to abuse it, but that is the way to keep it fair and easy.
  10. Taking a stab at this since I have nearly the same laptop, it's probably heat or power settings. The 2060 runs hot anyway and in a laptop it runs even hotter. Heat would be my first guess since Ultra settings really beat on a graphics card. Power settings are also a possibility, laptops are notorious for setting the power saving in really stupid ways when plugged into an outlet. Usually the very first thing I do when I get a new laptop is go into the power control for the wall power setting and set everything to take full advantage of speed; CPU min/max 100%, USB suspend to off, etc. Battery power I usually leave as-is.
  11. I'm still being the pessimist, not being convinced that they will go on sale this year. I mean I'll be happy if they do since I missed out last year, but it just doesn't seem likely. Although I see that Jimmy liked your post while I was typing this so I am probably wrong.
  12. Maybe we will be delightfully surprised. But iff'n I was a bettin man I would be bettin on that was a one time thing.
  13. I know there is a bug where if you zone with the Decoys out they will either reduce down to a single Decoy or once in a great while disappear altogether. I have never seen them just up and disappear, although if the Phantasm is off fighting somewhere else the Decoys can run to him and seem like they have disappeared. If you don't have it turned on, it might be worthwhile to turn on the Pet window from the top of the Team Window tab.
  14. I have requested this repeatedly. Little shadow man is too squishy and has too long of a cooldown to try to be a tank in every fight.
  15. Yay! Fish puns! Welcome back! Some of us are on Excelsior, some are on Torchbearer. Excelsior has a higher overall population, Torchbearer is second in size.
  16. AE only gives credit for AE badges. All others must be earned outside of AE.
  17. 79% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
  18. There is a size slider in the settings that will change the size of the launcher and everything inside of it.
  19. Hmmm... I haven't checked in here yet for some reason. /Dr Nick Riviera; Hi everybody!
  20. Betting this is something similar to the windowed bug I reported where it isn't refreshing the display correctly.
  21. Had a bit of time during lunch today to play around with windowed mode to see why ISBoxer is having issues with it. It appears that there is something broken with windowed mode with the last patch with the new launcher. I am using three monitors on an Nvidia 2060 Super, although I don't think that matters. Steps to reproduce: 1. Switch to Borderless (monitor 1) 2. Apply settings. 3. Switch to Windowed Mode. 4. Apply settings. Screen will flash, but the window border will not appear. Window dialogs in the game are non-responsive. Double click the top of the screen where the border should be. Game returns to normal windowed mode and game resumes responsiveness.
  22. Yeah, it's kinda dead. A good portion of the folks who talked a lot don't seem to have come back yet.
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