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Ura Hero

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Everything posted by Ura Hero

  1. OMG, yes. That drop down is completely annoying and next to useless.
  2. All doggo's are most excellent adorable pups. I am so sorry for your loss. I wouldn't know what to do if something happened to my current doggo.
  3. Most folks don't list at the exact price. For example if the last 5 shows 16m, 15m, 17m, 17m, 16m. You don't list at 17m if you want to sell. You list less than that. 16.5m, 16.1m, etc. Even then you are at the mercy of those that buy for 16m. So perhaps you should list at 15.5m, 15.1m, etc. If you list at the buy price you are going to get undercut pretty much every time.
  4. I keep a watch on the sold window and hit the Get Inf button when the count gets around 22. Slows down the posting, but keeps me from waiting.
  5. Not sure if they changed point values or moonshots are working correctly for AMD now, but I just hit two record days this weekend.
  6. Yep. I haven't looked at the code, but it looks like the seed for the RNG doesn't get refreshed/generated quite correctly or they tied it into the same code/copied the same code that does the combat RNG and forgot about the streak breaker. I've seen it get stuck on certain sets just pinging back and forth for a good many rolls which a proper RNG shouldn't do.
  7. The past 4 days have really improved on the points per day for some reason.
  8. Ahh... Forgot there was that one as well. Carry on. Nothing to see here.
  9. IIRC this mission exit is a swirly portal near where it warns you. It looks like a Shadow Shard TP junction because it is pretty much that.
  10. Ura Hero


    Go to this post and do what it says.
  11. I've been around quite a long time. I used to be hardcore on Live and spend 40 to 60 hours a week in game. Pages of 50's all kitted out on three servers. I loved doing the extremely hard stuff. I don't have that much time to spend in game anymore; two kids, grandkids, work, chores... I get a few hours a week at best to play. I still love a challenge, I just don't have time to grind out all of the stuff needed. I only have a couple of 50's that have Tier 4 Incarnates. Why? Lack of time. I don't think the answer is to punish those who only get a few hours a week of play time to '"balance" the game for those who are abusers. Not everyone gets to spend 40 hours a week playing. I would be willing to bet that the majority of the population plays maybe 6 hours a week. Hardcore players always want things harder without regarding what casuals need because "casuals don't pay the bills". WoW has this same mindset. Moor harder, moor difficulty, must longer. That;s great when you have tons of time to farm up what you need. Not so great when you don't. Quit trying to punish everyone for a few bad apples. The right thing is to get rid of the abusers. Saying up front door sitting isn't allowed. Kicking them if it is persistent. Folks have lives and hardcores seem to forget that fact.
  12. Type /stuck should pop you out of it. GM Korvins advice is best. Don't put it near anything. That is the usual problem. Also you will always port into your base facing south. Make sure that direction is clear.
  13. Devastation and Obliteration. I got a lot of mileage out of those two on live. Both seem really underused and undervalued to me. Pacing of the Turtle is another set that I use quite a bit.
  14. What is this phone thing you speak of? Sounds like something social. I'll have no part of it.
  15. Yep, there is no way to do game specific settings for COH in the current NVIDIA control panel or in GeForce Experience. 😞 I did a LOT of digging around when I did some Dark Astoria arcs trying to be able to see the maps and found diddly squat for fixing this issue. As I said, you can do it in the general windows settings or in hardware. No good solution to this currently.
  16. @GM Tahquitz FYI, If you are running multiple monitors, Gamma is busted. Not much that will brighten things up except cranking up either the Windows Settings or messing with the hardware montior controls both of which break it for everything else.
  17. Finally enough to get on the board, 1275 badges. Still working on them. I had forgotten how much of a slog it can be for some of these.
  18. A different Glowie Sound loop that is a bit more distinctive; more of a ping sound. I have always had an issue hearing glowies well so I made this. Feel free to incorporate it if you wish. Edit: My bad. I should have specified where this goes. Data\Sound\Ogg\FrontEnd Thanks to @Solarverse Objective_loop.zip
  19. That is a good suggestion. Avoid Purples and ATO's.
  20. That's my strategy. If I roll something close to a big seller, I will go ahead and do the extra conversions, but I'm not going to roll 100 times to get a LOTG +Global Recharge. Too much work for not enough reward.
  21. I have this one and it works well: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1561080-REG/asus_tuf506ii_bs74_ryzen_7_4800h_8gb.html?SID=trd-9269095335273486000 If this had been available when I purchased, I probably would have went with it due to the better specs for not a lot more money: https://www.bestbuy.com/site/asus-rog-zephyrus-g14-14-laptop-amd-ryzen-7-8gb-memory-nvidia-geforce-gtx-1650-512gb-ssd-eclipse-gray/6403425.p?acampID=633495&cmp=RMX&loc=2Y00-IWnKxyOUEo0MKVSfWfHUkiy7nXpQ33u2Q0&ref=198&refdomain=techradar.com&skuId=6403425
  22. So kinda like that book that you might order from the questionable bookseller that seems to cheap to be true. Does it have a page 6 or not? Maybe. Only way to find out is to open it and start reading.
  23. Likewise. All of my hardware is owned by me and in my own home. Computing is my hobby and has been for a very long time. I shudder to think how much money I have spent on it since I started back in the x386 days. As an aside, no one in the CoH community has any crazy daily points total. Nothing that couldn't be explained by a couple of nice graphics cards at least. @Psybladeasked for specs for this build a while back, I forgot to post after I got it all working. AMD Ryzen 7 3700x Asus Prime x570 Pro motherboard 32Gb Gskill 3600 RAM NVidia GeForce 2080 Super 1TB nVME main OS drive 2TB nVME drive for games 2x 4TB WD Red Backup drives in Raid 0 Water cooling for CPU and GPU
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