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Ura Hero

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Everything posted by Ura Hero

  1. The player influence cap data type issue doesn't necessarily negate the possibility of a separate bank account. There are larger data types that could be used and a programmer can always "make" storage of however big they need by doing some math and manipulation. A bank would probably be an easier way to deal with the issue than trying to raise the cap for an individual player. The biggest issue with doing a bank is how to incorporate it into the UI. It isn't hard to do this. It is hard to try and find all the places that use the data and "fix" it. For something new like a true bank account, this isn't an issue.
  2. It is probably either an Int or Long data type. Both of which max out at 2,147,483,647. Lop off a bit or two for keeping track of "things" and it probably comes out to 2 Billion. Changing this to something that can hold a larger amount could be problematic due to the number of places in the games where math is needed. You can't use a Float since once you get to larger values there are "holes" where it won't increment correctly. (TLDR for this; Infinite numbers, 32 bits to store those infinite possibilities in) So we are probably stuck with 2 Billion as the max amount without some significant and very tedious rework.
  3. I go past that area a few times a year. Usually stop in Waynesville to eat. Beautiful scenery up there. I guess I should take a few minutes and stop at the overlook next time I am through.
  4. Pure speculation for now as far as I now. I have not seen anyone 100% confirm that will happen again.
  5. This used to happen all the time on Live. Back before they "fixed" the ragdoll physics, the mobs would get knocked through walls all the time, At least now the mobs will only get hung in the walls or floor and you can still defeat them 99% of the time. No much that can be done about it AFAIK. It's part of how the maps and mobs are designed and interact with each other.
  6. Illusion sucks at low levels. You have two inherent attacks. That's it. If you want more you have to get P2W attacks. All the way up to level 16, then you get a Phantom Army that takes forever and a day to recharge. It is a serious grind to do low levels on this powerset. Once you get your Phantasm and get enough recharge slotted that you can keep PA up, it is a wonderfully fun set to play. But the lower level slog? No thanks. Yes, I main a Ill/Rad Controller. It is just not for everyone at low levels.
  7. I totally agree. GUI design flaws drive me nuts. I totally understand and deal with ROI and usability everyday. How much is it going to cost development wise to add that feature? How much use will it get? Is it an edge case or a every time this gets opened it gets used case? Development hours are a precious resource to be hoarded, but at the end of the day when you are hobbling your customer you made a bad choice. My pet peeve? Sorting. None. Anywhere. It makes zero sense since it can be done completely client side. It would make things so much easier to find.
  8. My main is my marketeer and has anywhere from nothing to cap depending on which marketing phase he is in. My influence is spread over my 50's. Some have 1.5B, some only 1B. I never let any character hold more than 1.5B since I do play them occasionally and sell oddball stuff on the market with them. I've lost influence on the stupid rollover often enough that it makes me cautious anymore about having too much on any one character.
  9. This ^^. It really isn't enough when doing a total respec. I have more than once on Live and Homecoming had characters where I was not reusing any previous enhancements when respecing. There are not enough slots to hold all of the enhancements that you could have slotted. This meant slotting stuff I wasn't going to use and then either blowing another respec or using a bunch of unslotters to get rid of what I didn't want and having to spend a bunch of influence to do so.
  10. I have used both of those to name a lot of products for the company I work for as well as for a lot of characters in games. Very handy resources.
  11. Seems like a remember a short lived post on the Live forums where Jack said; "I don't care what the players think. This is MY game."
  12. <shudders> I have. Unfortunately it does indeed black hole all the excess. I think I lost about 100 million that way all because I didn't look at how much I already had before clicking Get All. Lesson learned the hard way.
  13. It's been a long time since I did one of these. Beginning of February to be exact. I hadn't been doing much marketing since I had a fair stash of influence. I spent it down to a little over a billion and thought that maybe I should jump back in to the market for a while. Bought a half a billion of Lords of Winter packs. Not going to make much on those it looks like. I had really bad luck with the rolls and got just a fraction more than one enhancement a pack. I might make 600 million total. Not too happy with that purchase. Used the other half a billion to fund Heroes and Villains Packs. Did a lot better on this. Tons of Reward Merits, Converters, Boosts, etc. I ended up with 20% more enhancements than packs bought, so very happy with this. Converted all to Superiors so I should make a tidy profit even though it might take a week to get rid of all of it. All in all I think I should end up around 300% of my investment plus some extra for the misc stuff I sold, How are your marketeering efforts going?
  14. Best bet would be to try the Controller forum. It is that a way: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/16-controller/
  15. This was a bug on Live. I don't know if it has even been fixed or not. This also shows up on AV's and Giant Monsters at times. It was supremely frustrating to blow a Task Force by killing something at range. Tons of time and no way to finish it. I had it happen a few months back on something I was trying to get a badge for. Too far away and no credit or badge.
  16. And finished pretty much at the calculated time.
  17. I should have this badge by tomorrow. I now have close to double my progress yesterday. Thanks again @Glacier Peak for the hints on how to obtain this!
  18. No change in the damage rate by having or not having Player Debuffed.
  19. Here is a screenshot of my mission settings and the Soul Drain Power. Level 50 Controller, all T4 slotted. No Enhancements slotted. I reset to go without the Debuff option. I'll report back in an hour on how it's going.
  20. Real world numbers over the last two hours: 1,447,450 Dmg/Hr A bit off of the calculated, but still quite fast at 42 hours to finish the badge out. Thanks to @Glacier Peakfor the hint at which power to use.
  21. Ahh, the venerated Henway powerset.
  22. Soul Drain really looks like the way to go using "View your Future Memory". I added "Player is debuffed" to the mix and I am getting 1.85M damage an hour (calculated), which should get me the badge in around 33 hours with the progress already made. Best case with Judgement was around 378k an hour. Quite a large improvement. This is what I am going to go with.
  23. I haven't found a good method for this either. I tried "View your Future Memory", but fireball as a Controller Epic pool power was whittling them down too fast. I had thought about duel boxing with some AV content, but hadn't decided on a good mission to try it on. Not sure if PVP content might be the way to go with duel boxing with a tank.
  24. NPC: I already told you, when you are me you can use the walky talky.
  25. Logging out and back in should be on the list of things to do. It is the most common failure point.
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