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Ura Hero

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Everything posted by Ura Hero

  1. NDA's my friend. Having done a few negotiations over the years I can say that nearly every corporation requires an NDA before even beginning to talk. If you blow the NDA, the talking ceases immediately and usually someone gets immediately reprimanded or fired for being an idiot. That person is removed from the talks and if you are lucky you get to pick up close to where you left off, although with a severe disadvantage from that point forward. Best thing during discussions such as this is to shut up while the instrumentalists play and don't try to sing a solo.
  2. NPC: You're a hero! I got so tired of hearing this during the first month I played... Now you know.
  3. Sorry to hear about your friend @Masker.
  4. It isn't really that simple. There is a fair amount of IP that isn't from NCSoft that they may or may not have the right to redistribute/relicense. Things like this take a fair amount of time and money by lawyers to make sure that no one is getting sued after the fact. While it would be nice if it were just a sign here, initial there type of deal, well... it isn't, unfortunately.
  5. I put together this list from the sticky post for the Weekly Strike Targets for Double Merits (List at the bottom of this post) I got tired of looking up how many merits were awarded for each Task Force/Strike Force/Trial. The one-off reward (Double Reward Merits + Notice of the Well or bonus XP) can only be earned once per character, per week, even if there’s more than one Strike Target. This list may have some errors, the information came from the Homecoming Wiki which is somewhat incomplete. Hopefully this helps others to make informed decisions about how they want to gain their double merits. The number of missions includes the street hunts. Link to Google Sheet with Dates https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15qwbS67DmKU6A7eaIVb2ghU10CpsFBsLjDd7PHo8dVs/edit?usp=sharing Task Force/Trial Merits x2 Missions Hero/Villain/Coop Week 1 - New Cycle Begins The Rule of Three (Positron, Level 8-15) 11 22 7 H Dam Hero (Positron, Level 11-16) 15 30 7 H Beast of the Mountain (Virgil Tarikoss, Level 15-20) 13 26 6 V Week 2 The Praetorian Offensive (Tin Mage Mark II, Level 50 + Alpha Slot) 40 80 3 C Alpha Strike (Apex, Level 50 + Alpha Slot) 40 80 2 C Explorers and Exploiters (Dr. Quaterfield, Level 40-45) 122 244 24 H Week 3 The Fall of the Clockwork King (Synapse, Level 15-20) 58 116 15 H The Legend of Ruladak (Sara Moore, Level 44-50) 63 126 15 H Pirates of the Skies (Silver Mantis, Level 20-25) 42 84 6 V Week 4 Time's Arrow (Imperious, Level 35-50) 28 56 5 H The Saga of Faathim (Justin Augustine, Level 44-50) 42 84 32 H Temple of the Waters (Operative Renault, Level 25-30) 24 48 14 V Week 5 A Clamor for the People (Penelope Yin, Level 20-25) 20 40 4 H The Saga of Lanaru (Faathim the Kind, Level 44-50) 73 146 12 H The Crystal of Seraphina (Ice Mistral, Level 35-40) 26 52 7 V Week 6 Ms. Liberty TF (Ms. Liberty, Level 45-50) 38 76 5 H Future of Freedom (Lord Recluse, Level 45-50) 25 50 7 V Abandoned Sewer Trial (Mairenn MacGregor, Level 38-50) 28 56 2 H Week 7 Citadel's Children (Citadel, Level 25-30) 40 80 11 H Beast of the Mountain (Virgil Tarikoss, Level 15-20) 13 26 6 V The Eden Trial (Woodsman, Level 39-50) 6 12 2 H Week 8 The Lady Grey TF (Lady Grey, Level 45-50) 39 78 5 C The MegaMech Cometh (Ernesto Hess, 25-30) 19 38 9 C Pirates of the Skies (Silver Mantis, Level 20-25) 42 84 6 V Week 9 Following Countess Crey (Manticore, Level 30-35) 32 64 10 H The Sky is Falling (Admiral Sutter, Level 20-40) 22 44 3 H The Fire and the Flames (Mortimer Kal, Level 20-40) 22 44 4 V Week 10 Market Crash (Ada Wellington, Level 40-50) 20 40 3 C Temple of the Waters (Operative Renault, Level 25-30) 24 48 14 V The Kheldian War (Moonfire, Level 23-28) 31 62 11 C Week 11 Soul of the Woodsman (Numina, Level 35-40) 36 72 23 H Chasing Fool's Gold (Dr. Aeon, Level 35-50) 40 80 5 V A Tangled Plot (Katie Hannon, Level 30-34) 9 18 4 H Week 12 Return of the Reichsman (Dr. Kahn, Level 45-50) 20 40 5 H Thus Spoke the Reichsman (Barracuda, Level 45-50) 20 40 9 V Cavern of Transcendence (Karsis, Level 12-15) 7 14 1 H Week 13 Terra Volta Respec #1 (Jane Hallaway, Level 24-33) 27 54 3 H Tree of Thorns Respec #1 (Sparcetriel, Level 24-33) 14 28 3 V Terra Volta Respec #2 (James Harlan, Level 34-43) 20 40 3 H Tree of Thorns Respec #2 (Trepsarciel, Level 34-43) 14 28 3 V Terra Volta Respec #3 (Richard Flagg, Level 44-50) 20 40 5 H Tree of Thorns Respec #3 (Ractespriel, Level 44-50) 15 30 3 V
  6. I think it was the first issue after Hami appeared. It was fairly early on, I wasn't doing much top end stuff back then so I wasn't paying tons of attention to the exact time.
  7. Not sure where this falls at, so here we are. Geometry issue, pet issue, coding issue. IDK In the Operative Renault Strike Force last mission; Raid the Temple of the Waters. My illusion pets cannot reach the Leviathan to attack it as the hit box seems to be too high. I managed to complete it only because I had enough debuffing and secondary attacks to make up the slack.
  8. Most of us were around when Influence was very tough to come by on Live and we remember what it was like. It is nice to help out folks who are just getting started. Side story: My daughter was dating this guy that she was very serious about. He was still in college and struggling financially. He needed a book for a class and he had used all of his funds on his other books. He freaked out when we bought it for him. Fast forward a few months and he needed a decent suit to go job hunting. We helped him out with that as well. You would have thought we gave him a few million dollars. I'm not rich by any means, but I like to help out where I can, it's called being a decent person. They have been married for four years now and I have my first grandson. 🙂
  9. Poet Laurate powerset and Task force confirmed!
  10. Welcome back!
  11. Oh how I long for getting my development team to realize this. I have been pounding at it for five years and the UI for our software still looks like 1995. The sad part is that there are options to make it look current already built into the software, but the customer has to go enable it instead of it being the default behavior. It would literally take 2 hours of programming to give the user a choice on startup of using a more modern looking UI. SMH
  12. I downloaded and ran the O&O Shutup 10 tool. It significantly sped up my browser load times and reduced the jitter in my network connection. Looks like something I will add to my arsenal when setting up Win 10. Thanks for the tip @DoctorDitko!
  13. Homecoming Servers Code of Conduct Multiboxing Policy We allow a basic level of multiboxing on the Homecoming servers outside of peak times. These rules apply on a shard-by-shard basis (by ‘shard’ we mean Torchbearer, Excelsior, etc). If there are less than 1500 people logged in to a shard you may play with up to three accounts at once. If there are more than 1500 people logged into a shard you may only play with a single account. If you are caught multiboxing when there are between 1500 and 1600 players logged in to a shard, you will be warned and expected to log off immediately. If you ignore requests to do so your accounts will receive a 24h ban. If you are caught multiboxing repeatedly with more than 1600 players logged in to a shard, all of your accounts will receive immediate permanent bans. It is your responsibility to monitor server status and current player count if you wish to multibox. You can do this both on our website and in the #live-shards channel on our Discord. An exception to this rule is Hamidon raid zones (The Hive, The Abyss) which have a limited population cap. No multiboxing is allowed in these zones. Breaking this rule may result in all of your characters being removed from the zone and short-term suspensions being issued for repeat offenders Please note that this policy does not apply to groups of players simply playing from the same home/network. It only applies to individuals playing multiple accounts on their own.
  14. Mid-way down the first post, last two sets of tables under Download information.
  15. Top of the page there is a Sub-Forum just for Mid's Hero Designer.
  16. Aha. You were the one I was competing against for those recipes. Should have known...
  17. I keep my drops and craft since I am usually PL'ing some character that I want a 50 on, but don't want the grind to get there. Salvage in my base is alphabetical. It takes me about 45 minutes to craft, convert and post around 80'ish recipes. You can skip ahead a bit using tickets and roll in the 25-29 brass range to get recipes that convert fairly well to good sellers, IIRC. That is what I used to do on live.
  18. <shock> We would never. Wait, yes we would. NM. Carry on.
  19. Ura Hero


  20. I'll set an alarm. Hopefully I will hear it and log in.
  21. So 7/30 @ 7 Central?
  22. I usually triple box farm. I can say anecdotally that it seems pretty random which of the three characters gets hosed over for drops. It is always one of the three. Once in a while it is two of the three, The difference is quite stark. I'll have 30 recipes on one and 3 on the other all told. Eventually if I do enough runs it will even out. It is fairly strange that the RNG seems to exclude some characters for several runs then for whatever reason it will seem to even out in later runs. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  23. I need these to. If I can remember to log in at time. Weeknights are hard for me to remember things are going on.
  24. A few guides that might help you out. Listed in no particular order.
  25. You'll never hurt my feelings by suggesting that something could be done better. Even though I have done most of everything in game, I don't always know the absolute best way to do everything. I welcome anyone that can help out when I am leading. Sometimes I forget that everyone is not on the same page I am. The fastest way to grow old is to stop learning.
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