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Everything posted by Bionic_Flea

  1. I don't know what the big deal is, I have a Magic Flea (Elec/Dark Controller). He does magic things, magically, by using magic.
  2. Can confirm. Source: If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice. --Neil Peart of Rush, in Freewill from the Permanent Waves album.
  3. Wait. Are you calculating number of possible power set combinations or number of possible POWER combinations? If you are doing sets then you can only have 4 pools and one epic, so you only have to multiply by 5, not 50. If looking at powers, then I think you have to do factorials for each power set (9 powers each) and pool, as you can choose to take or skip powers. And that probably has to be limited by the total number of power picks (24 not including inherents). Ugh! Math!
  4. I would say, "don't be ridiculous," . . . but it's too late. 😁
  5. I've only made it to level 19 so far but yeah, I do some bouncing. I just got tide pool so I'm dropping that first, then AoE fear or stun, AoE immob, Whitecap, then either hop back to where I was or hop to the other side of the pool.
  6. I had not thought about this pairing until I saw your post and thought of Pirates and Sirens! I put together a quick build in Mids leaning on the Siren theme. So I went Leviathan for that theme. Water Spout is great for extra damage and -resistance; Bile Spray is another ranged cone since Symphony already has so many; Shark Skin to stack with Toroidal Bubble and tough, and Coralax for extra DPS with a fishy theme! I went with Talons of Vengeance Radial for a similar reason: It has a pet Siren! I also leaned into +range with slotting and Incarnates to make all those cones even more effective. I like this so much that now I have to make one! And thus, Sirenic Flea was born!
  7. You were right about systems being in place, but, by this post, WRONG about anyone saying you were right. So . . . yeah . . . you were wrong about being right . . . or are you right about being wrong?
  8. The new power summons a moose, playing a banjo, while eating a pizza, and proudly displaying the flag of Finland!
  9. Sorry to be a Debbie Downer (Buggy Bummer?), but I don't think you can easily incentivize people to lead TFs/SFs without introducing some kind of exploit. Adding a badge or accolade seems to work at getting enough people to run certain content, but not necessarily lead it. So here are some other suggestions (some already stated by others above). Don't bother waiting to get a team of 8. You can solo any TF at low settings (+0/x1) with some temp powers (Envenomed Daggers, Shivans, Heavies, Signature Summons, Back Up Radio and any other pet summons you may have acquired). If you have those powers in your pocket, you can easily go with any other amount of folks. Tell folks you are starting in the next X amount of time; the shorter the better, within reason. It always happens that I get a few tells when I first announce and then a bunch more when I say "last call." People don't like to sit around waiting so they will wait to the last second to join or wait to see if a better offer comes along. When recruiting tell people the minimum requirements (level, alignment, etc.), estimated time, and reward. And you have to be willing to give some instruction. Some players have never played villain side or done any of the content there. You can set up Pop-up templates to answer FAQs if that helps. Join an SG, Discord, or popular chat channel. You'd be surprised at how much activity never even makes it to LFG channel. It helps to be part of a group. Transfer to Excelsior or Everlasting if you aren't already. Setting up villain stuff is always harder than equivalent hero stuff. But it's especially hard on a small server. Transferring is easy, repeatable, and free. Finally, being sick sucks! I hope you heal well, painlessly, and completely and that you get all the badges you want!
  10. Snarky didn't do nuthin'! He gets the Unthanks Crypt.
  11. Be careful what you wish for! You just might get it.
  12. Ah. Sorry. I knew a Ra on Justice that fit that other criteria. @Smokesignal2 , if that's the same guy, was on Crimson Moon, IIRC. But a search of the forums shows some other Crimson Moon folks: @GamerDave, @ars90, and @Aysel
  13. Are you former military, Hawaiian, and had a little sister or cousin that also played?
  14. 3X = base 100% + 100% from 2XP + 100% from server bonus.
  15. Let me help you! Farmer, farmer There's too many of you crying. Farmer, farmer, farmer There's too many of you dying. You know you've got to find a way To bring some regen to AFK.
  16. And you really should consider PLing on Indomitable for the extra bonus to XP. Transfers between servers are free and easy.
  17. Rah or Ra?
  18. Yes. All three of the fire sword attacks now do -defense (https://cod.uberguy.net/html/powerset.html?pset=tanker_melee.fiery_melee&at=tanker). So if one hits then the next one has a greater chance to hit and pretty soon your soft-cap defense to fire disappears. People call it a cascade failure. Oh! And burn damage was nerfed. As you can imagine, farmers were not happy with these changes, but they adapted. Here are the patch notes for Page 5 - They also changed the value of critter attacks in AE. That means that critters without those sword attacks may not grant full experience. So if you run some old farms you might notice a lot less XP. Most of the AFK farmers have switched to tanks for the slightly higher defense stats to go beyond soft cap and slot for HP and regen to survive long enough.
  19. I sent him a link. I didn't want to make a public post about it.
  20. Is that a helicopter or a mechanical bullfrog?
  21. Trying to decipher the posts and reactions of shortguy on indom leads to madness!
  22. In the Navy, You can sail the seven seas. In the Navy, You get docked for burning pee! In the Navy, in the Navy.
  23. Why are the elevator floor buttons on the outside of the elevators? Do I have to pick what floor I want to go to first?
  24. I put it over the top! I win again! AHAHAHAHA!
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