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Everything posted by Psyonico

  1. I think there are quite a few sets that go almost completely unused outside of frankenslotting
  2. I would hate an event that prevented me from using a power I picked. I don't see a reason to create a mode that prevents a travel power from being picked... If you have a character that wants such a mode, simply don't pick a travel power, and don't use the jetpack you get at level 2.
  3. Sure, SG bases are always available. I suspect players that are asking for a memorial would like something a bit more official though. Also, SG bases are Shard bound. I suspect this idea would gain more traction if there were a way to make custom NPCs in base
  4. I haven't examined the code myself, but you're overthunking this. If height affected line of sight or radius for AoEs it would be well documented by now.
  5. @Greycataand @biostemddo a good job summing up my feelings. I don't know and had no known interaction with any of the people who have been memorialized, so my general thought is "what is this invisible bar that must be reached?" I'm willing to bet there have been some discussions had about this topic by those that maintain HC. But my thought is this should be (relatively) set in stone and the community should be made aware of whatever rules/guidelines have been placed. My guess is that won't happen though, because the maintainers want to keep wiggle room for the future. My personal thought? I think there should be something somewhere that serves as a memorial for all and no more NPCs of players should be added to the game. Perhaps a plaque at the base of Statesman's statue in Kallisti? Since that statue is designed to memorialize him, to me, it seems an appropriate place for a memorial for all the fallen. And if KW ever gets populated with mobs? Just encircle the statue with drones so no player that goes there can be griefed.
  6. If size mattered, City of Data would show a range in the "Radius" field of any power that would be affected by it, however, there is only 1 number there. For example: Axe Cyclone https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=tanker_melee.battle_axe.whirling_axe&at=tanker
  7. Sort of. They increase the radius by increasing the reach of the cone, they don't affect the actual arc of the cone. So you are technically correct
  8. It's just an animation thing, there is no way that I know of for a player to change the radius of an AoE.
  9. Radius for Spring Attack is 15 feet
  10. If I remember correctly, the portal has always been in roughly the same area, but the SG exit used to be next to the hospital.
  11. Thanks for the heads up. I'm on Fedora 41/ Gnome, and am pretty sure I haven't updated yet, so I'll keep my eyes open for this.
  12. Right, but it doesn't do damage on cast, only after casting other powers does it have a chance to do damage.
  13. So 2 things about this: 1. The game isn't balanced around IOs 2. It's one more toggle that has to be maintained.
  14. OK, so I'm not holding my breath for this, but one can dream... Right now, all Sentinel targeted AoEs have a 40 foot range. This includes Storm Cell. My suggestion is to increase Storm Cell's range to 60 feet to match Sentinel ST range. The reason for Storm Cell specifically is that my understanding is SC is supposed to be cast at the beginning of a fight, and all other ATs that get Storm Blast can cast Storm Cell without aggro. Sentinels, with only a 40 foot range, are well within minion aggro range *before* it is cast, meaning you either are forced to take a stealth power or forced to slot multiple Range enhancements or else you will take damage *before* casting an aggro free power.
  15. I guess we know what kind of vampire @Snarkyiis not
  16. Alpha powers work the same as slotting an enhancement into a power, with the exception being as you tier up it, part of the enhance ignores ED.
  17. It actually works very well in Invincibility because it has a chance to proc for each enemy in range every 10 seconds
  18. Seeing as players can get Instant Snowstorm as a temp power from presents, I see no reason it couldn't be included. I don't know much about the geometry thing, but I'd suspect making changes just to the couple of Icon locations wouldn't be too big of a deal* *standard code rant applies.
  19. @Jackehhaving run rageless on an inv/as it's just not worth it solo. On teams, if you focus on tanking you really only need Rage for hard targets, but solo is a slog. I've run a few SS toons both with and without rage, I don't think I would want to do another rage-less toon without a major rework to the set, which I suspect is not coming.
  20. Fault is knock up, tremor is knock down
  21. CoD still shows it as +def to all.
  22. I've got to say, it's a pretty compelling power set... Perhaps it's time for me to revisit ice/cold
  23. I feel like you'd have a better time with a DP/Energy Aura sentinel the way you're describing how you'd play.
  24. I may be wrong, but pretty sure field operative suppresses on glowie clicks as well.
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