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Everything posted by KC4800

  1. I love my Bots/EA. One of my favorite characters to play on HC. Almost an exclusively solo trek to 50, through 5 of 6 incarnate slots unlocked. Highly recommend the KB to KD procs for all your henchies. I know Repair is a madly unpopular power on the forums but I took it and find it useful for the times when one bot absorbs too much of the alpha damage. I respecced out of Amp Up when I found out that it doesn't affect your Bots, even though you can cast it on them, for some reason. Just a waste.
  2. Ugh, that sounds like a huge job.
  3. My Ill/TA Controller had TP Foe prior to the update. I know that this was replaced with TP Target. However, in my build for some reason, it got auto replaced with Combat Teleport, which is a self TP power, that I really don't want to use. It still has the Acc IO I had in TP Foe. So I guess what I am asking is...the only way I can get my TP Foe functionality back is with a respec right? {Heavy Sigh} I hate respeccing my lvl 50s.
  4. What if you're just a legend in your own mind? Asking for a friend.
  5. I look at it this way. The game changes and I have to adapt or fall behind. I have a level 50 TA character and a level 50 EM character. I don't see much difference, or even a reason to respec yet, but its still early. Nothing appears to be screwed up yet, so that's a good thing. Oh I am enjoying the new Vahz content. ...Zoombies....heh
  6. Of course, an ice tank will do it easily.
  7. I think if a player wants a restriction imposed he can just do it himself. We can pretend that we have to run the cape mission before we put on a cape. We can pretend we have to go to Cim before we wear Roman headgear. We can impose any restriction we want if we have enough self-discipline.
  8. Just have some worthwhile sets to slot into slow powers. Having an entire group of powers that you only one slot with a 50 IO and leave it at that is just silly.
  9. too many alts in this thread....geebus
  10. Click Menu , Options, KeyMapping Your Movement Options can be set there. Also View right below that. Menu Options Controls, there are some Options there to adjust as necessary. I always make sure Look Up and Down is set to Free Look. Free Camera Movement is Enabled. Hope this helps.
  11. My villains all play on the blue side, because they're sneaky like that. You never see them...stealing all your loots.
  12. Trilogy in Night Ward is very different, and you can do it at lvl 54 if you want to. (But you better have some energy and end drain resistance)
  13. Did they have the yellow reticle around them or the red one? Or is that just Crey mobs?
  14. Grant Invis, for the LotG +Rech and put those lvl 50 slots wherever you want to.
  15. I run my Bots/EA/Elec on Energy Farms. Usually +1/4 with Bosses on. I will try +0/8.
  16. Good old Mouse Chord. I forgot the term, but thought that was the issue.
  17. Blasters melee because its inevitable. The mobs will try to punch you in the chin eventually. A blaster just makes them pay for that decision. A blasters best defense is being smarter than the mobs he fights.
  18. Correct. I didn't say that they were confuse proof. But knowing your enemies and what they are resistant to, AND the level to which they are resistant is an important part of playing this game. I personally don't bother trying to confuse a resistant foe. Just extends the battle for no good reason.
  19. Confuse is also valuable because it stacks so easy with other controls.
  20. I play a character until he gets defeated, then rest him. Sometimes I need to put the character into a completely different situation, just to make it interesting again. For instance, I have a lvl 50 Fire/Savage tank that I can easily get burned out(yuk,yuk) doing fire farms, So I will exemp him through Ouro to say, lvl 19, and go burn up Lost and Trolls in Skyway. Just so I can remember what I loved about the combination. I do that instead of starting another Alt. (I only have 20 total over 4 shards). 11 of my 20 Alts are at some degree of incarnate. Playing only high level stuff gets boring. Incarnate power I am afraid trivializes too much. Then a defeat seems like "out of the blue, the game just cheated me, unfair". Time to do something different. This game is too good to get mad at because I got defeated once.
  21. I have 3 MM's and one dominator. All of the MM pets can be pushed out of the way or walked through. But of my Dark Dom pets cannot. Is this true for ALL dominator pets? or just Dark?
  22. I agree with the Sudden Accel KB to KD proc in the bots. I'd also put a stealth fly into hover. CC is a good pick(it'll be like Entangling Aura from Nature) for standing right with the bots, I think it'll still work if you hover close to the ground. (it's been a long time since I played a rad/rad defender, though, I might be mistaken)
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