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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. There is a storyline in Sharkhead where you become the Bruce Wayne of villains. There are many storylines where you become extremely powerful, affect things on a political level in Arachnos, literally hand Recluse his head. But I get it, it is your perception, and that is 100% valid. The game does not help you feel villainous. I am blessed by having a twisted and evil mind. Set me down in the Zig with powers, tell me to break out and work my way up through the underworld? Okay, sounds about right
  2. This whole topic is dead. Brutes have been steadily nerfed since they were created. In time Sentinels will slowly be buffed. They might meet in the middle. I was thinking of moving from a Brute and onto a Tank as my main. But after much twisted musings I have surprised myself and decided on a Corruptor. Either Brutes will be nerfed again (high probability, no not a straight obvious nerf, just a sideways screw you) or Tanks will be buffed (moderate possibility, straight up buff or general in game boost that affects them more than most) because the current Dev staff values one Traditional Tank and the WoW paradigm for Leagues and teams. Brutes do not fit into their mindset and are viewed with skepticism and suspicion at best, outright hostility on a more aggressive page publish. There, I posted. Back over to Corruptor forum. Lock this bitch.
  3. winters sell for 17+ on market. a winter pack (when bought in bulk) has slighty more than 1 winter per pack on average. then there is a bumch of extra stuff which is nice to have and/or sell. some of which is accessible through email in new hard mode content. serious good cheats.
  4. Not a villain? Okay. You are tough. I thought this mission was less than heroic.... Bring citizens to Vahzilok surgeons Briefing So Dr. Vahzilok plans to come to Rogue Islands, eh? This bad for Krylov's business, but Krylov have plan. Great BIG plan... Dr. Vahzilok is big tough villain in Paragon City that everyone knows, nyet? Well, if Dr. Vahzilok is too busy fighting heroes, he can't make visit to Rogue Islands! I say we set up Dr. Vahzilok for fall! I know some Vahzilok surgeons in Paragon City who I worked with on some 'special experiments.' I will tell them you are coming to help them gather more 'raw materials!' When the Paragon City heroes find out about the kidnappings, they'll be after Dr. Vahzilok like fleas on a dog. Ha ha! Now go to Paragon City, kidnap some victims, and take them to the Vahzilok! Bring citizens to Vahzilok surgeons Watch out for Longbow, Character. They have been very suspicious of who I have been talking to. Unnecessary Solicitation What are you waiting for? Set up Dr. Vahzilok for fall! Mission Objective(s) You dodge various Longbow patrols set up to prevent you from making it into Paragon City. Now kidnap some citizens and take them to the Vahzilok! Bring citizens to Vahzilok surgeons 3 victims to kidnap
  5. Gold is definitely the best designed. I dislike it for the constant politics. Hippies vs The Man. Rabble vs Establishment. The grievances with a thousand names. No thanks. Give me a boring old vampire redside thanks lol.
  6. Probably. Today I transferred over my signature name to him "Snarky" even though he is just hitting level 8 and will not 50 for months. He does indeed bear as much resemblance to Max Schrek as the game allows. With the cape and high collar, because why not go overboard?
  7. More like lazy loading. I collected all my recipes from alts and totalled 3-400. So I crafted converted and dumped those last week. Somewhere around 2 billion profit. Converters were free from reward merits, recipes were free drops, a lot of rare salvage was stored from drops. YMMV
  8. Life is like a igloo cooler filled with plasma bags
  9. I will not be selling major again for a while. So I can say my niches lol. I convert all 25+ to rare, then roll until i get defense, resist, or end mod. With goals of Unbreakable Guard (4of the 6 are good) Luck of the gambler global or Performance Shifter proc. Below 25 uncommon. More fluid depends on level etc. Kismet Global, resist global defense, heal for procs end or health etc. kinda varies on level of i/o and luck
  10. Is one of those the arc with some kind of linked objectives badge? I keep screwing up getting that one organically. Will need to research it before I hit Sharkhead
  11. Got off to an early start with my 2023 Redside Crawl. I chose a Corruptor this time. Dark/Dark. First time taking something besides a Brute. I am doing other things slightly different as well. I will solo every contact Redside, for every mission they give until they say "Go find someone else, I have nothing" That is as usual. The odd part is I will be Rogue. As a Rogue I will be badging Blueside as I level. Whatever mission badges I can get (through Ouro) once that opens up. I will not be completing all Blueside content. Just badge missions in Ouro. Gold as well, (which is all, sigh) and of course location, history. etc. While the core of the run is still the same, this is definitely more a badge centric themed run. I am curious how many badges I can amass by 44... (45-50 content is done at 50, so no reason to stop at 49) Level stops are 4, 7, 8, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29, 34, 39, 44 to finish content. Are you planning any adventures in the new year?
  12. not one of my niches. i always thought they swung too wildly
  13. But that is the weirdest part. I sold them like hotcakes for a week at nearly 4mil a pop each. sometimes more. Now. one left. no one wants it. For days. WTF
  14. there is a pattern. I think I am zeroing in on the source.
  15. Seriously, the market is FUBAR. I just struggled through placing about (guestimate) 400 I/Os on the market. One of the ones I converted to was old reliable Performance Shifter +End, which I sold probably 100-150 at 3.5-4 mil. Idid this in about a week, grindy but steady. The last one has been sitting on the market for 3 days. Prices on the item are 2m, 2.1m, 7m, 2m, 2m..... WTF?
  16. ...Dark Blast Dark Miasma Dark mastery and NOTHING ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. I like this concept. And i want the sale to be available to people who do not play much or go cash hunting much. So I thought “How about being able to buy 6 per account. Then it struck me that the farmers will just sit and make new accounts until the wee hours of the morning
  18. For style, for me, I like Dark Miasma. Please, hide your shock. Now even a lightweight Corruptor runner like me has a 50 Ice.Cold Corr and nods wisely when Cold Domination is talked about. But, and I can not say this enough. I have almost no idea what I am doing on a Corruptor except mashing buttons. Now, with Ice/Cold I was under the impression Benumb and Sleet were the heavy hitters for debuff. But.... (and me looking at MiDs is iffy for getting good info) when I look at MiDs Tar Patch and Howling Twilight seem to be Darkside clones of these powers. As I understand it Howling Twilight can be used as a debuff regardless of dead teammates. (Yes I have a 50 Dark^3, no I do not run it much, and am unsure....) Can someone who knows things sort this out? Thanks. If I like the info will probably start 2023s Redside crawl every contact with a Corr and really learn how to solo and team with one.
  19. i was standing there a couple days ago and they pops out a few times in half hour. 2-3 batches.
  20. Maybe you do not try to obfuscate. Maybe you are even more long winded than me. Out of your post this is the only sentence that pertains to the subject. I never said the rich are bad. I am saying that feeding money to a small minority of the playerbase further destabilizes the market and economy. So, that is bad. m'kay?
  21. For “easy” content a Blaster is smoother, for me. I do pretty good with them in +2…+4…. But I could see where Corruptor will probably start to outshine do to length of combat and value of buffs/debuffs leverage. Is there a general point where the Corruptor starts to outshine the Blaster? Or is it personal preference?
  22. join "Task Force Junkies" chat channel on Excelsior. those people are active and know what they are doing. get an invite from someone there. odds will go up experience will be good
  23. a few months ago i would (and did!) say Cosmic Council. it was hyper active with events almost every night and weekly incarnate badge runs. now... it is a ghost town there now. take it from a vampire.
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