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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Set up a Redside SG. Recruit people. (to specifically run villain content.) set up discord. Host regular run times and weekly SF target runs. Be the solution.
  2. I started with Good vs Evil boxed edition. So the game had been out 2 years I think. I was Redside a long long time before sliding over to Blue for more activity. About 6 months Red on Liberty, 1 year+ on Freedumb, then on tto Virtue and mixed Red/Blue. Lot of Blue TF there with Brickhouse channel. Until shutdown....sigh.
  3. What do you define old schoolers as? People who have been playing since Beta? People who only use SOs? People who run story arcs? Narrow this down you might get an answer.
  4. One of my still favorite activities are PUG. Errr pick up group task forces. This (to me) is about the most accessible game content i can think of. And i will do it with anyone so, the way i team, i think is not shutting out brand new players at all. In fact i get irritated if someone tries to run almost any task force except imperious at anything besides +0/x1
  5. What about a cheesy +stealth in inherent Run power. Would that do the trick?
  6. it may be that simple. It may be more complex. The council is one of the rarer enemy types in that they have factions. Could each faction drop different stuff?
  7. To be serious for a moment. What makes a villain. Forget supervillain. Just a villain. Selfishness, craziness, bad personal hygiene, what is the deal? You have to have a certain "disregard for other's feelings" and/or "enjoy ruining people's lives" There may be more, but that is what I boil it down to. Now, the reasons for such a disregard for other's humanity. That, the backstory, is where there are some great storytelling opportunities. You do not even have to write them, just insinuate. Example: Joker. Do not talk to me about the recent movie. Calling that the backstory for the Joker was small, sad, and flaccid. The Joker was best done (in my opinion) by Heath Ledger with his everchanging stories about his past. The man did more with a few lines than some people can do with two hours screen time. You do need to have a REASON to be a villain however. You do not just go out to "take what is yours" because the tea wasn't quite right this morning. Or, ...do you? Being a SUPER Villain? Add some powers, some spandex, a crazy bit of headgear. You better have some moxie to walk around in that drag. Moxie and a TON of "I will show the world" Whether you want to destroy the world, rule the world, or get the world to piss off and leave you alone it will require more than just super powers. It will require a super amount of indifference (or enjoyment) to the suffering of others. Look at Tony Soprano. Not Super. But what a villain. Broke his own code so many times. Dumped toxic waste in New Jersey streams. Stole whatever he wanted. Killed. Super selfish. There are many great examples from fiction, movies of non super individuals who do great evil. Hannibal Lecter. The Minus Man (Owen Wilson serial killer), Hans Gruber (leader Die Hard criminals) and the list is endless. Before you write a Super Villain you need to reach out with both hands and get a firm grip on the motivations of these individuals. Then you can power up, slap on some spandex, bust out of the Zig, and take your place in the long line of schmucks we call Redsiders.
  8. This might make it even more brutal but have you considered stopping experience until you get drops/can afford upgrades?
  9. I feel the same way about my new Stalker Redside project. it irks me to wait for hide. But it is so much more effective. As I go from 9-14 and slot a little better I think I will be able to take out a whole little knot of foes fast then just hide as I move to the next. The AS is so powerful I do not even build up for it unless against an actual boss. The only thing really slowing me down is the kill alls and escorts. Sigh.
  10. I do not have a detailed answer. Never looked it up. But I have fought enough of specific mobs at one time to see a pattern. When you end up with 20 of one type of salvage and very little of anything else after fighting certain mobs it seems clear they drop according to their mob type.
  11. While I do not agree with most of this thread (not just post, the whole damn thread) this sentence stands out. The goal of the thread, admirable, is of course to increase activity Redside. How to do this? ... I have no good ideas. Make it fun? Some people hate it. Increase the rewards? To what? Farm levels? Increase the power? With people already screaming power creep? But in the end (if it succeeds in any way) the reason will be the above statement. Increase the number of players. So, kidnap a few people and strap them to computers forcing them to play City of Villains. DO YOUR PART!
  12. You would (in my opinion) need to gate all resources per character. You want a purple recipe? Wait for a drop or farm merits. On that character. You want any recipe. Same. In other words remove email and market and trades and prob one or two other things that would solve 90% of power creep. Maybe 95%. oh. And no AE. You want to farm something you better save a farm mission map. It would even be best if you could disable that. Save a mission 7 days tops. this would FORCE all rewards to be earned per character and teaming would be GOLD
  13. Yes, this is the dichotomy of even starting a thread like this. Redsiders tend to be solo players. Stereotype? True? Who gives a crap. I am a solo player. I just want the convenience of 7 other people who don't mind getting blood up to their elbows to help with specific tasks. Sometimes it really helps to have a Suicide Squad. But other than that I will go back to solo play. (I will help a villain if one shouts out....) But asking for the busiest server that I plan to solo on 98% time? It is the laughable situation most Redsiders find ourselves in. Where is it busy? I mean, I want to solo. Where it is busy....
  14. For a page or two you have no choice I think 🙂
  15. So..... The stories are in fact a reflection of reality. You know this? Stark industries is/was one of the largest producers of killing machines/devices/toys/games on the planet. This did not net the Stark family ANY jail time. The fact that one of Stark's products went apeshit and killed a bunch of people.....seems to have been dealt with through storytelling. And lawyers and PR firms. This is the "reality" that is reflected in the movies. Mindless? Sure. As mindless as everyone starting to use electric cars but most of the vehicle pollution in cities comes from diesel trucks. (I drive one) and NO ONE wants to pay more for the stuff in groceries/stores/malls so no one says shit about that.
  16. No one I know Ques. We form through LFG and private channels. I would come to the message boards to form before setting up a que
  17. Yeah, I am really established on Excelsior. I just am always questioning things. But it would be inconvenient to have an odd duck on an odd server. Really need (want) 2 more DFBs, and the DiBs....those boosts seriously help until you start slotting big set bonuses 30+
  18. My Redside project, while 98% solo, does appreciate a team for things like TFs and certain badges. I started him on Excelsior, which usually has about 10-12 villains in the 1-10 range. Not sure about later levels. Just started watching it. Are other servers the same or busier?
  19. Yeah i was already considering changing how i craft and sell. This market fluctuation was the impetus i needed to make the decision
  20. I run Darkness epics a lot and like them. Thanks for the info
  21. Snarky

    Hm, boy.

    You had a bad relationship with the RNG. Bitch hates you
  22. Yeah i like the Jedi mind power and i want to learn it. I only have so many powers available in primary and secondary. I will be jumping from 9-14 once i get 5-9 content complete. Placate should slap on fine. Then i can learn its uses. As a solo mission +0/x1 i am sure it will have a number of niche uses for getting through stuff and will make a fun mini game for a while. Then i can decide if i want it in the future thanks for the feedback. I really appreciate all the great input here
  23. THis is extra slick thank you. This would put everyone in TF mode and solve many of those related issues. Now that you said it I cannot think of another way to do it easier or better. Just brilliant.
  24. My memory is crap but I think they have always groaned. There is a Redside Mission on Cap au Diable where you fight a whole base of these things. (Great place to get the badge) My memory wants to say they have always given a weird guttural moan as they die.
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