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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. This makes me think of Johnny Blaze the Human Torch. While Ben Grimms Thing is arguably one of the Quintessential Tanks Johnny (to me) was always a 2nd string hero. Not really in the top top notch but no doubt a powerful super. Sentinel Fire/Will would be able to perfectly replicate this. Boundless energy enthusiasm. Check. Good damage dealer. Check. Throw in some dad jokes and you got a clone.
  2. Scarlet Skullduggery (inspired by another thread....)
  3. I have experimented with quite a few Sentinels. Willpower, while boring, is (to me) absolutely perfect on a Sentinel. Endless blue energy, the ability to heal fast if you are not put down. some armor/defense to build on. Set and forget. Oh, and it requires almost no I/O investment to get there. Leaving you to slather your primary with everything.
  4. Snarky ended up being my main on live. Originally a SS/Will Brute, pretty much a generic super villain Now he lives on Homecoming. Although he has morphed over the years into a Dark/Dark Vampire Rogue Blaster. I have the name on each server and the global. Snark on!!!
  5. now that is Kobe beef quality Snark right there.
  6. I also started HC with a bevy of Sentinels. I have always favored Brutes. But i always wanted a Ranged Blaster. What can I say. I still love armored characters. I love Mez protection Personally (and i have heard opposite opinion from people i respect) I think Willpower has it’s strongest showing on Sentinels. Better suited to the job than any other armor set available. For me this is due to how the Armor was designed. Not designed to absorb Alphas. Great, not in a Sentinels job description. Able to recover health very fast and with endless blue energy. Okay, now we are talking. Mez protection and a passing amount of all around armor, defense. Nothing to wrote home about, but again, not designed to take Alpha. Set and forget armor. Lets a Sentinel concentrate on the job with the Primary set. Very nice i do like that there is a ranged character with armor But i am Snarky(reg TM pat pend). So here goes: the range sucks, the target cap is crap, the damage is anemic, the inherent is a joke. Fix any two of those things we might be able to talk. I have recently levelled a bunch more of these things with Willpower (and one Dark/Dark). As true today as it was when i first started HC. These things need some love. They were 75% finished and shoved it out the door. Sad panda
  7. It is NOT a challenge. Inviting me to a 50 Khan TF in LFG then telling me it is +4 after it starts. Why the F do I want to spend 20-30 minutes on the last fight to satisfy your ego? The only challenge is not killing someone in frustration afterward and draining the corpse of blood. I can only hide so many bodies in one week! You want a challenge? Try to get a group of regulars to team on low level content using SOs. Old school style. Get that running for a few months. THAT is a challenge. Snaring people into a long fight against a giant Health Amoeba? Pffft. literally the definition of childish.
  8. I now want a character with sort of "stealth" KB powers. Everyone knows an Energy Blast set does tons of KB....but grab a bunch of odd stuff and slot it for KB... then if anyone complains point fingers at others on the team. It may not be Recluse level of Villain. But someone has to pick up the grounders.
  9. this is why i need to write. my ideas provoke reactions. sometimes....interesting ones. but it is reacting that you can tell there is a relation to the material and evocation of response you know you got...something. but basically i was not posting about getting rich. i was saying "why bother? this is what i wanted." so....WHY do you want a server for CoH/V? edit: i see you did somewhat post a response. for amusement, then some nebulous future thing you are "not ready for' yet. i cannot speak to your underlying motives. i can only read my own (art is what something evokes from inside us) i see a fear of this going away. but, a lone server playing CoV as a solo console game. sigh. the chaos of being in the game with dozens/hundreds/thousands of self absorbed super heroes/villains/rogues/vigilantes....priceless. i mean, i would have killed to have CoV console during the dark years. But CoH/V Homecoming....the gang back together? that is where it is at.
  10. My Nosferatu with a dripping blood aura. Been painting? Oh, yeah.
  11. Snarky

    Best Blappers?

    My Ice/Ice Blaster is not a Blapper. But the build is best suited to almost Sentinel range. Not long range at all. Just right outside the mobs. So...Ice Patch and Shiver are remarkably good (when you got not much else!) at throwing the attacking forces into chaos while you cycle through a few more attacks
  12. I have a Dark/Dark Corruptor that does this very well. Not sure a Sentinel puts out enough terror. It was also pointed out to me that the Aura Cloaks are sideways to the goal of not being in Point Blank range for long.
  13. I got Skulz on Excelsior for my alt accr farmer lol
  14. My Brutes take taunt....1 out of every 100 times. Brutes do not need taunt. They do it WWE style, with a chair to the face.
  15. my build has high recharge on it. even in low level stuff i am firing so much off i am depleting my end bar pretty hard
  16. True villainy is something that is either in you or it is not. If you are a villain you may not realize it. That is more common than you would think
  17. with due respect to your efforts. that is not going to make the grade.
  18. You prefer wiped bums? seriously though i also prefer gamers who are not trying to rankle my tender sensibilities (pro tip: there is a 99.99% chance you cannot do it. If you can seek help immediately) i also prefer gamers who do not run Posi and Synapse at +anything. I do not like gamers who run Khans at +4 without stating so in the LFG ad. There are many ways for a gamer to earn my derision. But yes, i have seen a *slight up tick in character names in poor taste recently. I played on Freedom and I have played WoW. Some in my own SG dance with innuendo in their naming conventions. It is usually artistic rather than bawdy but some efforts are doomed to failure from the start keep in mind most of the cut scenes from the incarnate trials are endless T&A. This is not exactly a completely innocent platform
  19. hide in a room and play video games. there are maniacs outside nuking each other.
  20. That is not weather. That is hate.
  21. Crimson Skull, prob taken. Red Mort, Scarlet Bone....just throwing out some theme stuff here.
  22. Ice and Water both summon pseudo pets. What are the target caps for these pets? Do they help increase the damage of the sets or is it sort of moot?
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