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Ok...so don't ask me how this works. But I've been watching the anime "Gate", and I thought to myself: "You know what, I'm gonna try and make a magical girl with a giant axe".  That didn't work. But somehow I went from Rory Mercury to the costume below.  I'm actually surprised that the crab backpack works really well with it too. Not sure of all animations in-game, but it looks great in the character creator tool.





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Hero side:


This is my main from way back in beta until right now, Sky-Hawke:Street/Will Brute.  The outfit's changed over the years, but this was his look for the majority of his career up through today.



Next is my Ill/Kin Controller: Technolusion



Atom Blaze: Fire/Rad Blaster



Another recreated character from live, Dusk Spherule: FF/Dark Defender



Snow Boots: Ice/Cold Controller



Originally a villain on live, now a hero.  Suppression Fire: Mercs/Fire Mastermind



Villain side:


Stiletto Heel: Demon/Fire Mastermind



Cloud Burst: Elec/Storm Controller



Praetorian side:


Blue Slate: Stone/Stone Tanker


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Sky-Hawke: Rad/WP Brute

Alts galore. So...soooo many alts.

Originally Pinnacle Server, then Indomitable and now Excelsior


I don't yet have a design to post, but I was hoping I could get some assistance. I saw a costume recently in-game of a two-piece skirt, similar to the tech knight belt and cloth, except the cloth was both front & back of the body. Does anyone have any ideas if/how we can actually do this ourselves? I've been trying to replicate it with no luck.


I don't yet have a design to post, but I was hoping I could get some assistance. I saw a costume recently in-game of a two-piece skirt, similar to the tech knight belt and cloth, except the cloth was both front & back of the body. Does anyone have any ideas if/how we can actually do this ourselves? I've been trying to replicate it with no luck.

If the front part was short then look at the gunslinger belt.


I don't yet have a design to post, but I was hoping I could get some assistance. I saw a costume recently in-game of a two-piece skirt, similar to the tech knight belt and cloth, except the cloth was both front & back of the body. Does anyone have any ideas if/how we can actually do this ourselves? I've been trying to replicate it with no luck.


Remember that some combinations of belts won't be available with certain costume pieces.  For example, if you choose the Bolero option for the upper body, you can't have any backpack pieces except the crab backpack.  The same thing goes for certain lower body choices. 


Take a screenshot and post it so we know exactly what you're talking about.  There are several robes I can think of that look like dresses, as well as a number of belts and skirts, as well as bolero or trenchcoats.


Well, since people are sharing I may as well throw my trash on screen.

That and it took me way longer than I'd care to admit to remember how to actually post images and I don't want that time to be wasted.


So starting with the more boring/generic ones first:


General Anaesthetic:


Mercs/Poison Mastermind. I mainly like him because of the pun, I know the costume's a bit "meh" but there's not much you can do with a generic modern military commander.


String Theory:


Archery/Time Defender. I don't normally do spandex, so I decided to go a little more classic on this one. Plus I was just happy when I got the name on live. You can't see it but she uses the vanguard (energy) bow.


Mr Hoke:


Robotics/Field Mastermind. I got bored of seeing black and red villains side, so I made this costume. Used to be one of my mains back on live but I haven't really touched him yet here.




Kinetic/Energy Brute. Fairly generic mech suit, but I loved the play style of kinetics and couldn't imagine making a different character to use it. Plus I liked his colour scheme for some reason.




Storm/Water Defender. Used to be Storm/Ice on live but I thought water fitted better. She's meant to be a loose interpretation of a Nereid, even has the name of one of them. Though she doesn't look anything like the actual myths of them. Mainly came about when I saw that the plant gloves and boots and resistance hair could be made to look like seaweed.




Claws/Invuln Scrapper. An anthropomorphic representation of hope, not an angel. He's basically my current main and this is his 6th costume. Starting basic and getting steadily more ornate I want to get to his 9th by 48 (he's 40 right now).




Rad/Dark Corruptor. Part of a duo I'm running with someone I know, I love the contrast the bright green gives. The boots look a little off colour and the shoulder pads hang over the back in the editor but in game you pretty much can't tell, which makes me happy. He has the second tech spine option on his back too.




Plant/Earth Dominator. One of my favourite costume designs from live so I had to bring him back here. He's a bit of a mish-mash, but that was always intentional with him having basically been an accidental creation flushed into a sewer.




Illusion/Time Controller. This guy...changes. I can never pick a power set and stick with it on him, so he's liable to switch to something else on a whim. Kinda wanted to go "superhero mage" with this rather than just normal generic dude in robes. My only complaint is the tanker top leaves part of his left shoulder bare, which doesn't look great.

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More costumes (especially since Sorth_31's post above with General Anaesthetic reminded me of my own pun, General Medicine):


BiC Boy was accidentally brought to life one day by a student in a Paragon magic academy. This living icon uses the power of ink to fight villainy wherever it stains the city:




General Medicine is a staunch Loyalist, who summons teams of nurses and other support staff, armed to the teeth, to contain threats to the health of the citizens of Nova Praetoria:




A powerful mutant who controls any solid particulate matter such as ash, dust, and sand, Haboob fights for the Resistance, trying to bring down the tyranny of the Emperor:




Late Capitalism is literally the avatar of that very concept given life through arcane rituals done by a cabal of business leaders in the Rogue Isles. He uses powerful control over the minds of others through manipulation of their greed to consolidate power and wealth for himself above all others, seeking to turn a profit via every possible stream of revenue regardless of ethical implications, caring not for the endless blood on his hands:




Moonshadow has been a superhero of Nova Praetoria for as long as anyone can remember. One of the old guard, who still believes in heroism. He's seen the good and evil done by both the Loyalists and the Resistance, and falls somewhere in the middle, wishing to pull the best from both sides to create a better world for all the citizens of the world:




The Macrobe was superhero on his own world. A macrobial single-celled organism from another dimension brought into Paragon City via portal technology that was immediately destroyed after its first use, the scientists who caused this accident had to rapidly develop a special suit for the Macrobe to survive. Now, they exist within a tank atop the suit, and use their powers to rapidly create or evolve copies of themselves to adapt to this world. Seeing how multi-celled organisms function--something novel to them--they've begun to build a body made of specialized cells they've created, to enhance their abilities.  Surrounded by a swarm of their own progeny who can survive in and fly through Earth's atmosphere, they continue to fight the good fight for their adopted home:




The Proletariat Spirit is the living avatar of the spirit of workers throughout the world. He allies himself with no form of government at all, refusing any symbols of any of them and wearing only the humble clothes of the movement from which he originally sprung. A hero capable of rallying countless workers behind him, and linking the willing among them together to enhance their collective power by letting each experience the best in all others within the group. He can even heal by splitting the damage dealt to one person to each consenting participant nearby, so many may suffer only a tiny bit rather than one suffering much. The Proletariat Spirit is never alone, with a great many workers of the world happily and willingly uniting around him when he telepathically calls for aid. He's saved Paragon City and the world many times over the course of many decades, and is a highly respected being in this world:




I LOVE Bic Boy's concept and look! LOLOLOLOL  (Especially if you use the 'slime' effect in black)

y0Y5yFQ.png Forever grateful to be back in my city!

"I had always presumed white light to be pure and somehow chaste, to be noble and good. But this whiteness was unutterably evil, chilling, its purity an abomination."

— Inquisitor Eisenhorn, Hereticus





My, I got bewildered going through this thread, you all make me feel like the countryside cousin :o will go ahead and share my two cents nevertheless, if you don't mind please go to the following post:




Costume variations are at the bottom,the reason I set them apart is because the looks of the character are connected to his story, do let me know your opinion!

Σαυτὸν ἀρίθμησον πρότερον καὶ γνῶθι σεαυτόν,

      καὶ τότ᾽ ἀριθμήσεις γαῖαν ἀπειρεσίην.


Here's an... admittedly long list of characters. I'll stick five to a post, I suppose? In alphabetical order:


Abe, an old martial artist hero who's been around the block and then some:



Reminds me of Bear Walken https://www.google.com/search?q=bear+walken&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS822US827&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=Slvnl_J8KmN00M%253A%252C5zt-5G7B_OoK9M%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kTg3vGgr8aetiBkJUNhT8snjUnEzg&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiS9O6jw-fiAhWST98KHbmBCcAQ9QEwBnoECAUQDg#imgrc=Slvnl_J8KmN00M:

My first attempt, let me know if I did it wrong.



First is Captain Prime, my Em/Wp brute.






Second is Solarwave, my main, a FM/Inv Brute






This is Solarwaves primary costume.



Pro Tip for Windows 10 users:


The "Photos" app makes it very simple to crop your screenshots down so that you don't have to upload the entire screen.


Two proud members of Meat Hammer, a super group dedicated to giving the bad guys the shaft!


Hey look, someone else who uses homosexuality as a punchline to mock others. Very original and job well done! You should make fun of handicapped people next. I mean, the only thing funnier than the gays are the cripples, amirite?  >:(

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Two proud members of Meat Hammer, a super group dedicated to giving the bad guys the shaft!


Hey look, someone else who uses homosexuality as a punchline to mock others. Very original and job well done! You should make fun of handicapped people next. I mean, the only thing funnier than the gays are the cripples, amirite?  >:(


TBH, my buddy I play with daily thinks the 'joke' here is hillarious and crack similar ones all the time...

In his words, he is as "queer as a three dollar bill".

So, some people don't take offense to every little thing and have a broad sense of humor.


YMMV, of course.

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TungstenShark, I had the same impression when I saw that. I really found no humor in it, but who knows if the person who created it is gay, and thought it was funny.

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y0Y5yFQ.png Forever grateful to be back in my city!

Oh I fully expect to get flamed for being "too uptight" or "it's all in good fun" or whatever. But if no one says anything, no one is held accountable for examining their own actions. It's a free country (last I checked anyway) so the poster is free to play as he sees fit in whatever manner brings him joy and amusement. Just reminds me too much of when I played on Live back in the day and some doofus named a character Spina Bifida (spines scrapper naturally) which seemed in extremely poor taste. You have been given this bright vibrant world with a darn-near unlimited character creator, yet gay jokes still get a big laugh. @jubakumbi has one gay friend who thought it was funny, so it's fine.


Carry on.

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Oh I fully expect to get flamed for being "too uptight" or "it's all in good fun" or whatever. But if no one says anything, no one is held accountable for examining their own actions. It's a free country (last I checked anyway) so the poster is free to play as he sees fit in whatever manner brings him joy and amusement. Just reminds me too much of when I played on Live back in the day and some doofus named a character Spina Bifida (spines scrapper naturally) which seemed in extremely poor taste. You have been given this bright vibrant world with a darn-near unlimited character creator, yet gay jokes still get a big laugh. @jubakumbi has one gay friend who thought it was funny, so it's fine.


Carry on.


While I understand one persons humor can be another persons hate all too well, conflating what appear to be two instances where you were offended into 'something bigger' seems to be your intent here...in addition to directly attacking the creative output of another for not being 'good enough' for your approval...


The jokes were not to your taste, I get that.


From where I stand, you are saying being Gay and being Handicapped are somehow comparable, which I find to be disgusting in it's implication.

I know it is proabably not your intent.


Sometimes, when it comes to jokes, I find it better to make sure the poeple I think might be offended, are, in fact, offended, is my point.



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Some really, really interesting costumes here. It is amazing to see what folks can come up with.


@AkuTenshiiZero had a hero a few pages back (Silver Skull) and the head was really good, using several different pieces together to create a great look. I am always so...symmetrical I guess ("matchy-matchy")...the gloves and boots almost always match, the legs and chest almost always match, patterns always match, I use limited color palettes (though I'm color-blind so it's harder for me to see what looks good together), definitely never more than two colors, etc. Seeing how folks think outside the box and create neat and unusual looks by mixing and matching...very cool stuff! The hero creator really is amazing in its depth and complexity. Never seen a game with better and this game is over 7 years old.


Two proud members of Meat Hammer, a super group dedicated to giving the bad guys the shaft!


Hey look, someone else who uses homosexuality as a punchline to mock others. Very original and job well done! You should make fun of handicapped people next. I mean, the only thing funnier than the gays are the cripples, amirite?  >:(


TBH, my buddy I play with daily thinks the 'joke' here is hillarious and crack similar ones all the time...

In his words, he is as "queer as a three dollar bill".

So, some people don't take offense to every little thing and have a broad sense of humor.


YMMV, of course.

I think I saw someone running around named  Three Dollar Bill.

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