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So I was in a BAF today and 2 or 3 people were bitching about my group fly and asked me to turn it off. I refused .


#1 Im a bots MM. Bots are pure range. Taking them out of melee range is a wise decision on my part.


#2 At the end game content I already have enough issue with my tier 1 pets getting killed too easily . So yeah, not going to put them needlessly in Melee range; especially when they’re ranged pets.


#3 If you don’t like being effected by group fly you can turn it off via null the gull. Thats why he exists . Quality of life enhancements .


#4 when robots fly they get a thruster animation and it just looks and feels awesome .


Case and point: 

Im not going to alter the way I play because you’re bad at this game or too lazy to go to null. 


Edited by Gravitus
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59 minutes ago, Gravitus said:

Im not going to alter the way I play because you’re bad at this game

I know this is off topic a little bit, but I feel this way about knockback. Hitting tab to retarget isn't really that hard and you can set it up to target the nearest enemy. Melee archetypes don't get a special pass to demand others play the way they want all the time. 

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30 minutes ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

Was your group fly only affecting yourself and your bots, or was it also affecting other players?

By default, it affects anyone nearby. Players can opt-out with Null the Gull.

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2 hours ago, Gravitus said:

Im not going to alter the way I play because you’re bad at this game or too lazy to go to null. 


I would think at minimum, you should warn teammates of this, so that they have the opportunity to go to Null the Gull to do this prior to launching into a TF, or mission, or Trial.  Otherwise, your play preferences are affecting their enjoyment of the game, and without fair warning, that's a bit unfair.  I'm sure most would be happy to accommodate, but if they are caught in this without warning, I could well understand their frustration.

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31 minutes ago, Abraxus said:

I would think at minimum, you should warn teammates of this, so that they have the opportunity to go to Null the Gull to do this prior to launching into a TF, or mission, or Trial.  Otherwise, your play preferences are affecting their enjoyment of the game, and without fair warning, that's a bit unfair.  I'm sure most would be happy to accommodate, but if they are caught in this without warning, I could well understand their frustration.

Yeah, for what it's worth, I'm with this opinion.  If you are soloing or it's your team?  Have at it.  You do you.


When you put on your "teaming" hat you need to be a teammate.  I don't think it's a reasonable presumption that everyone else in the league should already have disabled this or should take 5 minutes to go to Null because you don't want to have to resummon your robots occasionally.  If I were playing a melee character and got taken out of range because you came too close to me and made me fly?  I'd be miffed too.  If I were the only one on the team with an issue, I'd probably figure out a way to coexist.  If there were 2-3 others who were also having a poor play experience?  I absolutely would have turned off group fly.  But I'm Lawful Good, yo; greatest good for the greatest number of people.


Just my opinion.

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I think at this point the BAF is easy enough and there should be so much AoE +defense that there's no real benefit to making your bots fly, and if it's frustrating people (especially maybe melees who are trying to chase down prisoners?), the polite thing to do is to turn it off.  Certainly EVERYONE could go to Null the Gull and turn it off on all of their characters but I definitely haven't, perhaps because I've literally never seen anyone use Group Fly.

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The fact that null exists is really the only reason I need. If it was a power that you could literally do nothing about Id understand but it isn’t . 

Forgetting to go to null isn’t my problem .


but also I have every right to give my build every conceivable advantage, which group fly objectively does for bots.


Any accommodations I may make would simply be an optional courtesy and not deserving of ridicule if I opt out. 

For the record most people took my side on the BAF , but the fact we had to set aside 5 minutes in the group to talk about it was annoying. Go figure none of the people bitching about it where MM either . 

I hope people can read this and maybe not attempt to ridicule the next person who uses group fly needlessly.

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"I'm not gonna change the way I play, even if it negatively effects teammates." Attitudes like this are the core reason why I *always* turn off group fly at Null, on every last toon I create. Never had an issue with it here, but back on live? Yes. People would use group fly just to grief and be a royal PITA with it. No one I ever ran into with it was any more accommodating than you seem to be. "Nope, gonna run it if I want!" was always the answer, even if it caused issues. Not everyone knows about Null, either. Kind of ignorant to assume the thousands of players who play, know about it.

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And they have every right to kick you from the team if they don't want you as a team mate.  Any accommodation they may make would simply be an optional courtesy and not deserving of ridicule if they kick you out.


Being on a team is a privilege not a right.  If you are a bad team mate you probably will not be one long.

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To be honest I never considered needing to leave an incarnate trial before.  Do they have exits?  Or would you need to use an oro portal or whatever to get out?  Also if someone did leave to talk to Null, how would they get back in?

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12 minutes ago, Ael said:

"I'm not gonna change the way I play, even if it negatively effects teammates." Attitudes like this are the core reason why I *always* turn off group fly at Null, on every last toon I create. Never had an issue with it here, but back on live? Yes. People would use group fly just to grief and be a royal PITA with it. No one I ever ran into with it was any more accommodating than you seem to be. "Nope, gonna run it if I want!" was always the answer, even if it caused issues. Not everyone knows about Null, either. Kind of ignorant to assume the thousands of players who play, know about it.

Like I said , if it was a power you could do nothing about id understand . Back on live I never used it for that reason. So I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make .


if people have made it to incarnate trials and don’t know what null is, I have no sympathy. Their ignorance isn’t an excuse to act like an ass.

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11 minutes ago, DougGraves said:

And they have every right to kick you from the team if they don't want you as a team mate.  Any accommodation they may make would simply be an optional courtesy and not deserving of ridicule if they kick you out.


Being on a team is a privilege not a right.  If you are a bad team mate you probably will not be one long.

Only the leader was on my side about it as most of the folks. If the leader asked me to Remove it, I’d recognize I have a choice to make. More than likely I’d deactivate it because it’s not worth getting kicked.

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4 hours ago, Gravitus said:

Im not going to alter the way I play because you’re bad at this game or too lazy to go to null. 

I don't care for your attitude. Just because you say you had a leader who approved of your decision/behavior does not mean you were right. You just found someone who was like minded or was ambivalent. 


The Teleport prompt analogy isn't the same thing. The prompt lets you opt in on a case by case basis. Null the Gull is all or nothing in this case (Group Fly or no Group Fly). If I was in the League, I would ask for it to be turned off. If I got annoyed enough or could not find a way to work with it, I would just message the leader and tell them why I was leaving and just find something better to do. 

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16 minutes ago, LiquidBandage said:

I don't care for your attitude. Just because you say you had a leader who approved of your decision/behavior does not mean you were right. You just found someone who was like minded or was ambivalent. 


The Teleport prompt analogy isn't the same thing. The prompt lets you opt in on a case by case basis. Null the Gull is all or nothing in this case (Group Fly or no Group Fly). If I was in the League, I would ask for it to be turned off. If I got annoyed enough or could not find a way to work with it, I would just message the leader and tell them why I was leaving and just find something better to do. 

It might as well be the same thing . I’m not aware of people wanting group fly sometimes. Which is why Null has that feature if you think about it. It’s the devs answer to people keeping group fly to themselves . Figures there will always be entitled folks telling others how to play despite the devs best efforts.


Fortunately it seems that people with your view are in the minority and rightfully so.   


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3 hours ago, Gulbasaur said:

I know this is off topic a little bit, but I feel this way about knockback. Hitting tab to retarget isn't really that hard and you can set it up to target the nearest enemy. Melee archetypes don't get a special pass to demand others play the way they want all the time. 

AE KB pisses anyone off who cares about AE attacks and debuffs. So, like a huge amount of the player base cares because you want to tickle a spawn and ruin the rest of the team's tactics/effectiveness. No one should give a damn about single target though, unless you're specifcally targeting the mobs the scrapper is on.

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1 minute ago, Bossk_Hogg said:

KB pisses anyone off who cares about AE attacks and debuffs. So, like a huge amount of the player base cares because you want to tickle a spawn and ruin the rest of the team's tactics.

So what do bots users do? All of the bots have inherent KB. Just not use that AT?

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Just now, Gravitus said:

So what do bots users do? All of the bots have inherent KB. Just not use that AT?

Solo, slot the KB to KD enhancer, take an AE immobilize with-KB, or simply not summoning your t1's (which do no real damage on a big team anyways). Or not complain when you get kicked when people ask you to work with the team, not against it. You should also join us in asking for a Null the Gull option to turn KB into KD for various sets.


I have a bots MM. I tossed the enhancer in the assault bot and don't use my t 1's on all teams. My damage skyrocketed when I got Electric Fences and could keep targets nicely clumped and in the burn patch.

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