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  On 3/15/2021 at 3:57 PM, TemporalVileTerror said:

Hand-in-hand, absolutely, but still distinct enough to merit separation for the purposes of organizing thoughts and discussion.

Once you start the thread, I'll hop right in!  Lots of big ideas to share there.




But to try to gently steer this thread back on course . . . 


How many Javelin attacks are there with the Cimerorans?   Is it just the one Pilum Power?  

(If not making a whole Set out of that, could we at least have Pilum-toss animations for things like Archery, Trick Arrow, and Tactical Arrow?)



There's only one Javelin animation shared by Cimeroran NPCs as well as Valkyrie and maybe Battle Maiden.


Though there are a few animations from Thorny Assault and Martial Assault for different "throwing" powers.

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Gonna attempt to make another Mastermind Primary set, using only material we have in the game already. I even made a few concepts for what their attire could look like just to try and flesh it out some more. One of the most popular ideas for new MM primaries was 'knights', so I'm going to try and take that and work it into the thread here, and see how it might look on paper. (I'm also going to make a few adjustments to Ninjas, since I'm stealing Archery powers from them).




Ninjas QuickShot.png - Snap Shot: Stealing this power from Ninjas, and replacing it with 'Shuriken' which is more fitting.


Ninjas CallGenin.png - Call Archers: Summons 3 Archers, which are ranged pets armed with a few archery powers.


Ninjas StandardShot.png - Aimed Shot: Stealing this power from Ninjas, and replacing it with 'Poison Dart' which is more fitting.


Ninjas TrainNinjas.png - Train Warriors: First upgrade power, the animation for this features the player using a ceremonial sword and the 'Summon Spiderbot' animation from Mace Mastery


Ninjas FistFullArrows.png - Fistful of Arrows: Stealing this power from Ninjas, and replacing it with 'Explosive Shuriken' which is more fitting.


Ninjas CallJounin.png - Call Champions: Summons two Champions, each wielding a shield, one with a sword and one with a mace.


Ninjas KujiKiri.png - Siege: A special power that imbues a warrior with a single-use attack that they will use immediately on the target they're focusing on. Animation is similar to 'Call Hawk'


Ninjas CallOni.png - Call Crusader: Summons one extremely powerful Crusader, who uses a Titan Weapon and can gain/lose Momentum.


Ninjas UpgradeEquipment.png - Knighthood: Second upgrade power, the animation for this features the player using a ceremonial sword and the 'Point Sword' NPC animation before returning to holding it in both hands.



Ninjas CallGenin.png - Archer


Base Powers: Inherent Brawl.png - Brawl, Archery QuickArrow.png - Snap ShotShieldDefense PhalanxFighting.png - Armor (Inherent S/L defense)

Trained Powers: Archery MediumArrow.png - Aimed Shot

Knighthood Powers: Archery ConeArrow.png - Fistful of Arrows

Siege Power: Archery RainofArrows.png - Rain of Arrows



Ninjas CallJounin.png - Champion


Base Powers: Mace Bash.png - Slash/Bash, Sword Slash.png - Hack/Clobber, TrickArrow Immobilize.png - Net, ShieldDefense PhalanxFighting.png - Shield (Inherent S/L and Melee defense)

Trained Powers: Sword Disembowel.png - Disembowel/Jawbreaker, MedievalWeapons Crossbow.png - Javelin, ShieldDefense GrantCover.png - Grant Cover

Knighthood Powers: Sword HeadSplitter.png - Headsplitter/Shatter,  ShieldDefense PhalanxFighting.png - Phalanx Fighting

Siege Power: ShieldDefense ShieldCharge.png - Shield Charge



Ninjas CallOni.pngCrusader



Base Powers: TitanWeapons CrushingBlow.png - Crushing Blow, TitanWeapons DefensiveSweep.png - Defensive Sweep, ShieldDefense PhalanxFighting.png - Heavy Armor (Inherent S/L and Positional Defense)

Trained Powers: TitanWeapons SweepingStrike.png - Titan Sweep, TitanWeapons FollowThrough.png - Follow Through, TitanWeapons ShatterArmor.png - Rend Armor

Knighthood Powers: TitanWeapons WhirlingSlice.png - Whirling Smash, TitanWeapons ArcofDestruction.png - Arc of Destruction

Siege Power: TalonsOfVengeance Meteor.png - Catapult (extreme Smash/Fire Targeted AoE with Stun/Knockback, visually identical to Meteor)

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  • 2 weeks later
  On 4/2/2021 at 8:42 PM, TemporalVileTerror said:

You know, I don't think we ever linked this thread over to the other one:



Two birds, and all that jazz.



I think my contribution, in hindsight, was preeeetty close to what I put forward about the Pyrotechnics powerset here in the thread; having a blast set with a gimmick of 'splash damage' on most single target attacks, higher than average AoE DPS, and less than average single target DPS.

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You know, come to think of it, as much as I've noticed that people seem to like the 'natural-friendly' powerset options here, I've yet to do any Ancillary powersets to back that up, so I figure I'll give it a try to help even the playing field a little.


Trick Mastery - Blaster/Mastermind


NinjaTools Slow.png - Poison Caltrops: A modified version of Caltrops taken from my 'Trickery' control set, slowing foes and having a chance to immobilize them.


NinjaTools Hold.png - Paralysing Dart: Taken from Ninja Tool Mastery for Sentinels, a single target hold seems apt judging by other ancillaries.


Ninjitsu Run.png - Shinobi Iri: Taken from Ninjitsu, this power provides defense and a boost to movement speed, helping it compete in terms of protective powers.


FireTrap Flashfire.png - Pyrotechnics: Another power taken from the 'Trickery' powerset, stuns foes in an AoE, providing some heavier mez.


Ninjitsu KujInZen.png - Kuji-In Retsu: Taken from Ninjitsu, giving this ancillary a T9 seems to follow the design of other ancillaries of this type.



Combat Mastery - Defender/Corruptor


Brawling CombatReadiness.png - Reach For The Limit: A personal buff power from Martial Combat, fitting a similar role to 'Power Build Up' in Power Mastery.


MartialArts CraneKick.png - Crane Kick: A good melee power from Martial Arts, providing some more damage and ability to keep foes back.


MartialManipulation InnerWill.png - Inner Will: Another personal buff power that also acts as a heal, helping enhance the player's survivability.


Brawling LowKick.png - Eagle's Claw: A much stronger melee power from Martial Arts, with some added mez potential.


SuperReflexes Elude.png - Elude: Taken from Super Reflexes, this power makes up for the lack of upfront defenses with a powerful T9 ability.



Martial Mastery - Controller/Dominator


WeaponMastery Shuriken.png/MartialArts CraneKick.png - Shuriken/Crane Kick: Controllers get a traditional blast power from Weapon Mastery, while Dominators get a little more melee variety from Martial Arts.


MartialManipulation InnerWill.png - Inner Will: A personal buff power that also acts as a heal, helping enhance the player's survivability.


WeaponMastery ExplodingShuriken.png/MartialManipulation ReactionTime.png - Explosive Shuriken/Reaction Time: Controllers get a little more AoE damage from Weapon Mastery, while Dominators get a buff power from Martial Combat.


Brawling LowKick.png - Eagle's Claw: A much stronger melee power from Martial Arts, with some added mez potential.


SuperReflexes Elude.png - Elude: Taken from Super Reflexes, this power makes up for the lack of upfront defenses with a powerful T9 ability.

  • Like 6
Posted (edited)

Looking at the new mechanic being introduced to Singularity (being able to draw in enemies), I wanna play with this a little and see what we can do with it. And on that note, I've been toying with some old ideas! Here's another armor set; Gravity Aura


Gravity Aura


EnergyAura KineticShield.png - Gravity Shield: A Defense toggle that grants Smashing/Lethal/Negative Defense. Also provides minimal Resistance to Smashing/Lethal and Immobilize, Knockback, Knockdown and Knockup. (FX for this is similar to that of Gravity Distortion)


IceArmor Icicles.png - Orbiting Debris: A Damage Toggle that deals minor Smashing/Lethal DoT to nearby enemies. (FX for this is a larger version of the magnetic aura, with the ability to pull in debris like Hurricane)


IceArmor HP.png - Increase Mass: An autopower that boosts MaxHealth and Resistance to Defense Debuffs and Toxic Damage.


LuminousAura WhiteDwarf.png - Gravity Shift: This power unlocks two mutually exlusive toggles much like Bio Armor's Adaption; Low Gravity and High Gravity. 


EnergyAura PowerArmor.png - Low Gravity: This toggle boosts the Damage Resistance of your toggles, as well as granting greater Jump Height, Jump Speed, and Resistance to Movement Debuffs. Also decreases your Flight Manueverability. (FX for this is similar to that of Crush, but centred on each the player's feet)


EnergyAura Entropy.png - High Gravity: This toggle boosts the Status Effect Resistance of your toggles, as well as increasing damage, especially Smashing Damage. Also gives minor Smashing damage to all attacks. (FX for this is similar to that of Crush, but centred on each the player's feet, with the FX playing in reverse)


IceArmor Permafrost.png - Polar Shield: A Defense toggle that grants Fire/Cold Defense. Also provides minimal Resistance to Fire/Cold and Hold and Repel. (FX for this is similar to that of Lift)


IceArmor EnergyAbsorption.png - Quantum State: An autopower that gives a small boost to Melee/Ranged/AoE Defense, and Resistance to Enemy Teleportation and Placate.


EnergyAura Protection.png - Void Shield: A Defense toggle that grants Energy/Negative Defense. Also provides minimal Resistance to Energy/Negative and Sleep and Stun. (FX for this is similar to that of the nebulous glow of many Gravity Control powers)


IceArmor ChillingEmbrace.png - Gravitational Pull: A toggle power that uses the new pull mechanic introduced by Singularity, also reduces enemy Speed and drains their Endurance (also taunts for Brutes/Tankers). (FX for this is similar to that of long-cast teleport powers, but played in reverse)


EnergyAura Cloak.png - Dimensional Slip: A toggle power with long recharge and endurance upkeep, makes you and 6 nearby enemies intangible (10 on tankers). Works much like Dimension Shift in which phased enemies can affect one another. (FX for this is similar to that of Dimension Shift, but much smaller)



I think to set this armor powerset apart from the others in terms of raw numbers, I think maybe an emphasis on greater negative defense would serve well, since we're currently lacking something in that department.


Other than that, I tried to get it to look similar enough to the current suite of types defense armor sets. I'm not much of a numbers guy in that regard, but I think dark defense is pretty rare?


Edited by Tyrannical
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I think we're getting out of range of the "recycling" lately, @Tyrannical.  Of course, that's more of a matter of organization and categorization for the purposes of this thread or that thread.  I still like the overall ideas you're sharing here!


I'd suggest that Low Gravity offers Defense instead, honestly.  Lighter, easier to move, agile; that whole thing.  Doesn't necessarily have to make real physical sense in terms of the real world, but more that it "feels" more "right" to get Defense for Low Gravity rather than Resistance in terms of the game (from my perspective).


Gravitational Pull sounds utterly delightful.

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Posted (edited)

I like to set myself a minimum set of standards when it comes to recycling powersets, so long as people (including myself) hit any of the following targets, I'd say it constitutes as 'recycling'.

  • Using existing powers available to the player (eg. Sonic Assault)
  • Using modified versions of NPC powers (eg. Arsenal Blast)
  • Using FX derived from other powers (eg. Sonic Aura)

So if a suggested powerset hits one or more of those marks, I'd say it's kosher ðŸ˜„

Edited by Tyrannical
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  On 4/7/2021 at 5:56 PM, Tyrannical said:

Looking at the new mechanic being introduced to Singularity (being able to draw in enemies), I wanna play with this a little and see what we can do with it. And on that note, I've been toying with some old ideas! Here's another armor set; Gravity Aura


Gravity Aura


EnergyAura KineticShield.png - Gravity Shield: A Defense toggle that grants Smashing/Lethal Defense. Also provides minimal Resistance to Smashing/Lethal and Immobilize, Knockback, Knockdown and Knockup. (FX for this is similar to that of Gravity Distortion)


IceArmor Icicles.png - Orbiting Debris: A Damage Toggle that deals minor Smashing/Lethal DoT to nearby enemies. (FX for this is a larger version of the magnetic aura, with the ability to pull in debris like Hurricane)


IceArmor HP.png - Increase Mass: An autopower that boosts MaxHealth and Resistance to Defense Debuffs and Toxic Damage.


LuminousAura WhiteDwarf.png - Gravity Shift: This power unlocks two mutually exlusive toggles much like Bio Armor's Adaption; Low Gravity and High Gravity. 


EnergyAura PowerArmor.png - Low Gravity: This toggle boosts the Damage Resistance of your toggles, as well as granting greater Jump Height, Jump Speed, and Resistance to Movement Debuffs. Also decreases your Flight Manueverability. (FX for this is similar to that of Crush, but centred on each the player's feet)


EnergyAura Entropy.png - High Gravity: This toggle boosts the Status Effect Resistance of your toggles, as well as increasing damage, especially Smashing Damage. Also gives minor Smashing damage to all attacks. (FX for this is similar to that of Crush, but centred on each the player's feet, with the FX playing in reverse)


IceArmor Permafrost.png - Polar Shield: A Defense toggle that grants Fire/Cold Defense. Also provides minimal Resistance to Fire/Cold and Hold and Repel. (FX for this is similar to that of Lift)


IceArmor EnergyAbsorption.png - Quantum Flux: An autopower that gives a small boost to Melee/Ranged/AoE Defense, and Resistance to Enemy Teleportation and Placate.


EnergyAura Protection.png - Void Shield: A Defense toggle that grants Energy/Negative Defense. Also provides minimal Resistance to Energy/Negative and Sleep and Stun. (FX for this is similar to that of the nebulous glow of many Gravity Control powers)


IceArmor ChillingEmbrace.png - Gravitational Pull: A toggle power that uses the new pull mechanic introduced by Singularity, also reduces enemy Speed and drains their Endurance (also taunts for Brutes/Tankers). (FX for this is similar to that of long-cast teleport powers, but played in reverse)


EnergyAura Cloak.png - Dimensional Slip: A toggle power with long recharge and endurance upkeep, makes you and 6 nearby enemies intangible (10 on tankers). Works much like Dimension Shift in which phased enemies can affect one another. (FX for this is similar to that of Dimension Shift, but much smaller)



It's bothered me for AGES there aren't a lot of good concepts that mesh with the "magnetic" costume aura!

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Ok, I know.  I know, alright?  I still haven't got that dangable Grenade Control Set written out in detail like I said I would.  Gravy knows that I've got WAY too many unfinished projects as it is.
Buuuuuuuut . . . 
Inspired by @Steampunkette's post on Whip Melee ( https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/27171-whip-melee-because-whips-are-cool/ ) and -yet another- discussion about _this_ topic happening in-game (when doesn't it?), I'mma pitch this here:
So, since there's a limited number of animations, we have to get creative (just like Steampunkette did in the other thread).  Ideally, we would be able to edit out the infernal flame portion of the animations, and have the attacks look like a regular whip, with optional choice of energy-whip as a Power Customization choice.
Tier 1:  uc?export=download&id=1KR12nxHW3wMFdaBJBGcV1ckMclQHyDf8 Cranial Crack ( Level 1 )
Normal = Single Target Moderate Duration Stun with small Smashing Damage followed by tiny Lethal Damage Over Time
+ uc?export=download&id=1MpxUBZJKWjIj4vIE5tuKW5CehTc8iQaF = Single Target Short Duration Stun with moderate Fire Damage followed by small Toxic Damage Over Time and minor Resistance Debuff
+uc?export=download&id=1M1eVqd_cCj4udZHpuzamRcOtKJLeOcVY = Single Target Short Duration Stun that leads in to a Long Duration Confuse with small Smashing Damage and minor Control Resistance Debuff
(using Corruption animation)
Tier 2:  uc?export=download&id=1NXi0h3sFMoHSw9uPgLOngdS6hUyZy1jv Bind ( Level 1 )
Normal = Single Target Moderate Duration Hold with small Smashing Damage
+ uc?export=download&id=1MpxUBZJKWjIj4vIE5tuKW5CehTc8iQaF = Single Target Short Duration Hold with moderate Fire Damage followed by small Toxic Damage Over Time and minor Resistance Debuff
+uc?export=download&id=1M1eVqd_cCj4udZHpuzamRcOtKJLeOcVY = Single Target Long Duration Hold with small Smashing Damage Over Time and minor Control Resistance Debuff
(using truncated Hell on Earth animation)
Tier 3:  uc?export=download&id=1kNJhBhCsoLIeLG3IN3DXoWo-Rvdej46D Spinning Cutback ( Level 2 )
Normal = Cone Slow with chance to Immobilize and moderate Lethal Damage
+ uc?export=download&id=1MpxUBZJKWjIj4vIE5tuKW5CehTc8iQaF = Cone Slow with moderate Fire Damage followed by moderate Toxic Damage Over Time and minor Resistance Debuff
+uc?export=download&id=1M1eVqd_cCj4udZHpuzamRcOtKJLeOcVY = Cone Immobilize with small Smashing Damage and minor Control Resistance Debuff
(using Crack Whip animation)
Tier 4:   uc?export=download&id=1MpxUBZJKWjIj4vIE5tuKW5CehTc8iQaF Infernal Imbuement ( Level 6 )
Toggle, mutually exclusive with Dominus, activates the bonus Damage for all five main Powers
(using Enchant Demon animation)
Tier 5:   uc?export=download&id=1QBa5u8C9tTRseTxsbZY_UlZWkVJn-xO5 Overhead Flick ( Level 8 )
Normal = Single Target Knockdown with moderate Smashing Damage
+ uc?export=download&id=1MpxUBZJKWjIj4vIE5tuKW5CehTc8iQaF = Single Target Knockdown with high Toxic Damage followed by moderate Fire Damage Over Time
+uc?export=download&id=1M1eVqd_cCj4udZHpuzamRcOtKJLeOcVY = Single Target Knockdown with low Smashing Damage and AoE Knockdown without Damage
(using Lash animation)
Tier 6:  uc?export=download&id=1KW67mV9ft3BWYvN6AUa4EMBITsmvLsCH Intimidating Presence ( Level 12 )
Toggle PBAoE Fear
(using Knuckles animation)
Tier 7:  uc?export=download&id=1M1eVqd_cCj4udZHpuzamRcOtKJLeOcVY Dominus ( Level 18 )
Toggle, mutually exclusive with Infernal Imbuement, activates the bonus Control elements for all five main Powers
(using Evil Laugh animation)
Tier 8:   uc?export=download&id=1kLwZDfHGlDYV8G1GVPbH11-s7a7EHdUt Subjugation ( Level 26 )
Normal = Toggle Single Target High Mag Hold auto-stops at Max Duration with moderate Smashing Damage Over Time and moderate Lethal Damage Over Time, and Debuffs of Defense, Regen, Recovery to Target.  +Regen +Recovery to Self
+ uc?export=download&id=1MpxUBZJKWjIj4vIE5tuKW5CehTc8iQaF = Toggle Single Target High Mag Hold auto-stops at Max Duration with high Fire Damage Over Time and high Toxic Damage Over Time, and Debuffs of Defense, Regen, Resistance to Target.  +Regen +Damage to Self
+uc?export=download&id=1M1eVqd_cCj4udZHpuzamRcOtKJLeOcVY = Toggle Single Target Ultra-High Mag Hold auto-stops at Max Duration with low Smashing Damage Over Time and low Lethal Damage Over Time, and Debuffs of Defense, Regen, Recovery, Control Resistance to Target.  +Regen +Recovery +Resistance to Self
(using Hell on Earth animation)
Tier 9:   uc?export=download&id=1s4pdoIRLfAyheyvg8r534O9RqqpCYc_a Loyal Companion ( Level 32 )
Pet Summon, with the following Powers:
-uc?export=download&id=1Ubxb-2M9rZUzx-MMBs9w8OyGImnsLx_Z Taunt
- uc?export=download&id=1QejpXQM7EabpJrwul6UD9I71wMPq4KYy Against All Odds

- uc?export=download&id=1_2AHW9aDUtLxsfLAZHqiNtOQ8lK-Kj_S Rise to the Challenge

- uc?export=download&id=1-t4Dp_zTlrP8GG4CKD-d_SHUqZ9SWkYQ Shield Charge
- uc?export=download&id=1B-asVZ6UYi5UNw8Sr_7ASVWs1V0aBiB6 Clobber
And just because, here's this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIEVegBfCB0


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 . . . 


That's the -modest- version, by the way.  Based on a character of mine which I had back on Retail/Legacy, and recreated here.



Any pointed feedback on the Powers themselves?  Balance concerns?  That sorta thing?

Posted (edited)

Only thing I'd say is try to list what whip animations each power will use. I have a vague idea, but I dont wanna presume too much.


Other than that, I'd say making the T1 power an Immobilize probably fits the control formula more than a stun, and the knockback power could benefit from additional targets.



Edited by Tyrannical
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Also, I didn't see your edit until just now, so:

F-bomb to the single target Immobilizes.  I'm not a fan.  I much appreciate Mind Control and Illusion Control breaking from that formula, and would like to see all future Control Sets either avoid a single target Immobilize entirely, or do something really, really interesting with it instead.


The Knockdown gains AoE when using Dominus, buuuuut, we could make it AoE by default and just have Dominus increase the Radius and Maximum Targets, I suppose.  Probably better that way, actually.  It would make standardizing the Cooldown of the Power easier, as single target jumping up to AoE is perhaps too much of a gap, compared to small AoE upgrading to big AoE.

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Posted (edited)

Looking back on one of my older ideas, I realise I might be able to do more with it. So, I'm gonna do a pro gamer move and recycle one of my own powersets and attempt to split it into two different ones.


That powerset is Arsenal Blast, which was a powerset created solely from Praetorian Clockwork NPC powers. I managed to squeeze a good few powers from their portfolio into the powerset, but there were some that didn't make the cut. However, after poking around other NPC groups (in this case IDF/WarWorks) I found a few more powers that could mesh rather well with the material from Arsenal Blast.

So I'm gonna try and divide Arsenal Blast into two new blast powersets; Plasma Blast and Particle Blast. (I may edit Arsenal Blast in the future to help separate it from these new ideas and use other material to remodel it).


Yes, I know, MORE energy based blast sets, but I'm thinking that the Plasma Blast powerset should instead be Fire/Energy, which makes far more sense considering a lot of the power descriptions make note of 'burns' and 'heat'.


Plasma Blast


BeamRifle SingleShot.png - Plasma Blast: A basic blast power taken from the Praetorian Clockwork, dealing light fire/energy damage.


BeamRifle ChargedShot.png - Charged Blast: Another heavier basic blast power taken from the Praetorian Clockwork/War Walkers, dealing moderate fire/energy damage.


BeamRifle CuttingBeam.png - Plasma Spray: A power shared by Clockwork and DUST, spraying plasma in a cone and dealing decent fire DoT.


PowerBlast PowerBurst.png - Plasma Burst: A renamed version of the ACU's 'Plasma Rifle Burst', dealing heavier damage to foes.


BaneSpider MaceBeamBlast.png - Plasma Detonation: A power used by various IDF/Clockwork, firing a plasma projectile that explodes, dealing fire/energy AoE damage.


BeamRifle Disintegrate.png - Welding Ray: Another Clockwork power that deals good energy damage, but also heavily debuffs enemy defense.


BeamRifle LancerShot.png - Plasma Bolts: Renamed version of War Walker's 'Particle Burst', cascading plasma do deal heavy fire/energy damage.


PowerBlast Explosion.png - Plasma Grenade: Another renamed ACU power, originally 'Chemical Grenade', delivering a grenade that explodes into a fire DoT field (instead of toxic).


PowerBlast EnergyTorrent.png - Plasma Full Auto: Another ACU power, which can be retooled to serve as a good T9 cone power with heavy fire/energy DoT.



Particle Blast


ElectricalBolt ChargedBolts.png - Particle Blast: A power taken from Clockwork, blasting foes with crackling energy, dealing light energy damage.


ElectricalBolt LightningBolt.png - Ion Bolt: A new power that uses the same FX as 'Jolting Chain', but instead deals moderate energy damage to one enemy.


Electrical Mastery Static Discharge.png - Particle Spray: Another Clockwork power, spraying crackling energy in a cone and dealing energy DoT.


BeamRifle Disintegrate.png - Particle Blast Barrage: A power unique to Clockwork Menders, delivering a heavier blast of energy DoT. 


ElectricalBolt BallLightning.png - Particle Burst: An AoE particle attack used by Clockwork, providing greater energy damage in an area.


ElectricalBolt TelsaCage.png - Particle Stunner: A disorient power shared by a few different Clockwork, providing some light mez to the powerset as well as some light energy damage.


ElectricalBolt Heavy.png - Ion Ray: Another new power, this one using the FX of 'Ionic Judgement', but without the chaining effect. Deals superior energy DoT.


ElectricalBolt BallLightning.png - Energy Pulse: A new power that uses the same FX as 'Paralysing Blast', dealing heavy energy damage in an AoE with a high DoT effect.


PowerBlast NovaBlast.png - Ion Storm: Another new power that uses the electrical 'Self Destruct' FX of BCUs, creating a PBAoE blast of energy that deals extreme DoT.



Edited by Tyrannical
  • Like 5
  On 2/3/2020 at 2:20 AM, Tyrannical said:

Got one more for Manipulation powersets and then I think that's all I can do for Blaster.


Savage Combat


MartialManipulation KiPush.png - Savage Heave: New power, delivers a heavy knockback, and uses the 'Assassin's Frenzy' animation.


SavageMelee MaimingSlash.png - Maiming Slash: Taken from Savage Melee, a good starter melee power as seen in most Manipulation sets.


Brawling CombatReadiness.png - Spot Prey: Taken from Savage Assault, a nice variation of your standard build up power.


SavageMelee SavageLeap.png - Feral Charge: Taken from Savage Assault, works somewhat like Burst of Speed to positoon yourself with an AoE attack.


SavageMelee BloodThirst.png - Bloodlust: Works like Blood Thirst, but with +Recovery thrown in.


SavageMelee RendingFlurry.png - Rending Flurry: Taken from Savage Melee, ideal as a PBAoE melee power.


SavageMelee Hemorrhage.png - Haemorrhage: Taken from Savage Melee, a special melee attack that I think works rather well here.


DarknessControl FearsomeStare.png - Feral Presence: New power, cone fear effect, and uses the unique 'taunt' animation from Savage Melee


SavageMelee ViciousSlash.png - Vicious Slash: Taken from Savage Melee, ideal as a T9 melee power with high damage.




Love the creativeness of the set really giving savage a chance to stand out and do more then how it's used in game, although I think savage in general is criminally underrated. 

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Posted (edited)

As I mentioned in the Plasma Blast/Particle Blast post, I intended to rework the old Arsenal Blast powerset in order to give it a unique identity once more. I kept the Anti-Matter attacks that were unique to the Praetorian Clockwork, as you may notice I didn't use them in the new powersets above (mostly because they didn't fit too well with the overall theme).


That being said, I did manage to find something those powers pair nicely with, thanks to a nice tip;

  On 4/4/2020 at 11:15 PM, Sakura Tenshi said:

Personally, I'd kind of like this if it took a little more from MM Robotics Pets. Okay, really I just want to fire swarm missiles, is that too much to ask?



So, if you go back to the original Arsenal Blast post (which I'll include below) you'll notice that it's been completely overhauled to use material from Robotics, instead of focusing solely on Praetorian Clockwork. 


  On 4/4/2020 at 12:11 AM, Tyrannical said:

Arsenal Blast

You have an arsenal of munitions affixed to your body, allowing you to release blasts of energy from specially designed weaponry.


Robotics LaserRifleBurst.png - Laser Blast: Similar to Laser/Pulse Rifle Blast from Robotics, delivering some quick light energy damage.


Robotics LaserRifleBlast.png - Laser Burst: Another Robotics power, using Laser/Pulse Rifle Burst, hitting foes with moderate energy damage.


PowerBlast PowerBurst.png - Plasma Blast: A power belonging to the Assault Bot, hitting foes with high energy damage and reducing regeneration.


Robotics LaserRifleStunGrenade.png - Photon Grenade: Taken from Robotics, delivers an AoE energy attack that can potentially disorient targets.


BeamRifle Disintegrate.png - Heavy Laser Burst: Another power robots poses, dealing heavy energy damage over time on a single target.


BeamRifle Overcharge.png - Dual Plasma Blast: Another Assault Bot power, delivering a heavy blast with AoE potential that can knock foes back and reduce regeneration.


BeamRifle LancerShot.png - Anti-Matter Ray: A powerful blast belonging to boss level Praetorian Clockwork, firing a heavy beam of superior energy DoT and reducing defense.


BeamRifle PiercingBeam.png - Anti-Matter Beam: Another Clockwork power, acting as a narrow cone verison of Anti-Matter Ray with upfront superior energy damage and defense debuff.


BeamRifle CuttingBeam.png - Full Auto Laser: Another Robotics power. Since this power has a long animation and target cap, it can be reworked into a heavy hitting T9 power.





I think now Arsenal Blast fully captures the robotic/powersuit style I was aiming for, and the Particle and Plasma powers borrowed from Clockwork/IDF provide plenty of material to help shape their own identities moving forward.


Edited by Tyrannical
  • Like 1
  On 12/31/2019 at 5:12 AM, BrandX said:

Temporal Energy Armor


Chrono Physiology: <Passive> Energy/Cold/Toxic/Psychic Resist (+10%), Slow Resist (+20%)

-Your ability to manipulate temporal energy has altered your physiology to ignore the effects of cold and energy attacks, while making your mind more resistant to mental attacks and your body able to burn away toxins faster.


Temporal Healing: <Click - 10.4 End> +Heal (24.99%), Toxic Resist (+15%)

-You can heal your wounds by placing your body in a past or future state if not simply speeding up time in your own body.


Time's Junction: <Toggle - .26/End Sec> -Damage (-15%), -Speed (-25%), Recharge (-25%), -ToHit (-3.75%)

-You can create a time dilation field around yourself, causing enemies who get close to you to be slowed to a crawl, making their attacks weaker and easier for you to avoid them.  Enemies effected by Delay, have these effects increased.


Time Lord: <Toggle - .26/End Sec> Mez (Stun, Hold, Immobilize, Sleep, Knockback) Protection, +Regen (+25%), +Recharge (+10%), +Speed (12.5%), +Damage (+12.5%)

-You're in an Accelerated state, allowing you to heal and move faster, allowing you to hit harder.  You are in Accelerated State for purposes of other Temporal Powers that aren't your own.


Farsight: <Toggle - .26/End Sec> +Defense (+12.5%), +Perception, +ToHit (+5%)

-You perceive time in a slower state, allowing you react faster.


Temporal Cloak: <Toggle - .26/End Sec> +Defense (+3.75%), Stealth

-You can bend time around yourself to become almost invisible.  Doesn't stack with other stealth powers.


Chrono Shift: <Toggle - .26/End Sec> +Regen (+150%), +Speed (+12.5%), +Recharge (+10%), +Slow Resist (+20%), +Energy/Cold/Toxic/Psychic Resist (+15%), End Drain Resist

-You have mastered the ability to slip through time with ease, 


Rewind Time: <Click> Self Resurrection

-If you're defeated, you can rewind time to bring yourself back to your feet.


Temporal Phase: <Toggle - .65/End Sec> Self Intangible, +Regen (+500%)

-You can remove yourself from time, making you effectively invisible, giving you time to recover or even get away.  However, this is taxing and you can only maintain this state for 30 seconds.  While in this state you can't interact with others.  



I'm only guessing at the numbers given.  175% Regen is equal to Unenhanced RTTC on Scrappers with 7 targets.

Chrono Shift could be made a click and do +Recovery instead, but I liked the idea of a toggle and less clicks, but not totally clickless.  Could perhaps go without the End Drain Resist, but my reasoning was the Defender version has +Recovery in a click form and I didn't like the idea of +Recovery in a toggle.

Split Quickness and Lightning Reflexes' +RCH between two toggles, each of those toggles having other effects, so I kept the +Recharge at 20% total, like the previously mention passives.

With the -ToHit, I wasn't sure if the two Defense Toggles (Farsight and Cloak) should have any Defense Debuff Resistance.

Tried to keep the powers a bit like the time sets we have, with the idea going for Defense/Regen/Heal.  Could possibly add in Smashing and Lethal Resist, but then I figure the resistances would like be lower numbers and I thought the theme may do better with those 4 resists and lacking S/L Resist.

And...of course...I am by no means a balance expert.  This is just an idea of how to do a Temporal Energy Armor set.


I love the idea of this set with one suggested change:


"Rewind Time: <Click> Self Resurrection


-If you're defeated, you can rewind time to bring yourself back to your feet."


What about making this a passive ability with a long cooldown, so at the moment of 0 HP you are immediately healed to full health. No click required. Then have it on a 30 minute timer (or whatever the click recharge might've been). 

  • Like 1
  On 4/13/2021 at 11:00 PM, EgyptoNerd said:

I love the idea of this set with one suggested change:


"Rewind Time: <Click> Self Resurrection


-If you're defeated, you can rewind time to bring yourself back to your feet."


What about making this a passive ability with a long cooldown, so at the moment of 0 HP you are immediately healed to full health. No click required. Then have it on a 30 minute timer (or whatever the click recharge might've been). 



That's a good idea for it too.  Either works imo 🙂

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Following on from this thread;



What do people think of the idea of a dedicated 'Heavy Weapons' powerset?


Obviously it's going to share some overlap with Assault Rifle, but hopefully I can give it more of a distinct heavy weapons feel that distinguishes it from other weapon powersets. In order to do that, I want to introduce a new mechanic for this powerset; Heat


Stacks of Heat build up as you use certain powers, giving them increasing fire damage the more stacks you have, but at the cost of costing more endurance. Heat can be lost over time by allowing the stacks to wear off on their own, or mitigated by activating 'Focus Fire'.


Heavy Weapons


AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png - Chain Gun: A power belonging to chain gun wielding NPCs, delivering a burst of damage that reduces enemy defense.


AssaultWeapons ShotgunSlug.png - Snap Shot: A power belonging to the Resistance Heavy Barrel, firing a heavy round from your weapon that deals good damage (default tinting is fire yellow instead of plasma blue).


AssaultWeapons ARFlamethrower.png - Chain Gun Burst: Another chain gun power that fires a cone burst spread over multiple targets.


DualPistols ExecutionersShot.png - Auto Cannon: A power that fires a few heavy shots like those of low-tier Howitzer turrets, dealing high damage has a chance to knock foes back.


AssaultWeapons Aim.png - Focus Fire: A power that works like Aim, but prevents Heat from building up or being lost for a short duration.


AssaultWeapons ARM30grenade.png - HE Round: Another power belonging Resistance Heavy Barrel, firing a round that explodes on contact and deals AoE damage and fire DoT (default tinting is fire yellow instead of plasma blue).


AssaultWeapons DOT.png - Cannon Volley: A rapid blast like that of high-tier Howitzer turrets, delivering very high DoT with a chance to knock foes back.


AssaultWeapons ShotgunBuckShot.png - AP Round: A Resistance Heavy Barrel power, firing a piercing round that has a narrow cone and can knock foes down (default tinting is fire yellow instead of plasma blue).


AssaultWeapons ARFullAuto.png - Chain Gun Auto: A power similar to Full Auto, but uses the FX of the chain gun version, delivering superior lethal DoT.



Edited by Tyrannical
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