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Simple question.

Simple fix for AE ruining the experience of some people.

Just give everyone a place to be. Let AE farmers farm lvl50s in 2h if they want.

But give others a place that dislike this.



I thought one of the expressed reasons for halving xp from AE was that farming maps being built put a huge stress on the servers. Unless that could be fixed, I don't see anything happening with AE xp.


That said, was the point of AE in its conception that people could make personalized xp farms, or so they could create their own content/stories? Given that the game is built on the concept of role-playing, I'm not convinced xp farming was the hope the developers had in mind.


Simple fix for AE ruining the experience of some people.


Before your game experience can be ruined you have to actually be in the game. Its pretty clear from your spam on this subject everywhere that you saw a video about this and immediately went on a crusade without realizing its already been solved. So, go play some, enjoy the lack of AE farm spam that seems to be a trigger for you, and see if you can have fun without worrying about what other people do.


Those who vote "NO" are generally the ones who want to continue abusing the system to max out characters within a very short period of time. I have already seen it happen and watch groups of AFK botters standing around in central square (over by the P2W vendor) as they all magically lvl up super fast. No idea how they are doing it, but it is usually a group of 3 and every 5 min on avg, they get another level.


I have personally watched and taken screenshots of this happening as I watched these group start around lvl 30 and are at 40 within 30-45 min. How does this happen?? o.O


I want to support a proper economy and community, not this ongoing "meta" of using every exploit or means to gain major advantages over others. You can tell who the players are who support such things when they degrade others for mentioning such a change, or stating "you can do it too". Such rubbish, as all that mindset creates is "well everyone else is exploiting, cheating, etc, so you should to" makes me cringe at how far gone any decency once was.


Why do we want to split up our wonderful community into factions? For gosh sakes, WE GOT OUR CITY BACK, and everyone should be able to play the way that they most enjoy. Your game style is your own...there is no wrong or correct way to play. Back on live, someone posted a quote that I saved, and it still rings true:


" You must remember that this game is nothing more than an electronic version of an elementary school playground; it is full of good kids, bad kids, bullies, cheaters, and whiners."


y0Y5yFQ.png Forever grateful to be back in my city!

Those who vote "NO" are generally the ones who want to continue abusing the system to max out characters within a very short period of time.


Thanks for assuming my, or generally anybody's, reasons for voting "NO". But I can assure you, it's not because I want to abuse the system. AE farms tend to be boring as hell, so no thanks. But if that's what someone else wants to do I don't currently see an issue with it.


Perhaps you should try not holding the position that those who disagree with you have ill intent or are of bad character.


Those who vote "NO" are generally the ones who want to continue abusing the system to max out characters within a very short period of time.


Thanks for assuming my, or generally anybody's, reasons for voting "NO". But I can assure you, it's not because I want to abuse the system. AE farms tend to be boring as hell, so no thanks. But if that's what someone else wants to do I don't currently see an issue with it.


Perhaps you should try not holding the position that those who disagree with you have ill intent or are of bad character.


How about giving a reason why you would vote "NO" against such a request? See while I agree with some of what other posters have stated, that being there will always be bullies, cheaters, etc, I feel this post is a genuine question and desire to give the community something that would quite frankly, work fine.


I don't see how it would "break up" any community at all. It would give players the option to either:


A: continue on with how things are now

B: give players an opportunity to build a server community that would thrive without AE


It's like classic WoW that has a large following, only in this case I wouldn't be surprised if there was a large amount of players who would support a server without AE.


Saying "play it your way" doesn't help the community at all, as you have to deal with all the issues that come with AE farming, such as the broken economy. New / newer players aren't able to afford most of the things on the consignment shop because prices get really silly.


For example, human blood samples, I need 2 of these just to make a basic lvl 10 / 15 enhancement, yet the going rates (according to the sell history) already shows they go for 10k a pop.  Many players cant afford these rates. The prices are indicative of an economy banking on selling to twinks.


Now if there are other exploits readily available that players are using to PL characters, perhaps that should be reviewed by the community dev / admin team.


How about giving a reason why you would vote "NO" against such a request? See while I agree with some of what other posters have stated, that being there will always be bullies, cheaters, etc, I feel this post is a genuine question and desire to give the community something that would quite frankly, work fine.


Because they've already halved AE xp, which has reduced a ton of the chatter I was seeing for AE during 2xXP weekend. What's more, people should be able to play how they want. There's a sizeable community of PVPers and End Game content players who don't care about the leveling experience of 1–50. As someone that has years of the game under his belt, I can understand the desire to skip that process as quickly as possible.


I wouldn't be surprised if there was a large amount of players who would support a server without AE.


Here's an idea. The code for running a server of your own is out there. Prove your poorly supported assumption and run one the way you think so many people want.


No offense, but your polls (while a small sample) aren't showing a lot of support for your complaints. The insanely fast response on donations this month would suggest that people are quite happy with the way things are running right now. And currently, you seem to be the only one making this big of a stink for it. I can understand that people farming and PLing puts a stick in your craw and don't judge you for having that sentiment. Those things were here before, and they'll be around in some form or another forever. You're reasoning for why that should be fun-policed out of existence isn't convincing.


You'd need to show good evidence for how that's borking the game before you're going to win any minds over.


How about giving a reason why you would vote "NO" against such a request? See while I agree with some of what other posters have stated, that being there will always be bullies, cheaters, etc, I feel this post is a genuine question and desire to give the community something that would quite frankly, work fine.


Because they've already halved AE xp, which has reduced a ton of the chatter I was seeing for AE during 2xXP weekend. What's more, people should be able to play how they want. There's a sizeable community of PVPers and End Game content players who don't care about the leveling experience of 1–50. As someone that has years of the game under his belt, I can understand the desire to skip that process as quickly as possible.


I wouldn't be surprised if there was a large amount of players who would support a server without AE.


Here's an idea. The code for running a server of your own is out there. Prove your poorly supported assumption and run one the way you think so many people want.


No offense, but your polls (while a small sample) aren't showing a lot of support for your complaints. The insanely fast response on donations this month would suggest that people are quite happy with the way things are running right now. And currently, you seem to be the only one making this big of a stink for it. I can understand that people farming and PLing puts a stick in your craw and don't judge you for having that sentiment. Those things were here before, and they'll be around in some form or another forever. You're reasoning for why that should be fun-policed out of existence isn't convincing.


You'd need to show good evidence for how that's borking the game before you're going to win any minds over.


You seem to be making this quite personal Rylas, are you ok? o.O


This isn't my poll, perhaps pay better attention as so far there has been very few votes on this either way, so to try and state "poor results" are meaningless over a poll that was only very recently started by someone else. All I have done is coin my concerns with examples, while all I keep hearing from you is the same repeated statements that stem back to the classic "play the way you want" which frankly supports the idea of having a server that doesn't have AE.


Anyhow, will leave things as they are, sorry if you took things so personally, I understand some topics can strike a nerve with some people and it can sometimes become more heated than intended.


I hardly think ae is to blame for salvage costs. But you should have been able to sell your dropped salvage for similar prices to afford the human blood samples. Or, run one ae arc for tickets and some random salvage rolls should net you two quickly.


You seem to be making this quite personal Rylas, are you ok? o.O


This isn't my poll, perhaps pay better attention as so far there has been very few votes on this either way, so to try and state "poor results" are meaningless over a poll that was only very recently started by someone else. All I have done is coin my concerns with examples, while all I keep hearing from you is the same repeated statements that stem back to the classic "play the way you want" which frankly supports the idea of having a server that doesn't have AE.


Anyhow, will leave things as they are, sorry if you took things so personally, I understand some topics can strike a nerve with some people and it can sometimes become more heated than intended.


My apologies for confusing you with OP. That's what happens when I multitask work and the forums. My bad.


Don't take me pointing out the absurdity of wanting a whole server without AE as taking things personally. I'm just point out the absurdity. It also doesn't really work with the concept of "letting people play how they like" seeing as how you can choose not to use the AE in the way that offends you. It doesn't require dedicating limited resources to make you happier for something you can just not choose to do.


This is now going to be my standard response to any request/suggestion that sounds extremely HUGE and potentially status-quo-disrupting:


Guess what? Since the source code is available, you now have the power to start and maintain your OWN City of Heroes server, with your OWN rules, and make them whatever you want them to be*! Just go here and download the Freedom Virtual Machine, and get to it! O5khXA8.gif




*Hundreds of hours of coding experience and work may apply.

I'm out.

Anyhow, will leave things as they are, sorry if you took things so personally, I understand some topics can strike a nerve with some people and it can sometimes become more heated than intended.


Often, its not the topic that strikes a nerve, its using the "if you don't share my opinion its means you're evil, because there is only one right opinion" that makes things heated. Casting aspersions on those who disagree with you is not discussion, its an attack.


Anyhow, will leave things as they are, sorry if you took things so personally, I understand some topics can strike a nerve with some people and it can sometimes become more heated than intended.


Often, its not the topic that strikes a nerve, its using the "if you don't share my opinion its means you're evil, because there is only one right opinion" that makes things heated. Casting aspersions on those who disagree with you is not discussion, its an attack.


It's generally best to ignore people who exhibit this sort of behavior on the off chance that they're a covert narcissist and begin to target you or talk about you behind your back.


It's generally best to ignore people who exhibit this sort of behavior on the off chance that they're a covert narcissist and begin to target you or talk about you behind your back.


Luckily I have a face on both sides of my head. Can't sneak up on or talk about me behind my back. I can, and often do, talk about me behind my back but that face is a jerk, anyway.


Seems the people have spoken. OP seems to have some major issues with AE and farming. Maybe try the RP server... farming seems to be less rampant there than Torchbearer or Indom server.


I'd be pretty keen on something like this, sure. But given the option, I would prefer a version with a nerfed AE, and a more vanilla approach to merits, incarnates and rewards across the table.


I still think boss farms should be a thing for particularly efficient teams (as they're fun :P), but am of the camp that rewards should only be fractionally better than standard mission content. Especially with Incarnate powers being a thing.


I hardly think ae is to blame for salvage costs. But you should have been able to sell your dropped salvage for similar prices to afford the human blood samples. Or, run one ae arc for tickets and some random salvage rolls should net you two quickly.


AE is absolutely not to blame for salvage costs. If anything, farming should be driving the prices down due to the supply influx. The devs set "ceiling" prices when they seeded the market. Apparently enough people find the 10,000 price tag for common salvage palpable.


I know I list literally all my salvage I don't need for 100 inf (even the rares, yes).  Most of the commons still end up going for 5-10k.

Always happy to answer questions in game, typically hanging around Help.
Global is @Zolgar, and tends to be tagged in Help.


10k is the I NEED IT RIGHT NOW! price. Because I value storage space for rares more than I care about common salvage I list them for 2 inf. When I do this during slow times they have sold for as low as 2500. If you have a little bit of patience most people can afford that. I also sell recipes I don't use in a similar way and had well over 3 million by the time I was 15. If you are broke it is your own fault for being a hoarder.


Plus at a certain point the difference between paying 5K and 10K for a piece of common salvage is functionally irrelevant. If I'm crafting enhancements to sell I'd rather just get the salvage quickly and call it a day. I'll sometimes bid creep the rare salvage a bit where it's a bigger difference but it's generally not worth the time for the common stuff.

Defender Smash!


No I don't feel the need for this type of server.


I don't see how power leveling affects others in a negative way (in CoH).  (there are many games where it causes an unfair advantage but this isn't one)


The raise in some prices makes it easier to make influence. 


I prefer a populated server even if people are off leveling and playing in their own way, they are still part of the community. 


Just because someone doesn't like something doesn't mean their views should be inflicted on others.


Play it the way you want to play it.


Do what I learned to do eight years ago.



Use AE. Or don't.



It's easy enough to ignore if you don't want to use it.



There are plenty of players who don't use it, so it's still not terrible to find teams. Because people play the game how they want.



As long as farms aren't causing the map servers to bug out, I could give 2 inf about power leveling. Heck, I might end up doing it myself for some alts. But that won't affect how you play, I would hope.


Excelsior Server | The Nightwatch


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