cairourchin Posted February 22, 2020 Posted February 22, 2020 Hi ive been trying to figure out the macro command for using Vengeance on a fallen teammate...ive tried /macro "name" "target_custom_next teammate defeated$$powexec_vengeance" and /macro "name" "target_custom_next teammate defeated$$powexec_location target vengeance" niehter worked( i was on a league) what am i doing it friend or leaguemate that i should be using instead of teammate? any help would be appretiated. thx
Mr. Vee Posted February 22, 2020 Posted February 22, 2020 been trying to figure the same thing. thought i had it but it only worked for a team of 2. i think the problem is that the next teammate argument overrides the defeated argument rather than combining. I've tried it in both orders and with _ and with "" and nope. presumably you'd want to use friend notmypet for leaguemate but since defeated isn't combining with those arguments it's immaterial. would love if someone figured it out as noticing a death, clicking in team window then hitting venge before the person uses prestige rez is nigh impossible.
cairourchin Posted February 22, 2020 Author Posted February 22, 2020 Im gonna try /macro "name" "target_custom_next defeated$$powexec_location defeated vengeance" ill keep posting
Mr. Vee Posted February 22, 2020 Posted February 22, 2020 venge isn't location targeted (if it were we'd have no problem) so doubt that'll work.
Bopper Posted February 22, 2020 Posted February 22, 2020 Does this work? /macro_image Leadership_vengence Veng "target_custom_next teammate defeated$$powexec_name Vengeance" PPM Information Guide Survivability Tool Interface DoT Procs Guide Time Manipulation Guide Bopper Builds +HP/+Regen Proc Cheat Sheet Super Pack Drop Percentages Recharge Guide Base Empowerment: Temp Powers Bopper's Tools & Formulas Mids' Reborn
Mr. Vee Posted February 23, 2020 Posted February 23, 2020 only on a team of 2. that's what i was testing and thought i had it initially. and of course didn't realize until after i'd posted in the macro thread that teammate overrides defeated.
Bopper Posted February 23, 2020 Posted February 23, 2020 On 2/23/2020 at 1:23 AM, Veelectric Boogaloo said: only on a team of 2. that's what i was testing and thought i had it initially. and of course didn't realize until after i'd posted in the macro thread that teammate overrides defeated. Expand What happens if you flip the commands? If "teammate defeated" doesn't work, try "defeated teammate". PPM Information Guide Survivability Tool Interface DoT Procs Guide Time Manipulation Guide Bopper Builds +HP/+Regen Proc Cheat Sheet Super Pack Drop Percentages Recharge Guide Base Empowerment: Temp Powers Bopper's Tools & Formulas Mids' Reborn
Mr. Vee Posted February 23, 2020 Posted February 23, 2020 tried it both ways, with and without quotes, with and without _
Mr. Vee Posted February 23, 2020 Posted February 23, 2020 ok finally figured it out with a huge hand from Bopper in PMs. The problem wasn't with the macro per se but with the dead person being in your view. so it'll work on either a dead teammate or a dead leaguemate but only if they're visible on your screen. ymmv as to whether it's faster to get a corpse in view or to click them in team/league window and whether either can be done before they hosp/wakie/rez but barring HC devs recoding it to auto-target i guess that's the best we can do. If the corpse isn't on your screen it'll just target whatever teammate/leaguemate/passerby is handy. /macroimage FortunataTeamwork_TacticalTrainingVengeance venge "powexec_name vengeance$$targetcustomnext defeated friend notmypet" you'll want to keep vengeance somewhere visible to monitor its recharge and you have to hit the macro button twice to activate. 1 1
Redlynne Posted February 23, 2020 Posted February 23, 2020 On 2/23/2020 at 7:58 AM, Veelectric Boogaloo said: The problem wasn't with the macro per se but with the dead person being in your view. so it'll work on either a dead teammate or a dead leaguemate but only if they're visible on your screen. Expand There's a reason for that. Quote As with other targeting commands, the entities that will be cycled through must be in your perception radius, as well as visible to the camera (not the player). Expand A refinement that you could do to this would be so either add a + modifier to both commands inside the macro, causing them to continue to activate while the macro is engaged ... or to add a ++ command to both of them causing the macro to automatically go into a continuous cycling until countermanded by clicking the macro again. The difference between these two modifiers is that the + condition only holds while the macro is clicked and held (kind of like movement keys), while the ++ condition is more like a toggle akin to autorun. The idea being that by adding a + to each action in the macro you can click and camera search while holding down the click on the macro and if a defeated friend is found then Vengeance gets cast on them. Using a ++ to each action in the macro would allow you to click, release and be in "scan mode" for any defeated friend and if found cast Vengeance upon them so you can look around with your camera until finding the defeated teammate (just remember to click again afterwards to disengage the ++ control for continued scanning. Alternatively, you could create a ... cascade ... of macros/binds/files that would basically cycle through your teammates "the hard way" and try to cast Vengeance on them each in turn. You'd basically be doing this: "teamselect 1$$powexecname Vengeance$$teamselect 2$$powexecname Vengeance$$teamselect 3$$powexecname Vengeance$$teamselect 4$$powexecname Vengeance$$teamselect 5$$powexecname Vengeance$$teamselect 6$$powexecname Vengeance$$teamselect 7$$powexecname Vengeance$$teamselect 8$$powexecname Vengeance" What that does is select each teammate in turn and tries to cast Vengeance on them after selecting them. It will basically "fall through" each selection, attempting to cast Vengeance until getting to a teammate that Vengeance works on ... or you'll be left with the last teammate selected at the end of it. This formulation would not spin your PC to face the downed teammate unless you were casting Vengeance upon them. Only problem with this is the character limit for macros/keybinds (the above is 296 characters with "" added around it) which will probably exceed the length of a macro or keybind that you can do. So the answer to that problem is to just simply make 2 binds/macros and have one function call the other at the end (or have both of them function call each other so as to loop until you issue a different command to do something else). "teamselect 1$$powexecname Vengeance$$teamselect 2$$powexecname Vengeance$$teamselect 3$$powexecname Vengeance$$teamselect 4$$powexecname Vengeance" "teamselect 5$$powexecname Vengeance$$teamselect 6$$powexecname Vengeance$$teamselect 7$$powexecname Vengeance$$teamselect 8$$powexecname Vengeance" You then just need to add the "wrap to next macro" function call at the end of the line inside the " at the end and you can click once to initiate both macros. Once Vengeance is cast, the cascade stops and the macro terminates. Note that you could even go so far as to create a cascade of THREE macros that would run through your teammates first before dropping down into the defeated friend notmypet as an ultimate fallback catchall option when playing on leagues so as to not be limited to only your team for use of Vengeance. The advantage of using teamselect in this context is that it doesn't require your teammate to be within camera view, simply that they be in the same zone as your PC. 2 Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.
Mr. Vee Posted February 23, 2020 Posted February 23, 2020 neat, didn't know the + and ++ trick. I'd considered doing the team select thing but was too lazy to go back and re-research the popmenu stuff i'd forgotten as i remember it taking me a while to put everything together the first time i worked with them.
LaconicLemur Posted February 24, 2020 Posted February 24, 2020 On 2/23/2020 at 3:00 PM, Redlynne said: There's a reason for that. Expand Ok stupid question. Are you saying targeting dead teammates won't work because it requires the command to cycle through targets that are *not* in your perception radius? I'm confused why the wiki says this will work: "target_custom_next enemy void alive" but "target_custom_next teammate notalive" won't work GUIDE: i25 Homecoming Quality of Life (QoL) consolidated list of tweaks List of Thematic Powers by Archetype
Mr. Vee Posted February 24, 2020 Posted February 24, 2020 notalive isn't a parameter, but defeated is. and the void example won't work if they're not on camera and in perception radius either. I just had a brain fart when working on the venge one.
Redlynne Posted February 25, 2020 Posted February 25, 2020 (edited) On 2/24/2020 at 4:03 PM, LaconicLemur said: Are you saying targeting dead teammates won't work because it requires the command to cycle through targets that are *not* in your perception radius? Expand The whole targetcustom* system is completely, totally and utterly dependent upon cycling through what you can see through your camera. Quote As with other targeting commands, the entities that will be cycled through must be in your perception radius, as well as visible to the camera (not the player). Expand Which means ... stuff that's beyond your perception radius can't be selected for targeting (for what should be obvious reasons). The selection of $Targets via the targetcustom* system only cycles through what is visible on your screen. If it's not visible on screen, it can't be targeted. The key here is that the $Target must be visible to the camera (remember, 3rd person view independent of your avatar!) rather than requiring visibility from a 1st person view. This kind of thing is how you can "see around corners" using careful positioning and camera control to target things that are not within Line of Sight of your character. Anything that is NOT within the field of view of the camera cannot be targeted by targetcustom* because if the camera can't see it then you can't target it using targetcustom* ... not that difficult a concept. On 2/24/2020 at 4:03 PM, LaconicLemur said: I'm confused why the wiki says this will work: "target_custom_next enemy void alive" Expand Um ... the wiki explicitly says that won't work ... and why. Quote Invalid Examples target_custom_next enemy void alive The game will look for a hostile entity whose name includes void alive, because "alive" is defined after the string. Expand Works ... target_custom_next enemy alive void Fails ... target_custom_next enemy void alive Why? enemy is a constraining parameter alive is a constraining parameter void is the name of the enemy you want to target Parameter + Parameter + Name = works Parameter + Name + Parameter = does not work It's important to parse your modifiers in the correct order before naming what you're trying to target. That's why the invalid example was given to demonstrate so you didn't make that mistake. On 2/24/2020 at 4:03 PM, LaconicLemur said: but "target_custom_next teammate notalive" won't work Expand Show the class where the parameter "notalive" is a valid parameter to use. Here is the list of legal paramters and what they mean: Quote Parameters enemy - Hostile enemies friend - Friendlies (including pets) defeated - 0 HP targets alive - Living targets mypet - Inlcude only your pets notmypet - Exclude your pets base - Include only passive base items notbase - Exlude passive base items teammate - Include only teammates notteammate - Exclude teammates Everything else will match the name of the entity Expand Show us the "notalive" parameter in that list and you won't be assigned detention after class ... Edited February 25, 2020 by Redlynne 2 1 Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.
cairourchin Posted February 26, 2020 Author Posted February 26, 2020 BTW i got one that works...needs the target in camera and click the macro 2x. powexec_name vengeance$$target_custom_next defeated friend notmypet hope this helps 1
LaconicLemur Posted February 27, 2020 Posted February 27, 2020 Thanks @Redlynne for the more detailed response! I used the wrong "void" example *facepalm* I'm glad the OP found a working macro. Now I can use it for my binds! GUIDE: i25 Homecoming Quality of Life (QoL) consolidated list of tweaks List of Thematic Powers by Archetype
SuperPlyx Posted June 25, 2020 Posted June 25, 2020 On 2/23/2020 at 7:58 AM, Veelectric Boogaloo said: /macroimage FortunataTeamwork_TacticalTrainingVengeance venge "powexec_name vengeance$$targetcustomnext defeated friend notmypet" Expand This should work with /rad Fallout by just changing vengeance to fallout, correct? Also would it be possible to create a macro to activate both vengeance and fallout?
Mr. Vee Posted June 25, 2020 Posted June 25, 2020 I would think so, but i'm not familiar with how fallout works as my rad didn't take it. I think you'd need to push it twice to activate both, though.
Dungeoness Eloora Posted June 25, 2020 Posted June 25, 2020 On 6/25/2020 at 2:11 PM, SuperPlyx said: This should work with /rad Fallout by just changing vengeance to fallout, correct? Also would it be possible to create a macro to activate both vengeance and fallout? Expand You can macro almost any 2 powers into one command by using this format: powexecauto POWERNAME$$powexecname POWERNAME The power named in the right-most command fires, assuming it's not on cooldown, followed by the power now set to autofire with the left-most command, with a single key press. This works for attacks, heals, travel powers, buffs etc.. Only on my Warshade did I have experience trying to fire off multiple skills that relied on corpses to fire, and from what I remember, these skills didn't...uh...leave anything behind to be targetted a second time, shall we say. It was always one of the worst aspects of gameplay for me. BUT, give veng and fallout a try together, and report back! @dungeoness and @eloora on Excelsior <Federation of United Cosmic Knights>
SuperPlyx Posted June 25, 2020 Posted June 25, 2020 On 6/25/2020 at 2:56 PM, Dungeoness said: You can macro almost any 2 powers into one command by using this format: powexecauto POWERNAME$$powexecname POWERNAME Expand So this did indeed work with Veng and Fallout....however as you said this means the first power is now the autofire. And I do not want either of them as my 1 auto. I tried: powexecname Vengeance$$powexecname Fallout And got this message in log: [10:25] Now readying Fallout instead of Vengeance. [10:25] You activated the Fallout power. Any ideas how to get them to work on same macro without making one of them auto?
Mr. Vee Posted June 25, 2020 Posted June 25, 2020 there's probably something you could do with loading bind files but that's a pretty long rabbit trail to go down just to avoid a second press. to me it was the targeting in the fray that was the biggest issue. Once you have them targeted for venge it's just another keypress or click to hit them with something else too.
Dungeoness Eloora Posted June 25, 2020 Posted June 25, 2020 You can't execute a command with two powexecname command, since all it does is hang on the first command, trying to execute it over and over. That's why casting one of them as autofire enables both powers to fire with one key press. There are various solutions you could employ in order to set your autofire back to Hasten/Domination/AM, whatever. One popular choice is to bind one of your most used movement keys, say the forward key, to both move you forward, and autofire a skill. For example: /bind w "+forward$$powexecauto hasten" Every time you press w, or whichever key you hit a lot, it will try to both toggle and detoggle Hasten. This is because the power execution functions the same way as the movement key does - do something while I'm holding the key; do something else when I let it go. Most of the time, the power activation works as advertised, but sometimes you will see it go from autofire to nothing in a split second, and have to press the movement key again. It's still easier/faster than remembering to hit a separate key to get Hasten back to auto again for me. YMMV. @dungeoness and @eloora on Excelsior <Federation of United Cosmic Knights>
r0y Posted July 18, 2020 Posted July 18, 2020 On 6/25/2020 at 10:03 PM, Dungeoness said: /bind w "+forward$$powexecauto hasten" Every time you press w, or whichever key you hit a lot, it will try to both toggle and detoggle Hasten. Expand The way around this is to have a "filler" autoexec in there like this: /bind w "+forward$$powexecauto Brawl$$powexecauto Hasten" That way, a slight tap will lock the auto on hasten (nothing happens with Brawl). I prefer this on my Melee toons who often find themselves standing and fighting, not a lot of moving around, and with the original macro (just 1 powexecauto) you have to be moving a bit for it to trigger, whereas with the above example, a very quick tap (w/o even moving) will lock in the auto. Much nicer, IMHO. 1
r0y Posted July 18, 2020 Posted July 18, 2020 I also have a question for @Redlynne - wouldn't it be better to use /targetcustom_near instead of _next? I understand they cycle the same, etc. but with near, it's less likely that the fallen teammate is out of range for vengeance. It is picking at nits, of course, but I found it to be good practice when dealing with buffs, etc.
ninja surprise Posted September 30, 2020 Posted September 30, 2020 On 6/25/2020 at 3:27 PM, SuperPlyx said: I tried: powexecname Vengeance$$powexecname Fallout Expand Try with the +$$ at the beginning: "+ $$powexecname Vengeance$$powexecname Fallout"
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