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Halloween Hunt!


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  👻 Happy Halloween! 🎃


You'll notice some of our Heroes/Villains have decided to join in the fun and are now wearing some spooky costumes of their own!


Scavenger Contest:

We thought what better way to celebrate this change then by doing a Scavenger Hunt!

  • Various NPCs in Paragon City / The Rogue Isles / Praetoria have been changed into different 'costumes'.
  • Every day on this thread (Starting on Wednesday, 10/28 and ending Saturday, 10/31) I will post 3 NPCs and an emote periodically throughout the day.
    • The time it gets posted will be random, so be sure to "Follow" this thread to get alerted! 
  • You will need to find this NPC in game and post a screenshot with your character doing the emote in this thread.
  • The first person to post the image/emote for each NPC will win a prize!
    • Tip: Take a look around the game now to checkout the NPCs so when they're announced, you may know where it is!



  • One winner per NPC (the first one to post it) will receive the following prizes.
    • 3 NPCs a day = 12 Winners total for the week
  • The winner will receive 500 Merits, a Permanent Account Costume (choices found here), and Special Golden Title.



  1. Black Scorpion, /e AirGuitar
  2. Ms. Liberty, /e VillainLoyal
  3. Mynx, /e teabag
  4. Flambeaux, /e JuggleFire
  5. Mirror Spirit, /e DrumLow
  6. Shadowhunter, /e Newspaper
  7. Dr. Aeon, /e Experiment
  8. Sister Psyche, /e camera
  9. Manticore, /e ListenPoliceBand
  10. Ice Mistral, /e EatDonut
  11. Lord Recluse, /e Afraid
  12. RED Ghost Widow, /e ReadBook




  • Ghost Widow, /e DiscoDance
    • I will post in the channel saying this. You would then need to find the character dressed as Ghost Widow in game and take a screenshot doing the Disco Dance emote.




Let me know if anyone has any questions! Good luck!

Happy Haunting!

Edited by GM Arcanum
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Please contact me on the Homecoming Discord for a faster response! Arcanum#7164

Got time to spare? Want to see Homecoming thrive? Consider volunteering as a Game Master!

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Hmm . . . fair point.

That would be one of the psychic signature character's duty.


Anywhoodles!  Thanks to @GM Arcanum and whoever else is involved in this event.   It's great to see another new type of event!  Variety is the spice of life, and all that.  And hey!  I actually stand a chance at winning this one!

Just to be clear, though:  This contest operates on all Shards, correct?

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  • City Council
27 minutes ago, CrudeVileTerror said:

Hmm . . . fair point.

That would be one of the psychic signature character's duty.


Anywhoodles!  Thanks to @GM Arcanum and whoever else is involved in this event.   It's great to see another new type of event!  Variety is the spice of life, and all that.  And hey!  I actually stand a chance at winning this one!

Just to be clear, though:  This contest operates on all Shards, correct?

We did change the NPCs on every shard. With any luck, they'll all stick...

  • Thanks 3
"We need Widower. He's a drop of sanity in a bowl of chaos - very important." - Cipher
Are you also a drop of sanity in a bowl of chaos? Consider applying to be a Game Master!
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oh last night i saw Dj Zero as Old Man Time and War Witch as Praetorian War Witch in Pocket D.  i just assumed I missed a plot/story development

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"She who lives by the cybernetic monstrosity powered by living coral, all too often dies by the cybernetic monstrosity powered by living coral."  -Doc Buzzsaw

Pineapple 🍍 Pizza 🍕 is my thumbs up. 

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  • City Council

Looks like we have our first winner with @screemer! Congrats!

Remember everyone, the goal is to find who is dressed as the character I posted! Black Scorpion is currently dressed as Dr Quatrexin. We wanted to find Black Scorpion, luckily Inferno is currently dressed up as him! Just like Ms Liberty was dressed as Ghost Widow in the example!

3 Minutes! I'm impressed. Stay tuned for more! 😄

Edited by GM Arcanum
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Please contact me on the Homecoming Discord for a faster response! Arcanum#7164

Got time to spare? Want to see Homecoming thrive? Consider volunteering as a Game Master!

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I think you missed an in-game easter egg opportunity by not making Mender Silos wear a Lord Nemesis costume 😄


Also could've been a funny switch if Faathim the Kind was wearing Rularuu the Raver costume (wouldn't fit in Chantry orb, but still!) or even Darrin Wade 😵

Edited by Glacier Peak
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  • City Council

Next Challenge:

The character dressed as Ms. Liberty, /e VillainLoyal


Remember, only one prize per challenge for the fastest screenshot - you've got to be fast!


Happy Haunting!

Please contact me on the Homecoming Discord for a faster response! Arcanum#7164

Got time to spare? Want to see Homecoming thrive? Consider volunteering as a Game Master!

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