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Request: Tremor

Epoch Paradox

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Can we get the same animation time fix for Stone Melee Tremor as Thunderstrike and Total Focus? What a difference about 0.5sec makes in the feel. Pretty please with 9inf on top? 😄

-adjusted inf for inflation/cost of living increases.

Edited by Epoch Paradox
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10 hours ago, Solarverse said:

This has been brought up in the talks over on the Beta page. I asked about this myself and somebody said that it is on the list. At this point all I can say is be patient.

Thanks. Also a bit scary.

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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

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14 hours ago, Solarverse said:

This has been brought up in the talks over on the Beta page. I asked about this myself and somebody said that it is on the list. At this point all I can say is be patient.

Pretty much Stone Melee as a whole was stated to be given a pass.


Also shush on gimmick talk, you can paint literally anything, such as a Seismic Smash's potency and Fault's CC as gimmicks.

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14 hours ago, Solarverse said:

This has been brought up in the talks over on the Beta page. I asked about this myself and somebody said that it is on the list. At this point all I can say is be patient.

Definitely. I enjoyed my stone/elec brute back around 2012 and I enjoy stone melee now. Personally I don't think there's much that it needs (especially no overhauling "g word"s)

The only other thing I've thought about is cosmetic, namely, the option to select one of the many weapons to swing around instead of the morphing rock stuff. I'm already happy either way and have found the HC team to be willing to hear and answer requests - so hey, why not just ask! 😄

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5 hours ago, Taboo said:

This will require a gimmick to be added to the set for balance. Just be careful what you ask for with the current folks driving the bus. (no offense, it just is what it is)

You say that with such certainty and I don't see why. Required? No. I don't think that is true at all.

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2 hours ago, Galaxy Brain said:

shush on gimmick talk



we've seen the gimmick trend, you know exactly what anyone who says it is referring to. you are better than this.


it's not just me saying it either. similar posts to samples below are all over the place from all sorts of people and not just in the past month.

On 10/13/2019 at 10:29 PM, BrandX said:

Should be repeat though, I don't care for the set to gain a gimmick.  I like it for being a ST focused set, that has the disorient on every power (though, I wouldn't be against Bone Smasher also getting a knock down), that gives me a PBAOE attack for some AOE.

On 10/25/2020 at 11:58 AM, ForeverLaxx said:

My original post on the discussion thread was literally just "revert the nerf to ET" and you guys still couldn't resist stuffing it with a gimmick and making the "unnerfed ET" conditional upon utilizing the gimmick? What's the deal with this gimmick obsession, anyway? We used to have sets that appealed to players who liked simplicity and straightforwardness and we had sets that appealed to the more calculated or strategic player via building stacks/combos... why are we changing old sets that had simplistic appeal as part of their reason to exist into something else?

On 4/15/2020 at 8:51 PM, siolfir said:

Personally, I'd be happy with just undoing the nerfs (old ET animation, Total Focus back to mag 4 stun) and think that all the extra mechanics are unnecessary and undesired. If you want Energy Melee with gimmicks to provide more AoE, play Rad Melee.

"Not caring for any ideas that cause the set to have a new mechanic/gimmick.  The set should be great ST DPS (I won't say #1, but should certainly be near the top of the list...but so should most ST focused sets)"

On 10/24/2020 at 10:27 PM, ThunderCAP said:

Energy Melee is now a combo set. It wasn't.

On 6/20/2020 at 11:34 AM, ChocolateMercenary said:

We don't need OP. EM doesn't need a weird gimmick. We don't need all the procs in the world, I'm with you there. We just want better.

Edited by Taboo
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1 hour ago, Galaxy Brain said:

Seismic Smash's potency and Fault's CC as gimmicks.

Wait, are you inferring that there are future nerfs coming to Stone Melee?! That's not what you're saying, are you?

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Alright, first off:


You all don't know what actual combos are. There's a smorgasbord of games out there that make even dual blades look like child's play with their complexities. Going A into B, or A into C is not a terribly complex thing that ends the world. 


Second off, Stone Melee will most likely not get any sort of mechanic aside from a balance pass where powers get tweaked to perform better. Also hopefully an all fist or all hammer option... same with other elementals 😄


Third, I hate the use of "gimmick" since its such a slippery slope / catch all. Literally, Stone Melee having seismic smash can be argued to be a gimmick with how devastating that 1 power is, since few if any other melee sets have such a devastatingly fast attack with a hard mez. By CoH definition, applying a debuff before attacking the target may as well be a combo gimmick too. Its the same inputs and same style of game play but one is seemingly ok while another causes mass panic. 


"Gimmicks" are in every single set.


"Gimmicks" alow sets like Super Strength to stand out from Stone since it has the gimmick of Rage. Allow Katana to be a stand out with certain armor sets since it has a parry gimmick to shore up defense. Allow Claws to stand out with constant dps and random ranged attacks, etc, etc. 


Lets not confuse uniqueness with gimmicks, else everything becomes one and then there are none.


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Noooo. I'm melting.. melting



Edited by Troo
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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

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7 hours ago, Galaxy Brain said:

Alright, first off:


Second off, Stone Melee will most likely not get any sort of mechanic aside from a balance pass where powers get tweaked to perform better. Also hopefully an all fist or all hammer option... same with other elementals 😄


How much do you want to bet that absolutely nobody would complain if they gave Stone Melee a mechanic that procced certain powers with endurance reductions? Say, "Using Fault makes Seismic Smash cost no Endurance or on Tremor!  😄

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6 hours ago, Myrmidon said:

@Captain Powerhouse, when Stone Melee receives its pass, I would like to formally request that it be given a combo mechanic.

I second this....give it Endurance Cost Freebies as a combo mechanic and I promise you nobody will say a damn thing negative about it, lol.

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2 hours ago, Solarverse said:

How much do you want to bet that absolutely nobody would complain if they gave Stone Melee a mechanic that procced certain powers with endurance reductions? Say, "Using Fault makes Seismic Smash cost no Endurance or on Tremor!  😄

STOP IT!!!!!  (wait, did that just trick me into saying I  am  Nobody)


No soap box but: SM is a solid old EM replacement. Straight forward and hard hitting. Fault provides a nice +recharge spot. It can be built lots of different ways. Improve = Tremor animation time (2.75ish please)

Edited by Troo

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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45 minutes ago, Troo said:

STOP IT!!!!!  (wait, did that just trick me into saying I  am  Nobody)


No soap box but: SM is a solid old EM replacement. Straight forward and hard hitting. Fault provides a nice +recharge spot. It can be built lots of different ways. Improve = Tremor animation time (2.75ish please)

I think the animation time should be left alone with the only caveat every time Tremor is used a random Regen player dies.

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  • Developer



I know some here are just tongue in cheek joking, but please, stop spreading FUD.


Stone Melee will not be getting any combo or conditional mechanics, and at the same time: scrapper/stalker versions, when they happen, will not be identical to tanker/brute ones.


Stone melee changes for ATs that already have access to it, if any, will be minimalist.


Edit to add: DO expect special mechanics on completely new sets, though.

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When I saw my notification for this thread, I was pretty sure I never posted here so I was marginally confused to see I had a "quoted" response. For what it's worth, my statement was in the context of Energy Melee being forced into a specific opener for every fight if you want to utilize the primary buff and my lamentation that it seems more and more newer sets over the game's lifespan focused more on building combos or buff stacks to "release" them. It started with Dual Blades and we see it with other sets like Water Blast and Psi Melee (I'm not going to list them all, of course, but DB, WB, and PM get the three "flavors" of minigame across). Energy Melee has been added to that list when it wasn't on it before, and I just didn't want to see that trend repeat whenever an old set gets "reviewed" for changes.


That said, my post was, again, in context of primarily Energy Melee and I would appreciate it if you didn't use my opinion on trends to spread your doom and gloom over theoretical Stone Melee changes that, as far as we know, don't even exist yet.



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exChampion and exInfinity player (Champion primarily).


Current resident of the Everlasting shard.

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12 hours ago, Galaxy Brain said:

You all don't know what actual combos are. There's a smorgasbord of games out there that make even dual blades look like child's play with their complexities. Going A into B, or A into C is not a terribly complex thing that ends the world.

Be as it may, some people prefer to have full free reign over their attack chain. It's not useful to insist the difference is meaningless when it clearly matters to a part of the population.


12 hours ago, Galaxy Brain said:

Third, I hate the use of "gimmick" since its such a slippery slope / catch all. Literally, Stone Melee having seismic smash can be argued to be a gimmick with how devastating that 1 power is, since few if any other melee sets have such a devastatingly fast attack with a hard mez. By CoH definition, applying a debuff before attacking the target may as well be a combo gimmick too. Its the same inputs and same style of game play but one is seemingly ok while another causes mass panic.

I feel we all know what "gimmick" entails within this context. An attack having higher numbers one way or another is not a gimmick. A 1-2 combo where special effect 2 only happens if 1 happened first, and 2 cannot be replaced by 3, ... is a gimmick. Using a debuff before using an attack is not a gimmick.


"conditional" as C_P says is a good way to put it too. People unhappy about the introduction of conditional mechanics on their beloved sets are likely to use more pejorative words. Being pedantic won't convince anyone who isn't already on board.

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