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P2W temp powers, suggested permanence

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I often make use of temp summoning  powers such as back-up radio and signature summon.

Would it be possible to make these powers permanent purchases for a higher INF cost


back-up radio - 1,000,000 inf

Signature Summon - 100,000,000 inf each ( or 500mill)


Another possibility is Temp power: resusitator - which is fantastic for teams and makes team runs less frustrating if people are dying often.


It becomes tedious having to "refill" the uses everytime when the costs are almost negligible (not counting signature summons)


I dont know anything about coding but I dont thing it would take a great amount of effort to implement these changes?

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I agree with the suggestions because it allows players to assist each other more, making the game that much friendlier.


I would like to see the teleport power fold, be a new Pv2 power, because it all to often happens that a mob you got to kill (kill all mission) gets stuck on a wall and you can't kill, with fold you can "unstick it" and go on an enjoy the game. If it was available as a PV2 power it would be much more present among players.



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Well, they're meant to be an INF sink on top of everything else, so making them perma does kind of defeat the point. (Also I don't think i've ever used Resuscitator all that much - sheesh. 🙂  )

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Think they're too powerful to be made permanent, can't agree with that. Their existence in the store already has had implications on the ease of the game, but it's been tolerable. Permanent for everyone that just saves up to get it is too much.

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1 hour ago, Monos King said:

Think they're too powerful to be made permanent, can't agree with that. Their existence in the store already has had implications on the ease of the game, but it's been tolerable. Permanent for everyone that just saves up to get it is too much.

.... Are they too powerful, and have they really had an impact, though?


OK, maybe you can make the "too powerful" argument for the signature summons (they *should* be for what they're costing, with the usual couple minutes of life,) but the lower level reinforcement doesn't do much. If I pick one up, it's usually to let it be a distraction for something so it eats the alpha instead of me. I can't think of the last time I saw anyone *else* using them.


Honestly, the Shivans (which you pay only some time investment for, given most servers don't really have ongoing PVP in Bloody Bay) are more powerful than the reinforcement - and I *do* see them used more. And on the upper end, I think Lore has probably eclipsed the signature summons.


I don't disagree that they shouldn't be permanent, I just .. question saying they've had much of an impact on the game.

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20 minutes ago, Greycat said:

OK, maybe you can make the "too powerful" argument for the signature summons (they *should* be for what they're costing, with the usual couple minutes of life,)

Yeah I mean those mostly. Sig summons and amplifiers gotta cost...the rest really just make leveling a breeze, which isn't something many care too much about these days.

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Maybe we could make a new Pool power set with some of the combat temps.  Then we could slot them for accuracy, damage, knockback, range, or whatever.


Street Violence

P1:  Louisville Slugger

P2:  Sledgehammer

P3:  Pistol

P4:  the self heal

P5:  the Recovery boost

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Summons aside, because that probably would be too crazy, maybe make these a power choice when you're leveling.  You've paid for [power] and have it when you hit the next level where you're allowed to choose your next power, but instead of any of the usual options, you get to designate that one as your next power choice.  Now you have it permanently, and later you can even add slots (maybe capped at only four or something?).


Obviously you'd need to scan everything for balance issues and all before allowing for this.


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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18 hours ago, Greycat said:

Well, they're meant to be an INF sink on top of everything else, so making them perma does kind of defeat the point. (Also I don't think i've ever used Resuscitator all that much - sheesh. 🙂  )

Ive used temp resus more times than I can count. Its a really nice power to have. It keeps people in the game and promotes team awesomeness. I find it to be an essencial staple for teams, especially if you are already T3/T4 and often have lower lvl members on the team

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As an intentional Inf sink, I don't imagine the Devs would want to do such a thing as allow these to be permanent.  And if they ever did, I imagine the Signature Summons would be something like a full 2 Billion each.
I think the costs are honestly already excessive, but these are definitely luxury items, so I'm not going to die on a hill to make them more accessible right now.


So, no objection to the suggestion, but based on my understanding of their current implementation, the suggestion also goes against what the Devs have suggested is their specific design intention.



In the long run, though, I would like to see permanent Sidekick summonables.  That would require some kind of pet costume customization be developed, though, and ideally a way to customize their Powers a little too (or just select "prepackaged" Sidekicks with specific Power Set combos).  Also, I think it could be really fun if these Sidekicks became flagged as "captured" whenever they despawn after being defeated, and you would need to either revive them on the spot, or run a special Rescue mission to get them back.

Would such permanent Sidekicks be a good solution to your concern, @TrueBornTyrant?   

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Something I would love to see is temporary costume powers being made available to the masses. On live my main toon was a cast out Carnival Mistress, and now on Homecoming its not even in the event Halloween costumes available. Having it as an option to buy costumes in the P2W would be my dream come true of reliving my old Live toons in Homecoming City of Heroes.


On the topic of sidekicks suggested by @CrudeVileTerror that would be amazing! MM style pet that can go around fighting with you, but disabled in team play. Adds a lot of flavour ideas for characters and solo players!

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On 1/3/2021 at 4:14 PM, CrudeVileTerror said:

As an intentional Inf sink, I don't imagine the Devs would want to do such a thing as allow these to be permanent.  And if they ever did, I imagine the Signature Summons would be something like a full 2 Billion each.
I think the costs are honestly already excessive, but these are definitely luxury items, so I'm not going to die on a hill to make them more accessible right now.


So, no objection to the suggestion, but based on my understanding of their current implementation, the suggestion also goes against what the Devs have suggested is their specific design intention.



In the long run, though, I would like to see permanent Sidekick summonables.  That would require some kind of pet costume customization be developed, though, and ideally a way to customize their Powers a little too (or just select "prepackaged" Sidekicks with specific Power Set combos).  Also, I think it could be really fun if these Sidekicks became flagged as "captured" whenever they despawn after being defeated, and you would need to either revive them on the spot, or run a special Rescue mission to get them back.

Would such permanent Sidekicks be a good solution to your concern, @TrueBornTyrant?   

Hell yes. Having a sidekick would be absolutely fantastic, it might make teams a bit crowded tho, but the thematic possibilities would be endless. Maybe a new mission arc to get a sidekick

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As an alternative, maybe have a "auto re-up" alternative for each power, so that it keeps refreshing the power when they expire ( with associated cost deducted ),  just to save the trip to the P2W vendor.

I have been on TFs where my temp fly power has expired, and it's annoying having to make that trip mid TF.

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41 minutes ago, krj12 said:

As an alternative, maybe have a "auto re-up" alternative for each power, so that it keeps refreshing the power when they expire ( with associated cost deducted ),  just to save the trip to the P2W vendor.

I have been on TFs where my temp fly power has expired, and it's annoying having to make that trip mid TF.

That would be cool, though not sure how well it'd work... in another old MMO there were some buffs you could buy for in-game currency where you could just pay 2 million up front (or 20 or 300 or whatever) and it'd keep renewing and deducting from that amount until you went back and added more to the allowance... if something like that could be done it'd be nice to renew and not run the risk of accidentally burning all your inf.

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Here's a thought . . . buying Temporary Powers from the P2W Vendor no longer rewards them directly to the Powers Window, but instead become Claim'able Character Items in the Email Window?

Added benefit:   Buy a tonne of them from your main character on an account, and then just claim them on your alts without having to transfer funds.   Didn't the Signature Summons used to be rewards from the Real-Money Super Packs back during Legacy/Retail anyway?

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On 1/3/2021 at 7:15 AM, Greycat said:

Honestly, the Shivans (which you pay only some time investment for, given most servers don't really have ongoing PVP in Bloody Bay) are more powerful than the reinforcement - and I *do* see them used more. And on the upper end, I think Lore has probably eclipsed the signature summons.

Shivens ftw.

Me and a friend basically duo all the TFs in teh game (bar crazy ones like LG or Kahn etc) and we usually get shviens before hand. Takes less than 5 mins, and makes the AV/Hero fights SO much quicker. I say quicker because we haven't had any trouble versus any of the 'normal' avs, even as a duo.

But the shivens just pump out insane damage, especially when buffed (my friend plays a LOT of kins).

One Numi tf we did..Sonic/Sonic fender and Thugs/rad MM. We both had shivens, and I got like 8 of the medium +acc/dam inspirations.

Jurassic literally died in about 20 seconds, IF that. I have not seen any teams of 8 kill him that fast. lol.


Back to the OP..no to perm powers. That would greatly favour those who mostly farm, for which basically any amount of money would be trivial.

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