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4 hours ago, Blackfeather said:

Alright! I think I've finished this write-up now; it's a pretty large revamp from the original concept, maintaining the same focus on melee range combat while expanding its scope and introducing more standard powers. A big part of this comes from the change to Light Control's special mechanic. Or more accurately, mechanics plural.


Special Effects: Illumination and Refraction

Light Control’s special effects come in two parts which work in tandem with each other:

  • Illumination strengthens the effects of powers in different ways (8s duration)

    • Inflicted by:

      • 852813939_RadiatingTies(Chain).png.ea9029a07b151df4addf97a219ae243b.png T1: Radiating Ties

      • 104614765_DazzlingGlow(Chain).png.829e34766f7212203d53c18793e1214d.png T2: Da zzling Glow

      • 627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light

      • 122333432_IncandescentEruption.png.bed1d861415a435328a8b4fe6b7b8443.png T6: Incandescent Eruption (50% chance)

    • Affects:

      • 852813939_RadiatingTies(Chain).png.ea9029a07b151df4addf97a219ae243b.png T1: Radiating Ties, bonus damage

      • 104614765_DazzlingGlow(Chain).png.829e34766f7212203d53c18793e1214d.png T2: Dazzling Glow, Mag 3.5 Sleep -> Mag 7 Sleep (+3.5)

      • 627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light, bonus damage

      • Eclipse.png.ad1aa9468e64d19928d03d3c3c86dfb8.png T5: Twilight, 25% chance Refraction -> 50% chance Refraction

      • 804575760_PrismaticField.png.37db79635018f16e4f24feb5430f294e.png T7: Prismatic Field, 2% chance Disorient -> Disorient

      • 782392347_LuminousDistortion.png.0e95fd0f5450964b893be683ad3a8eca.png T8: Luminous Distortion, 2% chance Confuse -> Confuse

    • Powers that benefit from Illumination consume it upon taking effect

  • Refraction propagates the effects of single target powers across multiple enemies

    • Inflicted by:

      • 1378878908_RefractiveHalo.png.3b9f3a218fdcaa3e5c5887ffbeb5f7ec.png T4: Refractive Halo

      • Eclipse.png.ad1aa9468e64d19928d03d3c3c86dfb8.png T5: Twilight (25% chance, 8s)

      • 278989210_ShiningMotes.png.cee815dd22c339ad160973a3f8e8a36f.png T9: Shining Motes (Post-Defeat: 80% chance, 8s)

    • Affects:

      • 852813939_RadiatingTies(Chain).png.ea9029a07b151df4addf97a219ae243b.png T1: Radiating Ties

      • 104614765_DazzlingGlow(Chain).png.829e34766f7212203d53c18793e1214d.png T2: Dazzling Glow

      • 627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light

    • Affected powers chain across nearby Refracted enemies, each consecutive chain halving their duration

      • Illuminated enemies prevent this duration from being halved

      • Chaining only occurs if the initial target is also Refracted

      • Prioritises enemies who are also Illuminated first

Your mention of using the Illumination mechanic to enable AoE powers was fleshed out into its own mechanic in its own right, @BrandX, while still keeping the T4 as its central power - that's where the Refraction mechanic comes in, with the general idea being "redirecting/channelling light". Since 1378878908_RefractiveHalo.png.3b9f3a218fdcaa3e5c5887ffbeb5f7ec.png T4: Refractive Halo is the primary way of inflicting this effect, if the Light Controller/Dominator wants to make the most of it they'll need to stick close (though there's a few other options). This way, Light Control can still have a single target Hold as well, and can even make other powers 'radiate' out.

The Illumination mechanic hopefully balances this mechanic out a little, and also add some bonus damage/stronger effects to existing powers. Without targeting enemies that are both Illuminated and Refracted, the duration of the ST powers halves with every subsequent target. 122333432_IncandescentEruption.png.bed1d861415a435328a8b4fe6b7b8443.png T6: Incandescent Eruption provides the primary way of illuminating multiple enemies at once, and as such has a relatively long recharge time.

As for the set itself the last few powers are relatively unchanged, except for stronger interactions with the Illumination mechanic, credit to @Naraka for the suggestion! However, I do think with these changes in the first half of the set, Light Control hopefully stands out a little more, while still not compromising on its more PBAoE focus.

Light Control


Power Table






Radiating Ties


Ranged (Chain), Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Immobilize, Foe -To Hit, -Fly, Special


Dazzling Glow


Ranged (Chain), Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Sleep, Foe -To Hit, Special


Ray of Light


Ranged (Chain), Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Hold, -To Hit, Special


Refractive Halo


Toggle: PBAoE, Foe -To Hit, -Range, -Stealth, Special




Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe -Visibility, -To Hit, Chance for Special


Incandescent Eruption


PBAoE, Minor DMG(Energy/Smashing), Foe Knockdown, Chance for Special


Prismatic Field


Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Energy), Foe -Speed, -DEF(All), Chance for Disorient


Luminous Distortion


Ranged (Location AoE), Foe Attract, Chance for Confuse


Shining Motes


Summon Motes: Melee, Minor DoT(Energy)


852813939_RadiatingTies(Chain).png.ea9029a07b151df4addf97a219ae243b.png T1: Radiating Ties

Beams of light spring forth from you towards a single foe, trapping them in an array of blinding incandescence, and rendering them immobilized. Enemies powerful enough to resist this effect will still have their chance to hit reduced. Applying Radiating Ties on a refracted enemy will cause it to chain to other nearby refracted targets. The first target struck by Radiating Ties will also be Illuminated. Illuminated enemies will take additional damage from Radiating Ties before consuming the effect.


Moderate DoT (Energy)


Fast (4s)



Minimum Level



Ranged Chain

Foe Immobilize (Mag 4), -To Hit, Special (Illuminate)


Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Immobilize

Enhance Recharge

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories


Ranged Damage

To Hit Debuff


104614765_DazzlingGlow(Chain).png.829e34766f7212203d53c18793e1214d.png T2: Dazzling Glow

Causes a dizzying array of light to appear before a foe. The target is left mesmerized and illuminated by the display, even as its brightness damages them, though subsequent attacks will free them from this effect. Enemies powerful enough to resist this effect will still have their chance to hit reduced. Applying Dazzling Glow on a refracted enemy will cause it to chain to other nearby refracted targets. The first target struck by Dazzling Glow will also be Illuminated. The strength of this Sleep will be increased when used against illuminated targets, consuming the effect in the process.


Moderate (Energy)


Moderate (8s)



Minimum Level



Ranged Chain

Foe Sleep (Mag 3.5), -To Hit, Special (Illuminate)


Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Range

Enhance Sleep

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories

Ranged Damage


To Hit Debuff


627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light

You generate a luminous beam of light and fire it at a target, dealing Energy damage to them. Its brightness can temporarily reduce the chance to hit of your foes, and render them helpless. Applying Ray of Light on a refracted enemy will cause it to chain to other nearby refracted targets. The first target struck by Ray of Light will also be Illuminated. Illuminated enemies will take additional damage from Ray of Light before consuming the effect.


Moderate (Energy)


Moderate (8s)

Minimum Level



Ranged Chain

Foe Hold (Mag 3), -To Hit, Special (Illuminate)


Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Hold

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Range

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories


Ranged Damage

To Hit Debuff


1378878908_RefractiveHalo.png.3b9f3a218fdcaa3e5c5887ffbeb5f7ec.png T4: Refractive Halo

You command light to surround you in a bright halo, reducing the chance to hit, range, and stealth capabilities of nearby foes. Enemies within your halo also become Refracted, as your halo continuously pulls light around you. Some powers from Light Control can chain across refracted enemies, affecting multiple targets at once. Each consecutive target will suffer from a weaker version than the previous target in the chain, unless the target is also Illuminated.




Slow (10s)



Minimum Level



Point Blank Area of Effect

Foe -To Hit, -Stealth, -Range, Special


Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories

To Hit Debuff


Eclipse.png.ad1aa9468e64d19928d03d3c3c86dfb8.png T5: Twilight

Draws light away from all foes near your target, inhibiting their vision. Most foes will not be able to see past normal melee range, although some may have better perception. If the foes are attacked, they will be alerted to your presence, but will suffer a penalty to their chance to hit. Your redirection of light may also cause some enemies to become Refracted, with a higher chance of this occurring if you target an Illuminated enemy, consuming the effect in the process.


Slow (15s)



Minimum Level



Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect)

Foe -90% Perception, -To Hit, Chance of Special (25% Refraction)


Enhance Accuracy

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Range

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories

To Hit Debuff


122333432_IncandescentEruption.png.bed1d861415a435328a8b4fe6b7b8443.png T6: Incandescent Eruption

Light swells out of you in a powerful burst, knocking enemies to the ground and dealing some minor damage. The intensity of this blast may also leave some foes Illuminated.


Minor (Energy)


Long (120s)



Minimum Level



Point Blank Area of Effect

Foe Knockdown, Chance of Special (50% Illumination)


Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Hold

Enhance Recharge

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories


Melee AoE Damage

To Hit Debuff


804575760_PrismaticField.png.37db79635018f16e4f24feb5430f294e.png T7: Prismatic Field

A painfully bright field of light appears at an area of your choice, dealing minimal Energy damage to foes inside of it. Enemies inside this field will have their movement dramatically slowed, and their defences weakened as they attempt to navigate with their perception compromised, with a chance of even becoming disoriented. Illuminated targets will immediately become disoriented, consuming the effect in the process.


Minor DoT (Energy)


Long (60s)



Minimum Level



Ranged (Location Area of Effect)

Foe -Speed (90%), -Defense(All), Chance of Disorient (Mag 3, 2% chance)


Enhance Damage

Enhance Defense Debuff

Enhance Disorient

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Range

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Slow

Set Categories

Defense Debuff

Ranged AoE Damage

Slow Movement



782392347_LuminousDistortion.png.0e95fd0f5450964b893be683ad3a8eca.png T8: Luminous Distortion

You twist the way that light behaves in a selected area, deceiving foes into moving towards it. Enemies caught in this distortion may even become confused, targeting their allies by accident as their perception is warped. Illuminated targets will immediately become confused, consuming the effect in the process.


Long (60s)



Minimum Level



Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect)

Foe Attract, Chance of Confuse (Mag 3, 2% chance)


Enhance Confuse

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Range

Set Categories



278989210_ShiningMotes.png.cee815dd22c339ad160973a3f8e8a36f.png T9: Shining Motes

You concentrate light together to create three Shining Motes at a target location. Shining Motes are fragile and have little intelligence of their own, instinctively moving towards enemies, damaging all those close to them. Upon expiring, they explode in a small but powerful brilliance that knocks down nearby enemies, and may cause them to become Refracted. Targeting a mote using Radiating Ties, Dazzling Glow, or Ray of Light will force it to expire early. Shining Motes can be healed and buffed like any teammate.


Minor (Energy)


Very Long (240s)

Minimum Level



Summon Motes: Melee

Pet Powers

Fly (Auto: Flight)

Nova (Post Defeat: PBAoE (Energy), Foe Knockdown, Chance of Special)

Shining Halo (PBAoE, DoT (Energy))

Resistance (Auto, Res(E25 N25, P25), Res(Immobilize))


Enhance Accuracy

Enhance Damage

Enhance Disorient

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Set Categories


Pet Damage

Recharge Intensive Pets


Hope you guys like this! I think it maintains the feel of the previous design while also being more interactive in the process.


Also curious as to your thoughts on this revamped writeup, @Dahle - it does have a single target Hold now, but allows it to synergise close up to enemies too. Take a read through at the altered mechanics, and hope it piques your interest!

15 hours ago, Blackfeather said:

Alright! I think I've finished this write-up now; it's a pretty large revamp from the original concept, maintaining the same focus on melee range combat while expanding its scope and introducing more standard powers. A big part of this comes from the change to Light Control's special mechanic. Or more accurately, mechanics plural.


Special Effects: Illumination and Refraction

Light Control’s special effects come in two parts which work in tandem with each other:

  • Illumination strengthens the effects of powers in different ways (8s duration)

    • Inflicted by:

      • 852813939_RadiatingTies(Chain).png.ea9029a07b151df4addf97a219ae243b.png T1: Radiating Ties

      • 104614765_DazzlingGlow(Chain).png.829e34766f7212203d53c18793e1214d.png T2: Dazzling Glow

      • 627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light

      • 122333432_IncandescentEruption.png.bed1d861415a435328a8b4fe6b7b8443.png T6: Incandescent Eruption (50% chance)

    • Affects:

      • 852813939_RadiatingTies(Chain).png.ea9029a07b151df4addf97a219ae243b.png T1: Radiating Ties, bonus damage

      • 104614765_DazzlingGlow(Chain).png.829e34766f7212203d53c18793e1214d.png T2: Dazzling Glow, Mag 3.5 Sleep -> Mag 7 Sleep (+3.5)

      • 627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light, bonus damage

      • Eclipse.png.ad1aa9468e64d19928d03d3c3c86dfb8.png T5: Twilight, 25% chance Refraction -> 50% chance Refraction

      • 804575760_PrismaticField.png.37db79635018f16e4f24feb5430f294e.png T7: Prismatic Field, 2% chance Disorient -> Disorient

      • 782392347_LuminousDistortion.png.0e95fd0f5450964b893be683ad3a8eca.png T8: Luminous Distortion, 2% chance Confuse -> Confuse

    • Powers that benefit from Illumination consume it upon taking effect

  • Refraction propagates the effects of single target powers across multiple enemies

    • Inflicted by:

      • 1378878908_RefractiveHalo.png.3b9f3a218fdcaa3e5c5887ffbeb5f7ec.png T4: Refractive Halo

      • Eclipse.png.ad1aa9468e64d19928d03d3c3c86dfb8.png T5: Twilight (25% chance, 8s)

      • 278989210_ShiningMotes.png.cee815dd22c339ad160973a3f8e8a36f.png T9: Shining Motes (Post-Defeat: 80% chance, 8s)

    • Affects:

      • 852813939_RadiatingTies(Chain).png.ea9029a07b151df4addf97a219ae243b.png T1: Radiating Ties

      • 104614765_DazzlingGlow(Chain).png.829e34766f7212203d53c18793e1214d.png T2: Dazzling Glow

      • 627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light

    • Affected powers chain across nearby Refracted enemies, each consecutive chain halving their duration

      • Illuminated enemies prevent this duration from being halved

      • Chaining only occurs if the initial target is also Refracted

      • Prioritises enemies who are also Illuminated first

Your mention of using the Illumination mechanic to enable AoE powers was fleshed out into its own mechanic in its own right, @BrandX, while still keeping the T4 as its central power - that's where the Refraction mechanic comes in, with the general idea being "redirecting/channelling light". Since 1378878908_RefractiveHalo.png.3b9f3a218fdcaa3e5c5887ffbeb5f7ec.png T4: Refractive Halo is the primary way of inflicting this effect, if the Light Controller/Dominator wants to make the most of it they'll need to stick close (though there's a few other options). This way, Light Control can still have a single target Hold as well, and can even make other powers 'radiate' out.

The Illumination mechanic hopefully balances this mechanic out a little, and also add some bonus damage/stronger effects to existing powers. Without targeting enemies that are both Illuminated and Refracted, the duration of the ST powers halves with every subsequent target. 122333432_IncandescentEruption.png.bed1d861415a435328a8b4fe6b7b8443.png T6: Incandescent Eruption provides the primary way of illuminating multiple enemies at once, and as such has a relatively long recharge time.

As for the set itself the last few powers are relatively unchanged, except for stronger interactions with the Illumination mechanic, credit to @Naraka for the suggestion! However, I do think with these changes in the first half of the set, Light Control hopefully stands out a little more, while still not compromising on its more PBAoE focus.

Light Control


Power Table






Radiating Ties


Ranged (Chain), Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Immobilize, Foe -To Hit, -Fly, Special


Dazzling Glow


Ranged (Chain), Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Sleep, Foe -To Hit, Special


Ray of Light


Ranged (Chain), Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Hold, -To Hit, Special


Refractive Halo


Toggle: PBAoE, Foe -To Hit, -Range, -Stealth, Special




Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe -Visibility, -To Hit, Chance for Special


Incandescent Eruption


PBAoE, Minor DMG(Energy/Smashing), Foe Knockdown, Chance for Special


Prismatic Field


Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Energy), Foe -Speed, -DEF(All), Chance for Disorient


Luminous Distortion


Ranged (Location AoE), Foe Attract, Chance for Confuse


Shining Motes


Summon Motes: Melee, Minor DoT(Energy)


852813939_RadiatingTies(Chain).png.ea9029a07b151df4addf97a219ae243b.png T1: Radiating Ties

Beams of light spring forth from you towards a single foe, trapping them in an array of blinding incandescence, and rendering them immobilized. Enemies powerful enough to resist this effect will still have their chance to hit reduced. Applying Radiating Ties on a refracted enemy will cause it to chain to other nearby refracted targets. The first target struck by Radiating Ties will also be Illuminated. Illuminated enemies will take additional damage from Radiating Ties before consuming the effect.


Moderate DoT (Energy)


Fast (4s)



Minimum Level



Ranged Chain

Foe Immobilize (Mag 4), -To Hit, Special (Illuminate)


Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Immobilize

Enhance Recharge

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories


Ranged Damage

To Hit Debuff


104614765_DazzlingGlow(Chain).png.829e34766f7212203d53c18793e1214d.png T2: Dazzling Glow

Causes a dizzying array of light to appear before a foe. The target is left mesmerized and illuminated by the display, even as its brightness damages them, though subsequent attacks will free them from this effect. Enemies powerful enough to resist this effect will still have their chance to hit reduced. Applying Dazzling Glow on a refracted enemy will cause it to chain to other nearby refracted targets. The first target struck by Dazzling Glow will also be Illuminated. The strength of this Sleep will be increased when used against illuminated targets, consuming the effect in the process.


Moderate (Energy)


Moderate (8s)



Minimum Level



Ranged Chain

Foe Sleep (Mag 3.5), -To Hit, Special (Illuminate)


Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Range

Enhance Sleep

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories

Ranged Damage


To Hit Debuff


627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light

You generate a luminous beam of light and fire it at a target, dealing Energy damage to them. Its brightness can temporarily reduce the chance to hit of your foes, and render them helpless. Applying Ray of Light on a refracted enemy will cause it to chain to other nearby refracted targets. The first target struck by Ray of Light will also be Illuminated. Illuminated enemies will take additional damage from Ray of Light before consuming the effect.


Moderate (Energy)


Moderate (8s)

Minimum Level



Ranged Chain

Foe Hold (Mag 3), -To Hit, Special (Illuminate)


Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Hold

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Range

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories


Ranged Damage

To Hit Debuff


1378878908_RefractiveHalo.png.3b9f3a218fdcaa3e5c5887ffbeb5f7ec.png T4: Refractive Halo

You command light to surround you in a bright halo, reducing the chance to hit, range, and stealth capabilities of nearby foes. Enemies within your halo also become Refracted, as your halo continuously pulls light around you. Some powers from Light Control can chain across refracted enemies, affecting multiple targets at once. Each consecutive target will suffer from a weaker version than the previous target in the chain, unless the target is also Illuminated.




Slow (10s)



Minimum Level



Point Blank Area of Effect

Foe -To Hit, -Stealth, -Range, Special


Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories

To Hit Debuff


Eclipse.png.ad1aa9468e64d19928d03d3c3c86dfb8.png T5: Twilight

Draws light away from all foes near your target, inhibiting their vision. Most foes will not be able to see past normal melee range, although some may have better perception. If the foes are attacked, they will be alerted to your presence, but will suffer a penalty to their chance to hit. Your redirection of light may also cause some enemies to become Refracted, with a higher chance of this occurring if you target an Illuminated enemy, consuming the effect in the process.


Slow (15s)



Minimum Level



Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect)

Foe -90% Perception, -To Hit, Chance of Special (25% Refraction)


Enhance Accuracy

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Range

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories

To Hit Debuff


122333432_IncandescentEruption.png.bed1d861415a435328a8b4fe6b7b8443.png T6: Incandescent Eruption

Light swells out of you in a powerful burst, knocking enemies to the ground and dealing some minor damage. The intensity of this blast may also leave some foes Illuminated.


Minor (Energy)


Long (120s)



Minimum Level



Point Blank Area of Effect

Foe Knockdown, Chance of Special (50% Illumination)


Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Hold

Enhance Recharge

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories


Melee AoE Damage

To Hit Debuff


804575760_PrismaticField.png.37db79635018f16e4f24feb5430f294e.png T7: Prismatic Field

A painfully bright field of light appears at an area of your choice, dealing minimal Energy damage to foes inside of it. Enemies inside this field will have their movement dramatically slowed, and their defences weakened as they attempt to navigate with their perception compromised, with a chance of even becoming disoriented. Illuminated targets will immediately become disoriented, consuming the effect in the process.


Minor DoT (Energy)


Long (60s)



Minimum Level



Ranged (Location Area of Effect)

Foe -Speed (90%), -Defense(All), Chance of Disorient (Mag 3, 2% chance)


Enhance Damage

Enhance Defense Debuff

Enhance Disorient

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Range

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Slow

Set Categories

Defense Debuff

Ranged AoE Damage

Slow Movement



782392347_LuminousDistortion.png.0e95fd0f5450964b893be683ad3a8eca.png T8: Luminous Distortion

You twist the way that light behaves in a selected area, deceiving foes into moving towards it. Enemies caught in this distortion may even become confused, targeting their allies by accident as their perception is warped. Illuminated targets will immediately become confused, consuming the effect in the process.


Long (60s)



Minimum Level



Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect)

Foe Attract, Chance of Confuse (Mag 3, 2% chance)


Enhance Confuse

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Range

Set Categories



278989210_ShiningMotes.png.cee815dd22c339ad160973a3f8e8a36f.png T9: Shining Motes

You concentrate light together to create three Shining Motes at a target location. Shining Motes are fragile and have little intelligence of their own, instinctively moving towards enemies, damaging all those close to them. Upon expiring, they explode in a small but powerful brilliance that knocks down nearby enemies, and may cause them to become Refracted. Targeting a mote using Radiating Ties, Dazzling Glow, or Ray of Light will force it to expire early. Shining Motes can be healed and buffed like any teammate.


Minor (Energy)


Very Long (240s)

Minimum Level



Summon Motes: Melee

Pet Powers

Fly (Auto: Flight)

Nova (Post Defeat: PBAoE (Energy), Foe Knockdown, Chance of Special)

Shining Halo (PBAoE, DoT (Energy))

Resistance (Auto, Res(E25 N25, P25), Res(Immobilize))


Enhance Accuracy

Enhance Damage

Enhance Disorient

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Set Categories


Pet Damage

Recharge Intensive Pets


Hope you guys like this! I think it maintains the feel of the previous design while also being more interactive in the process.


Also going to give @Galaxy Brain a wave - hey again! With suggestions from @BrandX and @Naraka from their own separate posts, I've attempted to make Light Control feel a bit more unique while also maintaining the majority of my original intent.


While it's still meant to work better at close range, it's now able to hopefully work at a distance too, and in a way that feels like controlling light would work (at least that was the intent), with the introduction of a new mechanic, which hopefully makes it stand out better. Would be interested in hearing your thoughts on it - if it works out, I'll probably be updating the OP with this revised post.


One issue that comes to mind here might be balancing, but I'm not entirely sure whether it'd be relatively stronger or weaker than the other Control sets, or same-but-different.

On 5/31/2021 at 10:28 AM, Blackfeather said:

Alright! I think I've finished this write-up now; it's a pretty large revamp from the original concept, maintaining the same focus on melee range combat while expanding its scope and introducing more standard powers. A big part of this comes from the change to Light Control's special mechanic. Or more accurately, mechanics plural.


Special Effects: Illumination and Refraction

Light Control’s special effects come in two parts which work in tandem with each other:

  • Illumination strengthens the effects of powers in different ways (8s duration)

    • Inflicted by:

      • 852813939_RadiatingTies(Chain).png.ea9029a07b151df4addf97a219ae243b.png T1: Radiating Ties

      • 104614765_DazzlingGlow(Chain).png.829e34766f7212203d53c18793e1214d.png T2: Dazzling Glow

      • 627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light

      • 122333432_IncandescentEruption.png.bed1d861415a435328a8b4fe6b7b8443.png T6: Incandescent Eruption (50% chance)

    • Affects:

      • 852813939_RadiatingTies(Chain).png.ea9029a07b151df4addf97a219ae243b.png T1: Radiating Ties, bonus damage

      • 104614765_DazzlingGlow(Chain).png.829e34766f7212203d53c18793e1214d.png T2: Dazzling Glow, Mag 3.5 Sleep -> Mag 7 Sleep (+3.5)

      • 627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light, bonus damage

      • Eclipse.png.ad1aa9468e64d19928d03d3c3c86dfb8.png T5: Twilight, 25% chance Refraction -> 50% chance Refraction

      • 804575760_PrismaticField.png.37db79635018f16e4f24feb5430f294e.png T7: Prismatic Field, 2% chance Disorient -> Disorient

      • 782392347_LuminousDistortion.png.0e95fd0f5450964b893be683ad3a8eca.png T8: Luminous Distortion, 2% chance Confuse -> Confuse

    • Powers that benefit from Illumination consume it upon taking effect

  • Refraction propagates the effects of single target powers across multiple enemies

    • Inflicted by:

      • 1378878908_RefractiveHalo.png.3b9f3a218fdcaa3e5c5887ffbeb5f7ec.png T4: Refractive Halo

      • Eclipse.png.ad1aa9468e64d19928d03d3c3c86dfb8.png T5: Twilight (25% chance, 8s)

      • 278989210_ShiningMotes.png.cee815dd22c339ad160973a3f8e8a36f.png T9: Shining Motes (Post-Defeat: 80% chance, 8s)

    • Affects:

      • 852813939_RadiatingTies(Chain).png.ea9029a07b151df4addf97a219ae243b.png T1: Radiating Ties

      • 104614765_DazzlingGlow(Chain).png.829e34766f7212203d53c18793e1214d.png T2: Dazzling Glow

      • 627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light

    • Affected powers chain across nearby Refracted enemies, each consecutive chain halving their duration

      • Illuminated enemies prevent this duration from being halved

      • Chaining only occurs if the initial target is also Refracted

      • Prioritises enemies who are also Illuminated first

Your mention of using the Illumination mechanic to enable AoE powers was fleshed out into its own mechanic in its own right, @BrandX, while still keeping the T4 as its central power - that's where the Refraction mechanic comes in, with the general idea being "redirecting/channelling light". Since 1378878908_RefractiveHalo.png.3b9f3a218fdcaa3e5c5887ffbeb5f7ec.png T4: Refractive Halo is the primary way of inflicting this effect, if the Light Controller/Dominator wants to make the most of it they'll need to stick close (though there's a few other options). This way, Light Control can still have a single target Hold as well, and can even make other powers 'radiate' out.

The Illumination mechanic hopefully balances this mechanic out a little, and also add some bonus damage/stronger effects to existing powers. Without targeting enemies that are both Illuminated and Refracted, the duration of the ST powers halves with every subsequent target. 122333432_IncandescentEruption.png.bed1d861415a435328a8b4fe6b7b8443.png T6: Incandescent Eruption provides the primary way of illuminating multiple enemies at once, and as such has a relatively long recharge time.

As for the set itself the last few powers are relatively unchanged, except for stronger interactions with the Illumination mechanic, credit to @Naraka for the suggestion! However, I do think with these changes in the first half of the set, Light Control hopefully stands out a little more, while still not compromising on its more PBAoE focus.

Light Control


Power Table






Radiating Ties


Ranged (Chain), Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Immobilize, Foe -To Hit, -Fly, Special


Dazzling Glow


Ranged (Chain), Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Sleep, Foe -To Hit, Special


Ray of Light


Ranged (Chain), Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Hold, -To Hit, Special


Refractive Halo


Toggle: PBAoE, Foe -To Hit, -Range, -Stealth, Special




Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe -Visibility, -To Hit, Chance for Special


Incandescent Eruption


PBAoE, Minor DMG(Energy/Smashing), Foe Knockdown, Chance for Special


Prismatic Field


Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Energy), Foe -Speed, -DEF(All), Chance for Disorient


Luminous Distortion


Ranged (Location AoE), Foe Attract, Chance for Confuse


Shining Motes


Summon Motes: Melee, Minor DoT(Energy)


852813939_RadiatingTies(Chain).png.ea9029a07b151df4addf97a219ae243b.png T1: Radiating Ties

Beams of light spring forth from you towards a single foe, trapping them in an array of blinding incandescence, and rendering them immobilized. Enemies powerful enough to resist this effect will still have their chance to hit reduced. Applying Radiating Ties on a refracted enemy will cause it to chain to other nearby refracted targets. The first target struck by Radiating Ties will also be Illuminated. Illuminated enemies will take additional damage from Radiating Ties before consuming the effect.


Moderate DoT (Energy)


Fast (4s)



Minimum Level



Ranged Chain

Foe Immobilize (Mag 4), -To Hit, Special (Illuminate)


Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Immobilize

Enhance Recharge

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories


Ranged Damage

To Hit Debuff


104614765_DazzlingGlow(Chain).png.829e34766f7212203d53c18793e1214d.png T2: Dazzling Glow

Causes a dizzying array of light to appear before a foe. The target is left mesmerized and illuminated by the display, even as its brightness damages them, though subsequent attacks will free them from this effect. Enemies powerful enough to resist this effect will still have their chance to hit reduced. Applying Dazzling Glow on a refracted enemy will cause it to chain to other nearby refracted targets. The first target struck by Dazzling Glow will also be Illuminated. The strength of this Sleep will be increased when used against illuminated targets, consuming the effect in the process.


Moderate (Energy)


Moderate (8s)



Minimum Level



Ranged Chain

Foe Sleep (Mag 3.5), -To Hit, Special (Illuminate)


Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Range

Enhance Sleep

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories

Ranged Damage


To Hit Debuff


627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light

You generate a luminous beam of light and fire it at a target, dealing Energy damage to them. Its brightness can temporarily reduce the chance to hit of your foes, and render them helpless. Applying Ray of Light on a refracted enemy will cause it to chain to other nearby refracted targets. The first target struck by Ray of Light will also be Illuminated. Illuminated enemies will take additional damage from Ray of Light before consuming the effect.


Moderate (Energy)


Moderate (8s)

Minimum Level



Ranged Chain

Foe Hold (Mag 3), -To Hit, Special (Illuminate)


Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Hold

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Range

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories


Ranged Damage

To Hit Debuff


1378878908_RefractiveHalo.png.3b9f3a218fdcaa3e5c5887ffbeb5f7ec.png T4: Refractive Halo

You command light to surround you in a bright halo, reducing the chance to hit, range, and stealth capabilities of nearby foes. Enemies within your halo also become Refracted, as your halo continuously pulls light around you. Some powers from Light Control can chain across refracted enemies, affecting multiple targets at once. Each consecutive target will suffer from a weaker version than the previous target in the chain, unless the target is also Illuminated.




Slow (10s)



Minimum Level



Point Blank Area of Effect

Foe -To Hit, -Stealth, -Range, Special


Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories

To Hit Debuff


Eclipse.png.ad1aa9468e64d19928d03d3c3c86dfb8.png T5: Twilight

Draws light away from all foes near your target, inhibiting their vision. Most foes will not be able to see past normal melee range, although some may have better perception. If the foes are attacked, they will be alerted to your presence, but will suffer a penalty to their chance to hit. Your redirection of light may also cause some enemies to become Refracted, with a higher chance of this occurring if you target an Illuminated enemy, consuming the effect in the process.


Slow (15s)



Minimum Level



Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect)

Foe -90% Perception, -To Hit, Chance of Special (25% Refraction)


Enhance Accuracy

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Range

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories

To Hit Debuff


122333432_IncandescentEruption.png.bed1d861415a435328a8b4fe6b7b8443.png T6: Incandescent Eruption

Light swells out of you in a powerful burst, knocking enemies to the ground and dealing some minor damage. The intensity of this blast may also leave some foes Illuminated.


Minor (Energy)


Long (120s)



Minimum Level



Point Blank Area of Effect

Foe Knockdown, Chance of Special (50% Illumination)


Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Hold

Enhance Recharge

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories


Melee AoE Damage

To Hit Debuff


804575760_PrismaticField.png.37db79635018f16e4f24feb5430f294e.png T7: Prismatic Field

A painfully bright field of light appears at an area of your choice, dealing minimal Energy damage to foes inside of it. Enemies inside this field will have their movement dramatically slowed, and their defences weakened as they attempt to navigate with their perception compromised, with a chance of even becoming disoriented. Illuminated targets will immediately become disoriented, consuming the effect in the process.


Minor DoT (Energy)


Long (60s)



Minimum Level



Ranged (Location Area of Effect)

Foe -Speed (90%), -Defense(All), Chance of Disorient (Mag 3, 2% chance)


Enhance Damage

Enhance Defense Debuff

Enhance Disorient

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Range

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Slow

Set Categories

Defense Debuff

Ranged AoE Damage

Slow Movement



782392347_LuminousDistortion.png.0e95fd0f5450964b893be683ad3a8eca.png T8: Luminous Distortion

You twist the way that light behaves in a selected area, deceiving foes into moving towards it. Enemies caught in this distortion may even become confused, targeting their allies by accident as their perception is warped. Illuminated targets will immediately become confused, consuming the effect in the process.


Long (60s)



Minimum Level



Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect)

Foe Attract, Chance of Confuse (Mag 3, 2% chance)


Enhance Confuse

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Range

Set Categories



278989210_ShiningMotes.png.cee815dd22c339ad160973a3f8e8a36f.png T9: Shining Motes

You concentrate light together to create three Shining Motes at a target location. Shining Motes are fragile and have little intelligence of their own, instinctively moving towards enemies, damaging all those close to them. Upon expiring, they explode in a small but powerful brilliance that knocks down nearby enemies, and may cause them to become Refracted. Targeting a mote using Radiating Ties, Dazzling Glow, or Ray of Light will force it to expire early. Shining Motes can be healed and buffed like any teammate.


Minor (Energy)


Very Long (240s)

Minimum Level



Summon Motes: Melee

Pet Powers

Fly (Auto: Flight)

Nova (Post Defeat: PBAoE (Energy), Foe Knockdown, Chance of Special)

Shining Halo (PBAoE, DoT (Energy))

Resistance (Auto, Res(E25 N25, P25), Res(Immobilize))


Enhance Accuracy

Enhance Damage

Enhance Disorient

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Set Categories


Pet Damage

Recharge Intensive Pets


Hope you guys like this! I think it maintains the feel of the previous design while also being more interactive in the process.


Also curious as to your thoughts on this revamp to the powerset, @oedipus_tex! After some feedback, I think I've managed to keep Light Control relatively PBAoE focused without forgoing a single target Hold, while also making it a little more interactive than just "passive control aura". Would definitely be interested in seeing if this is a step up from the previous proposal - and if it makes it stand out in terms of uniqueness more than the previous, all the better. 😃

On 5/31/2021 at 10:28 AM, Blackfeather said:

Alright! I think I've finished this write-up now; it's a pretty large revamp from the original concept, maintaining the same focus on melee range combat while expanding its scope and introducing more standard powers. A big part of this comes from the change to Light Control's special mechanic. Or more accurately, mechanics plural.


Special Effects: Illumination and Refraction

Light Control’s special effects come in two parts which work in tandem with each other:

  • Illumination strengthens the effects of powers in different ways (8s duration)

    • Inflicted by:

      • 852813939_RadiatingTies(Chain).png.ea9029a07b151df4addf97a219ae243b.png T1: Radiating Ties

      • 104614765_DazzlingGlow(Chain).png.829e34766f7212203d53c18793e1214d.png T2: Dazzling Glow

      • 627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light

      • 122333432_IncandescentEruption.png.bed1d861415a435328a8b4fe6b7b8443.png T6: Incandescent Eruption (50% chance)

    • Affects:

      • 852813939_RadiatingTies(Chain).png.ea9029a07b151df4addf97a219ae243b.png T1: Radiating Ties, bonus damage

      • 104614765_DazzlingGlow(Chain).png.829e34766f7212203d53c18793e1214d.png T2: Dazzling Glow, Mag 3.5 Sleep -> Mag 7 Sleep (+3.5)

      • 627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light, bonus damage

      • Eclipse.png.ad1aa9468e64d19928d03d3c3c86dfb8.png T5: Twilight, 25% chance Refraction -> 50% chance Refraction

      • 804575760_PrismaticField.png.37db79635018f16e4f24feb5430f294e.png T7: Prismatic Field, 2% chance Disorient -> Disorient

      • 782392347_LuminousDistortion.png.0e95fd0f5450964b893be683ad3a8eca.png T8: Luminous Distortion, 2% chance Confuse -> Confuse

    • Powers that benefit from Illumination consume it upon taking effect

  • Refraction propagates the effects of single target powers across multiple enemies

    • Inflicted by:

      • 1378878908_RefractiveHalo.png.3b9f3a218fdcaa3e5c5887ffbeb5f7ec.png T4: Refractive Halo

      • Eclipse.png.ad1aa9468e64d19928d03d3c3c86dfb8.png T5: Twilight (25% chance, 8s)

      • 278989210_ShiningMotes.png.cee815dd22c339ad160973a3f8e8a36f.png T9: Shining Motes (Post-Defeat: 80% chance, 8s)

    • Affects:

      • 852813939_RadiatingTies(Chain).png.ea9029a07b151df4addf97a219ae243b.png T1: Radiating Ties

      • 104614765_DazzlingGlow(Chain).png.829e34766f7212203d53c18793e1214d.png T2: Dazzling Glow

      • 627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light

    • Affected powers chain across nearby Refracted enemies, each consecutive chain halving their duration

      • Illuminated enemies prevent this duration from being halved

      • Chaining only occurs if the initial target is also Refracted

      • Prioritises enemies who are also Illuminated first

Your mention of using the Illumination mechanic to enable AoE powers was fleshed out into its own mechanic in its own right, @BrandX, while still keeping the T4 as its central power - that's where the Refraction mechanic comes in, with the general idea being "redirecting/channelling light". Since 1378878908_RefractiveHalo.png.3b9f3a218fdcaa3e5c5887ffbeb5f7ec.png T4: Refractive Halo is the primary way of inflicting this effect, if the Light Controller/Dominator wants to make the most of it they'll need to stick close (though there's a few other options). This way, Light Control can still have a single target Hold as well, and can even make other powers 'radiate' out.

The Illumination mechanic hopefully balances this mechanic out a little, and also add some bonus damage/stronger effects to existing powers. Without targeting enemies that are both Illuminated and Refracted, the duration of the ST powers halves with every subsequent target. 122333432_IncandescentEruption.png.bed1d861415a435328a8b4fe6b7b8443.png T6: Incandescent Eruption provides the primary way of illuminating multiple enemies at once, and as such has a relatively long recharge time.

As for the set itself the last few powers are relatively unchanged, except for stronger interactions with the Illumination mechanic, credit to @Naraka for the suggestion! However, I do think with these changes in the first half of the set, Light Control hopefully stands out a little more, while still not compromising on its more PBAoE focus.

Light Control


Power Table






Radiating Ties


Ranged (Chain), Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Immobilize, Foe -To Hit, -Fly, Special


Dazzling Glow


Ranged (Chain), Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Sleep, Foe -To Hit, Special


Ray of Light


Ranged (Chain), Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Hold, -To Hit, Special


Refractive Halo


Toggle: PBAoE, Foe -To Hit, -Range, -Stealth, Special




Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe -Visibility, -To Hit, Chance for Special


Incandescent Eruption


PBAoE, Minor DMG(Energy/Smashing), Foe Knockdown, Chance for Special


Prismatic Field


Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Energy), Foe -Speed, -DEF(All), Chance for Disorient


Luminous Distortion


Ranged (Location AoE), Foe Attract, Chance for Confuse


Shining Motes


Summon Motes: Melee, Minor DoT(Energy)


852813939_RadiatingTies(Chain).png.ea9029a07b151df4addf97a219ae243b.png T1: Radiating Ties

Beams of light spring forth from you towards a single foe, trapping them in an array of blinding incandescence, and rendering them immobilized. Enemies powerful enough to resist this effect will still have their chance to hit reduced. Applying Radiating Ties on a refracted enemy will cause it to chain to other nearby refracted targets. The first target struck by Radiating Ties will also be Illuminated. Illuminated enemies will take additional damage from Radiating Ties before consuming the effect.


Moderate DoT (Energy)


Fast (4s)



Minimum Level



Ranged Chain

Foe Immobilize (Mag 4), -To Hit, Special (Illuminate)


Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Immobilize

Enhance Recharge

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories


Ranged Damage

To Hit Debuff


104614765_DazzlingGlow(Chain).png.829e34766f7212203d53c18793e1214d.png T2: Dazzling Glow

Causes a dizzying array of light to appear before a foe. The target is left mesmerized and illuminated by the display, even as its brightness damages them, though subsequent attacks will free them from this effect. Enemies powerful enough to resist this effect will still have their chance to hit reduced. Applying Dazzling Glow on a refracted enemy will cause it to chain to other nearby refracted targets. The first target struck by Dazzling Glow will also be Illuminated. The strength of this Sleep will be increased when used against illuminated targets, consuming the effect in the process.


Moderate (Energy)


Moderate (8s)



Minimum Level



Ranged Chain

Foe Sleep (Mag 3.5), -To Hit, Special (Illuminate)


Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Range

Enhance Sleep

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories

Ranged Damage


To Hit Debuff


627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light

You generate a luminous beam of light and fire it at a target, dealing Energy damage to them. Its brightness can temporarily reduce the chance to hit of your foes, and render them helpless. Applying Ray of Light on a refracted enemy will cause it to chain to other nearby refracted targets. The first target struck by Ray of Light will also be Illuminated. Illuminated enemies will take additional damage from Ray of Light before consuming the effect.


Moderate (Energy)


Moderate (8s)

Minimum Level



Ranged Chain

Foe Hold (Mag 3), -To Hit, Special (Illuminate)


Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Hold

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Range

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories


Ranged Damage

To Hit Debuff


1378878908_RefractiveHalo.png.3b9f3a218fdcaa3e5c5887ffbeb5f7ec.png T4: Refractive Halo

You command light to surround you in a bright halo, reducing the chance to hit, range, and stealth capabilities of nearby foes. Enemies within your halo also become Refracted, as your halo continuously pulls light around you. Some powers from Light Control can chain across refracted enemies, affecting multiple targets at once. Each consecutive target will suffer from a weaker version than the previous target in the chain, unless the target is also Illuminated.




Slow (10s)



Minimum Level



Point Blank Area of Effect

Foe -To Hit, -Stealth, -Range, Special


Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories

To Hit Debuff


Eclipse.png.ad1aa9468e64d19928d03d3c3c86dfb8.png T5: Twilight

Draws light away from all foes near your target, inhibiting their vision. Most foes will not be able to see past normal melee range, although some may have better perception. If the foes are attacked, they will be alerted to your presence, but will suffer a penalty to their chance to hit. Your redirection of light may also cause some enemies to become Refracted, with a higher chance of this occurring if you target an Illuminated enemy, consuming the effect in the process.


Slow (15s)



Minimum Level



Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect)

Foe -90% Perception, -To Hit, Chance of Special (25% Refraction)


Enhance Accuracy

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Range

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories

To Hit Debuff


122333432_IncandescentEruption.png.bed1d861415a435328a8b4fe6b7b8443.png T6: Incandescent Eruption

Light swells out of you in a powerful burst, knocking enemies to the ground and dealing some minor damage. The intensity of this blast may also leave some foes Illuminated.


Minor (Energy)


Long (120s)



Minimum Level



Point Blank Area of Effect

Foe Knockdown, Chance of Special (50% Illumination)


Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Hold

Enhance Recharge

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories


Melee AoE Damage

To Hit Debuff


804575760_PrismaticField.png.37db79635018f16e4f24feb5430f294e.png T7: Prismatic Field

A painfully bright field of light appears at an area of your choice, dealing minimal Energy damage to foes inside of it. Enemies inside this field will have their movement dramatically slowed, and their defences weakened as they attempt to navigate with their perception compromised, with a chance of even becoming disoriented. Illuminated targets will immediately become disoriented, consuming the effect in the process.


Minor DoT (Energy)


Long (60s)



Minimum Level



Ranged (Location Area of Effect)

Foe -Speed (90%), -Defense(All), Chance of Disorient (Mag 3, 2% chance)


Enhance Damage

Enhance Defense Debuff

Enhance Disorient

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Range

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Slow

Set Categories

Defense Debuff

Ranged AoE Damage

Slow Movement



782392347_LuminousDistortion.png.0e95fd0f5450964b893be683ad3a8eca.png T8: Luminous Distortion

You twist the way that light behaves in a selected area, deceiving foes into moving towards it. Enemies caught in this distortion may even become confused, targeting their allies by accident as their perception is warped. Illuminated targets will immediately become confused, consuming the effect in the process.


Long (60s)



Minimum Level



Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect)

Foe Attract, Chance of Confuse (Mag 3, 2% chance)


Enhance Confuse

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Range

Set Categories



278989210_ShiningMotes.png.cee815dd22c339ad160973a3f8e8a36f.png T9: Shining Motes

You concentrate light together to create three Shining Motes at a target location. Shining Motes are fragile and have little intelligence of their own, instinctively moving towards enemies, damaging all those close to them. Upon expiring, they explode in a small but powerful brilliance that knocks down nearby enemies, and may cause them to become Refracted. Targeting a mote using Radiating Ties, Dazzling Glow, or Ray of Light will force it to expire early. Shining Motes can be healed and buffed like any teammate.


Minor (Energy)


Very Long (240s)

Minimum Level



Summon Motes: Melee

Pet Powers

Fly (Auto: Flight)

Nova (Post Defeat: PBAoE (Energy), Foe Knockdown, Chance of Special)

Shining Halo (PBAoE, DoT (Energy))

Resistance (Auto, Res(E25 N25, P25), Res(Immobilize))


Enhance Accuracy

Enhance Damage

Enhance Disorient

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Set Categories


Pet Damage

Recharge Intensive Pets


Hope you guys like this! I think it maintains the feel of the previous design while also being more interactive in the process.


Hey again, @zenblack! Thought you might be interested in this recent rework of my proposal for Light Control, after some suggestions in the most recent posts in this thread. I was attempting to go for something a bit more unique in feel/playstyle, especially after @Naraka's suggestions, so hopefully it feels a little more compelling this time around than the previous. Would definitely be interested in hearing your thoughts on it. 😄

On 5/31/2021 at 10:28 AM, Blackfeather said:

Alright! I think I've finished this write-up now; it's a pretty large revamp from the original concept, maintaining the same focus on melee range combat while expanding its scope and introducing more standard powers. A big part of this comes from the change to Light Control's special mechanic. Or more accurately, mechanics plural.


Special Effects: Illumination and Refraction

Light Control’s special effects come in two parts which work in tandem with each other:

  • Illumination strengthens the effects of powers in different ways (8s duration)

    • Inflicted by:

      • 852813939_RadiatingTies(Chain).png.ea9029a07b151df4addf97a219ae243b.png T1: Radiating Ties

      • 104614765_DazzlingGlow(Chain).png.829e34766f7212203d53c18793e1214d.png T2: Dazzling Glow

      • 627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light

      • 122333432_IncandescentEruption.png.bed1d861415a435328a8b4fe6b7b8443.png T6: Incandescent Eruption (50% chance)

    • Affects:

      • 852813939_RadiatingTies(Chain).png.ea9029a07b151df4addf97a219ae243b.png T1: Radiating Ties, bonus damage

      • 104614765_DazzlingGlow(Chain).png.829e34766f7212203d53c18793e1214d.png T2: Dazzling Glow, Mag 3.5 Sleep -> Mag 7 Sleep (+3.5)

      • 627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light, bonus damage

      • Eclipse.png.ad1aa9468e64d19928d03d3c3c86dfb8.png T5: Twilight, 25% chance Refraction -> 50% chance Refraction

      • 804575760_PrismaticField.png.37db79635018f16e4f24feb5430f294e.png T7: Prismatic Field, 2% chance Disorient -> Disorient

      • 782392347_LuminousDistortion.png.0e95fd0f5450964b893be683ad3a8eca.png T8: Luminous Distortion, 2% chance Confuse -> Confuse

    • Powers that benefit from Illumination consume it upon taking effect

  • Refraction propagates the effects of single target powers across multiple enemies

    • Inflicted by:

      • 1378878908_RefractiveHalo.png.3b9f3a218fdcaa3e5c5887ffbeb5f7ec.png T4: Refractive Halo

      • Eclipse.png.ad1aa9468e64d19928d03d3c3c86dfb8.png T5: Twilight (25% chance, 8s)

      • 278989210_ShiningMotes.png.cee815dd22c339ad160973a3f8e8a36f.png T9: Shining Motes (Post-Defeat: 80% chance, 8s)

    • Affects:

      • 852813939_RadiatingTies(Chain).png.ea9029a07b151df4addf97a219ae243b.png T1: Radiating Ties

      • 104614765_DazzlingGlow(Chain).png.829e34766f7212203d53c18793e1214d.png T2: Dazzling Glow

      • 627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light

    • Affected powers chain across nearby Refracted enemies, each consecutive chain halving their duration

      • Illuminated enemies prevent this duration from being halved

      • Chaining only occurs if the initial target is also Refracted

      • Prioritises enemies who are also Illuminated first

Your mention of using the Illumination mechanic to enable AoE powers was fleshed out into its own mechanic in its own right, @BrandX, while still keeping the T4 as its central power - that's where the Refraction mechanic comes in, with the general idea being "redirecting/channelling light". Since 1378878908_RefractiveHalo.png.3b9f3a218fdcaa3e5c5887ffbeb5f7ec.png T4: Refractive Halo is the primary way of inflicting this effect, if the Light Controller/Dominator wants to make the most of it they'll need to stick close (though there's a few other options). This way, Light Control can still have a single target Hold as well, and can even make other powers 'radiate' out.

The Illumination mechanic hopefully balances this mechanic out a little, and also add some bonus damage/stronger effects to existing powers. Without targeting enemies that are both Illuminated and Refracted, the duration of the ST powers halves with every subsequent target. 122333432_IncandescentEruption.png.bed1d861415a435328a8b4fe6b7b8443.png T6: Incandescent Eruption provides the primary way of illuminating multiple enemies at once, and as such has a relatively long recharge time.

As for the set itself the last few powers are relatively unchanged, except for stronger interactions with the Illumination mechanic, credit to @Naraka for the suggestion! However, I do think with these changes in the first half of the set, Light Control hopefully stands out a little more, while still not compromising on its more PBAoE focus.

Light Control


Power Table






Radiating Ties


Ranged (Chain), Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Immobilize, Foe -To Hit, -Fly, Special


Dazzling Glow


Ranged (Chain), Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Sleep, Foe -To Hit, Special


Ray of Light


Ranged (Chain), Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Hold, -To Hit, Special


Refractive Halo


Toggle: PBAoE, Foe -To Hit, -Range, -Stealth, Special




Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe -Visibility, -To Hit, Chance for Special


Incandescent Eruption


PBAoE, Minor DMG(Energy/Smashing), Foe Knockdown, Chance for Special


Prismatic Field


Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Energy), Foe -Speed, -DEF(All), Chance for Disorient


Luminous Distortion


Ranged (Location AoE), Foe Attract, Chance for Confuse


Shining Motes


Summon Motes: Melee, Minor DoT(Energy)


852813939_RadiatingTies(Chain).png.ea9029a07b151df4addf97a219ae243b.png T1: Radiating Ties

Beams of light spring forth from you towards a single foe, trapping them in an array of blinding incandescence, and rendering them immobilized. Enemies powerful enough to resist this effect will still have their chance to hit reduced. Applying Radiating Ties on a refracted enemy will cause it to chain to other nearby refracted targets. The first target struck by Radiating Ties will also be Illuminated. Illuminated enemies will take additional damage from Radiating Ties before consuming the effect.


Moderate DoT (Energy)


Fast (4s)



Minimum Level



Ranged Chain

Foe Immobilize (Mag 4), -To Hit, Special (Illuminate)


Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Immobilize

Enhance Recharge

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories


Ranged Damage

To Hit Debuff


104614765_DazzlingGlow(Chain).png.829e34766f7212203d53c18793e1214d.png T2: Dazzling Glow

Causes a dizzying array of light to appear before a foe. The target is left mesmerized and illuminated by the display, even as its brightness damages them, though subsequent attacks will free them from this effect. Enemies powerful enough to resist this effect will still have their chance to hit reduced. Applying Dazzling Glow on a refracted enemy will cause it to chain to other nearby refracted targets. The first target struck by Dazzling Glow will also be Illuminated. The strength of this Sleep will be increased when used against illuminated targets, consuming the effect in the process.


Moderate (Energy)


Moderate (8s)



Minimum Level



Ranged Chain

Foe Sleep (Mag 3.5), -To Hit, Special (Illuminate)


Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Range

Enhance Sleep

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories

Ranged Damage


To Hit Debuff


627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light

You generate a luminous beam of light and fire it at a target, dealing Energy damage to them. Its brightness can temporarily reduce the chance to hit of your foes, and render them helpless. Applying Ray of Light on a refracted enemy will cause it to chain to other nearby refracted targets. The first target struck by Ray of Light will also be Illuminated. Illuminated enemies will take additional damage from Ray of Light before consuming the effect.


Moderate (Energy)


Moderate (8s)

Minimum Level



Ranged Chain

Foe Hold (Mag 3), -To Hit, Special (Illuminate)


Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Hold

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Range

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories


Ranged Damage

To Hit Debuff


1378878908_RefractiveHalo.png.3b9f3a218fdcaa3e5c5887ffbeb5f7ec.png T4: Refractive Halo

You command light to surround you in a bright halo, reducing the chance to hit, range, and stealth capabilities of nearby foes. Enemies within your halo also become Refracted, as your halo continuously pulls light around you. Some powers from Light Control can chain across refracted enemies, affecting multiple targets at once. Each consecutive target will suffer from a weaker version than the previous target in the chain, unless the target is also Illuminated.




Slow (10s)



Minimum Level



Point Blank Area of Effect

Foe -To Hit, -Stealth, -Range, Special


Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories

To Hit Debuff


Eclipse.png.ad1aa9468e64d19928d03d3c3c86dfb8.png T5: Twilight

Draws light away from all foes near your target, inhibiting their vision. Most foes will not be able to see past normal melee range, although some may have better perception. If the foes are attacked, they will be alerted to your presence, but will suffer a penalty to their chance to hit. Your redirection of light may also cause some enemies to become Refracted, with a higher chance of this occurring if you target an Illuminated enemy, consuming the effect in the process.


Slow (15s)



Minimum Level



Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect)

Foe -90% Perception, -To Hit, Chance of Special (25% Refraction)


Enhance Accuracy

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Range

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories

To Hit Debuff


122333432_IncandescentEruption.png.bed1d861415a435328a8b4fe6b7b8443.png T6: Incandescent Eruption

Light swells out of you in a powerful burst, knocking enemies to the ground and dealing some minor damage. The intensity of this blast may also leave some foes Illuminated.


Minor (Energy)


Long (120s)



Minimum Level



Point Blank Area of Effect

Foe Knockdown, Chance of Special (50% Illumination)


Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Hold

Enhance Recharge

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories


Melee AoE Damage

To Hit Debuff


804575760_PrismaticField.png.37db79635018f16e4f24feb5430f294e.png T7: Prismatic Field

A painfully bright field of light appears at an area of your choice, dealing minimal Energy damage to foes inside of it. Enemies inside this field will have their movement dramatically slowed, and their defences weakened as they attempt to navigate with their perception compromised, with a chance of even becoming disoriented. Illuminated targets will immediately become disoriented, consuming the effect in the process.


Minor DoT (Energy)


Long (60s)



Minimum Level



Ranged (Location Area of Effect)

Foe -Speed (90%), -Defense(All), Chance of Disorient (Mag 3, 2% chance)


Enhance Damage

Enhance Defense Debuff

Enhance Disorient

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Range

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Slow

Set Categories

Defense Debuff

Ranged AoE Damage

Slow Movement



782392347_LuminousDistortion.png.0e95fd0f5450964b893be683ad3a8eca.png T8: Luminous Distortion

You twist the way that light behaves in a selected area, deceiving foes into moving towards it. Enemies caught in this distortion may even become confused, targeting their allies by accident as their perception is warped. Illuminated targets will immediately become confused, consuming the effect in the process.


Long (60s)



Minimum Level



Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect)

Foe Attract, Chance of Confuse (Mag 3, 2% chance)


Enhance Confuse

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Range

Set Categories



278989210_ShiningMotes.png.cee815dd22c339ad160973a3f8e8a36f.png T9: Shining Motes

You concentrate light together to create three Shining Motes at a target location. Shining Motes are fragile and have little intelligence of their own, instinctively moving towards enemies, damaging all those close to them. Upon expiring, they explode in a small but powerful brilliance that knocks down nearby enemies, and may cause them to become Refracted. Targeting a mote using Radiating Ties, Dazzling Glow, or Ray of Light will force it to expire early. Shining Motes can be healed and buffed like any teammate.


Minor (Energy)


Very Long (240s)

Minimum Level



Summon Motes: Melee

Pet Powers

Fly (Auto: Flight)

Nova (Post Defeat: PBAoE (Energy), Foe Knockdown, Chance of Special)

Shining Halo (PBAoE, DoT (Energy))

Resistance (Auto, Res(E25 N25, P25), Res(Immobilize))


Enhance Accuracy

Enhance Damage

Enhance Disorient

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Set Categories


Pet Damage

Recharge Intensive Pets


Hope you guys like this! I think it maintains the feel of the previous design while also being more interactive in the process.


May also give @Mezmera another ping with this rework to Light Control that I've done - 1975604704_BlindingHalo.png.324caf2c9fd1a29bf9599d753c78a038.png T4: Blinding Halo has been changed to 1378878908_RefractiveHalo.png.3b9f3a218fdcaa3e5c5887ffbeb5f7ec.png T4: Refractive Halo, and with it, a few other modifications that's left Light Control quite different from before. Instead of being a flat toggle Hold power, it instead allows the new ST Hold in the set to chain across multiple enemies with a specific status effect on them - the Refracted status effect, which the T4 (along with some other powers) grants.


Would definitely be interested in your thoughts on this, and if it's an improvement from the original proposal!


Giving @Coyote a wave as well - hey there! Given your gameplay with Dominators, I thought you might be interested in taking a look at this proposed Light Control powerset. I've got two versions at the moment, one in the original post, and one on the fourth page after lots of feedback. Would definitely like to hear your thoughts on them, which one would be more preferable/unique/thematic, and so on. And of course, any additional feedback would be great! 😄


Made a quick alteration to 278989210_ShiningMotes.png.cee815dd22c339ad160973a3f8e8a36f.png T9: Shining Motes: instead of inflicting the Refracted status effect on nearby enemies upon expiring, they'll instead Illuminate them - I figure that this will interact better with 804575760_PrismaticField.png.37db79635018f16e4f24feb5430f294e.png T7: Prismatic Field and 782392347_LuminousDistortion.png.0e95fd0f5450964b893be683ad3a8eca.png T8: Luminous Distortion. This way, when one of the motes expire while inside one of the field powers, their status effects will automatically kick in. Or alternately, it'll give the Light Controller/Dominator a chance to chain a longer lasting 627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light up close.


Hey again, @5099y_74c05! Gave a little revamp of the powerset in this post here. It switches out 1975604704_BlindingHalo.png.324caf2c9fd1a29bf9599d753c78a038.png T4: Blinding Halo for making 627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light a single target Hold power, but one that can potentially chain across nearby enemies when used in tandem with 1378878908_RefractiveHalo.png.3b9f3a218fdcaa3e5c5887ffbeb5f7ec.png T4: Refractive Halo. There's also some other changes in that vein with the other powers in the set that complement each other. This came after some feedback to make the powerset a bit more unique and involved, among other things. Would definitely be interested in hearing your thoughts on the revamped version, and if it's an improvement from the original post! 😁

  • Thumbs Up 1

Hey there @owhynot! Noticed your mentioning of enjoying Dominators a fair amount - as such, I'd definitely be interested in hearing your thoughts on this powerset proposal; if it'd be something you'd be interested in playing, if it's currently overpowered/underpowered, or even suggestions in your own right on what you'd prefer to see. I've currently got two parallel versions running: the first one's in the original post, and the second is over here; I was attempting to improve on the first after some feedback. Would love to hear which you'd prefer and why! 😄


Going to give @Mashugana a ping as well - hello there! From what I've read, it looks like you're quite familiar with Controllers. As such, I'd definitely be interested in hearing your thoughts on this proposal for Light Control; I've got two versions at the moment, one in the original post and one on the fourth page here. The latter was made after plenty of feedback, and as such, I'd like to know which one people might prefer/would play! Hope to hear your thoughts on it all soon enough. 😁


This isn't feedback on the specifics of the powerset, but an interesting property of light you may want to incorporate is its quadratic nature. Light travels over huge distances very quickly (literally light speed) but also falls off in strength rapidly. In flash photography this is represented by the rule of thumb that double the distance = half the strength. 


It would be interesting to make the area of effect of Light powers very large, and use the Distance property to modify the scale of the mezz. The Distance property is already used to modify scale in a few powers in game, most notably the teleport in Savage Assault (damage scale is partly based on Distance).  

5 hours ago, oedipus_tex said:

This isn't feedback on the specifics of the powerset, but an interesting property of light you may want to incorporate is its quadratic nature. Light travels over huge distances very quickly (literally light speed) but also falls off in strength rapidly. In flash photography this is represented by the rule of thumb that double the distance = half the strength. 


It would be interesting to make the area of effect of Light powers very large, and use the Distance property to modify the scale of the mezz. The Distance property is already used to modify scale in a few powers in game, most notably the teleport in Savage Assault (damage scale is partly based on Distance).  


That was kind of what I was going for in my revised version of Light Control (here), with its Refraction mechanic! Basically, instead of having an always-on toggle Hold in 1975604704_BlindingHalo.png.324caf2c9fd1a29bf9599d753c78a038.png T4: Blinding Halo, Light Control now replaces it with 1378878908_RefractiveHalo.png.3b9f3a218fdcaa3e5c5887ffbeb5f7ec.png T4: Refractive Halo, which inflicts the Refracted status effect on enemies (Eclipse.png.ad1aa9468e64d19928d03d3c3c86dfb8.png T5: Twilight can also do this, to a lesser extent). Some powers are able to chain across enemies, with the caveat that for every chain, their duration halves.


To allow for longer chains, every Refracted enemy that is also Illuminated maintains the duration of its previous chain rather than halving itself. I figured that making Light Control's main powers chain in this way was a nice compromise between making them totally PBAoE and standardising their powers to some degree (allows for a proper single target Hold, as per the suggestion from @BrandX).


Would definitely recommend taking a read through the proposal, and seeing how it looks!


Going to give @MoonSheep a ping as well - hello! It looks like you've a fair amount of experience with Dominators, and as such, I'd be happy to hear your thoughts on this proposed writeup of a hypothetical Light Control powerset if you so wish. I've got two variations at the moment: one in the original post, and another with some changes thanks to the suggestions of @BrandX and @Naraka, which can be found at this link:

Would be interested in hearing your thoughts on which one sounds more compelling to you, along with any suggestions on how it might be better, or even if it's something you'd be interested in playing with in the first place! Thanks in advance if so. 😁


Hey Blackfeather, thanks for considering me. I've had a review of the set and put some comments below which are hopefully helpful


627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png  T3: Ray of Light - Having the primary hold as a T3 rather than a T2 may annoy some users who wish not to choose one of the T1/T2 powers, I know some other individuals who play Mind Control aren't a fan of such a layout. I like the potential chain effect 


1378878908_RefractiveHalo.png.3b9f3a218fdcaa3e5c5887ffbeb5f7ec.png T4 Refractive Halo - It would be a great dynamic for foes to be attracted towards each other within the halo, "fascination of light" or similar. Or, a reverse Hurricane where foes are attracted towards you, becoming increasingly To Hit debuffed as they get closer with an added chance for confuse for the really close foes


782392347_LuminousDistortion.png.0e95fd0f5450964b893be683ad3a8eca.png T8 Luminous Distortion - Love this power, this should be the T9 with a few buffs. I'd want to see this one with a very large radius (60-80ft) to really give the set a memorable 'wow' power. I'd suggest amending it slightly so that there's a very large 'attract' radius, then towards the centre, perhaps 8-10ft is where there's a powerful confuse - given they are closer to the light and uncertain of whats going on. The grouping of foe is a theme I'd like to see elsewhere in the set, it would compliment modern playstyles well and make it an in-demand set to play

278989210_ShiningMotes.png.cee815dd22c339ad160973a3f8e8a36f.png  T9 Shining Motes - This feels slightly underwhelming for a T9 power. The equivilent Photon Seekers power from a PB's Luminous Blast has a recharge of 180s vs 240 for Motes. I'd recommend making this a T8 power and have them in an intouchable state for the first 5-10 seconds of their life, like a quasi phantom army. 


Overall, I like some of the new dynamics within this set and there's several that I had never considered before. It feels more suited to Controllers as I'm not sure it would fit as well as a Dominator set, a lot of the heavy hitter powers wouldn't get much benefit from Domination.


To put a potential spanner in the works, I wonder if it's on the verge of being more suitable as a buff/debuff set for defenders/corrupters and really play on the theme of -ToHit and foe taunt/attraction to deliver something that would really stand out


  • Like 1

If you're not dying you're not living


I like the set and the idea of it, @Blackfeather, but I have some critiques you're free to ignore.


1 - the Illuminated trait increasing magnitude is pretty far outside of precedent.  

Something like a large bonus to mez duration is more likely to see the light of day.

In fact, you could mostly replace the effects with a straight mez resist (all) debuff, but that would affect all mez (including that of your friends).


2 - too many powers have aoe mez. This is tempered very heavily with the % chances, but it's still a bit too much.


The first thing I would do is remove the Disorient chance from Incandescent Eruption. It doesn't need it anyway with that cooldown.


From there, I would consider increasing the cooldown on Prismatic Field and making it the aoe Hold power for the set. This would let you set up Blinding Halo as a Disorient instead, with a much higher % activation chance on Prismatic.


I say this because Holds tend to have an additional layer of rules on Control sets. Essentially, you are expected to always be able to pull out a "moderate" mez (Disorient, Fear, recurring knock like ice patch), but the aoe Hold is designed as your ace in the hole. (Yes, Nature Affinity is unfair).


If you keep the Hold on the toggle, I would expect realistically to lose even more aoe from the other powers. Likely Luminous distortion would trade out for a clone of group invisibility.


You might consider that Mag 1 with self-stacking could work for the toggle too.

  • Like 1
11 minutes ago, Replacement said:

I like the set and the idea of it, @Blackfeather, but I have some critiques you're free to ignore.


1 - the Illuminated trait increasing magnitude is pretty far outside of precedent.  

Something like a large bonus to mez duration is more likely to see the light of day.

In fact, you could mostly replace the effects with a straight mez resist (all) debuff, but that would affect all mez (including that of your friends).


2 - too many powers have aoe mez. This is tempered very heavily with the % chances, but it's still a bit too much.


The first thing I would do is remove the Disorient chance from Incandescent Eruption. It doesn't need it anyway with that cooldown.


From there, I would consider increasing the cooldown on Prismatic Field and making it the aoe Hold power for the set. This would let you set up Blinding Halo as a Disorient instead, with a much higher % activation chance on Prismatic.


I say this because Holds tend to have an additional layer of rules on Control sets. Essentially, you are expected to always be able to pull out a "moderate" mez (Disorient, Fear, recurring knock like ice patch), but the aoe Hold is designed as your ace in the hole. (Yes, Nature Affinity is unfair).


If you keep the Hold on the toggle, I would expect realistically to lose even more aoe from the other powers. Likely Luminous distortion would trade out for a clone of group invisibility.


You might consider that Mag 1 with self-stacking could work for the toggle too.


Oh! Thanks for the feedback - I've actually revamped the powerset in this interim time which you can find over here:

It actually meshes with quite a few of these critiques, I think (and I'm leaning on changing the OP to it entirely) - hopefully it's not too much to ask to compare/contrast them! For one, the toggle Hold's been removed, and in its place, a number of powers have conditional chain effects; definitely take a look at the post above to see how it plays out!


Your mention of having too many potential AoE controls does make sense...I could definitely, say, change 804575760_PrismaticField.png.37db79635018f16e4f24feb5430f294e.png T7: Prismatic Field to instead inflict the Illuminated effect instead of flat out disorienting enemies for example, which might be a neat synergy with the other powers.

On 5/8/2021 at 9:22 PM, Blackfeather said:

@Vooded, giving you a ping - thought this post might be of interest to you, given your expressed interest in Illusion Control. This isn't quite the same thing, but there's definitely some overlap, would be interested in hearing your thoughts on it!

Sorry for the very delayed response. Real world. 


I'm a huge fan. Concept and mechanics. Would definitely take for a spin.


I tend toward doms, so I'd hope for some way of incorporating domination into the ground based powers. 


My only concern is the pet. Is it meant to be fragile like fire imps, or fragile like photon seekers (the PB "pet").  Apologies if this was already answered!



On 5/30/2021 at 6:28 PM, Blackfeather said:

Special Effects: Illumination and Refraction

Light Control’s special effects come in two parts which work in tandem with each other:

  • Illumination strengthens the effects of powers in different ways (8s duration)

    • Inflicted by:

      • 852813939_RadiatingTies(Chain).png.ea9029a07b151df4addf97a219ae243b.png T1: Radiating Ties

      • 104614765_DazzlingGlow(Chain).png.829e34766f7212203d53c18793e1214d.png T2: Dazzling Glow

      • 627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light

      • 122333432_IncandescentEruption.png.bed1d861415a435328a8b4fe6b7b8443.png T6: Incandescent Eruption (50% chance)

      • 278989210_ShiningMotes.png.cee815dd22c339ad160973a3f8e8a36f.png T9: Shining Motes (Post-Defeat: 80% chance)

    • Affects:

      • 852813939_RadiatingTies(Chain).png.ea9029a07b151df4addf97a219ae243b.png T1: Radiating Ties, bonus damage

      • 104614765_DazzlingGlow(Chain).png.829e34766f7212203d53c18793e1214d.png T2: Dazzling Glow, Mag 3.5 Sleep -> Mag 7 Sleep (+3.5)

      • 627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light, bonus damage

      • Eclipse.png.ad1aa9468e64d19928d03d3c3c86dfb8.png T5: Twilight, 25% chance Refraction -> 50% chance Refraction

      • 804575760_PrismaticField.png.37db79635018f16e4f24feb5430f294e.png T7: Prismatic Field, 2% chance Disorient -> Disorient

      • 782392347_LuminousDistortion.png.0e95fd0f5450964b893be683ad3a8eca.png T8: Luminous Distortion, 2% chance Confuse -> Confuse

    • Powers that benefit from Illumination consume it upon taking effect

  • Refraction propagates the effects of single target powers across multiple enemies

    • Inflicted by:

      • 1378878908_RefractiveHalo.png.3b9f3a218fdcaa3e5c5887ffbeb5f7ec.png T4: Refractive Halo

      • Eclipse.png.ad1aa9468e64d19928d03d3c3c86dfb8.png T5: Twilight (25% chance, 8s)

    • Affects:

      • 852813939_RadiatingTies(Chain).png.ea9029a07b151df4addf97a219ae243b.png T1: Radiating Ties

      • 104614765_DazzlingGlow(Chain).png.829e34766f7212203d53c18793e1214d.png T2: Dazzling Glow

      • 627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light

    • Affected powers chain across nearby Refracted enemies, each consecutive chain halving their duration

      • Illuminated enemies prevent this duration from being halved

      • Chaining only occurs if the initial target is also Refracted

      • Prioritises enemies who are also Illuminated first

Your mention of using the Illumination mechanic to enable AoE powers was fleshed out into its own mechanic in its own right, @BrandX, while still keeping the T4 as its central power - that's where the Refraction mechanic comes in, with the general idea being "redirecting/channelling light". Since 1378878908_RefractiveHalo.png.3b9f3a218fdcaa3e5c5887ffbeb5f7ec.png T4: Refractive Halo is the primary way of inflicting this effect, if the Light Controller/Dominator wants to make the most of it they'll need to stick close (though there's a few other options). This way, Light Control can still have a single target Hold as well, and can even make other powers 'radiate' out.

The Illumination mechanic hopefully balances this mechanic out a little, and also add some bonus damage/stronger effects to existing powers. Without targeting enemies that are both Illuminated and Refracted, the duration of the ST powers halves with every subsequent target. 122333432_IncandescentEruption.png.bed1d861415a435328a8b4fe6b7b8443.png T6: Incandescent Eruption provides the primary way of illuminating multiple enemies at once, and as such has a relatively long recharge time.

As for the set itself the last few powers are relatively unchanged, except for stronger interactions with the Illumination mechanic, credit to @Naraka for the suggestion! However, I do think with these changes in the first half of the set, Light Control hopefully stands out a little more, while still not compromising on its more PBAoE focus.

Light Control


"You can manipulate light in a variety of ways to overwhelm and bewilder your foes. Some powers in Light Control inflict the Illumination effect, strengthening their potency. Others inflict the Refraction effect, allowing powers to chain across Refracted targets, effects diminishing with every chain unless those targets are also Illuminated."


Power Table






Radiating Ties


Ranged (Chain), Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Immobilize, Foe -To Hit, -Fly, Special


Dazzling Glow


Ranged (Chain), Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Sleep, Foe -To Hit, Special


Ray of Light


Ranged (Chain), Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Hold, -To Hit, Special


Refractive Halo


Toggle: PBAoE, Foe -To Hit, -Range, -Stealth, Special




Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe -Visibility, -To Hit, Chance for Special


Incandescent Eruption


PBAoE, Minor DMG(Energy/Smashing), Foe Knockdown, Chance for Special


Prismatic Field


Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Energy), Foe -Speed, -DEF(All), Chance for Disorient


Luminous Distortion


Ranged (Location AoE), Foe Attract, Chance for Confuse


Shining Motes


Summon Motes: Melee, Minor DoT(Energy)


852813939_RadiatingTies(Chain).png.ea9029a07b151df4addf97a219ae243b.png T1: Radiating Ties

Beams of light spring forth from you towards a single foe, trapping them in an array of blinding incandescence, and rendering them immobilized. Enemies powerful enough to resist this effect will still have their chance to hit reduced. Applying Radiating Ties on a refracted enemy will cause it to chain to other nearby refracted targets. The first target struck by Radiating Ties will also be Illuminated. Illuminated enemies will take additional damage from Radiating Ties before consuming the effect.


Moderate DoT (Energy)


Fast (4s)



Minimum Level



Ranged Chain

Foe Immobilize (Mag 4), -To Hit, Special (Illuminate)


Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Immobilize

Enhance Recharge

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories


Ranged Damage

To Hit Debuff


104614765_DazzlingGlow(Chain).png.829e34766f7212203d53c18793e1214d.png T2: Dazzling Glow

Causes a dizzying array of light to appear before a foe. The target is left mesmerized and illuminated by the display, even as its brightness damages them, though subsequent attacks will free them from this effect. Enemies powerful enough to resist this effect will still have their chance to hit reduced. Applying Dazzling Glow on a refracted enemy will cause it to chain to other nearby refracted targets. The first target struck by Dazzling Glow will also be Illuminated. The strength of this Sleep will be increased when used against illuminated targets, consuming the effect in the process.


Moderate (Energy)


Moderate (8s)



Minimum Level



Ranged Chain

Foe Sleep (Mag 3.5), -To Hit, Special (Illuminate)


Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Range

Enhance Sleep

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories

Ranged Damage


To Hit Debuff


627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light

You generate a luminous beam of light and fire it at a target, dealing Energy damage to them. Its brightness can temporarily reduce the chance to hit of your foes, and render them helpless. Applying Ray of Light on a refracted enemy will cause it to chain to other nearby refracted targets. The first target struck by Ray of Light will also be Illuminated. Illuminated enemies will take additional damage from Ray of Light before consuming the effect.


Moderate (Energy)


Moderate (8s)

Minimum Level



Ranged Chain

Foe Hold (Mag 3), -To Hit, Special (Illuminate)


Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Hold

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Range

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories


Ranged Damage

To Hit Debuff


1378878908_RefractiveHalo.png.3b9f3a218fdcaa3e5c5887ffbeb5f7ec.png T4: Refractive Halo

You command light to surround you in a bright halo, reducing the chance to hit, range, and stealth capabilities of nearby foes. Enemies within your halo also become Refracted, as your halo continuously pulls light around you. Some powers from Light Control can chain across refracted enemies, affecting multiple targets at once. Each consecutive target will suffer from a weaker version than the previous target in the chain, unless the target is also Illuminated.




Slow (10s)



Minimum Level



Point Blank Area of Effect

Foe -To Hit, -Stealth, -Range, Special


Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories

To Hit Debuff


Eclipse.png.ad1aa9468e64d19928d03d3c3c86dfb8.png T5: Twilight

Draws light away from all foes near your target, inhibiting their vision. Most foes will not be able to see past normal melee range, although some may have better perception. If the foes are attacked, they will be alerted to your presence, but will suffer a penalty to their chance to hit. Your redirection of light may also cause some enemies to become Refracted, with a higher chance of this occurring if you target an Illuminated enemy, consuming the effect in the process.


Slow (15s)



Minimum Level



Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect)

Foe -90% Perception, -To Hit, Chance of Special (25% Refraction)


Enhance Accuracy

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Range

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories

To Hit Debuff


122333432_IncandescentEruption.png.bed1d861415a435328a8b4fe6b7b8443.png T6: Incandescent Eruption

Light swells out of you in a powerful burst, knocking enemies to the ground and dealing some minor damage. The intensity of this blast may also leave some foes Illuminated.


Minor (Energy)


Long (120s)



Minimum Level



Point Blank Area of Effect

Foe Knockdown, Chance of Special (50% Illumination)


Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Hold

Enhance Recharge

Enhance To Hit Debuff

Set Categories


Melee AoE Damage

To Hit Debuff


804575760_PrismaticField.png.37db79635018f16e4f24feb5430f294e.png T7: Prismatic Field

A painfully bright field of light appears at an area of your choice, dealing minimal Energy damage to foes inside of it. Enemies inside this field will have their movement dramatically slowed, and their defences weakened as they attempt to navigate with their perception compromised, with a chance of even becoming disoriented. Illuminated targets will immediately become disoriented, consuming the effect in the process.


Minor DoT (Energy)


Long (60s)



Minimum Level



Ranged (Location Area of Effect)

Foe -Speed (90%), -Defense(All), Chance of Disorient (Mag 3, 2% chance)


Enhance Damage

Enhance Defense Debuff

Enhance Disorient

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Range

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Slow

Set Categories

Defense Debuff

Ranged AoE Damage

Slow Movement



782392347_LuminousDistortion.png.0e95fd0f5450964b893be683ad3a8eca.png T8: Luminous Distortion

You twist the way that light behaves in a selected area, deceiving foes into moving towards it. Enemies caught in this distortion may even become confused, targeting their allies by accident as their perception is warped. Illuminated targets will immediately become confused, consuming the effect in the process.


Long (60s)



Minimum Level



Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect)

Foe Attract, Chance of Confuse (Mag 3, 2% chance)


Enhance Confuse

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Enhance Range

Set Categories



278989210_ShiningMotes.png.cee815dd22c339ad160973a3f8e8a36f.png T9: Shining Motes

You concentrate light together to create three Shining Motes at a target location. Shining Motes are fragile and have little intelligence of their own, instinctively moving towards enemies, damaging all those close to them. Upon expiring, they explode in a small but powerful brilliance that knocks down nearby enemies, and may cause them to become Illuminated. Targeting a mote using Radiating Ties, Dazzling Glow, or Ray of Light will force it to expire early. Shining Motes can be healed and buffed like any teammate.


Minor (Energy)


Very Long (240s)

Minimum Level



Summon Motes: Melee

Pet Powers

Fly (Auto: Flight)

Nova (Post Defeat: PBAoE (Energy), Foe Knockdown, Chance of Special)

Shining Halo (PBAoE, DoT (Energy))

Resistance (Auto, Res(E25 N25, P25), Res(Immobilize))


Enhance Accuracy

Enhance Damage

Enhance Disorient

Reduce Endurance Cost

Enhance Recharge

Set Categories


Pet Damage

Recharge Intensive Pets



627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light

- chain ST hold. Cool. 


122333432_IncandescentEruption.png.bed1d861415a435328a8b4fe6b7b8443.png T6: Incandescent Eruption

- First impression: 120 second cooldown on a power that is a different flavor of jolting chain?

- On closer look: guess the point is you could T6 to illuminate a bunch of enemies, the T4 would refract them, and in the process the T3 would essentially become an AoE hold.

- Cool mechanic. Nothing like it really exists so far. Too complex?


In this form, whether or not I'd play it would 100% depend on whether or not the chain mechanic dominates all targets in the chain (unlike Electric control's chain confuse - which only dominates the first target it). If it did, I would certainly try the set.

On 6/10/2021 at 6:03 PM, MoonSheep said:

Hey Blackfeather, thanks for considering me. I've had a review of the set and put some comments below which are hopefully helpful


627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png  T3: Ray of Light - Having the primary hold as a T3 rather than a T2 may annoy some users who wish not to choose one of the T1/T2 powers, I know some other individuals who play Mind Control aren't a fan of such a layout. I like the potential chain effect 


1378878908_RefractiveHalo.png.3b9f3a218fdcaa3e5c5887ffbeb5f7ec.png T4 Refractive Halo - It would be a great dynamic for foes to be attracted towards each other within the halo, "fascination of light" or similar. Or, a reverse Hurricane where foes are attracted towards you, becoming increasingly To Hit debuffed as they get closer with an added chance for confuse for the really close foes


782392347_LuminousDistortion.png.0e95fd0f5450964b893be683ad3a8eca.png T8 Luminous Distortion - Love this power, this should be the T9 with a few buffs. I'd want to see this one with a very large radius (60-80ft) to really give the set a memorable 'wow' power. I'd suggest amending it slightly so that there's a very large 'attract' radius, then towards the centre, perhaps 8-10ft is where there's a powerful confuse - given they are closer to the light and uncertain of whats going on. The grouping of foe is a theme I'd like to see elsewhere in the set, it would compliment modern playstyles well and make it an in-demand set to play

278989210_ShiningMotes.png.cee815dd22c339ad160973a3f8e8a36f.png  T9 Shining Motes - This feels slightly underwhelming for a T9 power. The equivilent Photon Seekers power from a PB's Luminous Blast has a recharge of 180s vs 240 for Motes. I'd recommend making this a T8 power and have them in an intouchable state for the first 5-10 seconds of their life, like a quasi phantom army. 


Overall, I like some of the new dynamics within this set and there's several that I had never considered before. It feels more suited to Controllers as I'm not sure it would fit as well as a Dominator set, a lot of the heavy hitter powers wouldn't get much benefit from Domination.


To put a potential spanner in the works, I wonder if it's on the verge of being more suitable as a buff/debuff set for defenders/corrupters and really play on the theme of -ToHit and foe taunt/attraction to deliver something that would really stand out



Likewise, thank you for your time putting in this feedback!


I was definitely following Mind/Gravity Control's power arrangement, having the Hold as its T3 - I figured that people who didn't want to choose 104614765_DazzlingGlow(Chain).png.829e34766f7212203d53c18793e1214d.png T2: Dazzling Glow would go with 852813939_RadiatingTies(Chain).png.ea9029a07b151df4addf97a219ae243b.png T1: Radiating Ties instead, given how it's the set's AoE and single target immobilize in one power. That Mind Control is the only other Control powerset that has a single target Sleep also made me want to follow in its footsteps in terms of power arrangements and so on, at least, as best as I could while still breaking from the norm.


I'll admit that I don't exactly want to make the powerset lean too heavily into the Attract mechanic, if only because I think it'd be better suited for a dedicated Magnetic/Vector Control powerset, or something along those lines. That also being said, bouncing off of your ideas, I could potentially see some fun flavour in something akin to LoL's Charm status effect - say, on the consumption of the Illuminated mechanic, Attracting an enemy to towards the Light Controller/Dominator for a few seconds, or something like that. That could probably make it a little different from pulling enemies around in an area-of-effect fashion like a dedicated vector/repel-centric powerset would be.

If I go that route, I might actually get rid of the Attract effect on 782392347_LuminousDistortion.png.0e95fd0f5450964b893be683ad3a8eca.png T8: Luminous Distortion, and instead give it a chance to inflict the Illuminated effect...I might need to revise the whole "cause enemies to immediately become confused upon being Illuminated within the field" thing if that were the case. This could help increase the PBAoE focus I wanted for this powerset too - it'd encourage the Light Controller/Dominator to stay within the field to pull further enemies around them, and so on.


A quick clarification about 278989210_ShiningMotes.png.cee815dd22c339ad160973a3f8e8a36f.png T9: Shining Motes, they're more akin to Fire Control's Fire Imps than Photon Seekers. They're not going to explode upon impacting enemies - instead, they're more supposed to hang around, and deal continuous, small tics of PBAoE damage. They'll only go nova if they're defeated by an enemy or targeted by one of Light Control's powers, triggering a high chance to Illuminate surrounding enemies. I wanted to provide the Light Controller/Dominator either the option of laying down longer lasting controls (by Illuminating enemies and thus either triggering its field effect powers, or chaining across them for longer lasting Holds/Sleeps), or dealing additional damage by just letting them do their thing.


And in fact I actually started off with a Light Manipulation powerset! But given how many Support powersets there are...well, I decided to go this route to round things out, and there really ought to be more. 😅


Thanks again for your thoughts on this!

On 6/11/2021 at 10:08 PM, Vooded said:

Sorry for the very delayed response. Real world. 


I'm a huge fan. Concept and mechanics. Would definitely take for a spin.


I tend toward doms, so I'd hope for some way of incorporating domination into the ground based powers. 


My only concern is the pet. Is it meant to be fragile like fire imps, or fragile like photon seekers (the PB "pet").  Apologies if this was already answered!


Glad to hear it sounds compelling! To my knowledge, field-based powers can certainly be made to work with Domination - Darkness Control's Shadow Field comes to mind for example; it sounds like they need to be specifically made to benefit to make them work that way.


And to clarify, yes! 278989210_ShiningMotes.png.cee815dd22c339ad160973a3f8e8a36f.png T9: Shining Motes are meant to be proper (if somewhat fragile) pets, akin to Fire Imps - they'll constantly deal small tics of damage to enemies near them. Only when defeated or prematurely gotten rid of will they actually go nova. I was hoping to give the Light Controller/Dominator the choice between additional damage, or on-tap sources of mass Illumination.

  • Thanks 1
On 6/12/2021 at 10:31 AM, Vooded said:

627028966_RayofLight(Chain).png.bd5d308bbd4e5bfa43aa8ad064cfa0f9.png T3: Ray of Light

- chain ST hold. Cool. 


122333432_IncandescentEruption.png.bed1d861415a435328a8b4fe6b7b8443.png T6: Incandescent Eruption

- First impression: 120 second cooldown on a power that is a different flavor of jolting chain?

- On closer look: guess the point is you could T6 to illuminate a bunch of enemies, the T4 would refract them, and in the process the T3 would essentially become an AoE hold.

- Cool mechanic. Nothing like it really exists so far. Too complex?


In this form, whether or not I'd play it would 100% depend on whether or not the chain mechanic dominates all targets in the chain (unlike Electric control's chain confuse - which only dominates the first target it). If it did, I would certainly try the set.


Yup - 122333432_IncandescentEruption.png.bed1d861415a435328a8b4fe6b7b8443.png T6: Incandescent Eruption is meant to provide an instant boost to either any of the chain powers' durations, allowing their effect to be applied across a larger number of targets for a longer amount of time, or work with Light Control's field powers to immediately apply their effects to some of the targets inside. I'm not sure about the feasibility behind the Illumination and Refraction effects, but that's for somebody more versed with the nitty gritty of powerset design to figure out... @Galaxy Brain or @oedipus_tex perhaps?


And for sure! I think it'd make sense for it to apply across multiple targets. It'd still be mostly limited by the amount of enemies both Refracted and Illuminated, so it'd probably be fine.

Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, Blackfeather said:


Yup - 122333432_IncandescentEruption.png.bed1d861415a435328a8b4fe6b7b8443.png T6: Incandescent Eruption is meant to provide an instant boost to either any of the chain powers' durations, allowing their effect to be applied across a larger number of targets for a longer amount of time, or work with Light Control's field powers to immediately apply their effects to some of the targets inside. I'm not sure about the feasibility behind the Illumination and Refraction effects, but that's for somebody more versed with the nitty gritty of powerset design to figure out... @Galaxy Brain or @oedipus_tex perhaps?


And for sure! I think it'd make sense for it to apply across multiple targets. It'd still be mostly limited by the amount of enemies both Refracted and Illuminated, so it'd probably be fine.



Yes it is technically possible to code a pseudo pet to Dominate. The Dark Control power Shadow Field does this like you mentioned. It does this by summoning one pet in Domination mode and one when outside of Dom mode. For a chain power, you'd probably need bunch of new pets, one for each link in the chain. Synaptic Overload for example currently consists of three pets (first jump, second jump, third jump). I privately modded this power for myself so that it Dominates, which required adding a new "Domination" version of each of these pets.


What you do have to watch out for is any power that relies on Temporary Power effects cannot pass color data or enhancement set data to the Temp Power. At least not on servers I'm familiar with. Someone may have created a way, but it was always a limitation when the game was live. 

Edited by oedipus_tex
On 6/16/2021 at 7:58 AM, oedipus_tex said:

Yes it is technically possible to code a pseudo pet to Dominate. The Dark Control power Shadow Field does this like you mentioned. It does this by summoning one pet in Domination mode and one when outside of Dom mode. For a chain power, you'd probably need bunch of new pets, one for each link in the chain. Synaptic Overload for example currently consists of three pets (first jump, second jump, third jump). I privately modded this power for myself so that it Dominates, which required adding a new "Domination" version of each of these pets.


What you do have to watch out for is any power that relies on Temporary Power effects cannot pass color data or enhancement set data to the Temp Power. At least not on servers I'm familiar with. Someone may have created a way, but it was always a limitation when the game was live. 


Oh, to clarify...I was referring more to the Illumination and Refraction mechanics introduced in the newest revision of Light Control:

Just wanted to confirm for @Vooded, in a way! I did mention that Shadow Field properly benefits from Domination here for instance.

  • 4 weeks later

Hey there @lumberjack jill! Thought this might be of interest to you. Please do feel to take a read through the suggestion...oh, as a heads up, I've made a second version of the proposal here as well:

Feel free to take a gander, would definitely be happy to hear your thoughts on it!

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